/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "los_sched_pri.h" #include "los_hw_pri.h" #include "los_task_pri.h" #include "los_process_pri.h" #include "los_arch_mmu.h" #ifdef LOSCFG_KERNEL_CPUP #include "los_cpup_pri.h" #endif #include "los_hw_tick_pri.h" #include "los_tick_pri.h" #if (LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_MONITOR == YES) #include "los_stackinfo_pri.h" #endif #include "los_mp.h" #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG #include "los_stat_pri.h" #endif #define OS_32BIT_MAX 0xFFFFFFFFUL #define OS_64BIT_MAX 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL #define OS_SCHED_FIFO_TIMEOUT 0x7FFFFFFF #define OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM 32 #define PRIQUEUE_PRIOR0_BIT 0x80000000U #define OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_MIN ((5000 * OS_SYS_NS_PER_US) / OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) /* 5ms */ #define OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_MAX ((LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TIMESLICE_TIMEOUT * OS_SYS_NS_PER_US) / OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) #define OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_DIFF (OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_MAX - OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_MIN) #define OS_SCHED_READY_MAX 30 #define OS_TIME_SLICE_MIN (INT32)((50 * OS_SYS_NS_PER_US) / OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) /* 50us */ #define OS_SCHED_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME (UINT64)(OS_64BIT_MAX - 1U) typedef struct { LOS_DL_LIST priQueueList[OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM]; UINT32 readyTasks[OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM]; UINT32 queueBitmap; } SchedQueue; typedef struct { SchedQueue queueList[OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM]; UINT32 queueBitmap; SchedScan taskScan; SchedScan swtmrScan; } Sched; STATIC Sched *g_sched = NULL; STATIC UINT64 g_schedTickMaxResponseTime; UINT64 g_sysSchedStartTime = 0; #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_TICK_DEBUG #define OS_SCHED_DEBUG_DATA_NUM 1000 typedef struct { UINT32 tickResporeTime[OS_SCHED_DEBUG_DATA_NUM]; UINT32 index; UINT32 setTickCount; UINT64 oldResporeTime; } SchedTickDebug; STATIC SchedTickDebug *g_schedTickDebug = NULL; STATIC UINT32 OsSchedDebugInit(VOID) { UINT32 size = sizeof(SchedTickDebug) * LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM; g_schedTickDebug = (SchedTickDebug *)LOS_MemAlloc(m_aucSysMem0, size); if (g_schedTickDebug == NULL) { return LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NO_MEMORY; } (VOID)memset_s(g_schedTickDebug, size, 0, size); return LOS_OK; } VOID OsSchedDebugRecordData(VOID) { SchedTickDebug *schedDebug = &g_schedTickDebug[ArchCurrCpuid()]; if (schedDebug->index < OS_SCHED_DEBUG_DATA_NUM) { UINT64 currTime = OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle(); schedDebug->tickResporeTime[schedDebug->index] = currTime - schedDebug->oldResporeTime; schedDebug->oldResporeTime = currTime; schedDebug->index++; } } SchedTickDebug *OsSchedDebugGet(VOID) { return g_schedTickDebug; } UINT32 OsShellShowTickRespo(VOID) { UINT32 intSave; UINT16 cpu; UINT32 tickSize = sizeof(SchedTickDebug) * LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM; SchedTickDebug *schedDebug = (SchedTickDebug *)LOS_MemAlloc(m_aucSysMem1, tickSize); if (schedDebug == NULL) { return LOS_NOK; } UINT32 sortLinkNum[LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM]; SCHEDULER_LOCK(intSave); (VOID)memcpy_s((CHAR *)schedDebug, tickSize, (CHAR *)OsSchedDebugGet(), tickSize); (VOID)memset_s((CHAR *)OsSchedDebugGet(), tickSize, 0, tickSize); for (cpu = 0; cpu < LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM; cpu++) { sortLinkNum[cpu] = OsPercpuGetByID(cpu)->taskSortLink.nodeNum + OsPercpuGetByID(cpu)->swtmrSortLink.nodeNum; } SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); for (cpu = 0; cpu < LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM; cpu++) { SchedTickDebug *schedData = &schedDebug[cpu]; PRINTK("cpu : %u sched data num : %u set time count : %u SortMax : %u\n", cpu, schedData->index, schedData->setTickCount, sortLinkNum[cpu]); UINT32 *data = schedData->tickResporeTime; for (UINT32 i = 0; i < schedData->index; i++) { UINT32 timeUs = (data[i] * OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) / OS_SYS_NS_PER_US; PRINTK(" %u(%u)", timeUs, timeUs / OS_US_PER_TICK); if ((i != 0) && ((i % 5) == 0)) { PRINTK("\n"); } } PRINTK("\n"); } (VOID)LOS_MemFree(m_aucSysMem1, schedDebug); return LOS_OK; } #else UINT32 OsShellShowTickRespo(VOID) { return LOS_NOK; } #endif #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG UINT32 OsShellShowSchedParam(VOID) { UINT64 averRunTime; UINT64 averTimeSlice; UINT64 averSchedWait; UINT64 averPendTime; UINT32 intSave; UINT32 size = g_taskMaxNum * sizeof(LosTaskCB); LosTaskCB *taskCBArray = LOS_MemAlloc(m_aucSysMem1, size); if (taskCBArray == NULL) { return LOS_NOK; } SCHEDULER_LOCK(intSave); (VOID)memcpy_s(taskCBArray, size, g_taskCBArray, size); SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); PRINTK(" Tid AverRunTime(us) SwitchCount AverTimeSlice(us) TimeSliceCount AverReadyWait(us) " "AverPendTime(us) TaskName \n"); for (UINT32 tid = 0; tid < g_taskMaxNum; tid++) { LosTaskCB *taskCB = taskCBArray + tid; if (OsTaskIsUnused(taskCB)) { continue; } averRunTime = 0; averTimeSlice = 0; averPendTime = 0; averSchedWait = 0; if (taskCB->schedStat.switchCount >= 1) { averRunTime = taskCB->schedStat.runTime / taskCB->schedStat.switchCount; averRunTime = (averRunTime * OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) / OS_SYS_NS_PER_US; } if (taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceCount > 1) { averTimeSlice = taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceTime / (taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceCount - 1); averTimeSlice = (averTimeSlice * OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) / OS_SYS_NS_PER_US; } if (taskCB->schedStat.pendCount > 1) { averPendTime = taskCB->schedStat.pendTime / taskCB->schedStat.pendCount; averPendTime = (averPendTime * OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) / OS_SYS_NS_PER_US; } if (taskCB->schedStat.waitSchedCount > 0) { averSchedWait = taskCB->schedStat.waitSchedTime / taskCB->schedStat.waitSchedCount; averSchedWait = (averSchedWait * OS_NS_PER_CYCLE) / OS_SYS_NS_PER_US; } PRINTK("%5u%19llu%15llu%19llu%18llu%19llu%18llu %-32s\n", taskCB->taskID, averRunTime, taskCB->schedStat.switchCount, averTimeSlice, taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceCount - 1, averSchedWait, averPendTime, taskCB->taskName); } (VOID)LOS_MemFree(m_aucSysMem1, taskCBArray); return LOS_OK; } #else UINT32 OsShellShowSchedParam(VOID) { return LOS_NOK; } #endif UINT32 OsSchedSetTickTimerType(UINT32 timerType) { switch (timerType) { case 32: /* 32 bit timer */ g_schedTickMaxResponseTime = OS_32BIT_MAX; break; case 64: /* 64 bit timer */ g_schedTickMaxResponseTime = OS_64BIT_MAX; break; default: PRINT_ERR("Unsupported Tick Timer type, The system only supports 32 and 64 bit tick timers\n"); return LOS_NOK; } return LOS_OK; } STATIC VOID OsSchedSetStartTime(UINT64 currCycle) { if (g_sysSchedStartTime == 0) { g_sysSchedStartTime = currCycle; } } STATIC INLINE VOID OsTimeSliceUpdate(LosTaskCB *taskCB, UINT64 currTime) { LOS_ASSERT(currTime >= taskCB->startTime); INT32 incTime = (currTime - taskCB->startTime - taskCB->irqUsedTime); LOS_ASSERT(incTime >= 0); if (taskCB->policy == LOS_SCHED_RR) { taskCB->timeSlice -= incTime; #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceRealTime += incTime; #endif } taskCB->irqUsedTime = 0; taskCB->startTime = currTime; #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG taskCB->schedStat.allRuntime += incTime; #endif } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedSetNextExpireTime(UINT64 startTime, UINT32 responseID, UINT64 taskEndTime, UINT32 oldResponseID) { UINT64 nextExpireTime = OsGetNextExpireTime(startTime); Percpu *currCpu = OsPercpuGet(); UINT64 nextResponseTime; BOOL isTimeSlice = FALSE; if (currCpu->responseID == oldResponseID) { /* This time has expired, and the next time the theory has expired is infinite */ currCpu->responseTime = OS_SCHED_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME; } /* The current thread's time slice has been consumed, but the current system lock task cannot * trigger the schedule to release the CPU */ if (taskEndTime < nextExpireTime) { nextExpireTime = taskEndTime; isTimeSlice = TRUE; } if ((currCpu->responseTime > nextExpireTime) && ((currCpu->responseTime - nextExpireTime) >= OS_CYCLE_PER_TICK)) { nextResponseTime = nextExpireTime - startTime; if (nextResponseTime < OS_CYCLE_PER_TICK) { nextResponseTime = OS_CYCLE_PER_TICK; nextExpireTime = startTime + nextResponseTime; if (nextExpireTime >= currCpu->responseTime) { return; } } else if (nextResponseTime > g_schedTickMaxResponseTime) { nextResponseTime = g_schedTickMaxResponseTime; nextExpireTime = startTime + nextResponseTime; } } else { /* There is no point earlier than the current expiration date */ return; } if (isTimeSlice) { /* The expiration time of the current system is the thread's slice expiration time */ currCpu->responseID = responseID; } else { currCpu->responseID = OS_INVALID_VALUE; } currCpu->responseTime = nextExpireTime; HalClockTickTimerReload(nextResponseTime); #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_TICK_DEBUG SchedTickDebug *schedDebug = &g_schedTickDebug[ArchCurrCpuid()]; if (schedDebug->index < OS_SCHED_DEBUG_DATA_NUM) { schedDebug->setTickCount++; } #endif } VOID OsSchedUpdateExpireTime(UINT64 startTime) { UINT64 endTime; LosTaskCB *runTask = OsCurrTaskGet(); if (runTask->policy == LOS_SCHED_RR) { LOS_SpinLock(&g_taskSpin); INT32 timeSlice = (runTask->timeSlice <= OS_TIME_SLICE_MIN) ? runTask->initTimeSlice : runTask->timeSlice; LOS_SpinUnlock(&g_taskSpin); endTime = startTime + timeSlice; } else { endTime = OS_SCHED_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME; } OsSchedSetNextExpireTime(startTime, runTask->taskID, endTime, runTask->taskID); } STATIC INLINE UINT32 OsSchedCalculateTimeSlice(UINT16 proPriority, UINT16 priority) { UINT32 ratTime, readTasks; SchedQueue *queueList = &g_sched->queueList[proPriority]; readTasks = queueList->readyTasks[priority]; if (readTasks > OS_SCHED_READY_MAX) { return OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_MIN; } ratTime = ((OS_SCHED_READY_MAX - readTasks) * OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_DIFF) / OS_SCHED_READY_MAX; return (ratTime + OS_SCHED_TIME_SLICES_MIN); } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedPriQueueEnHead(UINT32 proPriority, LOS_DL_LIST *priqueueItem, UINT32 priority) { SchedQueue *queueList = &g_sched->queueList[proPriority]; LOS_DL_LIST *priQueueList = &queueList->priQueueList[0]; UINT32 *bitMap = &queueList->queueBitmap; /* * Task control blocks are inited as zero. And when task is deleted, * and at the same time would be deleted from priority queue or * other lists, task pend node will restored as zero. */ LOS_ASSERT(priqueueItem->pstNext == NULL); if (*bitMap == 0) { g_sched->queueBitmap |= PRIQUEUE_PRIOR0_BIT >> proPriority; } if (LOS_ListEmpty(&priQueueList[priority])) { *bitMap |= PRIQUEUE_PRIOR0_BIT >> priority; } LOS_ListHeadInsert(&priQueueList[priority], priqueueItem); queueList->readyTasks[priority]++; } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedPriQueueEnTail(UINT32 proPriority, LOS_DL_LIST *priqueueItem, UINT32 priority) { SchedQueue *queueList = &g_sched->queueList[proPriority]; LOS_DL_LIST *priQueueList = &queueList->priQueueList[0]; UINT32 *bitMap = &queueList->queueBitmap; /* * Task control blocks are inited as zero. And when task is deleted, * and at the same time would be deleted from priority queue or * other lists, task pend node will restored as zero. */ LOS_ASSERT(priqueueItem->pstNext == NULL); if (*bitMap == 0) { g_sched->queueBitmap |= PRIQUEUE_PRIOR0_BIT >> proPriority; } if (LOS_ListEmpty(&priQueueList[priority])) { *bitMap |= PRIQUEUE_PRIOR0_BIT >> priority; } LOS_ListTailInsert(&priQueueList[priority], priqueueItem); queueList->readyTasks[priority]++; } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedPriQueueDelete(UINT32 proPriority, LOS_DL_LIST *priqueueItem, UINT32 priority) { SchedQueue *queueList = &g_sched->queueList[proPriority]; LOS_DL_LIST *priQueueList = &queueList->priQueueList[0]; UINT32 *bitMap = &queueList->queueBitmap; LOS_ListDelete(priqueueItem); queueList->readyTasks[priority]--; if (LOS_ListEmpty(&priQueueList[priority])) { *bitMap &= ~(PRIQUEUE_PRIOR0_BIT >> priority); } if (*bitMap == 0) { g_sched->queueBitmap &= ~(PRIQUEUE_PRIOR0_BIT >> proPriority); } } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedWakePendTimeTask(UINT64 currTime, LosTaskCB *taskCB, BOOL *needSchedule) { #ifndef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG (VOID)currTime; #endif LOS_SpinLock(&g_taskSpin); UINT16 tempStatus = taskCB->taskStatus; if (tempStatus & (OS_TASK_STATUS_PENDING | OS_TASK_STATUS_DELAY)) { taskCB->taskStatus &= ~(OS_TASK_STATUS_PENDING | OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_TIME | OS_TASK_STATUS_DELAY); if (tempStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_PENDING) { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_LITEIPC == YES) taskCB->ipcStatus &= ~IPC_THREAD_STATUS_PEND; #endif taskCB->taskStatus |= OS_TASK_STATUS_TIMEOUT; LOS_ListDelete(&taskCB->pendList); taskCB->taskMux = NULL; OsTaskWakeClearPendMask(taskCB); } if (!(tempStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_SUSPENDED)) { #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG taskCB->schedStat.pendTime += currTime - taskCB->startTime; taskCB->schedStat.pendCount++; #endif OsSchedTaskEnQueue(taskCB); *needSchedule = TRUE; } } LOS_SpinUnlock(&g_taskSpin); } STATIC INLINE BOOL OsSchedScanTimerList(VOID) { Percpu *cpu = OsPercpuGet(); BOOL needSchedule = FALSE; SortLinkAttribute *taskSortLink = &OsPercpuGet()->taskSortLink; LOS_DL_LIST *listObject = &taskSortLink->sortLink; /* * When task is pended with timeout, the task block is on the timeout sortlink * (per cpu) and ipc(mutex,sem and etc.)'s block at the same time, it can be waken * up by either timeout or corresponding ipc it's waiting. * * Now synchronize sortlink preocedure is used, therefore the whole task scan needs * to be protected, preventing another core from doing sortlink deletion at same time. */ LOS_SpinLock(&cpu->taskSortLinkSpin); if (LOS_ListEmpty(listObject)) { LOS_SpinUnlock(&cpu->taskSortLinkSpin); return needSchedule; } SortLinkList *sortList = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(listObject->pstNext, SortLinkList, sortLinkNode); UINT64 currTime = OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle(); while (sortList->responseTime <= currTime) { LosTaskCB *taskCB = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(sortList, LosTaskCB, sortList); OsDeleteNodeSortLink(taskSortLink, &taskCB->sortList); LOS_SpinUnlock(&cpu->taskSortLinkSpin); OsSchedWakePendTimeTask(currTime, taskCB, &needSchedule); LOS_SpinLock(&cpu->taskSortLinkSpin); if (LOS_ListEmpty(listObject)) { break; } sortList = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(listObject->pstNext, SortLinkList, sortLinkNode); } LOS_SpinUnlock(&cpu->taskSortLinkSpin); return needSchedule; } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedEnTaskQueue(LosTaskCB *taskCB, LosProcessCB *processCB) { LOS_ASSERT(!(taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_READY)); switch (taskCB->policy) { case LOS_SCHED_RR: { if (taskCB->timeSlice > OS_TIME_SLICE_MIN) { OsSchedPriQueueEnHead(processCB->priority, &taskCB->pendList, taskCB->priority); } else { taskCB->initTimeSlice = OsSchedCalculateTimeSlice(processCB->priority, taskCB->priority); taskCB->timeSlice = taskCB->initTimeSlice; OsSchedPriQueueEnTail(processCB->priority, &taskCB->pendList, taskCB->priority); #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceTime = taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceRealTime; taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceCount++; #endif } break; } case LOS_SCHED_FIFO: { /* The time slice of FIFO is always greater than 0 unless the yield is called */ if ((taskCB->timeSlice > OS_TIME_SLICE_MIN) && (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING)) { OsSchedPriQueueEnHead(processCB->priority, &taskCB->pendList, taskCB->priority); } else { taskCB->initTimeSlice = OS_SCHED_FIFO_TIMEOUT; taskCB->timeSlice = taskCB->initTimeSlice; OsSchedPriQueueEnTail(processCB->priority, &taskCB->pendList, taskCB->priority); } break; } case LOS_SCHED_IDLE: #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG taskCB->schedStat.timeSliceCount = 1; #endif break; default: LOS_ASSERT(0); break; } taskCB->taskStatus &= ~OS_TASK_STATUS_BLOCKED; taskCB->taskStatus |= OS_TASK_STATUS_READY; processCB->processStatus &= ~(OS_PROCESS_STATUS_INIT | OS_PROCESS_STATUS_PENDING); processCB->processStatus |= OS_PROCESS_STATUS_READY; processCB->readyTaskNum++; } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedDeTaskQueue(LosTaskCB *taskCB, LosProcessCB *processCB) { if (taskCB->policy != LOS_SCHED_IDLE) { OsSchedPriQueueDelete(processCB->priority, &taskCB->pendList, taskCB->priority); } taskCB->taskStatus &= ~OS_TASK_STATUS_READY; processCB->readyTaskNum--; if (processCB->readyTaskNum == 0) { processCB->processStatus &= ~OS_PROCESS_STATUS_READY; } } VOID OsSchedTaskDeQueue(LosTaskCB *taskCB) { LosProcessCB *processCB = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(taskCB->processID); if (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_READY) { OsSchedDeTaskQueue(taskCB, processCB); } if (processCB->processStatus & OS_PROCESS_STATUS_READY) { return; } /* If the current process has only the current thread running, * the process becomes blocked after the thread leaves the scheduling queue */ if (OS_PROCESS_GET_RUNTASK_COUNT(processCB->processStatus) == 1) { processCB->processStatus |= OS_PROCESS_STATUS_PENDING; } } VOID OsSchedTaskEnQueue(LosTaskCB *taskCB) { LosProcessCB *processCB = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(taskCB->processID); #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG if (!(taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING)) { taskCB->startTime = OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle(); } #endif OsSchedEnTaskQueue(taskCB, processCB); } VOID OsSchedTaskExit(LosTaskCB *taskCB) { LosProcessCB *processCB = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(taskCB->processID); if (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_READY) { OsSchedTaskDeQueue(taskCB); processCB->processStatus &= ~OS_PROCESS_STATUS_PENDING; } else if (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_PENDING) { LOS_ListDelete(&taskCB->pendList); taskCB->taskStatus &= ~OS_TASK_STATUS_PENDING; } if (taskCB->taskStatus & (OS_TASK_STATUS_DELAY | OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_TIME)) { OsDeleteSortLink(&taskCB->sortList, OS_SORT_LINK_TASK); taskCB->taskStatus &= ~(OS_TASK_STATUS_DELAY | OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_TIME); } } VOID OsSchedYield(VOID) { LosTaskCB *runTask = OsCurrTaskGet(); runTask->timeSlice = 0; runTask->startTime = OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle(); OsSchedTaskEnQueue(runTask); OsSchedResched(); } VOID OsSchedDelay(LosTaskCB *runTask, UINT32 tick) { OsSchedTaskDeQueue(runTask); runTask->taskStatus |= OS_TASK_STATUS_DELAY; runTask->waitTimes = tick; OsSchedResched(); } UINT32 OsSchedTaskWait(LOS_DL_LIST *list, UINT32 ticks, BOOL needSched) { LosTaskCB *runTask = OsCurrTaskGet(); OsSchedTaskDeQueue(runTask); runTask->taskStatus |= OS_TASK_STATUS_PENDING; LOS_ListTailInsert(list, &runTask->pendList); if (ticks != LOS_WAIT_FOREVER) { runTask->taskStatus |= OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_TIME; runTask->waitTimes = ticks; } if (needSched == TRUE) { OsSchedResched(); if (runTask->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_TIMEOUT) { runTask->taskStatus &= ~OS_TASK_STATUS_TIMEOUT; return LOS_ERRNO_TSK_TIMEOUT; } } return LOS_OK; } VOID OsSchedTaskWake(LosTaskCB *resumedTask) { LOS_ListDelete(&resumedTask->pendList); resumedTask->taskStatus &= ~OS_TASK_STATUS_PENDING; if (resumedTask->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_TIME) { OsDeleteSortLink(&resumedTask->sortList, OS_SORT_LINK_TASK); resumedTask->taskStatus &= ~OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_TIME; } if (!(resumedTask->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_SUSPENDED)) { #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG resumedTask->schedStat.pendTime += OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle() - resumedTask->startTime; resumedTask->schedStat.pendCount++; #endif OsSchedTaskEnQueue(resumedTask); } } BOOL OsSchedModifyTaskSchedParam(LosTaskCB *taskCB, UINT16 policy, UINT16 priority) { if (taskCB->policy != policy) { taskCB->policy = policy; taskCB->timeSlice = 0; } if (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_READY) { OsSchedTaskDeQueue(taskCB); taskCB->priority = priority; OsSchedTaskEnQueue(taskCB); return TRUE; } taskCB->priority = priority; if (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_INIT) { OsSchedTaskEnQueue(taskCB); return TRUE; } if (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL OsSchedModifyProcessSchedParam(LosProcessCB *processCB, UINT16 policy, UINT16 priority) { LosTaskCB *taskCB = NULL; BOOL needSched = FALSE; (VOID)policy; if (processCB->processStatus & OS_PROCESS_STATUS_READY) { LOS_DL_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(taskCB, &processCB->threadSiblingList, LosTaskCB, threadList) { if (taskCB->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_READY) { OsSchedPriQueueDelete(processCB->priority, &taskCB->pendList, taskCB->priority); OsSchedPriQueueEnTail(priority, &taskCB->pendList, taskCB->priority); needSched = TRUE; } } } processCB->priority = priority; if (processCB->processStatus & OS_PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING) { needSched = TRUE; } return needSched; } VOID OsSchedTick(VOID) { Sched *sched = g_sched; Percpu *currCpu = OsPercpuGet(); BOOL needSched = FALSE; if (currCpu->responseID == OS_INVALID_VALUE) { if (sched->swtmrScan != NULL) { (VOID)sched->swtmrScan(); } needSched = sched->taskScan(); currCpu->responseTime = OS_SCHED_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME; if (needSched) { LOS_MpSchedule(OS_MP_CPU_ALL); currCpu->schedFlag = INT_PEND_RESCH; } } } VOID OsSchedSetIdleTaskSchedParam(LosTaskCB *idleTask) { idleTask->policy = LOS_SCHED_IDLE; idleTask->initTimeSlice = OS_SCHED_FIFO_TIMEOUT; idleTask->timeSlice = idleTask->initTimeSlice; OsSchedTaskEnQueue(idleTask); } UINT32 OsSchedSwtmrScanRegister(SchedScan func) { if (func == NULL) { return LOS_NOK; } g_sched->swtmrScan = func; return LOS_OK; } UINT32 OsSchedInit(VOID) { UINT16 index, pri; UINT32 ret; g_sched = (Sched *)LOS_MemAlloc(m_aucSysMem0, sizeof(Sched)); if (g_sched == NULL) { return LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NO_MEMORY; } (VOID)memset_s(g_sched, sizeof(Sched), 0, sizeof(Sched)); for (index = 0; index < OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM; index++) { SchedQueue *queueList = &g_sched->queueList[index]; LOS_DL_LIST *priList = &queueList->priQueueList[0]; for (pri = 0; pri < OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM; pri++) { LOS_ListInit(&priList[pri]); } } for (index = 0; index < LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM; index++) { Percpu *cpu = OsPercpuGetByID(index); ret = OsSortLinkInit(&cpu->taskSortLink); if (ret != LOS_OK) { return LOS_ERRNO_TSK_NO_MEMORY; } cpu->responseTime = OS_SCHED_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME; LOS_SpinInit(&cpu->taskSortLinkSpin); LOS_SpinInit(&cpu->swtmrSortLinkSpin); } g_sched->taskScan = OsSchedScanTimerList; #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_TICK_DEBUG ret = OsSchedDebugInit(); if (ret != LOS_OK) { return ret; } #endif return LOS_OK; } STATIC LosTaskCB *OsGetTopTask(VOID) { UINT32 priority, processPriority; UINT32 bitmap; LosTaskCB *newTask = NULL; UINT32 processBitmap = g_sched->queueBitmap; #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_SMP == YES) UINT32 cpuid = ArchCurrCpuid(); #endif while (processBitmap) { processPriority = CLZ(processBitmap); SchedQueue *queueList = &g_sched->queueList[processPriority]; bitmap = queueList->queueBitmap; while (bitmap) { priority = CLZ(bitmap); LOS_DL_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(newTask, &queueList->priQueueList[priority], LosTaskCB, pendList) { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_SMP == YES) if (newTask->cpuAffiMask & (1U << cpuid)) { #endif goto FIND_TASK; #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_SMP == YES) } #endif } bitmap &= ~(1U << (OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM - priority - 1)); } processBitmap &= ~(1U << (OS_PRIORITY_QUEUE_NUM - processPriority - 1)); } newTask = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(OsPercpuGet()->idleTaskID); FIND_TASK: OsSchedDeTaskQueue(newTask, OS_PCB_FROM_PID(newTask->processID)); return newTask; } VOID OsSchedStart(VOID) { UINT32 cpuid = ArchCurrCpuid(); UINT32 intSave; SCHEDULER_LOCK(intSave); OsTickStart(); LosTaskCB *newTask = OsGetTopTask(); LosProcessCB *newProcess = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(newTask->processID); newTask->taskStatus |= OS_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING; newProcess->processStatus |= OS_PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING; newProcess->processStatus = OS_PROCESS_RUNTASK_COUNT_ADD(newProcess->processStatus); OsSchedSetStartTime(HalClockGetCycles()); newTask->startTime = OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle(); #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_SMP == YES) /* * attention: current cpu needs to be set, in case first task deletion * may fail because this flag mismatch with the real current cpu. */ newTask->currCpu = cpuid; #endif OsCurrTaskSet((VOID *)newTask); /* System start schedule */ OS_SCHEDULER_SET(cpuid); OsPercpuGet()->responseID = OS_INVALID; OsSchedSetNextExpireTime(newTask->startTime, newTask->taskID, newTask->startTime + newTask->timeSlice, OS_INVALID); PRINTK("cpu %d entering scheduler\n", cpuid); OsTaskContextLoad(newTask); } #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_SMP == YES) VOID OsSchedToUserReleaseLock(VOID) { /* The scheduling lock needs to be released before returning to user mode */ LOCKDEP_CHECK_OUT(&g_taskSpin); ArchSpinUnlock(&g_taskSpin.rawLock); OsPercpuGet()->taskLockCnt--; } #endif #if (LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_MONITOR == YES) STATIC VOID OsTaskStackCheck(LosTaskCB *runTask, LosTaskCB *newTask) { if (!OS_STACK_MAGIC_CHECK(runTask->topOfStack)) { LOS_Panic("CURRENT task ID: %s:%d stack overflow!\n", runTask->taskName, runTask->taskID); } if (((UINTPTR)(newTask->stackPointer) <= newTask->topOfStack) || ((UINTPTR)(newTask->stackPointer) > (newTask->topOfStack + newTask->stackSize))) { LOS_Panic("HIGHEST task ID: %s:%u SP error! StackPointer: %p TopOfStack: %p\n", newTask->taskName, newTask->taskID, newTask->stackPointer, newTask->topOfStack); } } #endif STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedSwitchCheck(LosTaskCB *runTask, LosTaskCB *newTask) { #if (LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_MONITOR == YES) OsTaskStackCheck(runTask, newTask); #endif /* LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_MONITOR == YES */ OsTraceTaskSchedule(newTask, runTask); } STATIC INLINE VOID OsSchedSwitchProcess(LosProcessCB *runProcess, LosProcessCB *newProcess) { runProcess->processStatus = OS_PROCESS_RUNTASK_COUNT_DEC(runProcess->processStatus); newProcess->processStatus = OS_PROCESS_RUNTASK_COUNT_ADD(newProcess->processStatus); LOS_ASSERT(!(OS_PROCESS_GET_RUNTASK_COUNT(newProcess->processStatus) > LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM)); if (OS_PROCESS_GET_RUNTASK_COUNT(runProcess->processStatus) == 0) { runProcess->processStatus &= ~OS_PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING; } LOS_ASSERT(!(newProcess->processStatus & OS_PROCESS_STATUS_PENDING)); newProcess->processStatus |= OS_PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING; #ifdef LOSCFG_KERNEL_VM if (OsProcessIsUserMode(newProcess)) { LOS_ArchMmuContextSwitch(&newProcess->vmSpace->archMmu); } #endif OsCurrProcessSet(newProcess); } STATIC VOID OsSchedTaskSwicth(LosTaskCB *runTask, LosTaskCB *newTask) { UINT64 endTime; OsSchedSwitchCheck(runTask, newTask); runTask->taskStatus &= ~OS_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING; newTask->taskStatus |= OS_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING; #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_SMP == YES) /* mask new running task's owner processor */ runTask->currCpu = OS_TASK_INVALID_CPUID; newTask->currCpu = ArchCurrCpuid(); #endif OsCurrTaskSet((VOID *)newTask); LosProcessCB *newProcess = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(newTask->processID); LosProcessCB *runProcess = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(runTask->processID); if (runProcess != newProcess) { OsSchedSwitchProcess(runProcess, newProcess); } if (OsProcessIsUserMode(newProcess)) { OsCurrUserTaskSet(newTask->userArea); } #ifdef LOSCFG_KERNEL_CPUP OsCpupCycleEndStart(runTask->taskID, newTask->taskID); #endif #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG UINT64 waitStartTime = newTask->startTime; #endif if (runTask->taskStatus & OS_TASK_STATUS_READY) { /* When a thread enters the ready queue, its slice of time is updated */ newTask->startTime = runTask->startTime; } else { /* The currently running task is blocked */ newTask->startTime = OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle(); /* The task is in a blocking state and needs to update its time slice before pend */ OsTimeSliceUpdate(runTask, newTask->startTime); if (runTask->taskStatus & (OS_TASK_STATUS_PEND_TIME | OS_TASK_STATUS_DELAY)) { OsAdd2SortLink(&runTask->sortList, runTask->startTime, runTask->waitTimes, OS_SORT_LINK_TASK); } } if (newTask->policy == LOS_SCHED_RR) { endTime = newTask->startTime + newTask->timeSlice; } else { endTime = OS_SCHED_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME; } OsSchedSetNextExpireTime(newTask->startTime, newTask->taskID, endTime, runTask->taskID); #ifdef LOSCFG_SCHED_DEBUG newTask->schedStat.waitSchedTime += newTask->startTime - waitStartTime; newTask->schedStat.waitSchedCount++; runTask->schedStat.runTime = runTask->schedStat.allRuntime; runTask->schedStat.switchCount++; #endif /* do the task context switch */ OsTaskSchedule(newTask, runTask); } VOID OsSchedIrqEndCheckNeedSched(VOID) { Percpu *percpu = OsPercpuGet(); LosTaskCB *runTask = OsCurrTaskGet(); OsTimeSliceUpdate(runTask, OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle()); if (runTask->timeSlice <= OS_TIME_SLICE_MIN) { percpu->schedFlag = INT_PEND_RESCH; } if (OsPreemptable() && (percpu->schedFlag == INT_PEND_RESCH)) { percpu->schedFlag = INT_NO_RESCH; LOS_SpinLock(&g_taskSpin); OsSchedTaskEnQueue(runTask); LosTaskCB *newTask = OsGetTopTask(); if (runTask != newTask) { OsSchedTaskSwicth(runTask, newTask); LOS_SpinUnlock(&g_taskSpin); return; } LOS_SpinUnlock(&g_taskSpin); } OsSchedUpdateExpireTime(runTask->startTime); } VOID OsSchedResched(VOID) { LOS_ASSERT(LOS_SpinHeld(&g_taskSpin)); #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_SMP == YES) LOS_ASSERT(OsPercpuGet()->taskLockCnt == 1); #else LOS_ASSERT(OsPercpuGet()->taskLockCnt == 0); #endif OsPercpuGet()->schedFlag = INT_NO_RESCH; LosTaskCB *runTask = OsCurrTaskGet(); LosTaskCB *newTask = OsGetTopTask(); if (runTask == newTask) { return; } OsSchedTaskSwicth(runTask, newTask); } VOID LOS_Schedule(VOID) { UINT32 intSave; LosTaskCB *runTask = OsCurrTaskGet(); if (OS_INT_ACTIVE) { OsPercpuGet()->schedFlag = INT_PEND_RESCH; return; } if (!OsPreemptable()) { return; } /* * trigger schedule in task will also do the slice check * if neccessary, it will give up the timeslice more in time. * otherwhise, there's no other side effects. */ SCHEDULER_LOCK(intSave); OsTimeSliceUpdate(runTask, OsGerCurrSchedTimeCycle()); /* add run task back to ready queue */ OsSchedTaskEnQueue(runTask); /* reschedule to new thread */ OsSchedResched(); SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); } STATIC INLINE LOS_DL_LIST *OsSchedLockPendFindPosSub(const LosTaskCB *runTask, const LOS_DL_LIST *lockList) { LosTaskCB *pendedTask = NULL; LOS_DL_LIST *node = NULL; LOS_DL_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(pendedTask, lockList, LosTaskCB, pendList) { if (pendedTask->priority < runTask->priority) { continue; } else if (pendedTask->priority > runTask->priority) { node = &pendedTask->pendList; break; } else { node = pendedTask->pendList.pstNext; break; } } return node; } LOS_DL_LIST *OsSchedLockPendFindPos(const LosTaskCB *runTask, LOS_DL_LIST *lockList) { LOS_DL_LIST *node = NULL; if (LOS_ListEmpty(lockList)) { node = lockList; } else { LosTaskCB *pendedTask1 = OS_TCB_FROM_PENDLIST(LOS_DL_LIST_FIRST(lockList)); LosTaskCB *pendedTask2 = OS_TCB_FROM_PENDLIST(LOS_DL_LIST_LAST(lockList)); if (pendedTask1->priority > runTask->priority) { node = lockList->pstNext; } else if (pendedTask2->priority <= runTask->priority) { node = lockList; } else { node = OsSchedLockPendFindPosSub(runTask, lockList); } } return node; }