# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of # conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials # provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used # to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ####Kernel command#### #task_shellcmd.c -utask_shellcmd #cpup_shellcmd.c -ucpup_shellcmd #shell_shellcmd.c -uhelp_shellcmd #mempt_shellcmd.c -ufree_shellcmd -umemcheck_shellcmd -uuname_shellcmd -uwritereg_shellcmd #sem_shellcmd.c -usem_shellcmd #sysinfo_shellcmd.c -usysteminfo_shellcmd #swtmr_shellcmd.c -uswtmr_shellcmd #hwi_shell.c -uhwi_shellcmd #dynload_shellcmd.c -uldinit_shellcmd -ucall_shellcmd -ufindsym_shellcmd -ulddrop_shellcmd -umclose_shellcmd -umopen_shellcmd LITEOS_TABLES_KERNEL_LDFLAGS := \ -utask_shellcmd \ -uvm_shellcmd \ -ucpup_shellcmd \ -uhelp_shellcmd \ -ufree_shellcmd \ -usem_shellcmd \ -umutex_shellcmd \ -uqueue_shellcmd \ -usysteminfo_shellcmd \ -uswtmr_shellcmd \ -uhwi_shellcmd \ -ufindsym_shellcmd \ -uzbar_scan_shellcmd \ -udmesg_shellcmd \ -udate_shellcmd \ -ureadExcInfo_shellcmd \ -uwatch_shellcmd \ -udeadlock_shellcmd \ -ukill_shellcmd \ -upmm_shellcmd \ -upanic_reset_shellcmd \ -ushm_shellcmd ####Net command#### #api_shell.c -uarp_shellcmd -uifconfig_shellcmd -uping_shellcmd -utftp_shellcmd -unetstat_shellcmd -udns_shellcmd -untpdate_shellcmd #telnet_loop.c -utelnet_shellcmd LITEOS_TABLES_NET_LDFLAGS := \ -uarp_shellcmd \ -utelnet_shellcmd \ -uping_shellcmd \ -unetstat_shellcmd \ -uifconfig_shellcmd ####FS command#### #vfs_shellcmd.c -ucd_shellcmd -ucat_shellcmd -uls_shellcmd -upwd_shellcmd -urm_shellcmd -urmdir_shellcmd -umkdir_shellcmd -utouch_shellcmd -uumount_shellcmd -umount_shellcmd -usync_shellcmd -ustatfs_shellcmd -ucp_shellcmd #fat_shellcmd.c -uformat_shellcmd #mtd_shellcmd.c -upartition_shellcmd #proc_shellcmd.c -uwriteproc_shellcmd #disk_shellcmd.c -upartinfo_shellcmd LITEOS_TABLES_FS_LDFLAGS := \ -ucd_shellcmd \ -uformat_shellcmd \ -upartition_shellcmd \ -uwriteproc_shellcmd \ -upartinfo_shellcmd \ -uumount_shellcmd -umount_shellcmd \ -uvirstatfs_shellcmd \ -ulsfd_shellcmd \ -usu_shellcmd \ -uchmod_shellcmd \ -uchown_shellcmd \ -uchgrp_shellcmd ####Tools command#### #iperf_shell.c -uiperf_shellcmd LITEOS_TABLES_TOOLS_LDFLAGS := \ -uiperf_shellcmd \ -ulwip_dump_shellcmd ####Extend command#### #reset_shell.c -ureset_shellcmd #bcm_wifi.c -ustartap_shellcmd -ustopap_shellcmd -ubcmwifi_shellcmd #ddrs_shell.c -uhiddrs_shellcmd #nand_shell.c -unand_bad_shellcmd #i2c_shell.c -ui2c_read_shellcmd -ui2c_write_shellcmd #spi_shell.c -ussp_read_shellcmd -ussp_write_shellcmd #uart_shell.c -uuart_config_shellcmd -uuart_write_shellcmd -uuart_read_shellcmd -uuart_close_shellcmd LITEOS_TABLES_EXTEND_LDFLAGS := \ -ureset_shellcmd \ -ustartap_shellcmd \ -uhiddrs_shellcmd \ -unand_bad_shellcmd \ -ui2c_read_shellcmd \ -ussp_read_shellcmd \ -uuart_config_shellcmd\ -uusb_debug_shellcmd \ -uOsPmInit LITEOS_TABLES_KERNEL_INIT_LDFLAGS := \ -uOsTraceInit \ -ulos_vfs_init \ -uProcFsInit \ -uOsDriverRandomInit \ -uHieventInit \ -uOsBsdInit \ -uShmInit \ -uOsDmesgInit \ -uOsLkLoggerInit \ -uOsCpupInit \ -uOsFutexInit \ -uOsSysWorkQueueInit \ -uOsSyscallHandleInit \ -upipe_init \ -uOomTaskInit \ -uOsCpupGuardCreator \ -uOsMpInit \ -uOsResourceFreeTaskCreate \ -uOsSystemInit \ -uOsBBoxDriverInit \ -uOsBBoxSystemAdapterInit \ -uOsHiDumperDriverInit LITEOS_TABLES_DRIVER_LDFLAGS := \ -ui2c_init \ -ugpio_init \ -uregulator_init \ -uhispi_init \ -uhifmc100_init \ -uhisfc350_init \ -unand_hifmc100_init \ -uhifmc100_parallel_init \ -usd_mci_init \ -uhi_mci_init \ -upl011_init \ -uhinfc620_init \ -uhisnfc100_init \ -uregulator_machine_init \ -uhisimeidia_regulator_init \ -ucpufreq_init \ -uhisilicon_cpufreq_init \ -ucpufreq_machine_init \ -udevfreq_init \ -umedia_devfreq_init \ -udevfreq_machine_init\ -uhieth_machine_init\ -uhigmac_machine_init \ -umachine_init ####FS MAP#### LITEOS_TABLES_FSMAP_LDFLAGS := \ -uramfs_fsmap \ -uromfs_fsmap \ -unfs_fsmap \ -ufat_fsmap \ -ujffs_fsmap \ -uprocfs_fsmap \ -ug_fsmap #ifdef LOSCFG_FS_ZPFS LITEOS_TABLES_FSMAP_LDFLAGS += -uzpfs_fsmap #endif LITEOS_TABLES_LDFLAGS := \ $(LITEOS_TABLES_KERNEL_LDFLAGS)\ $(LITEOS_TABLES_NET_LDFLAGS) \ $(LITEOS_TABLES_FS_LDFLAGS) \ $(LITEOS_TABLES_TOOLS_LDFLAGS) \ $(LITEOS_TABLES_EXTEND_LDFLAGS) \ $(LITEOS_TABLES_FSMAP_LDFLAGS) \ $(LITEOS_TABLES_DRIVER_LDFLAGS) \ $(LITEOS_TABLES_KERNEL_INIT_LDFLAGS)