/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020, Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "unistd.h" #include "sys/prctl.h" #include "sys/ioctl.h" #include "syscall.h" #include "sys/wait.h" #include "pthread.h" #include "securec.h" #include "shmsg.h" #include "shell_pri.h" #include "shcmd.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ char *GetCmdline(ShellCB *shellCB) { CmdKeyLink *cmdkey = shellCB->cmdKeyLink; CmdKeyLink *cmdNode = NULL; (void)pthread_mutex_lock(&shellCB->keyMutex); if ((cmdkey == NULL) || SH_ListEmpty(&cmdkey->list)) { (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&shellCB->keyMutex); return NULL; } cmdNode = SH_LIST_ENTRY(cmdkey->list.pstNext, CmdKeyLink, list); SH_ListDelete(&(cmdNode->list)); (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&shellCB->keyMutex); return cmdNode->cmdString; } static void ShellSaveHistoryCmd(char *string, ShellCB *shellCB) { CmdKeyLink *cmdHistory = shellCB->cmdHistoryKeyLink; CmdKeyLink *cmdkey = SH_LIST_ENTRY(string, CmdKeyLink, cmdString); CmdKeyLink *cmdNxt = NULL; if ((string == NULL) || (*string == '\n') || (strlen(string) == 0)) { return; } (void)pthread_mutex_lock(&shellCB->historyMutex); if (cmdHistory->count != 0) { cmdNxt = SH_LIST_ENTRY(cmdHistory->list.pstPrev, CmdKeyLink, list); if (strcmp(string, cmdNxt->cmdString) == 0) { free((void *)cmdkey); (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&shellCB->historyMutex); return; } } if (cmdHistory->count == CMD_HISTORY_LEN) { cmdNxt = SH_LIST_ENTRY(cmdHistory->list.pstNext, CmdKeyLink, list); SH_ListDelete(&(cmdNxt->list)); SH_ListTailInsert(&(cmdHistory->list), &(cmdkey->list)); free((void *)cmdNxt); (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&shellCB->historyMutex); return; } SH_ListTailInsert(&(cmdHistory->list), &(cmdkey->list)); cmdHistory->count++; (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&shellCB->historyMutex); return; } int ShellPend(ShellCB *shellCB) { if (shellCB == NULL) { return SH_NOK; } return sem_wait(&shellCB->shellSem); } int ShellNotify(ShellCB *shellCB) { if (shellCB == NULL) { return SH_NOK; } return sem_post(&shellCB->shellSem); } enum { STAT_NOMAL_KEY, STAT_ESC_KEY, STAT_MULTI_KEY }; static int ShellCmdLineCheckUDRL(const char ch, ShellCB *shellCB) { int ret = SH_OK; if (ch == 0x1b) { /* 0x1b: ESC */ shellCB->shellKeyType = STAT_ESC_KEY; return ret; } else if (ch == 0x5b) { /* 0x5b: first Key combination */ if (shellCB->shellKeyType == STAT_ESC_KEY) { shellCB->shellKeyType = STAT_MULTI_KEY; return ret; } } else if (ch == 0x41) { /* up */ if (shellCB->shellKeyType == STAT_MULTI_KEY) { OsShellHistoryShow(CMD_KEY_UP, shellCB); shellCB->shellKeyType = STAT_NOMAL_KEY; return ret; } } else if (ch == 0x42) { /* down */ if (shellCB->shellKeyType == STAT_MULTI_KEY) { shellCB->shellKeyType = STAT_NOMAL_KEY; OsShellHistoryShow(CMD_KEY_DOWN, shellCB); return ret; } } else if (ch == 0x43) { /* right */ if (shellCB->shellKeyType == STAT_MULTI_KEY) { shellCB->shellKeyType = STAT_NOMAL_KEY; return ret; } } else if (ch == 0x44) { /* left */ if (shellCB->shellKeyType == STAT_MULTI_KEY) { shellCB->shellKeyType = STAT_NOMAL_KEY; return ret; } } return SH_NOK; } void ShellTaskNotify(ShellCB *shellCB) { int ret; (void)pthread_mutex_lock(&shellCB->keyMutex); OsShellCmdPush(shellCB->shellBuf, shellCB->cmdKeyLink); (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&shellCB->keyMutex); ret = ShellNotify(shellCB); if (ret != SH_OK) { printf("command execute failed, \"%s\"", shellCB->shellBuf); } } void ParseEnterKey(OutputFunc outputFunc, ShellCB *shellCB) { if ((shellCB == NULL) || (outputFunc == NULL)) { return; } if (shellCB->shellBufOffset == 0) { shellCB->shellBuf[shellCB->shellBufOffset] = '\n'; shellCB->shellBuf[shellCB->shellBufOffset + 1] = '\0'; goto NOTIFY; } if (shellCB->shellBufOffset <= (SHOW_MAX_LEN - 1)) { shellCB->shellBuf[shellCB->shellBufOffset] = '\0'; } NOTIFY: outputFunc("\n"); shellCB->shellBufOffset = 0; ShellTaskNotify(shellCB); } void ParseDeleteKey(OutputFunc outputFunc, ShellCB *shellCB) { if ((shellCB == NULL) || (outputFunc == NULL)) { return; } if ((shellCB->shellBufOffset > 0) && (shellCB->shellBufOffset <= (SHOW_MAX_LEN - 1))) { shellCB->shellBuf[shellCB->shellBufOffset - 1] = '\0'; shellCB->shellBufOffset--; outputFunc("\b \b"); } } void ParseTabKey(OutputFunc outputFunc, ShellCB *shellCB) { int ret; if ((shellCB == NULL) || (outputFunc == NULL)) { return; } if ((shellCB->shellBufOffset > 0) && (shellCB->shellBufOffset < (SHOW_MAX_LEN - 1))) { ret = OsTabCompletion(shellCB->shellBuf, &shellCB->shellBufOffset); if (ret > 1) { outputFunc(SHELL_PROMPT"%s", shellCB->shellBuf); } } } void ParseNormalChar(char ch, OutputFunc outputFunc, ShellCB *shellCB) { if ((shellCB == NULL) || (outputFunc == NULL)) { return; } if ((ch != '\0') && (shellCB->shellBufOffset < (SHOW_MAX_LEN - 1))) { shellCB->shellBuf[shellCB->shellBufOffset] = ch; shellCB->shellBufOffset++; outputFunc("%c", ch); } shellCB->shellKeyType = STAT_NOMAL_KEY; } void ShellCmdLineParse(char c, OutputFunc outputFunc, ShellCB *shellCB) { const char ch = c; int ret; if ((shellCB->shellBufOffset == 0) && (ch != '\n') && (ch != '\0')) { (void)memset_s(shellCB->shellBuf, SHOW_MAX_LEN, 0, SHOW_MAX_LEN); } switch (ch) { case '\r': case '\n': /* enter */ ParseEnterKey(outputFunc, shellCB); break; case '\b': /* backspace */ case 0x7F: /* delete(0x7F) */ ParseDeleteKey(outputFunc, shellCB); break; case '\t': /* tab */ ParseTabKey(outputFunc, shellCB); break; default: /* parse the up/down/right/left key */ ret = ShellCmdLineCheckUDRL(ch, shellCB); if (ret == SH_OK) { return; } ParseNormalChar(ch, outputFunc, shellCB); break; } return; } unsigned int ShellMsgNameGet(CmdParsed *cmdParsed, const char *cmdType) { (void)cmdParsed; (void)cmdType; return SH_ERROR; } char *GetCmdName(const char *cmdline, unsigned int len) { unsigned int loop; const char *tmpStr = NULL; bool quotes = FALSE; char *cmdName = NULL; if (cmdline == NULL) { return NULL; } cmdName = (char *)malloc(len + 1); if (cmdName == NULL) { printf("malloc failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return NULL; } /* Scan the 'cmdline' string for command */ /* Notice: Command string must not have any special name */ for (tmpStr = cmdline, loop = 0; (*tmpStr != '\0') && (loop < len); ) { /* If reach a double quotes, switch the quotes matching status */ if (*tmpStr == '\"') { SWITCH_QUOTES_STATUS(quotes); /* Ignore the double quote charactor itself */ tmpStr++; continue; } /* If detected a space which the quotes matching status is false */ /* which said has detected the first space for seperator, finish this scan operation */ if ((*tmpStr == ' ') && (QUOTES_STATUS_CLOSE(quotes))) { break; } cmdName[loop] = *tmpStr++; loop++; } cmdName[loop] = '\0'; return cmdName; } static void DoCmdExec(const char *cmdName, const char *cmdline, unsigned int len, const CmdParsed *cmdParsed) { int ret; pid_t forkPid; if (strncmp(cmdline, SHELL_EXEC_COMMAND, SHELL_EXEC_COMMAND_BYTES) == 0) { forkPid = fork(); if (forkPid < 0) { printf("Faild to fork from shell\n"); return; } else if (forkPid == 0) { ret = setpgrp(); if (ret == -1) { exit(1); } ret = execve((const char *)cmdParsed->paramArray[0], (char * const *)cmdParsed->paramArray, NULL); if (ret == -1) { perror("execve"); exit(-1); } } } else { (void)syscall(__NR_shellexec, cmdName, cmdline); } } static void ParseAndExecCmdline(CmdParsed *cmdParsed, const char *cmdline, unsigned int len) { int i; unsigned int ret; char shellWorkingDirectory[PATH_MAX + 1] = { 0 }; char *cmdlineOrigin = NULL; char *cmdName = NULL; cmdlineOrigin = strdup(cmdline); if (cmdlineOrigin == NULL) { printf("malloc failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } cmdName = GetCmdName(cmdline, len); if (cmdName == NULL) { free(cmdlineOrigin); printf("malloc failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } ret = OsCmdParse((char *)cmdline, cmdParsed); if (ret != SH_OK) { printf("cmd parse failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); goto OUT; } DoCmdExec(cmdName, cmdlineOrigin, len, cmdParsed); if (getcwd(shellWorkingDirectory, PATH_MAX) != NULL) { (void)OsShellSetWorkingDirtectory(shellWorkingDirectory, (PATH_MAX + 1)); } OUT: for (i = 0; i < cmdParsed->paramCnt; i++) { if (cmdParsed->paramArray[i] != NULL) { free(cmdParsed->paramArray[i]); cmdParsed->paramArray[i] = NULL; } } free(cmdName); free(cmdlineOrigin); } unsigned int PreHandleCmdline(const char *input, char **output, unsigned int *outputlen) { unsigned int shiftLen, execLen, newLen; unsigned int removeLen = strlen("./"); /* "./" needs to be removed if it exists */ unsigned int ret; char *newCmd = NULL; char *execCmd = SHELL_EXEC_COMMAND; const char *cmdBuf = input; unsigned int cmdBufLen = strlen(cmdBuf); char *shiftStr = (char *)malloc(cmdBufLen + 1); errno_t err; if (shiftStr == NULL) { printf("malloc failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return SH_NOK; } (void)memset_s(shiftStr, cmdBufLen + 1, 0, cmdBufLen + 1); /* Call function 'OsCmdKeyShift' to squeeze and clear useless or overmuch space if string buffer */ ret = OsCmdKeyShift(cmdBuf, shiftStr, cmdBufLen + 1); shiftLen = strlen(shiftStr); if ((ret != SH_OK) || (shiftLen == 0)) { ret = SH_NOK; goto END_FREE_SHIFTSTR; } *output = shiftStr; *outputlen = shiftLen; /* Check and parse "./", located at the first two charaters of the cmd */ if ((shiftLen > removeLen) && (shiftStr[0] == '.') && (shiftStr[1] == '/')) { execLen = strlen(execCmd); newLen = execLen + shiftLen - removeLen; /* i.e., newLen - execLen == shiftLen - removeLen */ newCmd = (char *)malloc(newLen + 1); if (newCmd == NULL) { ret = SH_NOK; printf("malloc failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); goto END_FREE_SHIFTSTR; } err = memcpy_s(newCmd, newLen, execCmd, execLen); if (err != EOK) { printf("memcpy_s failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = SH_NOK; goto END_FREE_NEWCMD; } err = memcpy_s(newCmd + execLen, newLen - execLen, shiftStr + removeLen, shiftLen - removeLen); if (err != EOK) { printf("memcpy_s failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = SH_NOK; goto END_FREE_NEWCMD; } newCmd[newLen] = '\0'; *output = newCmd; *outputlen = newLen; ret = SH_OK; goto END_FREE_SHIFTSTR; } else { ret = SH_OK; goto END; } END_FREE_NEWCMD: free(newCmd); END_FREE_SHIFTSTR: free(shiftStr); END: return ret; } static void ExecCmdline(const char *cmdline) { unsigned int ret; char *output = NULL; unsigned int outputlen; CmdParsed cmdParsed; if (cmdline == NULL) { return; } /* strip out unnecessary characters */ ret = PreHandleCmdline(cmdline, &output, &outputlen); if (ret == SH_NOK) { return; } (void)memset_s(&cmdParsed, sizeof(CmdParsed), 0, sizeof(CmdParsed)); ParseAndExecCmdline(&cmdParsed, output, outputlen); free(output); } void RecycleZombieChild(void) { while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) { continue; } } static void ShellCmdProcess(ShellCB *shellCB) { char *buf = NULL; while (1) { /* recycle zombine child process */ RecycleZombieChild(); buf = GetCmdline(shellCB); if (buf == NULL) { break; } ExecCmdline(buf); ShellSaveHistoryCmd(buf, shellCB); shellCB->cmdMaskKeyLink = shellCB->cmdHistoryKeyLink; printf(SHELL_PROMPT); } } void *ShellTask(void *argv) { int ret; ShellCB *shellCB = (ShellCB *)argv; if (shellCB == NULL) { return NULL; } ret = prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "ShellTask"); if (ret != SH_OK) { return NULL; } printf(SHELL_PROMPT); while (1) { ret = ShellPend(shellCB); if (ret == SH_OK) { ShellCmdProcess(shellCB); } else if (ret != SH_OK) { break; } } return NULL; } int ShellTaskInit(ShellCB *shellCB) { unsigned int ret; size_t stackSize = SHELL_TASK_STACKSIZE; void *arg = NULL; pthread_attr_t attr; if (shellCB == NULL) { return SH_NOK; } ret = pthread_attr_init(&attr); if (ret != SH_OK) { return SH_NOK; } pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stackSize); arg = (void *)shellCB; ret = pthread_create(&shellCB->shellTaskHandle, &attr, &ShellTask, arg); if (ret != SH_OK) { return SH_NOK; } return ret; } static int ShellKernelReg(unsigned int shellHandle) { return ioctl(0, CONSOLE_CONTROL_REG_USERTASK, shellHandle); } void *ShellEntry(void *argv) { char ch; int ret; int n; pid_t tid = syscall(__NR_gettid); ShellCB *shellCB = (ShellCB *)argv; if (shellCB == NULL) { return NULL; } (void)memset_s(shellCB->shellBuf, SHOW_MAX_LEN, 0, SHOW_MAX_LEN); ret = prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "ShellEntry"); if (ret != SH_OK) { return NULL; } ret = ShellKernelReg((int)tid); if (ret != 0) { printf("another shell is already running!\n"); exit(-1); } while (1) { n = read(0, &ch, 1); if (n == 1) { ShellCmdLineParse(ch, (OutputFunc)printf, shellCB); } } return NULL; } int ShellEntryInit(ShellCB *shellCB) { int ret; size_t stackSize = SHELL_ENTRY_STACKSIZE; void *arg = NULL; pthread_attr_t attr; if (shellCB == NULL) { return SH_NOK; } ret = pthread_attr_init(&attr); if (ret != SH_OK) { return SH_NOK; } pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stackSize); arg = (void *)shellCB; ret = pthread_create(&shellCB->shellEntryHandle, &attr, &ShellEntry, arg); if (ret != SH_OK) { return SH_NOK; } return ret; } #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif