/* * Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014-2020. All rights reserved. * Licensed under Mulan PSL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. * Description: wcscat_s function * Author: lishunda * Create: 2014-02-25 */ #include "securecutil.h" /* * Befor this function, the basic parameter checking has been done */ SECUREC_INLINE errno_t SecDoCatW(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *strSrc) { size_t destLen; size_t srcLen; size_t maxCount; /* Store the maximum available count */ /* To calculate the length of a wide character, the parameter must be a wide character */ SECUREC_CALC_WSTR_LEN(strDest, destMax, &destLen); maxCount = destMax - destLen; SECUREC_CALC_WSTR_LEN(strSrc, maxCount, &srcLen); if (SECUREC_CAT_STRING_IS_OVERLAP(strDest, destLen, strSrc, srcLen)) { strDest[0] = L'\0'; if (strDest + destLen <= strSrc && destLen == destMax) { SECUREC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMTER("wcscat_s"); return EINVAL_AND_RESET; } SECUREC_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERLAP("wcscat_s"); return EOVERLAP_AND_RESET; } if (srcLen + destLen >= destMax || strDest == strSrc) { strDest[0] = L'\0'; if (destLen == destMax) { SECUREC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMTER("wcscat_s"); return EINVAL_AND_RESET; } SECUREC_ERROR_INVALID_RANGE("wcscat_s"); return ERANGE_AND_RESET; } /* Copy single character length include \0 */ SECUREC_MEMCPY_WARP_OPT(strDest + destLen, strSrc, (srcLen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); return EOK; } /* * * The wcscat_s function appends a copy of the wide string pointed to by strSrc * (including the terminating null wide character) * to the end of the wide string pointed to by strDest. * The arguments and return value of wcscat_s are wide-character strings. * * The wcscat_s function appends strSrc to strDest and terminates the resulting * string with a null character. The initial character of strSrc overwrites the * terminating null character of strDest. wcscat_s will return EOVERLAP_AND_RESET if the * source and destination strings overlap. * * Note that the second parameter is the total size of the buffer, not the * remaining size. * * * strDest Null-terminated destination string buffer. * destMax Size of the destination string buffer. * strSrc Null-terminated source string buffer. * * * strDest is updated * * * EOK Success * EINVAL strDest is NULL and destMax != 0 and destMax <= SECUREC_WCHAR_STRING_MAX_LEN * EINVAL_AND_RESET (strDest unterminated and all other parameters are valid) or * (strDest != NULL and strSrc is NULLL and destMax != 0 * and destMax <= SECUREC_WCHAR_STRING_MAX_LEN) * ERANGE destMax > SECUREC_WCHAR_STRING_MAX_LEN or destMax is 0 * ERANGE_AND_RESET strDest have not enough space and all other parameters are valid and not overlap * EOVERLAP_AND_RESET dest buffer and source buffer are overlapped and all parameters are valid * * If there is a runtime-constraint violation, strDest[0] will be set to the '\0' when strDest and destMax valid */ errno_t wcscat_s(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *strSrc) { if (destMax == 0 || destMax > SECUREC_WCHAR_STRING_MAX_LEN) { SECUREC_ERROR_INVALID_RANGE("wcscat_s"); return ERANGE; } if (strDest == NULL || strSrc == NULL) { SECUREC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMTER("wcscat_s"); if (strDest != NULL) { strDest[0] = L'\0'; return EINVAL_AND_RESET; } return EINVAL; } return SecDoCatW(strDest, destMax, strSrc); }