/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "securec.h" #include "los_context.h" #include "los_arch_interrupt.h" #include "los_task.h" #include "los_sched.h" #include "los_memory.h" #include "los_membox.h" #include "los_hook.h" #if (LOSCFG_CPUP_INCLUDE_IRQ == 1) #include "los_cpup.h" #endif #define DEF_HANDLER_START_INDEX 2 /* **************************************************************************** Function : HwiNumGet Description : Get an interrupt number Input : None Output : None Return : Interrupt Indexes number **************************************************************************** */ STATIC UINT32 HwiNumGet(VOID) { return __get_IPSR(); } STATIC UINT32 HwiUnmask(HWI_HANDLE_T hwiNum) { NVIC_EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type)hwiNum); return LOS_OK; } STATIC UINT32 HwiMask(HWI_HANDLE_T hwiNum) { NVIC_DisableIRQ((IRQn_Type)hwiNum); return LOS_OK; } STATIC UINT32 HwiSetPriority(HWI_HANDLE_T hwiNum, UINT8 priority) { NVIC_SetPriority((IRQn_Type)hwiNum, priority); return LOS_OK; } STATIC UINT32 HwiPending(HWI_HANDLE_T hwiNum) { NVIC_SetPendingIRQ((IRQn_Type)hwiNum); return LOS_OK; } STATIC UINT32 HwiClear(HWI_HANDLE_T hwiNum) { NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ((IRQn_Type)hwiNum); return LOS_OK; } STATIC UINT32 HwiCreate(HWI_HANDLE_T hwiNum, HWI_PRIOR_T hwiPrio) { HwiSetPriority(hwiNum, hwiPrio); HwiUnmask(hwiNum); return LOS_OK; } STATIC HwiControllerOps g_archHwiOps = { .enableIrq = HwiUnmask, .disableIrq = HwiMask, .setIrqPriority = HwiSetPriority, .getCurIrqNum = HwiNumGet, .triggerIrq = HwiPending, .clearIrq = HwiClear, .createIrq = HwiCreate, }; HwiControllerOps *ArchIntOpsGet(VOID) { return &g_archHwiOps; } /* **************************************************************************** Function : HalInterrupt Description : Hardware interrupt entry function Input : None Output : None Return : None **************************************************************************** */ LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT VOID HalInterrupt(VOID) { UINT32 hwiIndex; UINT32 intSave; #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_RUNSTOP == 1) SCB->SCR &= (UINT32) ~((UINT32)SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk); #endif intSave = LOS_IntLock(); g_intCount++; LOS_IntRestore(intSave); hwiIndex = HwiNumGet(); OsHookCall(LOS_HOOK_TYPE_ISR_ENTER, hwiIndex); #if (LOSCFG_CPUP_INCLUDE_IRQ == 1) OsCpupIrqStart(hwiIndex); #endif HalPreInterruptHandler(hwiIndex); #if (LOSCFG_PLATFORM_HWI_WITH_ARG == 1) if (g_hwiHandlerForm[hwiIndex].pfnHandler != 0) { g_hwiHandlerForm[hwiIndex].pfnHandler((VOID *)g_hwiHandlerForm[hwiIndex].pParm); } #else if (g_hwiHandlerForm[hwiIndex] != 0) { g_hwiHandlerForm[hwiIndex](); } #endif #if (LOSCFG_DEBUG_TOOLS == 1) ++g_hwiFormCnt[hwiIndex]; #endif HalAftInterruptHandler(hwiIndex); #if (LOSCFG_CPUP_INCLUDE_IRQ == 1) OsCpupIrqEnd(hwiIndex); #endif OsHookCall(LOS_HOOK_TYPE_ISR_EXIT, hwiIndex); intSave = LOS_IntLock(); g_intCount--; LOS_IntRestore(intSave); } #define FAULT_STATUS_REG_BIT 32 #define USGFAULT (1 << 18) #define BUSFAULT (1 << 17) #define MEMFAULT (1 << 16) #define DIV0FAULT (1 << 4) #define UNALIGNFAULT (1 << 3) #define HARDFAULT_IRQN (-13) ExcInfo g_excInfo = {0}; UINT8 g_uwExcTbl[FAULT_STATUS_REG_BIT] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OS_EXC_UF_DIVBYZERO, OS_EXC_UF_UNALIGNED, 0, 0, 0, 0, OS_EXC_UF_NOCP, OS_EXC_UF_INVPC, OS_EXC_UF_INVSTATE, OS_EXC_UF_UNDEFINSTR, 0, 0, 0, OS_EXC_BF_STKERR, OS_EXC_BF_UNSTKERR, OS_EXC_BF_IMPRECISERR, OS_EXC_BF_PRECISERR, OS_EXC_BF_IBUSERR, 0, 0, 0, OS_EXC_MF_MSTKERR, OS_EXC_MF_MUNSTKERR, 0, OS_EXC_MF_DACCVIOL, OS_EXC_MF_IACCVIOL }; #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_PRINTF != 0) STATIC VOID OsExcNvicDump(VOID) { #define OS_NR_NVIC_EXC_DUMP_TYPES 7 UINT32 *base = NULL; UINT32 len, i, j; UINT32 rgNvicBases[OS_NR_NVIC_EXC_DUMP_TYPES] = { OS_NVIC_SETENA_BASE, OS_NVIC_SETPEND_BASE, OS_NVIC_INT_ACT_BASE, OS_NVIC_PRI_BASE, OS_NVIC_EXCPRI_BASE, OS_NVIC_SHCSR, OS_NVIC_INT_CTRL }; UINT32 rgNvicLens[OS_NR_NVIC_EXC_DUMP_TYPES] = { OS_NVIC_INT_ENABLE_SIZE, OS_NVIC_INT_PEND_SIZE, OS_NVIC_INT_ACT_SIZE, OS_NVIC_INT_PRI_SIZE, OS_NVIC_EXCPRI_SIZE, OS_NVIC_SHCSR_SIZE, OS_NVIC_INT_CTRL_SIZE }; CHAR strRgEnable[] = "enable"; CHAR strRgPending[] = "pending"; CHAR strRgActive[] = "active"; CHAR strRgPriority[] = "priority"; CHAR strRgException[] = "exception"; CHAR strRgShcsr[] = "shcsr"; CHAR strRgIntCtrl[] = "control"; CHAR *strRgs[] = { strRgEnable, strRgPending, strRgActive, strRgPriority, strRgException, strRgShcsr, strRgIntCtrl }; PRINTK("\r\nOS exception NVIC dump:\n"); for (i = 0; i < OS_NR_NVIC_EXC_DUMP_TYPES; i++) { base = (UINT32 *)rgNvicBases[i]; len = rgNvicLens[i]; PRINTK("interrupt %s register, base address: %p, size: 0x%x\n", strRgs[i], base, len); len = (len >> 2); /* 2: Gets the next register offset */ for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { PRINTK("0x%x ", *(base + j)); if ((j != 0) && ((j % 16) == 0)) { /* 16: print wrap line */ PRINTK("\n"); } } PRINTK("\n"); } } STATIC VOID OsExcTypeInfo(const ExcInfo *excInfo) { CHAR *phaseStr[] = {"exc in init", "exc in task", "exc in hwi"}; PRINTK("Type = %d\n", excInfo->type); PRINTK("ThrdPid = %d\n", excInfo->thrdPid); PRINTK("Phase = %s\n", phaseStr[excInfo->phase]); PRINTK("FaultAddr = 0x%x\n", excInfo->faultAddr); } STATIC VOID OsExcCurTaskInfo(const ExcInfo *excInfo) { PRINTK("Current task info:\n"); if (excInfo->phase == OS_EXC_IN_TASK) { LosTaskCB *taskCB = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(LOS_CurTaskIDGet()); PRINTK("Task name = %s\n", taskCB->taskName); PRINTK("Task ID = %d\n", taskCB->taskID); PRINTK("Task SP = %p\n", taskCB->stackPointer); PRINTK("Task ST = 0x%x\n", taskCB->topOfStack); PRINTK("Task SS = 0x%x\n", taskCB->stackSize); } else if (excInfo->phase == OS_EXC_IN_HWI) { PRINTK("Exception occur in interrupt phase!\n"); } else { PRINTK("Exception occur in system init phase!\n"); } } STATIC VOID OsExcRegInfo(const ExcInfo *excInfo) { PRINTK("Exception reg dump:\n"); PRINTK("PC = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwPC); PRINTK("LR = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwLR); PRINTK("SP = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwSP); PRINTK("R0 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR0); PRINTK("R1 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR1); PRINTK("R2 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR2); PRINTK("R3 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR3); PRINTK("R4 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR4); PRINTK("R5 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR5); PRINTK("R6 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR6); PRINTK("R7 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR7); PRINTK("R8 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR8); PRINTK("R9 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR9); PRINTK("R10 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR10); PRINTK("R11 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR11); PRINTK("R12 = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwR12); PRINTK("PriMask = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwPriMask); PRINTK("xPSR = 0x%x\n", excInfo->context->uwxPSR); } #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_BACKTRACE == 1) STATIC VOID OsExcBackTraceInfo(const ExcInfo *excInfo) { UINTPTR LR[LOSCFG_BACKTRACE_DEPTH] = {0}; UINT32 index; OsBackTraceHookCall(LR, LOSCFG_BACKTRACE_DEPTH, 0, excInfo->context->uwSP); PRINTK("----- backtrace start -----\n"); for (index = 0; index < LOSCFG_BACKTRACE_DEPTH; index++) { if (LR[index] == 0) { break; } PRINTK("backtrace %d -- lr = 0x%x\n", index, LR[index]); } PRINTK("----- backtrace end -----\n"); } #endif STATIC VOID OsExcMemPoolCheckInfo(VOID) { PRINTK("\r\nmemory pools check:\n"); #if (LOSCFG_PLATFORM_EXC == 1) MemInfoCB memExcInfo[OS_SYS_MEM_NUM]; UINT32 errCnt; UINT32 i; (VOID)memset_s(memExcInfo, sizeof(memExcInfo), 0, sizeof(memExcInfo)); errCnt = OsMemExcInfoGet(OS_SYS_MEM_NUM, memExcInfo); if (errCnt < OS_SYS_MEM_NUM) { errCnt += OsMemboxExcInfoGet(OS_SYS_MEM_NUM - errCnt, memExcInfo + errCnt); } if (errCnt == 0) { PRINTK("all memory pool check passed!\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < errCnt; i++) { PRINTK("pool num = %d\n", i); PRINTK("pool type = %d\n", memExcInfo[i].type); PRINTK("pool addr = 0x%x\n", memExcInfo[i].startAddr); PRINTK("pool size = 0x%x\n", memExcInfo[i].size); PRINTK("pool free = 0x%x\n", memExcInfo[i].free); PRINTK("pool blkNum = %d\n", memExcInfo[i].blockSize); PRINTK("pool error node addr = 0x%x\n", memExcInfo[i].errorAddr); PRINTK("pool error node len = 0x%x\n", memExcInfo[i].errorLen); PRINTK("pool error node owner = %d\n", memExcInfo[i].errorOwner); } #endif UINT32 ret = LOS_MemIntegrityCheck(LOSCFG_SYS_HEAP_ADDR); if (ret == LOS_OK) { PRINTK("system heap memcheck over, all passed!\n"); } PRINTK("memory pool check end!\n"); } #endif STATIC VOID OsExcInfoDisplay(const ExcInfo *excInfo) { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_PRINTF != 0) PRINTK("*************Exception Information**************\n"); OsExcTypeInfo(excInfo); OsExcCurTaskInfo(excInfo); OsExcRegInfo(excInfo); #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_BACKTRACE == 1) OsExcBackTraceInfo(excInfo); #endif OsGetAllTskInfo(); OsExcNvicDump(); OsExcMemPoolCheckInfo(); #endif } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT_INIT VOID HalExcHandleEntry(UINT32 excType, UINT32 faultAddr, UINT32 pid, EXC_CONTEXT_S *excBufAddr) { UINT16 tmpFlag = (excType >> 16) & OS_NULL_SHORT; /* 16: Get Exception Type */ g_intCount++; g_excInfo.nestCnt++; g_excInfo.type = excType & OS_NULL_SHORT; if (tmpFlag & OS_EXC_FLAG_FAULTADDR_VALID) { g_excInfo.faultAddr = faultAddr; } else { g_excInfo.faultAddr = OS_EXC_IMPRECISE_ACCESS_ADDR; } if (g_losTask.runTask != NULL) { if (tmpFlag & OS_EXC_FLAG_IN_HWI) { g_excInfo.phase = OS_EXC_IN_HWI; g_excInfo.thrdPid = pid; } else { g_excInfo.phase = OS_EXC_IN_TASK; g_excInfo.thrdPid = g_losTask.runTask->taskID; } } else { g_excInfo.phase = OS_EXC_IN_INIT; g_excInfo.thrdPid = OS_NULL_INT; } if (excType & OS_EXC_FLAG_NO_FLOAT) { g_excInfo.context = (EXC_CONTEXT_S *)((CHAR *)excBufAddr - LOS_OFF_SET_OF(EXC_CONTEXT_S, uwR4)); } else { g_excInfo.context = excBufAddr; } OsDoExcHook(EXC_INTERRUPT); OsExcInfoDisplay(&g_excInfo); ArchSysExit(); } /* **************************************************************************** Function : HalHwiInit Description : initialization of the hardware interrupt Input : None Output : None Return : None **************************************************************************** */ LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT_INIT VOID HalHwiInit(VOID) { #if (LOSCFG_USE_SYSTEM_DEFINED_INTERRUPT == 1) UINT32 index; HWI_PROC_FUNC *hwiForm = (HWI_PROC_FUNC *)ArchGetHwiFrom(); hwiForm[0] = 0; /* [0] Top of Stack */ hwiForm[1] = 0; /* [1] reset */ for (index = DEF_HANDLER_START_INDEX; index < OS_VECTOR_CNT; index++) { hwiForm[index] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalHwiDefaultHandler; } /* Exception handler register */ hwiForm[NonMaskableInt_IRQn + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalExcNMI; hwiForm[HARDFAULT_IRQN + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalExcHardFault; hwiForm[MemoryManagement_IRQn + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalExcMemFault; hwiForm[BusFault_IRQn + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalExcBusFault; hwiForm[UsageFault_IRQn + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalExcUsageFault; hwiForm[SVCall_IRQn + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalSVCHandler; hwiForm[PendSV_IRQn + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)HalPendSV; hwiForm[SysTick_IRQn + OS_SYS_VECTOR_CNT] = (HWI_PROC_FUNC)OsTickHandler; /* Interrupt vector table location */ SCB->VTOR = (UINT32)(UINTPTR)hwiForm; #endif #if (__CORTEX_M >= 0x03U) /* only for Cortex-M3 and above */ NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(OS_NVIC_AIRCR_PRIGROUP); #endif /* Enable USGFAULT, BUSFAULT, MEMFAULT */ *(volatile UINT32 *)OS_NVIC_SHCSR |= (USGFAULT | BUSFAULT | MEMFAULT); /* Enable DIV 0 and unaligned exception */ #ifdef LOSCFG_ARCH_UNALIGNED_EXC *(volatile UINT32 *)OS_NVIC_CCR |= (DIV0FAULT | UNALIGNFAULT); #else *(volatile UINT32 *)OS_NVIC_CCR |= (DIV0FAULT); #endif return; }