/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "virpart.h" #include "errno.h" #include "fatfs.h" #include "errcode_fat.h" #include "disk.h" #include "fs/mount.h" #ifdef LOSCFG_FS_FAT_CACHE #include "bcache.h" #endif #include "virpartff.h" #ifdef LOSCFG_FS_FAT_VIRTUAL_PARTITION char g_devPartName[DISK_NAME + 1] = {0}; static INT FatFsCheckPercent(virpartinfo *virtualinfo) { double virtPercent = 0.0; INT partCount; for (partCount = 0; partCount < virtualinfo->virpartnum; partCount++) { if (virtualinfo->virpartpercent[partCount] <= _FLOAT_ACC || virtualinfo->virpartpercent[partCount] >= (1 - _FLOAT_ACC)) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMPERCENTERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } virtPercent += virtualinfo->virpartpercent[partCount]; } if (virtPercent >= (1 + _FLOAT_ACC)) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMPERCENTERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } return 0; } static INT FatFsCheckName(virpartinfo *virtualinfo) { INT partCount, loopCount, len; FRESULT res; for (partCount = 0; partCount < virtualinfo->virpartnum; partCount++) { len = ff_strnlen(virtualinfo->virpartname[partCount], _MAX_ENTRYLENGTH + 1); if (len <= 0 || len > _MAX_ENTRYLENGTH) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMNAMEERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } res = f_checkname(virtualinfo->virpartname[partCount]); if (res != FR_OK) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMNAMEERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } } for (partCount = 0; partCount < virtualinfo->virpartnum; partCount++) { for (loopCount = partCount + 1; loopCount < virtualinfo->virpartnum; loopCount++) { if ((memcmp(virtualinfo->virpartname[partCount], virtualinfo->virpartname[loopCount], _MAX_ENTRYLENGTH)) == 0) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMNAMEERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } } } return 0; } INT los_set_virpartparam(virpartinfo virtualinfo) { INT ret; UINT minSize; UINT dstNameSize; char devHead[DISK_NAME + 1] = "/dev/"; g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.devpartpath = g_devPartName; if (g_fatVirPart.isparamset == TRUE) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMLOCKED); return -1; } g_fatVirPart.isparamset = TRUE; if (virtualinfo.virpartnum < 1 || virtualinfo.virpartnum > _MAX_VIRVOLUMES) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMNUMERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } ret = FatFsCheckPercent(&virtualinfo); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } ret = FatFsCheckName(&virtualinfo); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } if (strlen(virtualinfo.devpartpath) <= strlen(devHead)) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMDEVERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } if (memcmp(virtualinfo.devpartpath, devHead, strlen(devHead)) != 0) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMDEVERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } dstNameSize = sizeof(g_devPartName); minSize = dstNameSize < strlen(virtualinfo.devpartpath) ? dstNameSize : strlen(virtualinfo.devpartpath); ret = strncpy_s(g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.devpartpath, dstNameSize, virtualinfo.devpartpath, minSize); if (ret != EOK) { set_errno(VIRERR_PARMNAMEERR); g_fatVirPart.isparamset = FALSE; return -1; } g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.devpartpath[dstNameSize - 1] = '\0'; (void)memcpy_s(g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.virpartname, sizeof(g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.virpartname), virtualinfo.virpartname, sizeof(virtualinfo.virpartname)); (void)memcpy_s(g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.virpartpercent, sizeof(g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.virpartpercent), virtualinfo.virpartpercent, sizeof(virtualinfo.virpartpercent)); g_fatVirPart.virtualinfo.virpartnum = virtualinfo.virpartnum; return 0; } static INT FatfsDisablePart(void *handle) { FATFS *fs = (FATFS *)handle; return fatfs_2_vfs(f_disvirfs(fs)); } /* * FatfsScanFat: * Scan the FAT inside the boundary of CHILD FATFS limit, and update the free cluster and last cluster * for all CHILD FATFS. * Acceptable Return Value: * - FR_OK : Successfully scaned the FAT and update field. * Others Return Value: * - FR_INVAILD_FATFS : The FATFS object has error or the info in it has been occuried * - FR_DENIED : The virtual partition feature has been shut down by switcher * - FR_DISK_ERR : A disk error happened */ static INT FatfsScanFat(void *handle) { FATFS *fat = (FATFS *)handle; UINT i; INT ret = FR_OK; for (i = 0; i < fat->vir_amount; i++) { /* Assert error will not abort the scanning process */ ret = f_scanfat(CHILDFS(fat, i)); if (ret != FR_OK) { break; } } return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } /* * FatfsScanClear: * Scan the root directory clean completely, regardless of the virtual partition entry. * Acceptable Return Value: * - FR_OK : The root directory is completely clean. * - FR_NOTCLEAR : The root dircotory is not clean. * Others Return Value: * Followed the by the lower API. */ static FRESULT FatfsScanClear(INT vol) { FRESULT ret; DIR dir; FILINFO fno; CHAR path[MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH]; INT num; INT res; /* num : for the amount of all item in root directory */ num = 0; (void)memset_s(path, sizeof(path), 0, sizeof(path)); res = snprintf_s(path, MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH, MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH - 1, "%d:/", vol); if (res < 0) { return FR_INVALID_NAME; } ret = f_opendir(&dir, path); if (ret != FR_OK) { return ret; } /* Scan all entry for searching virtual partition directory and others in root directory */ while (1) { (void)memset_s(&fno, sizeof(FILINFO), 0, sizeof(FILINFO)); ret = f_readdir(&dir, &fno); /* Reach the end of directory, or the root direcotry is empty, abort the scanning operation */ if (fno.fname[0] == 0x00 || fno.fname[0] == (TCHAR)0xFF) { break; } if (ret != FR_OK) { (void)f_closedir(&dir); return ret; } num++; } /* Close the directory */ ret = f_closedir(&dir); if ((ret == FR_OK) && (num != 0)) { return FR_NOTCLEAR; } return ret; } /* * FatfsBuildEntry: * Scan virtual partition entry in root directory, and try to rebuild the * error virtual partition, according to the scanning result. * Acceptable Return Value: * - FR_OK : The root directory is completely clean. * - FR_OCCUPIED : The virtual partition entry has been occupied by the same name file. * - FR_CHAIN_ERR : The virtual partition entry has been rebuilt along the invalid cluster * chain. * Others Return Value: * Followed the by the lower API */ static FRESULT FatfsBuildEntry(FATFS *fat, INT vol) { UINT i; CHAR path[MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH]; FRESULT ret; DIR dir; INT res; for (i = 0; i < fat->vir_amount; i++) { res = snprintf_s(path, MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH, MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH - 1, "%d:%s", vol, CHILDFS(fat, i)->namelabel); if (res < 0) { return FR_INVALID_NAME; } ret = f_mkdir(path); if (ret == FR_EXIST) { (void)memset_s(&dir, sizeof(dir), 0, sizeof(dir)); ret = f_opendir(&dir, path); if (ret == FR_NO_DIR) { return FR_OCCUPIED; } if (ret == FR_OK) { ret = f_boundary(CHILDFS(fat, i), dir.obj.sclust); if (ret != FR_OK) { (void)f_closedir(&dir); return ret; } } else { return ret; } ret = f_closedir(&dir); if (ret != FR_OK) { return ret; } } else if (ret != FR_OK) { return ret; } } return FR_OK; } /* * FatFsUnbindVirPart: * Uninitialized the CHILD FATFS object * * Acceptable Return Value: * - ENOERR : Successfully initialized the CHILD FATFS object. */ INT FatFsUnbindVirPart(void *handle) { INT ret; FATFS *fat = (FATFS *)handle; ret = f_unregvirfs(fat); return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } /* * FatFsBindVirPart: * Bind the virtual partition * * Acceptable Return Value: * - FR_OK : Finished the virtual partition. * The virtual partition result can refer by API */ INT FatFsBindVirPart(void *handle, BYTE vol) { INT ret; FATFS *fat = (FATFS *)handle; char path[MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH] = {0}; if (fat == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } ret = snprintf_s(path, sizeof(path), sizeof(path) - 1, "%u:/", vol); if (ret < 0) { return -EINVAL; } /* Detect the information in the reserve sector and try to set virtual partition by sector info */ ret = f_checkvirpart(fat, path, vol); if (ret == FR_NOVIRPART) { /* Failed to use the External SD setting, try to use the current setting to external SD and rebuild entries */ /* Check the enviorment whether it is fit for virtual parition */ ret = FatfsScanClear(vol); if (ret != FR_OK) { /* A error happened in the file operation */ (void)FatfsDisablePart(fat); return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } /* Ready to fit the SD card to virtual partition featrue */ ret = f_makevirpart(fat, path, vol); if (ret != FR_OK) { (void)FatfsDisablePart(fat); return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } } else if (ret != FR_OK) { return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } /* Try to build the virtual entry */ ret = FatfsBuildEntry(fat, vol); if (ret != FR_OK) { (void)FatfsDisablePart(fat); return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } #ifdef LOSCFG_FS_FAT_CACHE los_part *part = NULL; if (ret == FR_OK) { part = get_part((int)fat->pdrv); if (part != NULL) { ret = OsSdSync(part->disk_id); if (ret < 0) { ret = -EIO; } } else { return -ENODEV; } } #endif if (ret == FR_OK) { ret = FatfsScanFat(fat); if (ret != FR_OK) { (void)FatfsDisablePart(fat); return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } } return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } /* * FatFsMakeVirPart: * Bind the virtual partition * * Acceptable Return Value: * - FR_OK : Finished the virtual partition. * The virtual partition result can refer by API */ INT FatFsMakeVirPart(void *handle, BYTE vol) { INT ret; FATFS *fat = (FATFS *)handle; char path[MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH] = {0}; if (fat == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } ret = snprintf_s(path, sizeof(path), sizeof(path) - 1, "%u:/", vol); if (ret < 0) { return -EINVAL; } /* Ready to fit the SD card to virtual partition featrue */ ret = f_makevirpart(fat, path, vol); if (ret != FR_OK) { (void)FatfsDisablePart(fat); return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } /* Try to build the virtual entry */ ret = FatfsBuildEntry(fat, vol); if (ret != FR_OK) { (void)FatfsDisablePart(fat); return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } return fatfs_2_vfs(ret); } INT fatfs_virstatfs_internel(struct Vnode *mountpt, const char *relpath, struct statfs *buf) { char drive[MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH]; DWORD freClust, allClust; FATFS *fat = NULL; INT result, vol; fat = (FATFS *)(mountpt->originMount->data); if (fat == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (fat->vir_flag != FS_PARENT) { return -EINVAL; } vol = fatfs_get_vol(fat); if (vol < 0 || vol > FF_VOLUMES) { return -ENOENT; } if (strlen(relpath) > MAX_LFNAME_LENGTH) { return -EFAULT; } result = snprintf_s(drive, sizeof(drive), sizeof(drive) - 1, "%d:%s", vol, relpath); if (result < 0) { return -EINVAL; } result = f_getvirfree(drive, &freClust, &allClust); if (result != FR_OK) { result = fatfs_2_vfs(result); goto EXIT; } (void)memset_s((void *)buf, sizeof(struct statfs), 0, sizeof(struct statfs)); buf->f_type = MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC; buf->f_bfree = freClust; buf->f_bavail = freClust; buf->f_blocks = allClust; #if FF_MAX_SS != FF_MIN_SS buf->f_bsize = fat->ssize * fat->csize; #else buf->f_bsize = FF_MIN_SS * fat->csize; #endif #if FF_USE_LFN buf->f_namelen = FF_MAX_LFN; /* Maximum length of filenames */ #else /* * Maximum length of filenames,'8' is the effective length, '1' is the terminator, * and '3' is the special length */ buf->f_namelen = (8 + 1 + 3); #endif EXIT: return result; } #endif