/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "components/ui_circle_progress.h" #include "draw/draw_arc.h" #include "draw/draw_line.h" #include "draw/draw_rect.h" namespace OHOS { UICircleProgress::UICircleProgress() : center_({0, 0}), backgroundImagePos_({0, 0}), progressImagePos_({0, 0}), radius_(0), startAngle_(MIN_ANGLE_VALUE), endAngle_(MAX_ANGLE_VALUE) { } void UICircleProgress::SetCenterPosition(int16_t x, int16_t y) { center_.x = x; center_.y = y; } void UICircleProgress::SetStartAngle(int16_t startAngle) { startAngle_ = startAngle; } void UICircleProgress::SetEndAngle(int16_t endAngle) { endAngle_ = endAngle; } void UICircleProgress::GetStartEndAngle(int16_t& start, int16_t& end) const { if (startAngle_ > endAngle_) { start = endAngle_; end = startAngle_; } else { start = startAngle_; end = endAngle_; } } void UICircleProgress::GetAngleRange(int16_t& start, int16_t& end) const { GetStartEndAngle(start, end); DrawArc::GetInstance()->GetDrawRange(start, end); } void UICircleProgress::GetRedrawAngle(int16_t& start, int16_t& end) const { GetStartEndAngle(start, end); if (startAngle_ == endAngle_) { return; } int16_t angleRange = end - start; angleRange = (angleRange > CIRCLE_IN_DEGREE) ? CIRCLE_IN_DEGREE : angleRange; int16_t angle = GetCurrentPos(angleRange); if (startAngle_ > endAngle_) { start = end - angle; } else { end = angle + start; } DrawArc::GetInstance()->GetDrawRange(start, end); } void UICircleProgress::DrawCommonCircle(const Rect& invalidatedArea) { ArcInfo arcinfo = {{0}}; arcinfo.radius = radius_; int16_t endAngle; int16_t startAngle; GetRedrawAngle(startAngle, endAngle); int16_t start; int16_t end; GetAngleRange(start, end); Rect rect = GetOrigRect(); arcinfo.center.x = center_.x + rect.GetLeft() + style_->paddingLeft_ + style_->borderWidth_; arcinfo.center.y = center_.y + rect.GetTop() + style_->paddingTop_ + style_->borderWidth_; if (enableBackground_ && ((start != end) || (backgroundStyle_->lineCap_ == CapType::CAP_ROUND))) { arcinfo.imgPos.x = backgroundImagePos_.x + rect.GetLeft(); arcinfo.imgPos.y = backgroundImagePos_.y + rect.GetTop(); arcinfo.startAngle = start; arcinfo.endAngle = end; arcinfo.imgSrc = backgroundImage_; DrawArc::GetInstance()->Draw(arcinfo, invalidatedArea, *backgroundStyle_, opaScale_, backgroundStyle_->lineCap_); } if ((startAngle != endAngle) || (foregroundStyle_->lineCap_ == CapType::CAP_ROUND)) { arcinfo.imgPos.x = progressImagePos_.x + rect.GetLeft(); arcinfo.imgPos.y = progressImagePos_.y + rect.GetTop(); arcinfo.startAngle = startAngle; arcinfo.endAngle = endAngle; arcinfo.imgSrc = foregroundImage_; DrawArc::GetInstance()->Draw(arcinfo, invalidatedArea, *foregroundStyle_, opaScale_, foregroundStyle_->lineCap_); } } void UICircleProgress::OnDraw(const Rect& invalidatedArea) { if (GetRangeSize() == 0) { return; } DrawRect::Draw(GetOrigRect(), invalidatedArea, *style_, opaScale_); Rect trunc(invalidatedArea); if (trunc.Intersect(trunc, GetOrigRect())) { DrawCommonCircle(trunc); } } } // namespace OHOS