/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "init_context.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "init_module_engine.h" #include "plugin_adapter.h" #include "init_cmds.h" #include "init_utils.h" #include "securec.h" #ifdef STARTUP_INIT_TEST #define TIMEOUT_DEF 2 #else #define TIMEOUT_DEF 5 #endif static SubInitInfo g_subInitInfo[INIT_CONTEXT_MAIN] = {}; static const char *g_subContext[INIT_CONTEXT_MAIN] = { "u:r:vendor_init:s0" }; static void SubInitMain(InitContextType type, int readFd, int writeFd); static void HandleRecvMessage(SubInitInfo *subInfo, char *buffer, uint32_t size); static int CreateSocketPair(int socket[2]); static int SubInitSetSelinuxContext(InitContextType type); static int SubInitStart(InitContextType type) { PLUGIN_CHECK(type < INIT_CONTEXT_MAIN, return -1, "Invalid type %d", type); SubInitInfo *subInfo = &g_subInitInfo[type]; if (subInfo->state != SUB_INIT_STATE_IDLE) { return 0; } int socket[2] = {0}; int ret = CreateSocketPair(socket); PLUGIN_CHECK(ret == 0, return -1, "Failed to create socket for %d", type); subInfo->state = SUB_INIT_STATE_STARTING; pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { close(socket[0]); close(socket[1]); subInfo->state = SUB_INIT_STATE_IDLE; return -1; } if (pid == 0) { SubInitSetSelinuxContext(type); int fd = dup(socket[1]); close(socket[0]); close(socket[1]); SubInitMain(type, fd, fd); close(fd); _exit(PROCESS_EXIT_CODE); } close(socket[1]); subInfo->sendFd = socket[0]; subInfo->recvFd = socket[0]; subInfo->state = SUB_INIT_STATE_RUNNING; subInfo->subPid = pid; return 0; } static void SubInitStop(pid_t pid) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(g_subInitInfo); i++) { if (g_subInitInfo[i].subPid == pid) { close(g_subInitInfo[i].sendFd); close(g_subInitInfo[i].recvFd); g_subInitInfo[i].subPid = 0; g_subInitInfo[i].state = SUB_INIT_STATE_IDLE; } } } static int SubInitExecuteCmd(InitContextType type, const char *name, const char *cmdContent) { static char buffer[MAX_CMD_LEN] = {0}; PLUGIN_CHECK(type < INIT_CONTEXT_MAIN, return -1, "Invalid type %d", type); PLUGIN_CHECK(name != NULL, return -1, "Invalid cmd name"); SubInitInfo *subInfo = &g_subInitInfo[type]; if (subInfo->state != SUB_INIT_STATE_RUNNING) { PLUGIN_LOGW("Sub init %d is not running ", type); return -1; } int len = 0; if (cmdContent != NULL) { len = snprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%s %s", name, cmdContent); } else { len = snprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%s ", name); } PLUGIN_CHECK(len > 0, return -1, "Failed to format cmd %s", name); buffer[len] = '\0'; PLUGIN_LOGV("send cmd '%s'", buffer); int ret = send(subInfo->sendFd, buffer, len, 0); PLUGIN_CHECK(ret > 0, return errno, "Failed to send cmd %s to %d errno %d", name, subInfo->type, errno); // block and wait result ssize_t rLen = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(subInfo->recvFd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))); while ((rLen < 0) && (errno == EAGAIN)) { rLen = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(subInfo->recvFd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))); } PLUGIN_CHECK(rLen >= 0 && rLen < sizeof(buffer), return errno, "Failed to read result from %d for cmd %s errno %d", subInfo->type, name, errno); // change to result buffer[rLen] = '\0'; PLUGIN_LOGV("recv cmd result %s", buffer); errno = 0; ret = atoi(buffer); if (errno != 0) { return errno; } return ret; } static int CreateSocketPair(int socket[2]) { int ret = socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, socket); PLUGIN_CHECK(ret == 0, return -1, "Create socket fail errno %d", errno); int opt = 1; struct timeval timeout = {TIMEOUT_DEF, 0}; do { ret = setsockopt(socket[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_PASSCRED, &opt, sizeof(opt)); PLUGIN_CHECK(ret == 0, break, "Failed to set opt for %d errno %d", socket[0], errno); ret = setsockopt(socket[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout)); PLUGIN_CHECK(ret == 0, break, "Failed to set opt for %d errno %d", socket[1], errno); ret = setsockopt(socket[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout)); PLUGIN_CHECK(ret == 0, break, "Failed to set opt for %d errno %d", socket[0], errno); } while (0); if (ret != 0) { close(socket[0]); close(socket[1]); } return ret; } static int HandleRecvMessage_(SubInitInfo *subInfo, char *buffer, uint32_t size) { ssize_t rLen = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(subInfo->recvFd, buffer, size)); while ((rLen < 0) && (errno == EAGAIN)) { rLen = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(subInfo->recvFd, buffer, size)); } PLUGIN_CHECK(rLen >= 0, return errno, "Read message for %d fail errno %d", subInfo->type, errno); buffer[rLen] = '\0'; PLUGIN_LOGI("Exec cmd '%s' in sub init %s", buffer, g_subContext[subInfo->type]); int index = 0; const char *cmd = GetMatchCmd(buffer, &index); PLUGIN_CHECK(cmd != NULL, return -1, "Can not find cmd %s", buffer); DoCmdByIndex(index, buffer + strlen(cmd) + 1, NULL); return 0; } static void HandleRecvMessage(SubInitInfo *subInfo, char *buffer, uint32_t size) { int ret = HandleRecvMessage_(subInfo, buffer, size); int len = snprintf_s(buffer, size, size - 1, "%d", ret); PLUGIN_CHECK(len > 0, return, "Failed to format result %d", ret); buffer[len] = '\0'; ret = send(subInfo->sendFd, buffer, len, 0); PLUGIN_CHECK(ret > 0, return, "Failed to send result to %d errno %d", subInfo->type, errno); } static void SubInitMain(InitContextType type, int readFd, int writeFd) { PLUGIN_LOGI("SubInitMain, sub init %s[%d] enter", g_subContext[type], getpid()); char buffer[MAX_CMD_LEN] = {0}; (void)prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "vendor_init"); struct pollfd pfd = {}; pfd.events = POLLIN; pfd.fd = readFd; #ifndef STARTUP_INIT_TEST const int timeout = 30000; // 30000 30s #else const int timeout = 1000; // 1000 1s #endif SubInitInfo subInfo = {}; subInfo.type = type; subInfo.recvFd = readFd; subInfo.sendFd = writeFd; while (1) { pfd.revents = 0; int ret = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout); if (ret == 0) { PLUGIN_LOGI("Poll sub init timeout, sub init %d exit", type); return; } else if (ret < 0) { PLUGIN_LOGE("Failed to poll sub init socket!"); return; } if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) { HandleRecvMessage(&subInfo, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } } } static int SubInitSetSelinuxContext(InitContextType type) { PLUGIN_CHECK(type < INIT_CONTEXT_MAIN, return -1, "Invalid type %d", type); setcon(g_subContext[type]); return 0; } #ifdef STARTUP_INIT_TEST SubInitInfo *GetSubInitInfo(InitContextType type) { PLUGIN_CHECK(type < INIT_CONTEXT_MAIN, return NULL, "Invalid type %d", type); return &g_subInitInfo[type]; } #endif MODULE_CONSTRUCTOR(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(g_subContext); i++) { SubInitContext context = { (InitContextType)i, SubInitStart, SubInitStop, SubInitExecuteCmd, SubInitSetSelinuxContext }; InitSubInitContext((InitContextType)i, &context); } }