/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020, Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "cmsis_os.h" #include "los_event.h" #include "los_membox.h" #include "los_memory.h" #include "los_interrupt.h" #include "los_mux.h" #include "los_queue.h" #include "los_sem.h" #include "los_swtmr.h" #include "los_task.h" #include "los_timer.h" #include "kal.h" #include "los_debug.h" #include "string.h" #include "securec.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ #if (CMSIS_OS_VER == 2) /* Kernel initialization state */ static osKernelState_t g_kernelState; extern BOOL g_taskScheduled; #define LOS_PRIORITY_WIN 8 const osVersion_t g_stLosVersion = { 001, 001 }; #define LITEOS_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define LITEOS_VERSION_MINOR 0 #define LITEOS_VERSION_BUILD 0 /* Kernel version and identification string definition */ #define KERNEL_VERSION (((UINT32)LITEOS_VERSION_MAJOR * 10000000UL) | \ ((UINT32)LITEOS_VERSION_MINOR * 10000UL) | \ ((UINT32)LITEOS_VERSION_BUILD * 1UL)) #define KERNEL_ID "HUAWEI-LiteOS" // ==== Kernel Management Functions ==== uint32_t osTaskStackWaterMarkGet(UINT32 taskID); osStatus_t osKernelInitialize(void) { if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (g_kernelState != osKernelInactive) { return osError; } if (LOS_OK == LOS_KernelInit()) { g_kernelState = osKernelReady; return osOK; } else { return osError; } } osStatus_t osKernelGetInfo(osVersion_t *version, char *id_buf, uint32_t id_size) { uint32_t uwRet; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (version != NULL) { version->api = g_stLosVersion.api; version->kernel = g_stLosVersion.kernel; } if ((id_buf != NULL) && (id_size != 0U)) { if (id_size > sizeof(KERNEL_ID)) { id_size = sizeof(KERNEL_ID); } uwRet = memcpy_s(id_buf, id_size, KERNEL_ID, id_size); if (uwRet != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s[%d] memcpy failed, error type = %u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, uwRet); return osError; } } return osOK; } osKernelState_t osKernelGetState(void) { if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osKernelError; } if (!g_taskScheduled) { if (g_kernelState == osKernelReady) { return osKernelReady; } else { return osKernelInactive; } } else if (g_losTaskLock > 0) { return osKernelLocked; } else { return osKernelRunning; } } osStatus_t osKernelStart(void) { if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (g_kernelState == osKernelReady) { if (LOS_OK == LOS_Start()) { g_kernelState = osKernelRunning; return osOK; } else { return osError; } } else { return osError; } } int32_t osKernelLock(void) { int32_t lock; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return (int32_t)osErrorISR; } if (!g_taskScheduled) { return (int32_t)osError; } if (g_losTaskLock > 0) { lock = 1; } else { LOS_TaskLock(); lock = 0; } return lock; } int32_t osKernelUnlock(void) { int32_t lock; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return (int32_t)osErrorISR; } if (!g_taskScheduled) { return (int32_t)osError; } if (g_losTaskLock > 0) { LOS_TaskUnlock(); if (g_losTaskLock != 0) { return (int32_t)osError; } lock = 1; } else { lock = 0; } return lock; } int32_t osKernelRestoreLock(int32_t lock) { if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return (int32_t)osErrorISR; } if (!g_taskScheduled) { return (int32_t)osError; } switch (lock) { case 0: LOS_TaskUnlock(); if (g_losTaskLock != 0) { break; } return 0; case 1: LOS_TaskLock(); return 1; default: break; } return (int32_t)osError; } uint32_t osKernelGetTickCount(void) { uint64_t ticks; UINTPTR uvIntSave; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { #ifndef LITEOS_WIFI_IOT_VERSION ticks = g_ullTickCount; #else ticks = g_tickCount; #endif } else { uvIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); #ifndef LITEOS_WIFI_IOT_VERSION ticks = g_ullTickCount; #else ticks = g_tickCount; #endif LOS_IntRestore(uvIntSave); } return (uint32_t)ticks; } uint32_t osKernelGetTickFreq(void) { uint32_t freq; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { freq = 0U; } else { freq = LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_PER_SECOND; } return (freq); } uint32_t osKernelGetSysTimerCount(void) { uint32_t countHigh = 0; uint32_t countLow = 0; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { countLow = 0U; } else { HalGetCpuCycle((UINT32 *)&countHigh, (UINT32 *)&countLow); } return countLow; } uint32_t osKernelGetSysTimerFreq(void) { return OS_SYS_CLOCK; } // ==== Thread Management Functions ==== osThreadId_t osThreadNew(osThreadFunc_t func, void *argument, const osThreadAttr_t *attr) { UINT32 uwTid; UINT32 uwRet; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; TSK_INIT_PARAM_S stTskInitParam; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return NULL; } if ((attr == NULL) || (func == NULL) || (attr->priority < osPriorityLow1) || (attr->priority > osPriorityAboveNormal6)) { return (osThreadId_t)NULL; } (void)memset_s(&stTskInitParam, sizeof(TSK_INIT_PARAM_S), 0, sizeof(TSK_INIT_PARAM_S)); stTskInitParam.pfnTaskEntry = (TSK_ENTRY_FUNC)func; #ifndef LITEOS_WIFI_IOT_VERSION stTskInitParam.uwArg = (UINT32)argument; #else stTskInitParam.auwArgs[0] = (UINT32)argument; #endif stTskInitParam.uwStackSize = attr->stack_size; stTskInitParam.pcName = (CHAR *)attr->name; stTskInitParam.usTaskPrio = OS_TASK_PRIORITY_LOWEST - ((UINT16)(attr->priority) - LOS_PRIORITY_WIN); /* 0~31 */ uwRet = LOS_TaskCreate(&uwTid, &stTskInitParam); if (LOS_OK != uwRet) { return (osThreadId_t)NULL; } pstTaskCB = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(uwTid); return (osThreadId_t)pstTaskCB; } const char *osThreadGetName(osThreadId_t thread_id) { LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE || thread_id == NULL) { return NULL; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; return pstTaskCB->taskName; } osThreadId_t osThreadGetId(void) { if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return NULL; } return (osThreadId_t)(g_losTask.runTask); } void *osThreadGetArgument(void) { if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return 0; } LosTaskCB *taskCb = (LosTaskCB *)osThreadGetId(); if (taskCb == NULL) { return NULL; } #ifndef LITEOS_WIFI_IOT_VERSION return (void *)(taskCb->arg); #else return (void *)(taskCb->args[0]); #endif } osThreadState_t osThreadGetState(osThreadId_t thread_id) { UINT16 taskStatus; osThreadState_t stState; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE || thread_id == NULL) { return osThreadError; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; taskStatus = pstTaskCB->taskStatus; if (taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING) { stState = osThreadRunning; } else if (taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_READY) { stState = osThreadReady; } else if (taskStatus & (OS_TASK_STATUS_DELAY | OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND | OS_TASK_STATUS_SUSPEND | OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_QUEUE)) { stState = osThreadBlocked; } else if (taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_UNUSED) { stState = osThreadInactive; } else { stState = osThreadError; } return stState; } uint32_t osThreadGetStackSize(osThreadId_t thread_id) { LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE || thread_id == NULL) { return 0U; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; return pstTaskCB->stackSize; } uint32_t osTaskStackWaterMarkGet(UINT32 taskID) { UINT32 uwCount = 0; UINT32 *ptopOfStack; UINTPTR uvIntSave; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (taskID > LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_LIMIT) { return 0; } uvIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); pstTaskCB = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(taskID); if (OS_TASK_STATUS_UNUSED & (pstTaskCB->taskStatus)) { LOS_IntRestore(uvIntSave); return 0; } // first 4 bytes is OS_TASK_MAGIC_WORD, skip ptopOfStack = (UINT32 *)(UINTPTR)pstTaskCB->topOfStack + 1; while (*ptopOfStack == (UINT32)OS_TASK_STACK_INIT) { ++ptopOfStack; ++uwCount; } uwCount *= sizeof(UINT32); LOS_IntRestore(uvIntSave); return uwCount; } uint32_t osThreadGetStackSpace(osThreadId_t thread_id) { LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE || thread_id == NULL) { return 0U; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; return osTaskStackWaterMarkGet(pstTaskCB->taskID); } osStatus_t osThreadSetPriority(osThreadId_t thread_id, osPriority_t priority) { UINT32 uwRet; UINT16 usPriority; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (thread_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } if (priority < osPriorityLow1 || priority > osPriorityAboveNormal6) { return osErrorParameter; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; usPriority = OS_TASK_PRIORITY_LOWEST - ((UINT16)priority - LOS_PRIORITY_WIN); uwRet = LOS_TaskPriSet(pstTaskCB->taskID, usPriority); switch (uwRet) { case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_PRIOR_ERROR: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_OPERATE_IDLE: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_ID_INVALID: return osErrorParameter; case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NOT_CREATED: return osErrorResource; default: return osOK; } } osPriority_t osThreadGetPriority(osThreadId_t thread_id) { UINT16 usRet; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE || thread_id == NULL) { return osPriorityError; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; usRet = LOS_TaskPriGet(pstTaskCB->taskID); if (usRet == (UINT16)OS_INVALID) { return osPriorityError; } return (osPriority_t)(OS_TASK_PRIORITY_LOWEST - (usRet - LOS_PRIORITY_WIN)); } osStatus_t osThreadYield(void) { UINT32 uwRet; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } uwRet = LOS_TaskYield(); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } return osError; } osStatus_t osThreadSuspend(osThreadId_t thread_id) { UINT32 uwRet; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (thread_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; uwRet = LOS_TaskSuspend(pstTaskCB->taskID); switch (uwRet) { case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_OPERATE_IDLE: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_SUSPEND_SWTMR_NOT_ALLOWED: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_ID_INVALID: return osErrorParameter; case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NOT_CREATED: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_ALREADY_SUSPENDED: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_SUSPEND_LOCKED: return osErrorResource; default: return osOK; } } osStatus_t osThreadResume(osThreadId_t thread_id) { UINT32 uwRet; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (thread_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; uwRet = LOS_TaskResume(pstTaskCB->taskID); switch (uwRet) { case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_ID_INVALID: return osErrorParameter; case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NOT_CREATED: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NOT_SUSPENDED: return osErrorResource; default: return osOK; } } osStatus_t osThreadTerminate(osThreadId_t thread_id) { UINT32 uwRet; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB = NULL; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (thread_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } pstTaskCB = (LosTaskCB *)thread_id; uwRet = LOS_TaskDelete(pstTaskCB->taskID); switch (uwRet) { case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_OPERATE_IDLE: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_SUSPEND_SWTMR_NOT_ALLOWED: case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_ID_INVALID: return osErrorParameter; case LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NOT_CREATED: return osErrorResource; default: return osOK; } } uint32_t osThreadGetCount(void) { uint32_t uwCount = 0; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return 0U; } for (uint32_t index = 0; index <= LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_LIMIT; index++) { if (!((g_taskCBArray + index)->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_UNUSED)) { uwCount++; } } return uwCount; } osStatus_t osDelay(uint32_t ticks) { UINT32 uwRet = LOS_OK; if (ticks == 0) { return osOK; } if (osKernelGetState() != osKernelRunning) { HalDelay(ticks); } else { uwRet = LOS_TaskDelay(ticks); } if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else { return osError; } } osStatus_t osDelayUntil(uint32_t ticks) { UINT32 uwRet; UINT32 uwTicks; UINT32 tickCount = osKernelGetTickCount(); if (ticks < tickCount) { return osError; } uwTicks = (UINT32)(ticks - tickCount); uwRet = LOS_TaskDelay(uwTicks); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else { return osError; } } // ==== Timer Management Functions ==== #if (LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_SWTMR == 1) osTimerId_t osTimerNew(osTimerFunc_t func, osTimerType_t type, void *argument, const osTimerAttr_t *attr) { UNUSED(attr); UINT32 usSwTmrID; UINT8 mode; if ((NULL == func) || ((osTimerOnce != type) && (osTimerPeriodic != type))) { return (osTimerId_t)NULL; } if (osTimerOnce == type) { mode = LOS_SWTMR_MODE_NO_SELFDELETE; } else { mode = LOS_SWTMR_MODE_PERIOD; } #if (LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_SWTMR_ALIGN == 1) if (LOS_OK != LOS_SwtmrCreate(1, mode, (SWTMR_PROC_FUNC)func, &usSwTmrID, (UINT32)(UINTPTR)argument, osTimerRousesAllow, osTimerAlignIgnore)) { return (osTimerId_t)NULL; } #else if (LOS_OK != LOS_SwtmrCreate(1, mode, (SWTMR_PROC_FUNC)func, &usSwTmrID, (UINT32)(UINTPTR)argument)) { return (osTimerId_t)NULL; } #endif return (osTimerId_t)OS_SWT_FROM_SID(usSwTmrID); } osStatus_t osTimerStart(osTimerId_t timer_id, uint32_t ticks) { UINT32 uwRet; SWTMR_CTRL_S *pstSwtmr; if ((0 == ticks) || (NULL == timer_id)) { return osErrorParameter; } UINTPTR intSave = LOS_IntLock(); pstSwtmr = (SWTMR_CTRL_S *)timer_id; pstSwtmr->uwInterval = ticks; uwRet = LOS_SwtmrStart(pstSwtmr->usTimerID); LOS_IntRestore(intSave); if (LOS_OK == uwRet) { return osOK; } else if (LOS_ERRNO_SWTMR_ID_INVALID == uwRet) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } const char *osTimerGetName(osTimerId_t timer_id) { UNUSED(timer_id); return (const char *)NULL; } osStatus_t osTimerStop(osTimerId_t timer_id) { UINT32 uwRet; SWTMR_CTRL_S *pstSwtmr = (SWTMR_CTRL_S *)timer_id; if (NULL == pstSwtmr) { return osErrorParameter; } uwRet = LOS_SwtmrStop(pstSwtmr->usTimerID); if (LOS_OK == uwRet) { return osOK; } else if (LOS_ERRNO_SWTMR_ID_INVALID == uwRet) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } uint32_t osTimerIsRunning(osTimerId_t timer_id) { if (NULL == timer_id) { return 0; } return (OS_SWTMR_STATUS_TICKING == ((SWTMR_CTRL_S *)timer_id)->ucState); } osStatus_t osTimerDelete(osTimerId_t timer_id) { UINT32 uwRet; SWTMR_CTRL_S *pstSwtmr = (SWTMR_CTRL_S *)timer_id; if (NULL == pstSwtmr) { return osErrorParameter; } uwRet = LOS_SwtmrDelete(pstSwtmr->usTimerID); if (LOS_OK == uwRet) { return osOK; } else if (LOS_ERRNO_SWTMR_ID_INVALID == uwRet) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } #endif osEventFlagsId_t osEventFlagsNew(const osEventFlagsAttr_t *attr) { PEVENT_CB_S pstEventCB; UINT32 uwRet; UNUSED(attr); if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return (osEventFlagsId_t)NULL; } pstEventCB = (PEVENT_CB_S)LOS_MemAlloc(m_aucSysMem0, sizeof(EVENT_CB_S)); if (pstEventCB == NULL) { return (osEventFlagsId_t)NULL; } uwRet = LOS_EventInit(pstEventCB); if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_PTR_NULL) { return (osEventFlagsId_t)NULL; } else { return (osEventFlagsId_t)pstEventCB; } } const char *osEventFlagsGetName(osEventFlagsId_t ef_id) { UNUSED(ef_id); if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return (const char *)NULL; } return (const char *)NULL; } uint32_t osEventFlagsSet(osEventFlagsId_t ef_id, uint32_t flags) { PEVENT_CB_S pstEventCB = (PEVENT_CB_S)ef_id; UINT32 uwRet; uint32_t rflags; if (pstEventCB == NULL) { return osFlagsErrorParameter; } uwRet = LOS_EventWrite(pstEventCB, (UINT32)flags); if (uwRet != LOS_OK) { return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorParameter; } else { rflags = pstEventCB->uwEventID; return rflags; } } uint32_t osEventFlagsClear(osEventFlagsId_t ef_id, uint32_t flags) { PEVENT_CB_S pstEventCB = (PEVENT_CB_S)ef_id; UINTPTR uwIntSave; uint32_t rflags; UINT32 uwRet; if (pstEventCB == NULL) { return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorParameter; } uwIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); rflags = pstEventCB->uwEventID; uwRet = LOS_EventClear(pstEventCB, ~flags); LOS_IntRestore(uwIntSave); if (uwRet != LOS_OK) { return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorParameter; } else { return rflags; } } uint32_t osEventFlagsGet(osEventFlagsId_t ef_id) { PEVENT_CB_S pstEventCB = (PEVENT_CB_S)ef_id; UINTPTR uwIntSave; uint32_t rflags; if (pstEventCB == NULL) { return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorParameter; } uwIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); rflags = pstEventCB->uwEventID; LOS_IntRestore(uwIntSave); return rflags; } uint32_t osEventFlagsWait(osEventFlagsId_t ef_id, uint32_t flags, uint32_t options, uint32_t timeout) { PEVENT_CB_S pstEventCB = (PEVENT_CB_S)ef_id; UINT32 uwMode = 0; UINT32 uwRet; uint32_t rflags; if (options > (osFlagsWaitAny | osFlagsWaitAll | osFlagsNoClear)) { return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorParameter; } if ((options & osFlagsWaitAll) == osFlagsWaitAll) { uwMode |= LOS_WAITMODE_AND; } else { uwMode |= LOS_WAITMODE_OR; } if ((options & osFlagsNoClear) == osFlagsNoClear) { uwMode &= ~LOS_WAITMODE_CLR; } else { uwMode |= LOS_WAITMODE_CLR; } uwRet = LOS_EventRead(pstEventCB, (UINT32)flags, uwMode, (UINT32)timeout); switch (uwRet) { case LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_PTR_NULL: case LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_EVENTMASK_INVALID: case LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_SETBIT_INVALID: return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorParameter; case LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_READ_IN_INTERRUPT: case LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_FLAGS_INVALID: case LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_READ_IN_LOCK: return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorResource; case LOS_ERRNO_EVENT_READ_TIMEOUT: return (uint32_t)osFlagsErrorTimeout; default: rflags = (uint32_t)uwRet; return rflags; } } osStatus_t osEventFlagsDelete(osEventFlagsId_t ef_id) { PEVENT_CB_S pstEventCB = (PEVENT_CB_S)ef_id; UINTPTR uwIntSave; osStatus_t uwRet; uwIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); if (LOS_EventDestroy(pstEventCB) == LOS_OK) { uwRet = osOK; } else { uwRet = osErrorParameter; } LOS_IntRestore(uwIntSave); if (LOS_MemFree(m_aucSysMem0, (void *)pstEventCB) == LOS_OK) { uwRet = osOK; } else { uwRet = osErrorParameter; } return uwRet; } // ==== Mutex Management Functions ==== #if (LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_MUX == 1) osMutexId_t osMutexNew(const osMutexAttr_t *attr) { UINT32 uwRet; UINT32 uwMuxId; UNUSED(attr); if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return NULL; } uwRet = LOS_MuxCreate(&uwMuxId); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return (osMutexId_t)(GET_MUX(uwMuxId)); } else { return (osMutexId_t)NULL; } } osStatus_t osMutexAcquire(osMutexId_t mutex_id, uint32_t timeout) { UINT32 uwRet; if (mutex_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } if (OS_INT_ACTIVE && (timeout != LOS_NO_WAIT)) { timeout = 0; } uwRet = LOS_MuxPend(((LosMuxCB *)mutex_id)->muxID, timeout); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_MUX_TIMEOUT) { return osErrorTimeout; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_MUX_INVALID) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } osStatus_t osMutexRelease(osMutexId_t mutex_id) { UINT32 uwRet; if (mutex_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } uwRet = LOS_MuxPost(((LosMuxCB *)mutex_id)->muxID); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else { return osErrorResource; } } osThreadId_t osMutexGetOwner(osMutexId_t mutex_id) { UINT32 uwIntSave; LosTaskCB *pstTaskCB; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return NULL; } if (mutex_id == NULL) { return NULL; } uwIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); pstTaskCB = ((LosMuxCB *)mutex_id)->owner; LOS_IntRestore(uwIntSave); return (osThreadId_t)pstTaskCB; } osStatus_t osMutexDelete(osMutexId_t mutex_id) { UINT32 uwRet; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (mutex_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } uwRet = LOS_MuxDelete(((LosMuxCB *)mutex_id)->muxID); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_MUX_INVALID) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } #endif // ==== Semaphore Management Functions ==== #if (LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_SEM == 1) osSemaphoreId_t osSemaphoreNew(uint32_t max_count, uint32_t initial_count, const osSemaphoreAttr_t *attr) { UINT32 uwRet; UINT32 uwSemId; UNUSED(attr); if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return (osSemaphoreId_t)NULL; } if (1 == max_count) { uwRet = LOS_BinarySemCreate((UINT16)initial_count, &uwSemId); } else { uwRet = LOS_SemCreate((UINT16)initial_count, &uwSemId); } if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return (osSemaphoreId_t)(GET_SEM(uwSemId)); } else { return (osSemaphoreId_t)NULL; } } osStatus_t osSemaphoreAcquire(osSemaphoreId_t semaphore_id, uint32_t timeout) { UINT32 uwRet; if (semaphore_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } if (OS_INT_ACTIVE && (timeout != LOS_NO_WAIT)) { return osErrorISR; } uwRet = LOS_SemPend(((LosSemCB *)semaphore_id)->semID, timeout); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_SEM_TIMEOUT) { return osErrorTimeout; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_SEM_INVALID) { return osErrorParameter; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_SEM_PEND_INTERR) { return osErrorISR; } else { return osErrorResource; } } osStatus_t osSemaphoreRelease(osSemaphoreId_t semaphore_id) { UINT32 uwRet; if (semaphore_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } uwRet = LOS_SemPost(((LosSemCB *)semaphore_id)->semID); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_SEM_INVALID) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } uint32_t osSemaphoreGetCount(osSemaphoreId_t semaphore_id) { UINT32 uwIntSave; UINT32 uwCount; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return 0; } if (semaphore_id == NULL) { return 0; } uwIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); uwCount = ((LosSemCB *)semaphore_id)->semCount; LOS_IntRestore(uwIntSave); return uwCount; } osStatus_t osSemaphoreDelete(osSemaphoreId_t semaphore_id) { UINT32 uwRet; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (semaphore_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } uwRet = LOS_SemDelete(((LosSemCB *)semaphore_id)->semID); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_SEM_INVALID) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } #endif // ==== Message Queue Management Functions ==== #if (LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_QUEUE == 1) osMessageQueueId_t osMessageQueueNew(uint32_t msg_count, uint32_t msg_size, const osMessageQueueAttr_t *attr) { UINT32 uwQueueID; UINT32 uwRet; UNUSED(attr); osMessageQueueId_t handle; if (0 == msg_count || 0 == msg_size || OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return (osMessageQueueId_t)NULL; } uwRet = LOS_QueueCreate((char *)NULL, (UINT16)msg_count, &uwQueueID, 0, (UINT16)msg_size); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { handle = (osMessageQueueId_t)(GET_QUEUE_HANDLE(uwQueueID)); } else { handle = (osMessageQueueId_t)NULL; } return handle; } osStatus_t osMessageQueuePut(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id, const void *msg_ptr, uint8_t msg_prio, uint32_t timeout) { UNUSED(msg_prio); UINT32 uwRet; UINT32 uwBufferSize; LosQueueCB *pstQueue = (LosQueueCB *)mq_id; if (pstQueue == NULL || msg_ptr == NULL || ((OS_INT_ACTIVE) && (0 != timeout))) { return osErrorParameter; } if (pstQueue->queueSize < sizeof(UINT32)) { return osErrorParameter; } uwBufferSize = (UINT32)(pstQueue->queueSize - sizeof(UINT32)); uwRet = LOS_QueueWriteCopy((UINT32)pstQueue->queueID, (void *)msg_ptr, uwBufferSize, timeout); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_INVALID || uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_NOT_CREATE) { return osErrorParameter; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) { return osErrorTimeout; } else { return osErrorResource; } } osStatus_t osMessageQueueGet(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id, void *msg_ptr, uint8_t *msg_prio, uint32_t timeout) { UNUSED(msg_prio); UINT32 uwRet; UINT32 uwBufferSize; LosQueueCB *pstQueue = (LosQueueCB *)mq_id; if (pstQueue == NULL || msg_ptr == NULL || ((OS_INT_ACTIVE) && (0 != timeout))) { return osErrorParameter; } uwBufferSize = (UINT32)(pstQueue->queueSize - sizeof(UINT32)); uwRet = LOS_QueueReadCopy((UINT32)pstQueue->queueID, msg_ptr, &uwBufferSize, timeout); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_INVALID || uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_NOT_CREATE) { return osErrorParameter; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) { return osErrorTimeout; } else { return osErrorResource; } } uint32_t osMessageQueueGetCapacity(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id) { uint32_t capacity; LosQueueCB *pstQueue = (LosQueueCB *)mq_id; if (pstQueue == NULL) { capacity = 0U; } else { capacity = pstQueue->queueLen; } return (capacity); } uint32_t osMessageQueueGetMsgSize(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id) { uint32_t size; LosQueueCB *pstQueue = (LosQueueCB *)mq_id; if (pstQueue == NULL) { size = 0U; } else { size = pstQueue->queueSize - sizeof(UINT32); } return (size); } uint32_t osMessageQueueGetCount(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id) { uint32_t count; UINTPTR uwIntSave; LosQueueCB *pstQueue = (LosQueueCB *)mq_id; if (pstQueue == NULL) { count = 0U; } else { uwIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); count = (uint32_t)(pstQueue->readWriteableCnt[OS_QUEUE_READ]); LOS_IntRestore(uwIntSave); } return count; } uint32_t osMessageQueueGetSpace(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id) { uint32_t space; UINTPTR uwIntSave; LosQueueCB *pstQueue = (LosQueueCB *)mq_id; if (pstQueue == NULL) { space = 0U; } else { uwIntSave = LOS_IntLock(); space = (uint32_t)pstQueue->readWriteableCnt[OS_QUEUE_WRITE]; LOS_IntRestore(uwIntSave); } return space; } osStatus_t osMessageQueueDelete(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id) { LosQueueCB *pstQueue = (LosQueueCB *)mq_id; UINT32 uwRet; if (pstQueue == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } uwRet = LOS_QueueDelete((UINT32)pstQueue->queueID); if (uwRet == LOS_OK) { return osOK; } else if (uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND || uwRet == LOS_ERRNO_QUEUE_NOT_CREATE) { return osErrorParameter; } else { return osErrorResource; } } void osThreadExit(void) { return; } #endif #define MP_ALLOC 1U #define MD_ALLOC 2U #define MEM_POOL_VALID 0xFFEEFF00 typedef struct { LOS_MEMBOX_INFO poolInfo; void *poolBase; uint32_t poolSize; uint32_t status; const char *name; } MemPoolCB; osMemoryPoolId_t osMemoryPoolNew(uint32_t block_count, uint32_t block_size, const osMemoryPoolAttr_t *attr) { MemPoolCB *mp = NULL; const char *name = NULL; LOS_MEMBOX_NODE *node = NULL; uint32_t memCB = 0; uint32_t memMP = 0; uint32_t size; uint32_t index; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return NULL; } if ((block_count == 0) || (block_size == 0)) { return NULL; } size = block_count * block_size; if (attr != NULL) { if ((attr->cb_mem != NULL) && (attr->cb_size >= sizeof(MemPoolCB))) { memCB = 1; } if ((attr->mp_mem != NULL) && (((UINTPTR)attr->mp_mem & 0x3) == 0) && /* 0x3: Check if array is 4-byte aligned. */ (attr->mp_size >= size)) { memMP = 1; } name = attr->name; } if (memCB == 0) { mp = LOS_MemAlloc(OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR, sizeof(MemPoolCB)); if (mp == NULL) { return NULL; } mp->status = MP_ALLOC; } else { mp = attr->cb_mem; mp->status = 0; } if (memMP == 0) { mp->poolBase = LOS_MemAlloc(OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR, size); if (mp->poolBase == NULL) { (void)LOS_MemFree(OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR, mp); return NULL; } mp->status |= MD_ALLOC; } else { mp->poolBase = attr->mp_mem; } mp->poolSize = size; mp->name = name; mp->poolInfo.uwBlkCnt = 0; mp->poolInfo.uwBlkNum = block_count; mp->poolInfo.uwBlkSize = block_size; node = (LOS_MEMBOX_NODE *)mp->poolBase; mp->poolInfo.stFreeList.pstNext = node; for (index = 0; index < block_count - 1; ++index) { node->pstNext = OS_MEMBOX_NEXT(node, block_size); node = node->pstNext; } node->pstNext = NULL; mp->status |= MEM_POOL_VALID; return mp; } void *osMemoryPoolAlloc(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id, uint32_t timeout) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; LOS_MEMBOX_NODE *node = NULL; UINTPTR intSave; UNUSED(timeout); if (mp_id == NULL) { return NULL; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) == MEM_POOL_VALID) { node = mp->poolInfo.stFreeList.pstNext; if (node != NULL) { mp->poolInfo.stFreeList.pstNext = node->pstNext; mp->poolInfo.uwBlkCnt++; } } LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return node; } osStatus_t osMemoryPoolFree(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id, void *block) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; LOS_MEMBOX_NODE *node = NULL; LOS_MEMBOX_NODE *nodeTmp = NULL; UINTPTR intSave; if ((mp_id == NULL) || (block == NULL)) { return osErrorParameter; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) != MEM_POOL_VALID) { LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return osErrorResource; } if (((UINTPTR)block < (UINTPTR)mp->poolBase) || ((UINTPTR)block >= ((UINTPTR)mp->poolBase + (UINTPTR)mp->poolSize))) { LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return osErrorParameter; } node = (LOS_MEMBOX_NODE *)block; nodeTmp = mp->poolInfo.stFreeList.pstNext; mp->poolInfo.stFreeList.pstNext = node; node->pstNext = nodeTmp; mp->poolInfo.uwBlkCnt--; LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return osOK; } osStatus_t osMemoryPoolDelete(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; UINTPTR intSave; if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return osErrorISR; } if (mp_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) != MEM_POOL_VALID) { LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return osErrorResource; } if (mp->status & MD_ALLOC) { (void)LOS_MemFree(OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR, mp->poolBase); mp->poolBase = NULL; } mp->name = NULL; mp->status &= ~MEM_POOL_VALID; if (mp->status & MP_ALLOC) { (void)LOS_MemFree(OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR, mp); } LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return osOK; } uint32_t osMemoryPoolGetCapacity(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; UINTPTR intSave; uint32_t num; if (mp_id == NULL) { return 0; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) != MEM_POOL_VALID) { num = 0; } else { num = mp->poolInfo.uwBlkNum; } LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return num; } uint32_t osMemoryPoolGetBlockSize(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; UINTPTR intSave; uint32_t size; if (mp_id == NULL) { return 0; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) != MEM_POOL_VALID) { size = 0; } else { size = mp->poolInfo.uwBlkSize; } LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return size; } uint32_t osMemoryPoolGetCount(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; UINTPTR intSave; uint32_t count; if (mp_id == NULL) { return 0; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) != MEM_POOL_VALID) { count = 0; } else { count = mp->poolInfo.uwBlkCnt; } LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return count; } uint32_t osMemoryPoolGetSpace(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; UINTPTR intSave; uint32_t space; if (mp_id == NULL) { return 0; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) != MEM_POOL_VALID) { space = 0; } else { space = mp->poolInfo.uwBlkCnt - mp->poolInfo.uwBlkCnt; } LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return space; } const char *osMemoryPoolGetName(osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id) { MemPoolCB *mp = (MemPoolCB *)mp_id; const char *p = NULL; UINTPTR intSave; if (mp_id == NULL) { return NULL; } if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { return NULL; } intSave = LOS_IntLock(); if ((mp->status & MEM_POOL_VALID) == MEM_POOL_VALID) { p = mp->name; } LOS_IntRestore(intSave); return p; } #endif // (CMSIS_OS_VER == 2) #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __cplusplus */