/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "mtd_partition.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "pthread.h" #include "mtd_list.h" #include "los_config.h" #include "los_mux.h" #include "mtd_common.h" #ifdef LOSCFG_PLATFORM_QEMU_ARM_VIRT_CA7 #include "cfiflash.h" #endif #define DRIVER_NAME_ADD_SIZE 3 pthread_mutex_t g_mtdPartitionLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static VOID YaffsLockInit(VOID) __attribute__((weakref("yaffsfs_OSInitialisation"))); static VOID YaffsLockDeinit(VOID) __attribute__((weakref("yaffsfs_OsDestroy"))); static INT32 Jffs2LockInit(VOID) __attribute__((weakref("Jffs2MutexCreate"))); static VOID Jffs2LockDeinit(VOID) __attribute__((weakref("Jffs2MutexDelete"))); partition_param *g_nandPartParam = NULL; partition_param *g_spinorPartParam = NULL; mtd_partition *g_spinorPartitionHead = NULL; mtd_partition *g_nandPartitionHead = NULL; #define RWE_RW_RW 0755 partition_param *GetNandPartParam(VOID) { return g_nandPartParam; } partition_param *GetSpinorPartParam(VOID) { return g_spinorPartParam; } mtd_partition *GetSpinorPartitionHead(VOID) { return g_spinorPartitionHead; } static VOID MtdNandParamAssign(partition_param *nandParam, const struct MtdDev *nandMtd) { LOS_ListInit(&g_nandPartitionHead->node_info); /* * If the user do not want to use block mtd or char mtd , * you can change the NANDBLK_NAME or NANDCHR_NAME to NULL. */ nandParam->flash_mtd = (struct MtdDev *)nandMtd; nandParam->flash_ops = GetDevNandOps(); nandParam->char_ops = GetMtdCharFops(); nandParam->blockname = NANDBLK_NAME; nandParam->charname = NANDCHR_NAME; nandParam->partition_head = g_nandPartitionHead; nandParam->block_size = nandMtd->eraseSize; } static VOID MtdDeinitNandParam(VOID) { if (YaffsLockDeinit != NULL) { YaffsLockDeinit(); } } static partition_param *MtdInitNandParam(partition_param *nandParam) { struct MtdDev *nandMtd = GetMtd("nand"); if (nandMtd == NULL) { return NULL; } if (nandParam == NULL) { if (YaffsLockInit != NULL) { YaffsLockInit(); } nandParam = (partition_param *)zalloc(sizeof(partition_param)); if (nandParam == NULL) { MtdDeinitNandParam(); return NULL; } g_nandPartitionHead = (mtd_partition *)zalloc(sizeof(mtd_partition)); if (g_nandPartitionHead == NULL) { MtdDeinitNandParam(); free(nandParam); return NULL; } MtdNandParamAssign(nandParam, nandMtd); } return nandParam; } static VOID MtdNorParamAssign(partition_param *spinorParam, const struct MtdDev *spinorMtd) { LOS_ListInit(&g_spinorPartitionHead->node_info); /* * If the user do not want to use block mtd or char mtd , * you can change the SPIBLK_NAME or SPICHR_NAME to NULL. */ spinorParam->flash_mtd = (struct MtdDev *)spinorMtd; #ifndef LOSCFG_PLATFORM_QEMU_ARM_VIRT_CA7 spinorParam->flash_ops = GetDevSpinorOps(); spinorParam->char_ops = GetMtdCharFops(); spinorParam->blockname = SPIBLK_NAME; spinorParam->charname = SPICHR_NAME; #else spinorParam->flash_ops = GetCfiBlkOps(); spinorParam->char_ops = NULL; spinorParam->blockname = CFI_DRIVER; spinorParam->charname = NULL; #endif spinorParam->partition_head = g_spinorPartitionHead; spinorParam->block_size = spinorMtd->eraseSize; } static VOID MtdDeinitSpinorParam(VOID) { if (Jffs2LockDeinit != NULL) { Jffs2LockDeinit(); } } static partition_param *MtdInitSpinorParam(partition_param *spinorParam) { #ifndef LOSCFG_PLATFORM_QEMU_ARM_VIRT_CA7 struct MtdDev *spinorMtd = GetMtd("spinor"); #else struct MtdDev *spinorMtd = GetCfiMtdDev(); #endif if (spinorMtd == NULL) { return NULL; } if (spinorParam == NULL) { if (Jffs2LockInit != NULL) { if (Jffs2LockInit() != 0) { /* create jffs2 lock failed */ return NULL; } } spinorParam = (partition_param *)zalloc(sizeof(partition_param)); if (spinorParam == NULL) { PRINT_ERR("%s, partition_param malloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__); MtdDeinitSpinorParam(); return NULL; } g_spinorPartitionHead = (mtd_partition *)zalloc(sizeof(mtd_partition)); if (g_spinorPartitionHead == NULL) { PRINT_ERR("%s, mtd_partition malloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__); MtdDeinitSpinorParam(); free(spinorParam); return NULL; } MtdNorParamAssign(spinorParam, spinorMtd); } return spinorParam; } /* According the flash-type to init the param of the partition. */ static INT32 MtdInitFsparParam(const CHAR *type, partition_param **fsparParam) { if (strcmp(type, "nand") == 0) { g_nandPartParam = MtdInitNandParam(g_nandPartParam); *fsparParam = g_nandPartParam; } else if (strcmp(type, "spinor") == 0 || strcmp(type, "cfi-flash") == 0) { g_spinorPartParam = MtdInitSpinorParam(g_spinorPartParam); *fsparParam = g_spinorPartParam; } else { return -EINVAL; } if ((*fsparParam == NULL) || ((VOID *)((*fsparParam)->flash_mtd) == NULL)) { return -ENODEV; } return ENOERR; } /* According the flash-type to deinit the param of the partition. */ static INT32 MtdDeinitFsparParam(const CHAR *type) { if (strcmp(type, "nand") == 0) { MtdDeinitNandParam(); g_nandPartParam = NULL; } else if (strcmp(type, "spinor") == 0 || strcmp(type, "cfi-flash") == 0) { MtdDeinitSpinorParam(); g_spinorPartParam = NULL; } else { return -EINVAL; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 AddParamCheck(UINT32 startAddr, const partition_param *param, UINT32 partitionNum, UINT32 length) { UINT32 startBlk, endBlk; mtd_partition *node = NULL; if ((param->blockname == NULL) && (param->charname == NULL)) { return -EINVAL; } if ((length == 0) || (length < param->block_size) || (((UINT64)(startAddr) + length) > param->flash_mtd->size)) { return -EINVAL; } ALIGN_ASSIGN(length, startAddr, startBlk, endBlk, param->block_size); if (startBlk > endBlk) { return -EINVAL; } LOS_DL_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(node, ¶m->partition_head->node_info, mtd_partition, node_info) { if ((node->start_block != 0) && (node->patitionnum == partitionNum)) { return -EINVAL; } if ((startBlk > node->end_block) || (endBlk < node->start_block)) { continue; } return -EINVAL; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 BlockDriverRegisterOperate(mtd_partition *newNode, const partition_param *param, UINT32 partitionNum) { INT32 ret; size_t driverNameSize; if (param->blockname != NULL) { driverNameSize = strlen(param->blockname) + DRIVER_NAME_ADD_SIZE; newNode->blockdriver_name = (CHAR *)malloc(driverNameSize); if (newNode->blockdriver_name == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } ret = snprintf_s(newNode->blockdriver_name, driverNameSize, driverNameSize - 1, "%s%u", param->blockname, partitionNum); if (ret < 0) { free(newNode->blockdriver_name); newNode->blockdriver_name = NULL; return -ENAMETOOLONG; } ret = register_blockdriver(newNode->blockdriver_name, param->flash_ops, RWE_RW_RW, newNode); if (ret) { free(newNode->blockdriver_name); newNode->blockdriver_name = NULL; PRINT_ERR("register blkdev partion error\n"); return ret; } } else { newNode->blockdriver_name = NULL; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 CharDriverRegisterOperate(mtd_partition *newNode, const partition_param *param, UINT32 partitionNum) { INT32 ret; size_t driverNameSize; if (param->charname != NULL) { driverNameSize = strlen(param->charname) + DRIVER_NAME_ADD_SIZE; newNode->chardriver_name = (CHAR *)malloc(driverNameSize); if (newNode->chardriver_name == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } ret = snprintf_s(newNode->chardriver_name, driverNameSize, driverNameSize - 1, "%s%u", param->charname, partitionNum); if (ret < 0) { free(newNode->chardriver_name); newNode->chardriver_name = NULL; return -ENAMETOOLONG; } ret = register_driver(newNode->chardriver_name, param->char_ops, RWE_RW_RW, newNode); if (ret) { PRINT_ERR("register chardev partion error\n"); free(newNode->chardriver_name); newNode->chardriver_name = NULL; return ret; } } else { newNode->chardriver_name = NULL; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 BlockDriverUnregister(mtd_partition *node) { INT32 ret; if (node->blockdriver_name != NULL) { ret = unregister_blockdriver(node->blockdriver_name); if (ret == -EBUSY) { PRINT_ERR("unregister blkdev partion error:%d\n", ret); return ret; } free(node->blockdriver_name); node->blockdriver_name = NULL; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 CharDriverUnregister(mtd_partition *node) { INT32 ret; if (node->chardriver_name != NULL) { ret = unregister_driver(node->chardriver_name); if (ret == -EBUSY) { PRINT_ERR("unregister chardev partion error:%d\n", ret); return ret; } free(node->chardriver_name); node->chardriver_name = NULL; } return ENOERR; } /* * Attention: both startAddr and length should be aligned with block size. * If not, the actual start address and length won't be what you expected. */ INT32 add_mtd_partition(const CHAR *type, UINT32 startAddr, UINT32 length, UINT32 partitionNum) { INT32 ret; mtd_partition *newNode = NULL; partition_param *param = NULL; if ((partitionNum >= CONFIG_MTD_PATTITION_NUM) || (type == NULL)) { return -EINVAL; } ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); if (ret != ENOERR) { PRINT_ERR("%s %d, mutex lock failed, error:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); } ret = MtdInitFsparParam(type, ¶m); if (ret != ENOERR) { goto ERROR_OUT; } ret = AddParamCheck(startAddr, param, partitionNum, length); if (ret != ENOERR) { goto ERROR_OUT; } newNode = (mtd_partition *)zalloc(sizeof(mtd_partition)); if (newNode == NULL) { (VOID)pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); return -ENOMEM; } PAR_ASSIGNMENT(newNode, length, startAddr, partitionNum, param->flash_mtd, param->block_size); ret = BlockDriverRegisterOperate(newNode, param, partitionNum); if (ret) { goto ERROR_OUT1; } ret = CharDriverRegisterOperate(newNode, param, partitionNum); if (ret) { goto ERROR_OUT2; } LOS_ListTailInsert(¶m->partition_head->node_info, &newNode->node_info); (VOID)LOS_MuxInit(&newNode->lock, NULL); ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); if (ret != ENOERR) { PRINT_ERR("%s %d, mutex unlock failed, error:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); } return ENOERR; ERROR_OUT2: (VOID)BlockDriverUnregister(newNode); ERROR_OUT1: free(newNode); ERROR_OUT: (VOID)pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); return ret; } static INT32 DeleteParamCheck(UINT32 partitionNum, const CHAR *type, partition_param **param) { if (strcmp(type, "nand") == 0) { *param = g_nandPartParam; } else if (strcmp(type, "spinor") == 0 || strcmp(type, "cfi-flash") == 0) { *param = g_spinorPartParam; } else { PRINT_ERR("type error \n"); return -EINVAL; } if ((partitionNum >= CONFIG_MTD_PATTITION_NUM) || ((*param) == NULL) || ((*param)->flash_mtd == NULL)) { return -EINVAL; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 DeletePartitionUnregister(mtd_partition *node) { INT32 ret; ret = BlockDriverUnregister(node); if (ret == -EBUSY) { return ret; } ret = CharDriverUnregister(node); if (ret == -EBUSY) { return ret; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 OsNodeGet(mtd_partition **node, UINT32 partitionNum, const partition_param *param) { LOS_DL_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(*node, ¶m->partition_head->node_info, mtd_partition, node_info) { if ((*node)->patitionnum == partitionNum) { break; } } if ((*node == NULL) || ((*node)->patitionnum != partitionNum) || ((*node)->mountpoint_name != NULL)) { return -EINVAL; } return ENOERR; } static INT32 OsResourceRelease(mtd_partition *node, const CHAR *type, partition_param *param) { (VOID)LOS_MuxDestroy(&node->lock); LOS_ListDelete(&node->node_info); (VOID)memset_s(node, sizeof(mtd_partition), 0, sizeof(mtd_partition)); free(node); (VOID)FreeMtd(param->flash_mtd); if (LOS_ListEmpty(¶m->partition_head->node_info)) { free(param->partition_head); param->partition_head = NULL; free(param); if (MtdDeinitFsparParam(type) != ENOERR) { return -EINVAL; } } return ENOERR; } INT32 delete_mtd_partition(UINT32 partitionNum, const CHAR *type) { INT32 ret; mtd_partition *node = NULL; partition_param *param = NULL; if (type == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); if (ret != ENOERR) { PRINT_ERR("%s %d, mutex lock failed, error:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); } ret = DeleteParamCheck(partitionNum, type, ¶m); if (ret) { PRINT_ERR("delete_mtd_partition param invalid\n"); (VOID)pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); return ret; } ret = OsNodeGet(&node, partitionNum, param); if (ret) { (VOID)pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); return ret; } ret = DeletePartitionUnregister(node); if (ret) { PRINT_ERR("DeletePartitionUnregister error:%d\n", ret); (VOID)pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); return ret; } ret = OsResourceRelease(node, type, param); if (ret) { PRINT_ERR("DeletePartitionUnregister error:%d\n", ret); (VOID)pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); return ret; } ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mtdPartitionLock); if (ret != ENOERR) { PRINT_ERR("%s %d, mutex unlock failed, error:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); } return ENOERR; }