/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Info | log_space | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | |__buffer_space Case A: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | |#############################| | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | | Head Tail Case B: +-------------------------------------------------------+ |##########| |#######| +-------------------------------------------------------+ | | Tail Head */ #ifdef LOSCFG_SHELL_DMESG #include "dmesg_pri.h" #include "show.h" #include "shcmd.h" #include "securec.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "unistd.h" #include "los_init.h" #include "los_task.h" #define BUF_MAX_INDEX (g_logBufSize - 1) LITE_OS_SEC_BSS STATIC SPIN_LOCK_INIT(g_dmesgSpin); STATIC DmesgInfo *g_dmesgInfo = NULL; STATIC UINT32 g_logBufSize = 0; STATIC VOID *g_mallocAddr = NULL; STATIC UINT32 g_dmesgLogLevel = 3; STATIC UINT32 g_consoleLock = 0; STATIC UINT32 g_uartLock = 0; STATIC const CHAR *g_levelString[] = { "EMG", "COMMON", "ERR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG" }; STATIC VOID OsLockConsole(VOID) { g_consoleLock = 1; } STATIC VOID OsUnlockConsole(VOID) { g_consoleLock = 0; } STATIC VOID OsLockUart(VOID) { g_uartLock = 1; } STATIC VOID OsUnlockUart(VOID) { g_uartLock = 0; } STATIC UINT32 OsCheckError(VOID) { if (g_dmesgInfo == NULL) { return LOS_NOK; } if (g_dmesgInfo->logSize > g_logBufSize) { return LOS_NOK; } if (((g_dmesgInfo->logSize == g_logBufSize) || (g_dmesgInfo->logSize == 0)) && (g_dmesgInfo->logTail != g_dmesgInfo->logHead)) { return LOS_NOK; } return LOS_OK; } STATIC INT32 OsDmesgRead(CHAR *buf, UINT32 len) { UINT32 readLen; UINT32 logSize = g_dmesgInfo->logSize; UINT32 head = g_dmesgInfo->logHead; UINT32 tail = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; CHAR *logBuf = g_dmesgInfo->logBuf; errno_t ret; if (OsCheckError()) { return -1; } if (logSize == 0) { return 0; } readLen = len < logSize ? len : logSize; if (head < tail) { /* Case A */ ret = memcpy_s(buf, len, logBuf + head, readLen); if (ret != EOK) { return -1; } g_dmesgInfo->logHead += readLen; g_dmesgInfo->logSize -= readLen; } else { /* Case B */ if (readLen <= (g_logBufSize - head)) { ret = memcpy_s(buf, len, logBuf + head, readLen); if (ret != EOK) { return -1; } g_dmesgInfo->logHead += readLen; g_dmesgInfo->logSize -= readLen; } else { ret = memcpy_s(buf, len, logBuf + head, g_logBufSize - head); if (ret != EOK) { return -1; } ret = memcpy_s(buf + g_logBufSize - head, len - (g_logBufSize - head), logBuf, readLen - (g_logBufSize - head)); if (ret != EOK) { return -1; } g_dmesgInfo->logHead = readLen - (g_logBufSize - head); g_dmesgInfo->logSize -= readLen; } } return (INT32)readLen; } STATIC INT32 OsCopyToNew(const VOID *addr, UINT32 size) { UINT32 copyStart = 0; UINT32 copyLen; CHAR *temp = NULL; CHAR *newBuf = (CHAR *)addr + sizeof(DmesgInfo); UINT32 bufSize = size - sizeof(DmesgInfo); INT32 ret; UINT32 intSave; LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); if (g_dmesgInfo->logSize == 0) { LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return 0; } temp = (CHAR *)malloc(g_dmesgInfo->logSize); if (temp == NULL) { LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return -1; } (VOID)memset_s(temp, g_dmesgInfo->logSize, 0, g_dmesgInfo->logSize); copyLen = ((bufSize < g_dmesgInfo->logSize) ? bufSize : g_dmesgInfo->logSize); if (bufSize < g_dmesgInfo->logSize) { copyStart = g_dmesgInfo->logSize - bufSize; } ret = OsDmesgRead(temp, g_dmesgInfo->logSize); if (ret <= 0) { goto FREE_OUT; } /* if new buf size smaller than logSize */ ret = memcpy_s(newBuf, bufSize, temp + copyStart, copyLen); if (ret != EOK) { goto FREE_OUT; } LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); free(temp); return (INT32)copyLen; FREE_OUT: LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); PRINT_ERR("%s,%d failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); free(temp); return -1; } STATIC UINT32 OsDmesgResetMem(const VOID *addr, UINT32 size) { VOID *temp = NULL; INT32 copyLen; UINT32 intSave; if (size <= sizeof(DmesgInfo)) { return LOS_NOK; } LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); temp = g_dmesgInfo; LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); copyLen = OsCopyToNew(addr, size); if (copyLen < 0) { return LOS_NOK; } LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); g_logBufSize = size - sizeof(DmesgInfo); g_dmesgInfo = (DmesgInfo *)addr; g_dmesgInfo->logBuf = (CHAR *)addr + sizeof(DmesgInfo); g_dmesgInfo->logSize = copyLen; g_dmesgInfo->logTail = ((copyLen == g_logBufSize) ? 0 : copyLen); g_dmesgInfo->logHead = 0; /* if old mem came from malloc */ if (temp == g_mallocAddr) { goto FREE_OUT; } LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return LOS_OK; FREE_OUT: g_mallocAddr = NULL; LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); free(temp); return LOS_OK; } STATIC UINT32 OsDmesgChangeSize(UINT32 size) { VOID *temp = NULL; INT32 copyLen; CHAR *newString = NULL; UINT32 intSave; if (size == 0) { return LOS_NOK; } newString = (CHAR *)malloc(size + sizeof(DmesgInfo)); if (newString == NULL) { return LOS_NOK; } LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); temp = g_dmesgInfo; LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); copyLen = OsCopyToNew(newString, size + sizeof(DmesgInfo)); if (copyLen < 0) { goto ERR_OUT; } LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); g_logBufSize = size; g_dmesgInfo = (DmesgInfo *)newString; g_dmesgInfo->logBuf = (CHAR *)newString + sizeof(DmesgInfo); g_dmesgInfo->logSize = copyLen; g_dmesgInfo->logTail = ((copyLen == g_logBufSize) ? 0 : copyLen); g_dmesgInfo->logHead = 0; if (temp == g_mallocAddr) { goto FREE_OUT; } g_mallocAddr = newString; LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return LOS_OK; ERR_OUT: free(newString); return LOS_NOK; FREE_OUT: g_mallocAddr = newString; LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); free(temp); return LOS_OK; } UINT32 OsCheckConsoleLock(VOID) { return g_consoleLock; } UINT32 OsCheckUartLock(VOID) { return g_uartLock; } UINT32 OsDmesgInit(VOID) { CHAR* buffer = NULL; buffer = (CHAR *)malloc(KERNEL_LOG_BUF_SIZE + sizeof(DmesgInfo)); if (buffer == NULL) { return LOS_NOK; } g_mallocAddr = buffer; g_dmesgInfo = (DmesgInfo *)buffer; g_dmesgInfo->logHead = 0; g_dmesgInfo->logTail = 0; g_dmesgInfo->logSize = 0; g_dmesgInfo->logBuf = buffer + sizeof(DmesgInfo); g_logBufSize = KERNEL_LOG_BUF_SIZE; return LOS_OK; } STATIC CHAR OsLogRecordChar(CHAR c) { *(g_dmesgInfo->logBuf + g_dmesgInfo->logTail++) = c; if (g_dmesgInfo->logTail > BUF_MAX_INDEX) { g_dmesgInfo->logTail = 0; } if (g_dmesgInfo->logSize < g_logBufSize) { (g_dmesgInfo->logSize)++; } else { g_dmesgInfo->logHead = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; } return c; } UINT32 OsLogRecordStr(const CHAR *str, UINT32 len) { UINT32 i = 0; UINTPTR intSave; LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); while (len--) { (VOID)OsLogRecordChar(str[i]); i++; } LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return i; } STATIC VOID OsBufFullWrite(const CHAR *dst, UINT32 logLen) { UINT32 bufSize = g_logBufSize; UINT32 tail = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; CHAR *buf = g_dmesgInfo->logBuf; errno_t ret; if (!logLen || (dst == NULL)) { return; } if (logLen > bufSize) { /* full re-write */ ret = memcpy_s(buf + tail, bufSize - tail, dst, bufSize - tail); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } ret = memcpy_s(buf, bufSize, dst + bufSize - tail, tail); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } OsBufFullWrite(dst + bufSize, logLen - bufSize); } else { if (logLen > (bufSize - tail)) { /* need cycle back to start */ ret = memcpy_s(buf + tail, bufSize - tail, dst, bufSize - tail); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } ret = memcpy_s(buf, bufSize, dst + bufSize - tail, logLen - (bufSize - tail)); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } g_dmesgInfo->logTail = logLen - (bufSize - tail); g_dmesgInfo->logHead = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; } else { /* no need cycle back to start */ ret = memcpy_s(buf + tail, bufSize - tail, dst, logLen); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } g_dmesgInfo->logTail += logLen; if (g_dmesgInfo->logTail > BUF_MAX_INDEX) { g_dmesgInfo->logTail = 0; } g_dmesgInfo->logHead = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; } } } STATIC VOID OsWriteTailToHead(const CHAR *dst, UINT32 logLen) { UINT32 writeLen; UINT32 bufSize = g_logBufSize; UINT32 logSize = g_dmesgInfo->logSize; UINT32 tail = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; CHAR *buf = g_dmesgInfo->logBuf; errno_t ret; if ((!logLen) || (dst == NULL)) { return; } if (logLen > (bufSize - logSize)) { /* space-need > space-remain */ writeLen = bufSize - logSize; ret = memcpy_s(buf + tail, bufSize - tail, dst, writeLen); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } g_dmesgInfo->logTail = g_dmesgInfo->logHead; g_dmesgInfo->logSize = g_logBufSize; OsBufFullWrite(dst + writeLen, logLen - writeLen); } else { ret = memcpy_s(buf + tail, bufSize - tail, dst, logLen); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } g_dmesgInfo->logTail += logLen; g_dmesgInfo->logSize += logLen; } } STATIC VOID OsWriteTailToEnd(const CHAR *dst, UINT32 logLen) { UINT32 writeLen; UINT32 bufSize = g_logBufSize; UINT32 tail = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; CHAR *buf = g_dmesgInfo->logBuf; errno_t ret; if ((!logLen) || (dst == NULL)) { return; } if (logLen >= (bufSize - tail)) { /* need cycle to start ,then became B */ writeLen = bufSize - tail; ret = memcpy_s(buf + tail, writeLen, dst, writeLen); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } g_dmesgInfo->logSize += writeLen; g_dmesgInfo->logTail = 0; if (g_dmesgInfo->logSize == g_logBufSize) { /* Tail = Head is 0 */ OsBufFullWrite(dst + writeLen, logLen - writeLen); } else { OsWriteTailToHead(dst + writeLen, logLen - writeLen); } } else { /* just do serial copy */ ret = memcpy_s(buf + tail, bufSize - tail, dst, logLen); if (ret != EOK) { PRINT_ERR("%s,%d memcpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); return; } g_dmesgInfo->logTail += logLen; g_dmesgInfo->logSize += logLen; } } INT32 OsLogMemcpyRecord(const CHAR *buf, UINT32 logLen) { UINT32 intSave; LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); if (OsCheckError()) { LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return -1; } if (g_dmesgInfo->logSize < g_logBufSize) { if (g_dmesgInfo->logHead <= g_dmesgInfo->logTail) { OsWriteTailToEnd(buf, logLen); } else { OsWriteTailToHead(buf, logLen); } } else { OsBufFullWrite(buf, logLen); } LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return LOS_OK; } VOID OsLogShow(VOID) { UINT32 intSave; UINT32 index; UINT32 i = 0; CHAR *p = NULL; LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); index = g_dmesgInfo->logHead; p = (CHAR *)malloc(g_dmesgInfo->logSize + 1); if (p == NULL) { LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return; } (VOID)memset_s(p, g_dmesgInfo->logSize + 1, 0, g_dmesgInfo->logSize + 1); while (i < g_dmesgInfo->logSize) { *(p + i) = *(g_dmesgInfo->logBuf + index++); if (index > BUF_MAX_INDEX) { index = 0; } i++; if (index == g_dmesgInfo->logTail) { break; } } LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); UartPuts(p, i, UART_WITH_LOCK); free(p); } STATIC INT32 OsDmesgLvSet(const CHAR *level) { UINT32 levelNum, ret; CHAR *p = NULL; levelNum = strtoul(level, &p, 0); if (*p != 0) { PRINTK("dmesg: invalid option or parameter.\n"); return -1; } ret = LOS_DmesgLvSet(levelNum); if (ret == LOS_OK) { PRINTK("Set current dmesg log level %s\n", g_levelString[g_dmesgLogLevel]); return LOS_OK; } else { PRINTK("current dmesg log level %s\n", g_levelString[g_dmesgLogLevel]); PRINTK("dmesg -l [num] can access as 0:EMG 1:COMMON 2:ERROR 3:WARN 4:INFO 5:DEBUG\n"); return -1; } } STATIC INT32 OsDmesgMemSizeSet(const CHAR *size) { UINT32 sizeVal; CHAR *p = NULL; sizeVal = strtoul(size, &p, 0); if (sizeVal > MAX_KERNEL_LOG_BUF_SIZE) { goto ERR_OUT; } if (!(LOS_DmesgMemSet(NULL, sizeVal))) { PRINTK("Set dmesg buf size %u success\n", sizeVal); return LOS_OK; } else { goto ERR_OUT; } ERR_OUT: PRINTK("Set dmesg buf size %u fail\n", sizeVal); return LOS_NOK; } UINT32 OsDmesgLvGet(VOID) { return g_dmesgLogLevel; } UINT32 LOS_DmesgLvSet(UINT32 level) { if (level > 5) { /* 5: count of level */ return LOS_NOK; } g_dmesgLogLevel = level; return LOS_OK; } VOID LOS_DmesgClear(VOID) { UINT32 intSave; LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); (VOID)memset_s(g_dmesgInfo->logBuf, g_logBufSize, 0, g_logBufSize); g_dmesgInfo->logHead = 0; g_dmesgInfo->logTail = 0; g_dmesgInfo->logSize = 0; LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); } UINT32 LOS_DmesgMemSet(const VOID *addr, UINT32 size) { UINT32 ret = 0; if (addr == NULL) { ret = OsDmesgChangeSize(size); } else { ret = OsDmesgResetMem(addr, size); } return ret; } INT32 LOS_DmesgRead(CHAR *buf, UINT32 len) { INT32 ret; UINT32 intSave; if (buf == NULL) { return -1; } if (len == 0) { return 0; } LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); ret = OsDmesgRead(buf, len); LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return ret; } INT32 OsDmesgWrite2File(const CHAR *fullpath, const CHAR *buf, UINT32 logSize) { INT32 ret; INT32 fd = open(fullpath, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_APPEND, 0644); /* 0644:file right */ if (fd < 0) { return -1; } ret = write(fd, buf, logSize); (VOID)close(fd); return ret; } #ifdef LOSCFG_FS_VFS INT32 LOS_DmesgToFile(const CHAR *filename) { CHAR *fullpath = NULL; CHAR *buf = NULL; INT32 ret; CHAR *shellWorkingDirectory = OsShellGetWorkingDirectory(); UINT32 logSize, bufSize, head, tail, intSave; CHAR *logBuf = NULL; LOS_SpinLockSave(&g_dmesgSpin, &intSave); if (OsCheckError()) { LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); return -1; } logSize = g_dmesgInfo->logSize; bufSize = g_logBufSize; head = g_dmesgInfo->logHead; tail = g_dmesgInfo->logTail; logBuf = g_dmesgInfo->logBuf; LOS_SpinUnlockRestore(&g_dmesgSpin, intSave); ret = vfs_normalize_path(shellWorkingDirectory, filename, &fullpath); if (ret != 0) { return -1; } buf = (CHAR *)malloc(logSize); if (buf == NULL) { goto ERR_OUT2; } if (head < tail) { ret = memcpy_s(buf, logSize, logBuf + head, logSize); if (ret != EOK) { goto ERR_OUT3; } } else { ret = memcpy_s(buf, logSize, logBuf + head, bufSize - head); if (ret != EOK) { goto ERR_OUT3; } ret = memcpy_s(buf + bufSize - head, logSize - (bufSize - head), logBuf, tail); if (ret != EOK) { goto ERR_OUT3; } } ret = OsDmesgWrite2File(fullpath, buf, logSize); ERR_OUT3: free(buf); ERR_OUT2: free(fullpath); return ret; } #else INT32 LOS_DmesgToFile(CHAR *filename) { (VOID)filename; PRINTK("File operation need VFS\n"); return -1; } #endif INT32 OsShellCmdDmesg(INT32 argc, const CHAR **argv) { if (argc == 1) { PRINTK("\n"); OsLogShow(); return LOS_OK; } else if (argc == 2) { /* 2: count of parameters */ if (argv == NULL) { goto ERR_OUT; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-c")) { PRINTK("\n"); OsLogShow(); LOS_DmesgClear(); return LOS_OK; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-C")) { LOS_DmesgClear(); return LOS_OK; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-D")) { OsLockConsole(); return LOS_OK; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-E")) { OsUnlockConsole(); return LOS_OK; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-L")) { OsLockUart(); return LOS_OK; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-U")) { OsUnlockUart(); return LOS_OK; } } else if (argc == 3) { /* 3: count of parameters */ if (argv == NULL) { goto ERR_OUT; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], ">")) { if (LOS_DmesgToFile((CHAR *)argv[2]) < 0) { /* 2:index of parameters */ PRINTK("Dmesg write log to %s fail \n", argv[2]); /* 2:index of parameters */ return -1; } else { PRINTK("Dmesg write log to %s success \n", argv[2]); /* 2:index of parameters */ return LOS_OK; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-l")) { return OsDmesgLvSet(argv[2]); /* 2:index of parameters */ } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-s")) { return OsDmesgMemSizeSet(argv[2]); /* 2:index of parameters */ } } ERR_OUT: PRINTK("dmesg: invalid option or parameter.\n"); return -1; } SHELLCMD_ENTRY(dmesg_shellcmd, CMD_TYPE_STD, "dmesg", XARGS, (CmdCallBackFunc)OsShellCmdDmesg); LOS_MODULE_INIT(OsDmesgInit, LOS_INIT_LEVEL_EARLIEST); #endif