/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "init_service.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "init_group_manager.h" #include "init.h" #include "init_log.h" #include "init_param.h" #include "init_utils.h" #include "securec.h" #include "token_setproc.h" #include "nativetoken_kit.h" #include "service_control.h" #define MIN_IMPORTANT_LEVEL (-20) #define MAX_IMPORTANT_LEVEL 19 void NotifyServiceChange(Service *service, int status) { int size = 0; const InitArgInfo *statusMap = GetServieStatusMap(&size); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(statusMap != NULL && size > status, service->status = status; return, "Service status error %d", status); INIT_LOGI("NotifyServiceChange %s %s to %s", service->name, statusMap[service->status].name, statusMap[status].name); service->status = status; if (status == SERVICE_IDLE) { return; } char paramName[PARAM_NAME_LEN_MAX] = { 0 }; int ret = snprintf_s(paramName, sizeof(paramName), sizeof(paramName) - 1, "%s.%s", STARTUP_SERVICE_CTL, service->name); if (ret >= 0) { SystemWriteParam(paramName, statusMap[status].name); } } int IsForbidden(const char *fieldStr) { UNUSED(fieldStr); return 0; } int SetImportantValue(Service *service, const char *attrName, int value, int flag) { UNUSED(attrName); UNUSED(flag); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(service != NULL, return SERVICE_FAILURE, "Set service attr failed! null ptr."); if (value >= MIN_IMPORTANT_LEVEL && value <= MAX_IMPORTANT_LEVEL) { // -20~19 service->attribute |= SERVICE_ATTR_IMPORTANT; service->importance = value; } else { INIT_LOGE("Importance level = %d, is not between -20 and 19, error", value); return SERVICE_FAILURE; } return SERVICE_SUCCESS; } int ServiceExec(const Service *service) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(service != NULL && service->pathArgs.count > 0, return SERVICE_FAILURE, "Exec service failed! null ptr."); if (service->importance != 0) { if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, service->importance) != 0) { INIT_LOGE("setpriority failed for %s, importance = %d, err=%d", service->name, service->importance, errno); _exit(0x7f); // 0x7f: user specified } } INIT_CHECK_ONLY_ELOG(unsetenv("UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE") == 0, "set UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE error : %d.", errno); OpenHidebug(service->name); // L2 Can not be reset env if (service->extraArgs.argv != NULL && service->extraArgs.count > 0) { INIT_CHECK_ONLY_ELOG(execv(service->extraArgs.argv[0], service->extraArgs.argv) == 0, "service %s execve failed! err %d.", service->name, errno); } else { INIT_CHECK_ONLY_ELOG(execv(service->pathArgs.argv[0], service->pathArgs.argv) == 0, "service %s execve failed! err %d.", service->name, errno); } return SERVICE_SUCCESS; } int SetAccessToken(const Service *service) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(service != NULL, return SERVICE_FAILURE, "service is null"); int ret = SetSelfTokenID(service->tokenId); INIT_LOGI("%s: token id %lld, set token id result %d", service->name, service->tokenId, ret); return ret == 0 ? SERVICE_SUCCESS : SERVICE_FAILURE; } void GetAccessToken(void) { InitGroupNode *node = GetNextGroupNode(NODE_TYPE_SERVICES, NULL); while (node != NULL) { Service *service = node->data.service; if (service != NULL) { if (service->capsArgs.count == 0) { service->capsArgs.argv = NULL; } if (strlen(service->apl) == 0) { (void)strncpy_s(service->apl, sizeof(service->apl), "system_core", sizeof(service->apl) - 1); } NativeTokenInfoParams nativeTokenInfoParams = { service->capsArgs.count, service->permArgs.count, (const char **)service->capsArgs.argv, (const char **)service->permArgs.argv, service->name, service->apl, }; uint64_t tokenId = GetAccessTokenId(&nativeTokenInfoParams); if (tokenId == 0) { INIT_LOGE("Get totken id %lld of service \' %s \' failed", tokenId, service->name); } service->tokenId = tokenId; } node = GetNextGroupNode(NODE_TYPE_SERVICES, node); } }