/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020, Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "hm_liteipc.h" #include "linux/kernel.h" #include #include "los_mp.h" #include "los_mux.h" #include "los_process_pri.h" #include "los_spinlock.h" #include "los_task_pri.h" #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) #include "los_trace.h" #endif #include "los_vm_map.h" #include "los_vm_phys.h" #include "los_vm_page.h" #include "los_vm_lock.h" #define USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE YES #define USE_MMAP YES #define IPC_MSG_DATA_SZ_MAX 1024 #define IPC_MSG_OBJECT_NUM_MAX 256 #define LITE_IPC_POOL_NAME "liteipc" #define LITE_IPC_POOL_PAGE_MAX_NUM 64 /* 256KB */ #define LITE_IPC_POOL_PAGE_DEFAULT_NUM 16 /* 64KB */ #define LITE_IPC_POOL_MAX_SIZE (LITE_IPC_POOL_PAGE_MAX_NUM << PAGE_SHIFT) #define LITE_IPC_POOL_DEFAULT_SIZE (LITE_IPC_POOL_PAGE_DEFAULT_NUM << PAGE_SHIFT) #define LITE_IPC_POOL_UVADDR 0x10000000 #define INVAILD_ID (-1) #define LITEIPC_TIMEOUT_MS 5000UL #define LITEIPC_TIMEOUT_NS 5000000000ULL typedef struct { LOS_DL_LIST list; VOID *ptr; } IpcUsedNode; LosMux g_serviceHandleMapMux; #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) HandleInfo g_cmsTask; #else HandleInfo g_serviceHandleMap[MAX_SERVICE_NUM]; #endif STATIC LOS_DL_LIST g_ipcPendlist; STATIC LOS_DL_LIST g_ipcUsedNodelist[LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_PROCESS_LIMIT]; /* ipc lock */ SPIN_LOCK_INIT(g_ipcSpin); #define IPC_LOCK(state) LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_ipcSpin, &(state)) #define IPC_UNLOCK(state) LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_ipcSpin, state) STATIC int LiteIpcOpen(FAR struct file *filep); STATIC int LiteIpcClose(FAR struct file *filep); STATIC int LiteIpcIoctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg); STATIC int LiteIpcMmap(FAR struct file* filep, LosVmMapRegion *region); STATIC UINT32 LiteIpcWrite(IpcContent *content); STATIC UINT32 GetTid(UINT32 serviceHandle, UINT32 *taskID); STATIC UINT32 HandleSpecialObjects(UINT32 dstTid, IpcListNode *node, BOOL isRollback); STATIC const struct file_operations_vfs g_liteIpcFops = { LiteIpcOpen, /* open */ LiteIpcClose, /* close */ NULL, /* read */ NULL, /* write */ NULL, /* seek */ LiteIpcIoctl, /* ioctl */ LiteIpcMmap, /* mmap */ #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_POLL NULL, /* poll */ #endif NULL, /* unlink */ }; #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) const char *g_operStr[OPERATION_NUM] = {"WRITE", "WRITE_DROP", "TRY_READ", "READ", "READ_DROP", "READ_TIMEOUT"}; const char *g_msgTypeStr[MT_NUM] = {"REQUEST", "REPLY", "DEATH_NOTIFY"}; const char *g_ipcStatusStr[2] = {"NOT_PEND", "PEND"}; LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT16 IpcTraceHook(UINT8 *inputBuffer, UINT32 id, UINT32 msg) { IpcTraceFrame *ipcInfo = NULL; if (inputBuffer == NULL) { return 0; } ipcInfo = (IpcTraceFrame *)inputBuffer; ipcInfo->idInfo = id; ipcInfo->msgInfo = msg; ipcInfo->timestamp = LOS_CurrNanosec(); return sizeof(IpcTraceFrame); } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC VOID IpcTrace(IpcMsg *msg, UINT32 operation, UINT32 ipcStatus, UINT32 msgType) { UINT32 curTid = LOS_CurTaskIDGet(); UINT32 curPid = LOS_GetCurrProcessID(); UINT32 dstTid; UINT32 ret = (msg == NULL) ? INVAILD_ID : GetTid(msg->target.handle, &dstTid); IdArg id = {INVAILD_ID, INVAILD_ID, INVAILD_ID, INVAILD_ID}; MsgArg msgArg; if (operation <= WRITE_DROP) { id.srcTid = curTid; id.srcPid = curPid; id.dstTid = ret ? INVAILD_ID : dstTid; id.dstPid = ret ? INVAILD_ID : OS_TCB_FROM_TID(dstTid)->processID; } else { id.srcTid = (msg == NULL) ? INVAILD_ID : msg->taskID; id.srcPid = (msg == NULL) ? INVAILD_ID : msg->processID; id.dstTid = curTid; id.dstPid = curPid; } msgArg.msgType = msgType; msgArg.code = (msg == NULL) ? INVAILD_ID : msg->code; msgArg.operation = operation; msgArg.ipcStatus = ipcStatus; VOID *ptr1 = &id; VOID *ptr2 = &msgArg; LOS_Trace(LOS_TRACE_IPC, *((UINT32 *)ptr1), *((UINT32 *)ptr2)); } UINT32 IpcInfoCheck(IpcTraceFrame *ipcInfo) { MsgArg *msgArg = NULL; if (ipcInfo == NULL) { return LOS_NOK; } msgArg = (MsgArg *)&ipcInfo->msgInfo; if ((msgArg->operation >= OPERATION_NUM) || (msgArg->msgType >= MT_NUM)) { return LOS_NOK; } return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC VOID IpcTracePrint(UINT32 cpuID, IpcTraceFrame *ipcInfo) { IdArg *idArg = (IdArg *)&ipcInfo->idInfo; MsgArg *msgArg = (MsgArg *)&ipcInfo->msgInfo; if (IpcInfoCheck(ipcInfo) != LOS_OK) { return; } PRINTK("[LiteIPCTrace]timestamp:%016lld", ipcInfo->timestamp); PRINTK(" cpuID:%02d", cpuID); PRINTK(" operation:%13s", g_operStr[msgArg->operation]); PRINTK(" msgType:%12s", g_msgTypeStr[msgArg->msgType]); UINT32 isPend = (msgArg->ipcStatus & IPC_THREAD_STATUS_PEND) == IPC_THREAD_STATUS_PEND; PRINTK(" ipcStatus:%9s", g_ipcStatusStr[isPend]); PRINTK(" code:%03d", msgArg->code); PRINTK(" srcTid:%03d", idArg->srcTid); PRINTK(" srcPid:%03d", idArg->srcPid); PRINTK(" dstTid:%03d", idArg->dstTid); PRINTK(" dstPid:%03d\n", idArg->dstPid); } VOID IpcBacktrace(VOID) { INT32 pos; INT32 i; TraceBuffer buff; for (i = 0; i < LOSCFG_KERNEL_CORE_NUM; i++) { LOS_TraceBufGet(&buff, i); pos = buff.tracePos; while (pos >= sizeof(IpcTraceFrame) + LOS_TRACE_TAG_LENGTH) { UINT32 *traceType = (UINT32 *)(buff.dataBuf + pos - LOS_TRACE_TAG_LENGTH); pos -= sizeof(IpcTraceFrame) + LOS_TRACE_TAG_LENGTH; switch (*traceType) { case LOS_TRACE_IPC: { IpcTraceFrame *ipcInfo = (IpcTraceFrame *)(buff.dataBuf + pos); IpcTracePrint(i, ipcInfo); break; } default: PRINTK("other module trace\n"); break; } } } } #endif LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT_INIT UINT32 LiteIpcInit(VOID) { UINT32 ret, i; #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) g_cmsTask.status = HANDLE_NOT_USED; #else memset_s(g_serviceHandleMap, sizeof(g_serviceHandleMap), 0, sizeof(g_serviceHandleMap)); #endif ret = LOS_MuxInit(&g_serviceHandleMapMux, NULL); if (ret != LOS_OK) { return ret; } ret = (UINT32)register_driver(LITEIPC_DRIVER, &g_liteIpcFops, DRIVER_MODE, NULL); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("register lite_ipc driver failed:%d\n", ret); } LOS_ListInit(&(g_ipcPendlist)); for (i = 0; i < LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_PROCESS_LIMIT; i++) { LOS_ListInit(&(g_ipcUsedNodelist[i])); } #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) ret = LOS_TraceUserReg(LOS_TRACE_IPC, IpcTraceHook, sizeof(IpcTraceFrame)); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("liteipc LOS_TraceUserReg failed:%d\n", ret); } #endif return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC int LiteIpcOpen(FAR struct file *filep) { return 0; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC int LiteIpcClose(FAR struct file *filep) { return 0; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC BOOL IsPoolMapped(VOID) { LosProcessCB *pcb = OsCurrProcessGet(); return (pcb->ipcInfo.pool.uvaddr != NULL) && (pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr != NULL) && (pcb->ipcInfo.pool.poolSize != 0); } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC INT32 DoIpcMmap(LosProcessCB *pcb, LosVmMapRegion *region) { UINT32 i; INT32 ret = 0; PADDR_T pa; UINT32 uflags = VM_MAP_REGION_FLAG_PERM_READ | VM_MAP_REGION_FLAG_PERM_USER; LosVmPage *vmPage = NULL; VADDR_T uva = (VADDR_T)(UINTPTR)pcb->ipcInfo.pool.uvaddr; VADDR_T kva = (VADDR_T)(UINTPTR)pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr; (VOID)LOS_MuxAcquire(&pcb->vmSpace->regionMux); for (i = 0; i < (region->range.size >> PAGE_SHIFT); i++) { pa = LOS_PaddrQuery((VOID *)(UINTPTR)(kva + (i << PAGE_SHIFT))); if (pa == 0) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = -EINVAL; break; } vmPage = LOS_VmPageGet(pa); if (vmPage == NULL) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = -EINVAL; break; } STATUS_T err = LOS_ArchMmuMap(&pcb->vmSpace->archMmu, uva + (i << PAGE_SHIFT), pa, 1, uflags); if (err < 0) { ret = err; PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); break; } LOS_AtomicInc(&vmPage->refCounts); } /* if any failure happened, rollback */ if (i != (region->range.size >> PAGE_SHIFT)) { while (i--) { pa = LOS_PaddrQuery((VOID *)(UINTPTR)(kva + (i << PAGE_SHIFT))); vmPage = LOS_VmPageGet(pa); (VOID)LOS_ArchMmuUnmap(&pcb->vmSpace->archMmu, uva + (i << PAGE_SHIFT), 1); LOS_PhysPageFree(vmPage); } } (VOID)LOS_MuxRelease(&pcb->vmSpace->regionMux); return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC int LiteIpcMmap(FAR struct file* filep, LosVmMapRegion *region) { int ret = 0; LosVmMapRegion *regionTemp = NULL; LosProcessCB *pcb = OsCurrProcessGet(); if ((region == NULL) || (region->range.size > LITE_IPC_POOL_MAX_SIZE) || (!LOS_IsRegionPermUserReadOnly(region)) || (!LOS_IsRegionFlagPrivateOnly(region))) { ret = -EINVAL; goto ERROR_REGION_OUT; } if (IsPoolMapped()) { return -EEXIST; } if (pcb->ipcInfo.pool.uvaddr != NULL) { regionTemp = LOS_RegionFind(pcb->vmSpace, (VADDR_T)(UINTPTR)pcb->ipcInfo.pool.uvaddr); if (regionTemp != NULL) { (VOID)LOS_RegionFree(pcb->vmSpace, regionTemp); } } pcb->ipcInfo.pool.uvaddr = (VOID *)(UINTPTR)region->range.base; if (pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr != NULL) { LOS_VFree(pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr); pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr = NULL; } /* use vmalloc to alloc phy mem */ pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr = LOS_VMalloc(region->range.size); if (pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr == NULL) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto ERROR_REGION_OUT; } /* do mmap */ ret = DoIpcMmap(pcb, region); if (ret) { goto ERROR_MAP_OUT; } /* ipc pool init */ if (LOS_MemInit(pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr, region->range.size) != LOS_OK) { ret = -EINVAL; goto ERROR_MAP_OUT; } pcb->ipcInfo.pool.poolSize = region->range.size; return 0; ERROR_MAP_OUT: LOS_VFree(pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr); ERROR_REGION_OUT: pcb->ipcInfo.pool.uvaddr = NULL; pcb->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr = NULL; return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT_INIT UINT32 LiteIpcPoolInit(ProcIpcInfo *ipcInfo) { ipcInfo->pool.uvaddr = NULL; ipcInfo->pool.kvaddr = NULL; ipcInfo->pool.poolSize = 0; ipcInfo->ipcTaskID = INVAILD_ID; return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT UINT32 LiteIpcPoolReInit(ProcIpcInfo *child, const ProcIpcInfo *parent) { child->pool.uvaddr = parent->pool.uvaddr; child->pool.kvaddr = NULL; child->pool.poolSize = 0; child->ipcTaskID = INVAILD_ID; return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT VOID LiteIpcPoolDelete(ProcIpcInfo *ipcInfo) { UINT32 intSave; IpcUsedNode *node = NULL; UINT32 processID = LOS_GetCurrProcessID(); if (ipcInfo->pool.kvaddr != NULL) { LOS_VFree(ipcInfo->pool.kvaddr); ipcInfo->pool.kvaddr = NULL; IPC_LOCK(intSave); while (!LOS_ListEmpty(&g_ipcUsedNodelist[processID])) { node = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(g_ipcUsedNodelist[processID].pstNext, IpcUsedNode, list); LOS_ListDelete(&node->list); free(node); } IPC_UNLOCK(intSave); } /* remove process access to service */ for (UINT32 i = 0; i < MAX_SERVICE_NUM; i++) { if (ipcInfo->access[i] == TRUE) { ipcInfo->access[i] = FALSE; OS_TCB_FROM_TID(i)->accessMap[processID] = FALSE; } } } /* Only when kernenl no longer access ipc node content, can user free the ipc node */ LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC VOID EnableIpcNodeFreeByUser(UINT32 processID, VOID *buf) { UINT32 intSave; IpcUsedNode *node = (IpcUsedNode *)malloc(sizeof(IpcUsedNode)); if (node != NULL) { node->ptr = buf; IPC_LOCK(intSave); LOS_ListAdd(&g_ipcUsedNodelist[processID], &node->list); IPC_UNLOCK(intSave); } } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC VOID* LiteIpcNodeAlloc(UINT32 processID, UINT32 size) { VOID *ptr = LOS_MemAlloc(OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr, size); PRINT_INFO("LiteIpcNodeAlloc pid:%d, pool:%x buf:%x size:%d\n", processID, OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr, ptr, size); return ptr; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 LiteIpcNodeFree(UINT32 processID, VOID *buf) { PRINT_INFO("LiteIpcNodeFree pid:%d, pool:%x buf:%x\n", processID, OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr, buf); return LOS_MemFree(OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.pool.kvaddr, buf); } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC BOOL IsIpcNode(UINT32 processID, const VOID *buf) { IpcUsedNode *node = NULL; UINT32 intSave; IPC_LOCK(intSave); LOS_DL_LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(node, &g_ipcUsedNodelist[processID], IpcUsedNode, list) { if (node->ptr == buf) { LOS_ListDelete(&node->list); IPC_UNLOCK(intSave); free(node); return TRUE; } } IPC_UNLOCK(intSave); return FALSE; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC INTPTR GetIpcUserAddr(UINT32 processID, INTPTR kernelAddr) { IpcPool pool = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.pool; INTPTR offset = (INTPTR)(pool.uvaddr) - (INTPTR)(pool.kvaddr); return kernelAddr + offset; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC INTPTR GetIpcKernelAddr(UINT32 processID, INTPTR userAddr) { IpcPool pool = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.pool; INTPTR offset = (INTPTR)(pool.uvaddr) - (INTPTR)(pool.kvaddr); return userAddr - offset; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 CheckUsedBuffer(const VOID *node, IpcListNode **outPtr) { VOID *ptr = NULL; LosProcessCB *pcb = OsCurrProcessGet(); IpcPool pool = pcb->ipcInfo.pool; if ((node == NULL) || ((INTPTR)node < (INTPTR)(pool.uvaddr)) || ((INTPTR)node > (INTPTR)(pool.uvaddr) + pool.poolSize)) { return -EINVAL; } ptr = (VOID *)GetIpcKernelAddr(pcb->processID, (INTPTR)(node)); if (IsIpcNode(pcb->processID, ptr) != TRUE) { return -EFAULT; } *outPtr = (IpcListNode *)ptr; return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 GetTid(UINT32 serviceHandle, UINT32 *taskID) { if (serviceHandle >= MAX_SERVICE_NUM) { return -EINVAL; } #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) *taskID = serviceHandle ? serviceHandle : g_cmsTask.taskID; return LOS_OK; #else if (g_serviceHandleMap[serviceHandle].status == HANDLE_REGISTED) { *taskID = g_serviceHandleMap[serviceHandle].taskID; return LOS_OK; } return -EINVAL; #endif } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 GenerateServiceHandle(UINT32 taskID, HandleStatus status, UINT32 *serviceHandle) { #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) *serviceHandle = taskID ? taskID : LOS_CurTaskIDGet(); /* if taskID is 0, return curTaskID */ if (*serviceHandle == g_cmsTask.taskID) { return -EINVAL; } return LOS_OK; #else UINT32 i; (VOID)LOS_MuxLock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux, LOS_WAIT_FOREVER); for (i = 1; i < MAX_SERVICE_NUM; i++) { if (g_serviceHandleMap[i].status == HANDLE_NOT_USED) { g_serviceHandleMap[i].taskID = taskID; g_serviceHandleMap[i].status = status; *serviceHandle = i; (VOID)LOS_MuxUnLock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux); return LOS_OK; } } (VOID)LOS_MuxUnlock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux); return -EINVAL; #endif } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC VOID RefreshServiceHandle(UINT32 serviceHandle, UINT32 result) { #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == NO) (VOID)LOS_MuxLock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux, LOS_WAIT_FOREVER); if ((result == LOS_OK) && (g_serviceHandleMap[serviceHandle].status == HANDLE_REGISTING)) { g_serviceHandleMap[serviceHandle].status = HANDLE_REGISTED; } else { g_serviceHandleMap[serviceHandle].status = HANDLE_NOT_USED; } (VOID)LOS_MuxUnlock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux); #endif } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 AddServiceAccess(UINT32 taskID, UINT32 serviceHandle) { UINT32 serviceTid = 0; UINT32 ret = GetTid(serviceHandle, &serviceTid); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("AddServiceAccess GetTid failed\n"); return ret; } UINT32 processID = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(taskID)->processID; OS_TCB_FROM_TID(serviceTid)->accessMap[processID] = TRUE; OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.access[serviceTid] = TRUE; return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC BOOL HasServiceAccess(UINT32 serviceHandle) { UINT32 serviceTid = 0; UINT32 curProcessID = LOS_GetCurrProcessID(); UINT32 ret; if (serviceHandle >= MAX_SERVICE_NUM) { return FALSE; } if (serviceHandle == 0) { return TRUE; } ret = GetTid(serviceHandle, &serviceTid); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("HasServiceAccess GetTid failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (OS_TCB_FROM_TID(serviceTid)->processID == curProcessID) { return TRUE; } return OS_TCB_FROM_TID(serviceTid)->accessMap[curProcessID]; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 SetIpcTask(VOID) { if (OsCurrProcessGet()->ipcInfo.ipcTaskID == INVAILD_ID) { OsCurrProcessGet()->ipcInfo.ipcTaskID = LOS_CurTaskIDGet(); return OsCurrProcessGet()->ipcInfo.ipcTaskID; } PRINT_ERR("curprocess %d IpcTask already set!\n", OsCurrProcessGet()->processID); return -EINVAL; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT BOOL IsIpcTaskSet(VOID) { if (OsCurrProcessGet()->ipcInfo.ipcTaskID == INVAILD_ID) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 GetIpcTaskID(UINT32 processID, UINT32 *ipcTaskID) { if (OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.ipcTaskID == INVAILD_ID) { return LOS_NOK; } *ipcTaskID = OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.ipcTaskID; return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 SendDeathMsg(UINT32 processID, UINT32 serviceHandle) { UINT32 ipcTaskID; UINT32 ret; IpcContent content; IpcMsg msg; OS_PCB_FROM_PID(processID)->ipcInfo.access[serviceHandle] = false; ret = GetIpcTaskID(processID, &ipcTaskID); if (ret != LOS_OK) { return -EINVAL; } content.flag = SEND; content.outMsg = &msg; memset_s(content.outMsg, sizeof(IpcMsg), 0, sizeof(IpcMsg)); content.outMsg->type = MT_DEATH_NOTIFY; content.outMsg->target.handle = ipcTaskID; content.outMsg->target.token = serviceHandle; content.outMsg->code = 0; return LiteIpcWrite(&content); } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT VOID LiteIpcRemoveServiceHandle(LosTaskCB *taskCB) { UINT32 j; #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) UINT32 intSave; LOS_DL_LIST *listHead = NULL; LOS_DL_LIST *listNode = NULL; IpcListNode *node = NULL; UINT32 processID = taskCB->processID; listHead = &(taskCB->msgListHead); do { SCHEDULER_LOCK(intSave); if (LOS_ListEmpty(listHead)) { SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); break; } else { listNode = LOS_DL_LIST_FIRST(listHead); LOS_ListDelete(listNode); node = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(listNode, IpcListNode, listNode); SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); (VOID)HandleSpecialObjects(taskCB->taskID, node, TRUE); (VOID)LiteIpcNodeFree(processID, (VOID *)node); } } while (1); taskCB->accessMap[processID] = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < MAX_SERVICE_NUM; j++) { if (taskCB->accessMap[j] == TRUE) { taskCB->accessMap[j] = FALSE; (VOID)SendDeathMsg(j, taskCB->taskID); } } #else (VOID)LOS_MuxLock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux, LOS_WAIT_FOREVER); for (UINT32 i = 1; i < MAX_SERVICE_NUM; i++) { if ((g_serviceHandleMap[i].status != HANDLE_NOT_USED) && (g_serviceHandleMap[i].taskID == taskCB->taskID)) { g_serviceHandleMap[i].status = HANDLE_NOT_USED; g_serviceHandleMap[i].taskID = INVAILD_ID; break; } } (VOID)LOS_MuxUnlock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux); /* run deathHandler */ if (i < MAX_SERVICE_NUM) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_SERVICE_NUM; j++) { if (taskCB->accessMap[j] == TRUE) { (VOID)SendDeathMsg(j, i); } } } #endif } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 SetCms(UINTPTR maxMsgSize) { if (maxMsgSize < sizeof(IpcMsg)) { return -EINVAL; } (VOID)LOS_MuxLock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux, LOS_WAIT_FOREVER); #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) if (g_cmsTask.status == HANDLE_NOT_USED) { g_cmsTask.status = HANDLE_REGISTED; g_cmsTask.taskID = LOS_CurTaskIDGet(); g_cmsTask.maxMsgSize = maxMsgSize; (VOID)LOS_MuxUnlock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux); return LOS_OK; } #else if (g_serviceHandleMap[0].status == HANDLE_NOT_USED) { g_serviceHandleMap[0].status = HANDLE_REGISTED; g_serviceHandleMap[0].taskID = LOS_CurTaskIDGet(); (VOID)LOS_MuxUnlock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux); return LOS_OK; } #endif (VOID)LOS_MuxUnlock(&g_serviceHandleMapMux); return -EEXIST; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC BOOL IsCmsSet(VOID) { #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) return g_cmsTask.status == HANDLE_REGISTED; #else return g_serviceHandleMap[0].status == HANDLE_REGISTED; #endif } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC BOOL IsCmsTask(UINT32 taskID) { #if (USE_TASKID_AS_HANDLE == YES) return IsCmsSet() ? (OS_TCB_FROM_TID(taskID)->processID == OS_TCB_FROM_TID(g_cmsTask.taskID)->processID) : FALSE; #else return IsCmsSet() ? (OS_TCB_FROM_TID(taskID)->processID == OS_TCB_FROM_TID(g_serviceHandleMap[0].taskID)->processID) : FALSE; #endif } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC BOOL IsTaskAlive(UINT32 taskID) { LosTaskCB *tcb = NULL; if (OS_TID_CHECK_INVALID(taskID)) { return FALSE; } tcb = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(taskID); if (!OsProcessIsUserMode(OS_PCB_FROM_PID(tcb->processID))) { return FALSE; } if (OsTaskIsInactive(tcb)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 HandleFd(SpecialObj *obj, BOOL isRollback) { /* now fd is not Isolated between processes, do nothing */ return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 HandlePtr(UINT32 processID, SpecialObj *obj, BOOL isRollback) { VOID *buf = NULL; UINT32 ret; if ((obj->content.ptr.buff == NULL) || (obj->content.ptr.buffSz == 0)) { return -EINVAL; } if (isRollback == FALSE) { if (LOS_IsUserAddress((vaddr_t)(UINTPTR)(obj->content.ptr.buff)) == FALSE) { PRINT_ERR("Bad ptr address\n"); return -EINVAL; } buf = LiteIpcNodeAlloc(processID, obj->content.ptr.buffSz); if (buf == NULL) { PRINT_ERR("DealPtr alloc mem failed\n"); return -EINVAL; } ret = copy_from_user(buf, obj->content.ptr.buff, obj->content.ptr.buffSz); if (ret != LOS_OK) { LiteIpcNodeFree(processID, buf); return ret; } obj->content.ptr.buff = (VOID *)GetIpcUserAddr(processID, (INTPTR)buf); EnableIpcNodeFreeByUser(processID, (VOID *)buf); } else { (VOID)LiteIpcNodeFree(processID, (VOID *)GetIpcKernelAddr(processID, (INTPTR)obj->content.ptr.buff)); } return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 HandleSvc(UINT32 dstTid, const SpecialObj *obj, BOOL isRollback) { UINT32 taskID = 0; if (isRollback == FALSE) { if (IsTaskAlive(obj->content.svc.handle) == FALSE) { PRINT_ERR("HandleSvc wrong svctid\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (HasServiceAccess(obj->content.svc.handle) == FALSE) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -EACCES; } if (GetTid(obj->content.svc.handle, &taskID) == 0) { if (taskID == OS_PCB_FROM_PID(OS_TCB_FROM_TID(taskID)->processID)->ipcInfo.ipcTaskID) { AddServiceAccess(dstTid, obj->content.svc.handle); } } } return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 HandleObj(UINT32 dstTid, SpecialObj *obj, BOOL isRollback) { UINT32 ret; UINT32 processID = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(dstTid)->processID; switch (obj->type) { case OBJ_FD: ret = HandleFd(obj, isRollback); break; case OBJ_PTR: ret = HandlePtr(processID, obj, isRollback); break; case OBJ_SVC: ret = HandleSvc(dstTid, (const SpecialObj *)obj, isRollback); break; default: ret = -EINVAL; break; } return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 HandleSpecialObjects(UINT32 dstTid, IpcListNode *node, BOOL isRollback) { UINT32 ret = LOS_OK; IpcMsg *msg = &(node->msg); INT32 i; SpecialObj *obj = NULL; UINT32 *offset = (UINT32 *)(UINTPTR)(msg->offsets); if (isRollback) { i = msg->spObjNum; goto EXIT; } for (i = 0; i < msg->spObjNum; i++) { if (offset[i] > msg->dataSz - sizeof(SpecialObj)) { ret = -EINVAL; goto EXIT; } if ((i > 0) && (offset[i] < offset[i - 1] + sizeof(SpecialObj))) { ret = -EINVAL; goto EXIT; } obj = (SpecialObj *)((UINTPTR)msg->data + offset[i]); if (obj == NULL) { ret = -EINVAL; goto EXIT; } ret = HandleObj(dstTid, obj, FALSE); if (ret != LOS_OK) { goto EXIT; } } return LOS_OK; EXIT: for (i--; i >= 0; i--) { obj = (SpecialObj *)((UINTPTR)msg->data + offset[i]); (VOID)HandleObj(dstTid, obj, TRUE); } return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 CheckMsgSize(IpcMsg *msg) { UINT64 totalSize; UINT32 i; UINT32 *offset = (UINT32 *)(UINTPTR)(msg->offsets); SpecialObj *obj = NULL; if (msg->target.handle != 0) { return LOS_OK; } /* msg send to cms, check the msg size */ totalSize = (UINT64)sizeof(IpcMsg) + msg->dataSz + msg->spObjNum * sizeof(UINT32); for (i = 0; i < msg->spObjNum; i++) { if (offset[i] > msg->dataSz - sizeof(SpecialObj)) { return -EINVAL; } if ((i > 0) && (offset[i] < offset[i - 1] + sizeof(SpecialObj))) { return -EINVAL; } obj = (SpecialObj *)((UINTPTR)msg->data + offset[i]); if (obj == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (obj->type == OBJ_PTR) { totalSize += obj->content.ptr.buffSz; } } if (totalSize > g_cmsTask.maxMsgSize) { return -EINVAL; } return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 CopyDataFromUser(IpcListNode *node, UINT32 bufSz, const IpcMsg *msg) { UINT32 ret; ret = (UINT32)memcpy_s((VOID *)(&node->msg), bufSz - sizeof(LOS_DL_LIST), (const VOID *)msg, sizeof(IpcMsg)); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_DEBUG("%s, %d, %u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return ret; } if (msg->dataSz) { node->msg.data = (VOID *)((UINTPTR)node + sizeof(IpcListNode)); ret = copy_from_user((VOID *)(node->msg.data), msg->data, msg->dataSz); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_DEBUG("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return ret; } } else { node->msg.data = NULL; } if (msg->spObjNum) { node->msg.offsets = (VOID *)((UINTPTR)node + sizeof(IpcListNode) + msg->dataSz); ret = copy_from_user((VOID *)(node->msg.offsets), msg->offsets, msg->spObjNum * sizeof(UINT32)); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_DEBUG("%s, %d, %x, %x, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, node->msg.offsets, msg->offsets, msg->spObjNum); return ret; } } else { node->msg.offsets = NULL; } ret = CheckMsgSize(&node->msg); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_DEBUG("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return ret; } node->msg.taskID = LOS_CurTaskIDGet(); node->msg.processID = OsCurrProcessGet()->processID; #ifdef LOSCFG_SECURITY_CAPABILITY node->msg.userID = OsCurrProcessGet()->user->userID; node->msg.gid = OsCurrProcessGet()->user->gid; #endif return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC BOOL IsLeagalReply(const IpcContent *content) { UINT32 curProcessID = LOS_GetCurrProcessID(); IpcListNode *node = (IpcListNode *)GetIpcKernelAddr(curProcessID, (INTPTR)(content->buffToFree)); IpcMsg *requestMsg = &node->msg; IpcMsg *replyMsg = content->outMsg; UINT32 reqDstTid = 0; /* Check whether the reply matches the request */ if ((requestMsg->type != MT_REQUEST) || (requestMsg->flag == LITEIPC_FLAG_ONEWAY) || (replyMsg->timestamp != requestMsg->timestamp) || (replyMsg->target.handle != requestMsg->taskID) || (GetTid(requestMsg->target.handle, &reqDstTid) != 0) || (OS_TCB_FROM_TID(reqDstTid)->processID != curProcessID)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 CheckPara(IpcContent *content, UINT32 *dstTid) { UINT32 ret; IpcMsg *msg = content->outMsg; UINT32 flag = content->flag; #if (USE_TIMESTAMP == YES) UINT64 now = LOS_CurrNanosec(); #endif if (((msg->dataSz > 0) && (msg->data == NULL)) || ((msg->spObjNum > 0) && (msg->offsets == NULL)) || (msg->dataSz > IPC_MSG_DATA_SZ_MAX) || (msg->spObjNum > IPC_MSG_OBJECT_NUM_MAX) || (msg->dataSz < msg->spObjNum * sizeof(SpecialObj))) { return -EINVAL; } switch (msg->type) { case MT_REQUEST: if (HasServiceAccess(msg->target.handle)) { ret = GetTid(msg->target.handle, dstTid); if (ret != LOS_OK) { return -EINVAL; } } else { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -EACCES; } #if (USE_TIMESTAMP == YES) msg->timestamp = now; #endif break; case MT_REPLY: case MT_FAILED_REPLY: if ((flag & BUFF_FREE) != BUFF_FREE) { return -EINVAL; } if (!IsLeagalReply(content)) { return -EINVAL; } #if (USE_TIMESTAMP == YES) if (now > msg->timestamp + LITEIPC_TIMEOUT_NS) { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) IpcTrace(msg, WRITE_DROP, 0, msg->type); IpcBacktrace(); #endif PRINT_ERR("A timeout reply, request timestamp:%lld, now:%lld\n", msg->timestamp, now); return -ETIME; } #endif *dstTid = msg->target.handle; break; case MT_DEATH_NOTIFY: *dstTid = msg->target.handle; #if (USE_TIMESTAMP == YES) msg->timestamp = now; #endif break; default: PRINT_DEBUG("Unknow msg type:%d\n", msg->type); return -EINVAL; } if (IsTaskAlive(*dstTid) == FALSE) { return -EINVAL; } return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 LiteIpcWrite(IpcContent *content) { UINT32 ret, intSave; UINT32 dstTid; IpcMsg *msg = content->outMsg; ret = CheckPara(content, &dstTid); if (ret != LOS_OK) { return ret; } UINT32 bufSz = sizeof(IpcListNode) + msg->dataSz + msg->spObjNum * sizeof(UINT32); IpcListNode *buf = (IpcListNode *)LiteIpcNodeAlloc(OS_TCB_FROM_TID(dstTid)->processID, bufSz); if (buf == NULL) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -ENOMEM; } ret = CopyDataFromUser(buf, bufSz, (const IpcMsg *)msg); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); goto ERROR_COPY; } ret = HandleSpecialObjects(dstTid, buf, FALSE); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); goto ERROR_COPY; } /* add data to list and wake up dest task */ SCHEDULER_LOCK(intSave); LosTaskCB *tcb = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(dstTid); LOS_ListTailInsert(&(tcb->msgListHead), &(buf->listNode)); #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) IpcTrace(&buf->msg, WRITE, tcb->ipcStatus, buf->msg.type); #endif if (tcb->ipcStatus & IPC_THREAD_STATUS_PEND) { tcb->ipcStatus &= ~IPC_THREAD_STATUS_PEND; OsTaskWake(tcb); SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); LOS_MpSchedule(OS_MP_CPU_ALL); LOS_Schedule(); } else { SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); } return LOS_OK; ERROR_COPY: LiteIpcNodeFree(OS_TCB_FROM_TID(dstTid)->processID, buf); return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 CheckRecievedMsg(IpcListNode *node, IpcContent *content, LosTaskCB *tcb) { UINT32 ret = LOS_OK; if (node == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } switch (node->msg.type) { case MT_REQUEST: if ((content->flag & SEND) == SEND) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = -EINVAL; } break; case MT_FAILED_REPLY: ret = -ENOENT; /* fall-through */ case MT_REPLY: if ((content->flag & SEND) != SEND) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = -EINVAL; } #if (USE_TIMESTAMP == YES) if (node->msg.timestamp != content->outMsg->timestamp) { PRINT_ERR("Recieve a unmatch reply, drop it\n"); ret = -EINVAL; } #else if ((node->msg.code != content->outMsg->code) || (node->msg.target.token != content->outMsg->target.token)) { PRINT_ERR("Recieve a unmatch reply, drop it\n"); ret = -EINVAL; } #endif break; case MT_DEATH_NOTIFY: break; default: PRINT_ERR("Unknow msg type:%d\n", node->msg.type); ret = -EINVAL; } if (ret != LOS_OK) { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) IpcTrace(&node->msg, READ_DROP, tcb->ipcStatus, node->msg.type); #endif (VOID)HandleSpecialObjects(LOS_CurTaskIDGet(), node, TRUE); (VOID)LiteIpcNodeFree(LOS_GetCurrProcessID(), (VOID *)node); } else { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) IpcTrace(&node->msg, READ, tcb->ipcStatus, node->msg.type); #endif } return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 LiteIpcRead(IpcContent *content) { UINT32 intSave, ret; UINT32 selfTid = LOS_CurTaskIDGet(); LOS_DL_LIST *listHead = NULL; LOS_DL_LIST *listNode = NULL; IpcListNode *node = NULL; UINT32 syncFlag = (content->flag & SEND) && (content->flag & RECV); UINT32 timeout = syncFlag ? LOS_MS2Tick(LITEIPC_TIMEOUT_MS) : LOS_WAIT_FOREVER; LosTaskCB *tcb = OS_TCB_FROM_TID(selfTid); listHead = &(tcb->msgListHead); do { SCHEDULER_LOCK(intSave); if (LOS_ListEmpty(listHead)) { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) IpcTrace(NULL, TRY_READ, tcb->ipcStatus, syncFlag ? MT_REPLY : MT_REQUEST); #endif tcb->ipcStatus |= IPC_THREAD_STATUS_PEND; ret = OsTaskWait(&g_ipcPendlist, timeout, TRUE); if (ret == LOS_ERRNO_TSK_TIMEOUT) { #if (LOSCFG_KERNEL_TRACE == YES) IpcTrace(NULL, READ_TIMEOUT, tcb->ipcStatus, syncFlag ? MT_REPLY : MT_REQUEST); #endif SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); return -ETIME; } SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); } else { listNode = LOS_DL_LIST_FIRST(listHead); LOS_ListDelete(listNode); node = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(listNode, IpcListNode, listNode); SCHEDULER_UNLOCK(intSave); ret = CheckRecievedMsg(node, content, tcb); if (ret == LOS_OK) { break; } if (ret == -ENOENT) { /* It means that we've recieved a failed reply */ return ret; } } } while (1); node->msg.data = (VOID *)GetIpcUserAddr(LOS_GetCurrProcessID(), (INTPTR)(node->msg.data)); node->msg.offsets = (VOID *)GetIpcUserAddr(LOS_GetCurrProcessID(), (INTPTR)(node->msg.offsets)); content->inMsg = (VOID *)GetIpcUserAddr(LOS_GetCurrProcessID(), (INTPTR)(&(node->msg))); EnableIpcNodeFreeByUser(LOS_GetCurrProcessID(), (VOID *)node); return LOS_OK; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 LiteIpcMsgHandle(IpcContent *con) { UINT32 ret = LOS_OK; IpcContent localContent; IpcContent *content = &localContent; IpcMsg localMsg; IpcMsg *msg = &localMsg; IpcListNode *nodeNeedFree = NULL; if (copy_from_user((void *)content, (const void *)con, sizeof(IpcContent)) != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -EINVAL; } if ((content->flag & BUFF_FREE) == BUFF_FREE) { ret = CheckUsedBuffer(content->buffToFree, &nodeNeedFree); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("CheckUsedBuffer failed:%d\n", ret); return ret; } } if ((content->flag & SEND) == SEND) { if (content->outMsg == NULL) { PRINT_ERR("content->outmsg is null\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto BUFFER_FREE; } if (copy_from_user((void *)msg, (const void *)content->outMsg, sizeof(IpcMsg)) != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = -EINVAL; goto BUFFER_FREE; } content->outMsg = msg; if ((content->outMsg->type < 0) || (content->outMsg->type >= MT_DEATH_NOTIFY)) { PRINT_ERR("LiteIpc unknow msg type:%d\n", content->outMsg->type); ret = -EINVAL; goto BUFFER_FREE; } ret = LiteIpcWrite(content); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("LiteIpcWrite failed\n"); goto BUFFER_FREE; } } BUFFER_FREE: if (nodeNeedFree != NULL) { UINT32 freeRet = LiteIpcNodeFree(LOS_GetCurrProcessID(), nodeNeedFree); ret = (freeRet == LOS_OK) ? ret : freeRet; } if (ret != LOS_OK) { return ret; } if ((content->flag & RECV) == RECV) { ret = LiteIpcRead(content); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("LiteIpcRead failed\n"); return ret; } UINT32 offset = LOS_OFF_SET_OF(IpcContent, inMsg); ret = copy_to_user((char*)con + offset, (char*)content + offset, sizeof(IpcMsg *)); if (ret != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return -EINVAL; } } return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT STATIC UINT32 HandleCmsCmd(CmsCmdContent *content) { UINT32 ret = LOS_OK; CmsCmdContent localContent; if (content == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (IsCmsTask(LOS_CurTaskIDGet()) == FALSE) { return -EACCES; } if (copy_from_user((void *)(&localContent), (const void *)content, sizeof(CmsCmdContent)) != LOS_OK) { PRINT_ERR("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -EINVAL; } switch (localContent.cmd) { case CMS_GEN_HANDLE: if ((localContent.taskID != 0) && (IsTaskAlive(localContent.taskID) == FALSE)) { return -EINVAL; } ret = GenerateServiceHandle(localContent.taskID, HANDLE_REGISTED, &(localContent.serviceHandle)); if (ret == LOS_OK) { ret = copy_to_user((void *)content, (const void *)(&localContent), sizeof(CmsCmdContent)); } AddServiceAccess(g_cmsTask.taskID, localContent.serviceHandle); break; case CMS_REMOVE_HANDLE: if (localContent.serviceHandle >= MAX_SERVICE_NUM) { return -EINVAL; } RefreshServiceHandle(localContent.serviceHandle, -1); break; case CMS_ADD_ACCESS: if (IsTaskAlive(localContent.taskID) == FALSE) { return -EINVAL; } return AddServiceAccess(localContent.taskID, localContent.serviceHandle); default: PRINT_DEBUG("Unknow cmd cmd:%d\n", localContent.cmd); return -EINVAL; } return ret; } LITE_OS_SEC_TEXT int LiteIpcIoctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg) { UINT32 ret = LOS_OK; if (IsPoolMapped() == FALSE) { PRINT_ERR("Ipc pool not init, need to mmap first!\n"); return -ENOMEM; } switch (cmd) { case IPC_SET_CMS: return SetCms(arg); case IPC_CMS_CMD: return HandleCmsCmd((CmsCmdContent *)(UINTPTR)arg); case IPC_SET_IPC_THREAD: if (IsCmsSet() == FALSE) { PRINT_ERR("ServiceManager not set!\n"); return -EINVAL; } return SetIpcTask(); case IPC_SEND_RECV_MSG: if (arg == 0) { return -EINVAL; } if (IsCmsSet() == FALSE) { PRINT_ERR("ServiceManager not set!\n"); return -EINVAL; } ret = LiteIpcMsgHandle((IpcContent *)(UINTPTR)arg); if (ret != LOS_OK) { return ret; } break; default: PRINT_ERR("Unknow liteipc ioctl cmd:%d\n", cmd); return -EINVAL; } return ret; }