/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "init_cmds.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef OHOS_LITE #include #include #include #endif #include "init_service_manager.h" #include "securec.h" #define MODE_LEN 4 // for chmod mode, format 0xxx #define DEFAULT_DIR_MODE 0755 // mkdir, default mode #define SPACES_CNT_IN_CMD_MAX 10 // mount, max number of spaces in cmdline #define SPACES_CNT_IN_CMD_MIN 2 // mount, min number of spaces in cmdline #define LOADCFG_BUF_SIZE 128 // loadcfg, max buffer for one cmdline #define LOADCFG_MAX_FILE_LEN 51200 // loadcfg, max file size is 50K #define LOADCFG_MAX_LOOP 20 // loadcfg, to prevent to be trapped in infite loop #define OCTAL_TYPE 8 // 8 means octal to decimal static const char *g_supportCfg[] = { "/patch/fstab.cfg", }; static const char* g_supportedCmds[] = { "start ", "mkdir ", "chmod ", "chown ", "mount ", "loadcfg ", "insmod ", }; void ParseCmdLine(const char* cmdStr, CmdLine* resCmd) { size_t cmdLineLen = 0; if (cmdStr == NULL || resCmd == NULL || (cmdLineLen = strlen(cmdStr)) == 0) { return; } size_t supportCmdCnt = sizeof(g_supportedCmds) / sizeof(g_supportedCmds[0]); int foundAndSucceed = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < supportCmdCnt; ++i) { size_t curCmdNameLen = strlen(g_supportedCmds[i]); if (cmdLineLen > curCmdNameLen && cmdLineLen <= (curCmdNameLen + MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN) && strncmp(g_supportedCmds[i], cmdStr, curCmdNameLen) == 0) { if (memcpy_s(resCmd->name, MAX_CMD_NAME_LEN, cmdStr, curCmdNameLen) != EOK) { break; } resCmd->name[curCmdNameLen] = '\0'; const char* cmdContent = cmdStr + curCmdNameLen; size_t cmdContentLen = cmdLineLen - curCmdNameLen; if (memcpy_s(resCmd->cmdContent, MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN, cmdContent, cmdContentLen) != EOK) { break; } resCmd->cmdContent[cmdContentLen] = '\0'; foundAndSucceed = 1; break; } } if (!foundAndSucceed) { (void)memset_s(resCmd, sizeof(*resCmd), 0, sizeof(*resCmd)); } } static void DoStart(const char* cmdContent) { StartServiceByName(cmdContent); } static void DoMkDir(const char* cmdContent) { mode_t mode = DEFAULT_DIR_MODE; if (mkdir(cmdContent, mode) != 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) { printf("[Init] DoMkDir, failed for %s, err %d.\n", cmdContent, errno); } } } static void DoChmod(const char* cmdContent) { // format: 0xxx /xxx/xxx/xxx if (cmdContent[0] != '0' || cmdContent[MODE_LEN] != ' ' || strlen(cmdContent) <= MODE_LEN + 1) { printf("[Init] DoChmod, bad format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return; } for (size_t i = 1; i < MODE_LEN; ++i) { if (cmdContent[i] > '7' || cmdContent[i] < '0') { printf("[Init] DoChmod, bad mode format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return; } } const char* pathBeginStr = cmdContent + MODE_LEN + 1; // after space mode_t mode = strtoul(cmdContent, NULL, OCTAL_TYPE); if (mode == 0) { printf("[Init] DoChmod, strtoul failed for %s, er %d.\n", cmdContent, errno); return; } if (chmod(pathBeginStr, mode) != 0) { printf("[Init] DoChmod, failed for %s, err %d.\n", cmdContent, errno); } } static void DoChown(const char* cmdContent) { // format: owner group /xxx/xxx/xxx size_t firstSpace = 0; size_t secondSpace = 0; size_t strLen = strlen(cmdContent); for (size_t i = 0; i < strLen; ++i) { if (cmdContent[i] == ' ') { if (i == 0) { printf("[Init] DoChown, bad format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return; } if (firstSpace == 0) { firstSpace = i; } else { secondSpace = i; break; } } } if (secondSpace <= firstSpace || firstSpace + 1 == secondSpace || secondSpace == strLen - 1) { printf("[Init] DoChown, bad format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return; } // only numbers valid for (size_t i = 0; i < secondSpace; ++i) { if (i != firstSpace && !isdigit(cmdContent[i])) { printf("[Init] DoChown, bad format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return; } } uid_t owner = strtoul(cmdContent, NULL, 0); const char* groupBegin = cmdContent + firstSpace + 1; gid_t group = strtoul(groupBegin, NULL, 0); const char *path = cmdContent + secondSpace + 1; if (chown(path, owner, group) != 0) { printf("[Init] DoChown, failed for %s, err %d.\n", cmdContent, errno); } } static char* CopySubStr(const char* srcStr, size_t startPos, size_t endPos) { if (endPos <= startPos) { printf("[Init] DoMount, invalid params<%zu, %zu> for %s.\n", endPos, startPos, srcStr); return NULL; } size_t mallocLen = endPos - startPos + 1; char* retStr = (char*)malloc(mallocLen); if (retStr == NULL) { printf("[Init] DoMount, malloc failed! malloc size %zu, for %s.\n", mallocLen, srcStr); return NULL; } const char* copyStart = srcStr + startPos; if (memcpy_s(retStr, mallocLen, copyStart, endPos - startPos) != EOK) { printf("[Init] DoMount, memcpy_s failed for %s.\n", srcStr); free(retStr); return NULL; } retStr[mallocLen - 1] = '\0'; // for example, source may be none if (strncmp(retStr, "none", strlen("none")) == 0) { retStr[0] = '\0'; } return retStr; } static int GetMountFlag(unsigned long* mountflags, const char* targetStr) { if (targetStr == NULL) { return 0; } if (strncmp(targetStr, "nodev", strlen("nodev")) == 0) { (*mountflags) |= MS_NODEV; } else if (strncmp(targetStr, "noexec", strlen("noexec")) == 0) { (*mountflags) |= MS_NOEXEC; } else if (strncmp(targetStr, "nosuid", strlen("nosuid")) == 0) { (*mountflags) |= MS_NOSUID; } else if (strncmp(targetStr, "rdonly", strlen("rdonly")) == 0) { (*mountflags) |= MS_RDONLY; } else { return 0; } return 1; } static int CountSpaces(const char* cmdContent, size_t* spaceCnt, size_t* spacePosArr, size_t spacePosArrLen) { *spaceCnt = 0; size_t strLen = strlen(cmdContent); for (size_t i = 0; i < strLen; ++i) { if (cmdContent[i] == ' ') { ++(*spaceCnt); if ((*spaceCnt) > spacePosArrLen) { printf("[Init] DoMount, too many spaces, bad format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return 0; } spacePosArr[(*spaceCnt) - 1] = i; } } if ((*spaceCnt) < SPACES_CNT_IN_CMD_MIN || // spaces count should not less than 2(at least 3 items) spacePosArr[0] == 0 || // should not start with space spacePosArr[(*spaceCnt) - 1] == strLen - 1) { // should not end with space printf("[Init] DoMount, bad format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return 0; } // spaces should not be adjacent for (size_t i = 1; i < (*spaceCnt); ++i) { if (spacePosArr[i] == spacePosArr[i - 1] + 1) { printf("[Init] DoMount, bad format for %s.\n", cmdContent); return 0; } } return 1; } static void DoMount(const char* cmdContent) { size_t spaceCnt = 0; size_t spacePosArr[SPACES_CNT_IN_CMD_MAX] = {0}; if (!CountSpaces(cmdContent, &spaceCnt, spacePosArr, SPACES_CNT_IN_CMD_MAX)) { return; } // format: fileSystemType source target mountFlag1 mountFlag2... data unsigned long mountflags = 0; size_t strLen = strlen(cmdContent); size_t indexOffset = 0; char* fileSysType = CopySubStr(cmdContent, 0, spacePosArr[indexOffset]); if (fileSysType == NULL) { return; } char* source = CopySubStr(cmdContent, spacePosArr[indexOffset] + 1, spacePosArr[indexOffset + 1]); if (source == NULL) { free(fileSysType); return; } ++indexOffset; // maybe only has "filesystype source target", 2 spaces size_t targetEndPos = (indexOffset == spaceCnt - 1) ? strLen : spacePosArr[indexOffset + 1]; char* target = CopySubStr(cmdContent, spacePosArr[indexOffset] + 1, targetEndPos); if (target == NULL) { free(fileSysType); free(source); return; } ++indexOffset; // get mountflags, if fail, the rest part of string will be data while (indexOffset < spaceCnt) { size_t tmpStrEndPos = (indexOffset == spaceCnt - 1) ? strLen : spacePosArr[indexOffset + 1]; char* tmpStr = CopySubStr(cmdContent, spacePosArr[indexOffset] + 1, tmpStrEndPos); int ret = GetMountFlag(&mountflags, tmpStr); free(tmpStr); tmpStr = NULL; // get flag failed, the rest part of string will be data if (ret == 0) { break; } ++indexOffset; } int mountRet; if (indexOffset >= spaceCnt) { // no data mountRet = mount(source, target, fileSysType, mountflags, NULL); } else { const char* dataStr = cmdContent + spacePosArr[indexOffset] + 1; mountRet = mount(source, target, fileSysType, mountflags, dataStr); } if (mountRet != 0) { printf("[Init] DoMount, failed for %s, err %d.\n", cmdContent, errno); } free(fileSysType); free(source); free(target); } #ifndef OHOS_LITE #define OPTIONS_SIZE 128u static void DoInsmodInternal(const char *fileName, char *secondPtr, char *restPtr, int flags) { int fd = -1; char options[OPTIONS_SIZE] = {0}; if (flags == 0) { // '-f' option if (restPtr != NULL && secondPtr != NULL) { // Reset arugments, combine then all. if (snprintf_s(options, sizeof(options), OPTIONS_SIZE -1, "%s %s", secondPtr, restPtr) == -1) { goto out; } } else if (secondPtr != NULL) { if (strncpy_s(options, OPTIONS_SIZE - 1, secondPtr, strlen(secondPtr)) != 0) { goto out; } } } else { // Only restPtr is option if (restPtr != NULL) { if (strncpy_s(options, OPTIONS_SIZE - 1, restPtr, strlen(restPtr)) != 0) { goto out; } } } if (!fileName) { goto out; } fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) { printf("[Init] failed to open %s: %d\n", fileName, errno); goto out; } int rc = syscall(__NR_finit_module, fd, options, flags); if (rc == -1) { printf("[Init] finit_module for %s failed: %d\n", fileName, errno); } out: if (fd >= 0) { close(fd); } return; } // format insmod [-f] [options] static void DoInsmod(const char *cmdContent) { char *p = NULL; char *restPtr = NULL; char *fileName = NULL; char *line = NULL; int flags = 0; size_t count = strlen(cmdContent); if (count > OPTIONS_SIZE) { printf("[Init], options too long, maybe lost some of options\n"); } line = (char *)malloc(count + 1); if (line == NULL) { printf("[Init] Allocate memory failed.\n"); return; } if (memcpy_s(line, count, cmdContent, count) != EOK) { printf("[Init] memcpy failed\n"); free(line); return; } line[count] = '\0'; do { if ((p = strtok_r(line, " ", &restPtr)) == NULL) { printf("[Init] debug, cannot get filename\n"); free(line); return; } fileName = p; printf("[Init] debug, fileName is [%s]\n", fileName); if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &restPtr)) == NULL) { break; } if (!strcmp(p, "-f")) { flags = MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC | MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_MODVERSIONS; } } while (0); DoInsmodInternal(fileName, p, restPtr, flags); if (line != NULL) { free(line); } return; } #endif // OHOS_LITE static bool CheckValidCfg(const char *path) { size_t cfgCnt = sizeof(g_supportCfg) / sizeof(g_supportCfg[0]); struct stat fileStat = {0}; if (stat(path, &fileStat) != 0 || fileStat.st_size <= 0 || fileStat.st_size > LOADCFG_MAX_FILE_LEN) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < cfgCnt; ++i) { if (strcmp(path, g_supportCfg[i]) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } static void DoLoadCfg(const char *path) { char buf[LOADCFG_BUF_SIZE] = {0}; FILE *fp = NULL; size_t maxLoop = 0; CmdLine *cmdLine = NULL; int len; if (path == NULL) { return; } printf("[Init] DoLoadCfg cfg file %s\n", path); if (!CheckValidCfg(path)) { printf("[Init] CheckCfg file %s Failed\n", path); return; } fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("[Init] open cfg error = %d\n", errno); return; } cmdLine = (CmdLine *)malloc(sizeof(CmdLine)); if (cmdLine == NULL) { printf("[Init] malloc cmdline error"); fclose(fp); return; } while (fgets(buf, LOADCFG_BUF_SIZE, fp) != NULL && maxLoop < LOADCFG_MAX_LOOP) { maxLoop++; len = strlen(buf); if (len < 1) { continue; } if (buf[len - 1] == '\n') { buf[len - 1] = '\0'; // we replace '\n' with '\0' } (void)memset_s(cmdLine, sizeof(CmdLine), 0, sizeof(CmdLine)); ParseCmdLine(buf, cmdLine); DoCmd(cmdLine); (void)memset_s(buf, sizeof(char) * LOADCFG_BUF_SIZE, 0, sizeof(char) * LOADCFG_BUF_SIZE); } free(cmdLine); fclose(fp); } void DoCmd(const CmdLine* curCmd) { if (curCmd == NULL) { return; } if (strncmp(curCmd->name, "start ", strlen("start ")) == 0) { DoStart(curCmd->cmdContent); } else if (strncmp(curCmd->name, "mkdir ", strlen("mkdir ")) == 0) { DoMkDir(curCmd->cmdContent); } else if (strncmp(curCmd->name, "chmod ", strlen("chmod ")) == 0) { DoChmod(curCmd->cmdContent); } else if (strncmp(curCmd->name, "chown ", strlen("chown ")) == 0) { DoChown(curCmd->cmdContent); } else if (strncmp(curCmd->name, "mount ", strlen("mount ")) == 0) { DoMount(curCmd->cmdContent); } else if (strncmp(curCmd->name, "loadcfg ", strlen("loadcfg ")) == 0) { DoLoadCfg(curCmd->cmdContent); #ifndef OHOS_LITE } else if (strncmp(curCmd->name, "insmod ", strlen("insmod ")) == 0) { DoInsmod(curCmd->cmdContent); #endif } else { printf("[Init] DoCmd, unknown cmd name %s.\n", curCmd->name); } }