/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "components/ui_dialog.h" #include "common/screen.h" #include "common/typed_text.h" #if ENABLE_DEBUG #include "gfx_utils/graphic_assert.h" #endif #include "gfx_utils/graphic_log.h" #if ENABLE_WINDOW #include "window/window.h" #endif #if ENABLE_WINDOW namespace OHOS { class UIDialogLabelButton : public UILabelButton { public: UIDialogLabelButton(UIDialog* dialog) { dialog_ = dialog; } virtual ~UIDialogLabelButton() {} virtual bool OnClickEvent(const ClickEvent& event) { bool ret = true; if (dialog_ != nullptr) { dialog_->DestoryWindow(); dialog_->isShowing_ = false; } if (onClickListener_ != nullptr) { ret = onClickListener_->OnClick(*this, event); } return ret; } private: UIDialog* dialog_; }; class UIDialogClickListener : public UIView::OnClickListener { public: UIDialogClickListener(UIDialog* dialog) { dialog_ = dialog; } virtual ~UIDialogClickListener() {} bool OnClick(UIView& view, const ClickEvent& event) override { bool ret = true; if ((dialog_ != nullptr) && (dialog_->dialogLayer_ != nullptr) && !dialog_->dialogLayer_->GetRect().IsContains(event.GetCurrentPos())) { if (dialog_->enableAutoCancel_) { dialog_->DestoryWindow(); dialog_->isShowing_ = false; } if (dialog_->onCancelListener_ != nullptr) { ret = dialog_->onCancelListener_->OnClick(view, event); } } return ret; } private: UIDialog* dialog_; }; UIDialog::UIDialog() : isShowing_(false), enableAutoCancel_(false), buttonNum_(0), title_(nullptr), text_(nullptr), button1_(nullptr), button2_(nullptr), button3_(nullptr), dialogLayer_(nullptr), windowRootView_(nullptr), onCancelListener_(nullptr), dialogClickListener_(nullptr), window_(nullptr), line1_(nullptr), line2_(nullptr), titleText_(nullptr), textText_(nullptr) { uint16_t screenWidth = Screen::GetInstance().GetWidth(); uint16_t screenHeight = Screen::GetInstance().GetHeight(); // 100: calculate percentage widthMax_ = screenWidth * MAX_WIDTH_PERCENT / 100; // 100: calculate percentage heightMax_ = screenHeight * MAX_HEIGHT_PERCENT / 100; colorType1_ = Color::White(); colorType2_ = Color::White(); colorType3_ = Color::White(); } UIDialog::~UIDialog() { onCancelListener_ = nullptr; if (dialogLayer_ != nullptr) { dialogLayer_->RemoveAll(); delete dialogLayer_; dialogLayer_ = nullptr; } if (title_ != nullptr) { delete title_; title_ = nullptr; } if (text_ != nullptr) { delete text_; text_ = nullptr; } if (button1_ != nullptr) { delete button1_; button1_ = nullptr; } if (button2_ != nullptr) { delete button2_; button2_ = nullptr; } if (button3_ != nullptr) { delete button3_; button3_ = nullptr; } if (line1_ != nullptr) { delete line1_; line1_ = nullptr; } if (line2_ != nullptr) { delete line2_; line2_ = nullptr; } if ((windowRootView_ != nullptr) && !RootView::DestoryWindowRootView(windowRootView_)) { windowRootView_ = nullptr; } if (dialogClickListener_ != nullptr) { delete dialogClickListener_; dialogClickListener_ = nullptr; } } void UIDialog::SetTitle(const char* title) { if (title == nullptr) { return; } titleText_ = title; } void UIDialog::SetText(const char* text) { if (text == nullptr) { return; } textText_ = text; } void UIDialog::SetButton(DialogButtonType buttonType, const char* text, UIView::OnClickListener* listener) { switch (buttonType) { case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_LEFT: if (button1_ == nullptr) { button1_ = new UIDialogLabelButton(this); if (button1_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIDialogLabelButton fail"); return; } button1_->SetViewId(BUTTON1_ID); AddButton(buttonType, button1_, text, listener); } else { button1_->SetText(text); button1_->SetOnClickListener(listener); } break; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_MID: if (button2_ == nullptr) { button2_ = new UIDialogLabelButton(this); if (button2_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIDialogLabelButton fail"); return; } button2_->SetViewId(BUTTON2_ID); AddButton(buttonType, button2_, text, listener); } else { button2_->SetText(text); button2_->SetOnClickListener(listener); } break; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_RIGHT: if (button3_ == nullptr) { button3_ = new UIDialogLabelButton(this); if (button3_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIDialogLabelButton fail"); return; } AddButton(buttonType, button3_, text, listener); } else { button3_->SetText(text); button3_->SetOnClickListener(listener); } break; default: break; } } void UIDialog::AddButton(DialogButtonType buttonType, UILabelButton* button, const char* text, UIView::OnClickListener* listener) { buttonNum_++; button->SetText(text); button->SetOnClickListener(listener); button->SetFont(DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_FILENAME, BUTTON_FONT_SIZE); button->SetTextColor(Color::Blue()); button->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::White().full, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); button->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::Black().full, UIButton::ButtonState::PRESSED); button->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_OPA, BUTTON_PRESS_OPA, UIButton::ButtonState::PRESSED); button->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BORDER_WIDTH, 0, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); button->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BORDER_WIDTH, 0, UIButton::ButtonState::PRESSED); button->SetHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT); } void UIDialog::Show() { if (isShowing_) { return; } SetTitleLabel(); SetTextLabel(); InitDialog(); AddComponents(); MeasureSize(); Layout(); CreateDialogWindow(); window_->Show(); isShowing_ = true; } void UIDialog::SetTitleLabel() { if (titleText_ == nullptr) { return; } if (title_ == nullptr) { title_ = new UILabel(); if (title_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UILabel fail"); return; } title_->SetViewId(TITLE_ID); title_->SetFont(DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_FILENAME, TITLE_FONT_SIZE); title_->SetAlign(UITextLanguageAlignment::TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT); title_->SetStyle(STYLE_TEXT_COLOR, Color::Black().full); title_->SetStyle(STYLE_TEXT_OPA, TITLE_TEXT_OPA); title_->SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::White().full); } title_->SetText(titleText_); } void UIDialog::SetTextLabel() { if (textText_ == nullptr) { return; } if (text_ == nullptr) { text_ = new UILabel(); if (text_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UILabel fail"); return; } text_->SetFont(DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_FILENAME, TEXT_FONT_SIZE); text_->SetStyle(STYLE_TEXT_COLOR, Color::Black().full); text_->SetStyle(STYLE_TEXT_OPA, TITLE_TEXT_OPA); text_->SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::White().full); } text_->SetText(textText_); } void UIDialog::InitDialog() { if (dialogLayer_ == nullptr) { dialogLayer_ = new UIViewGroup(); if (dialogLayer_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIViewGroup fail"); return; } dialogLayer_->SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::White().full); } if (windowRootView_ == nullptr) { windowRootView_ = RootView::GetWindowRootView(); windowRootView_->SetWidth(Screen::GetInstance().GetWidth()); windowRootView_->SetHeight(Screen::GetInstance().GetHeight()); windowRootView_->SetTouchable(true); windowRootView_->Add(dialogLayer_); } if (dialogClickListener_ == nullptr) { dialogClickListener_ = new UIDialogClickListener(this); if (dialogClickListener_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIDialogClickListener fail"); return; } windowRootView_->SetOnClickListener(dialogClickListener_); } } void UIDialog::AddComponents() { if (title_ != nullptr) { dialogLayer_->Add(title_); } if (text_ != nullptr) { dialogLayer_->Add(text_); } if (button1_ != nullptr) { dialogLayer_->Add(button1_); } if (button2_ != nullptr) { dialogLayer_->Add(button2_); } if (button3_ != nullptr) { dialogLayer_->Add(button3_); } if (buttonNum_ > 1) { line1_ = new UIView(); if (line1_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIView fail"); return; } line1_->SetHeight(LINE_HEIGHT); line1_->SetWidth(LINE_WIDTH); line1_->SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::Black().full); line1_->SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_OPA, LINE_OPA); dialogLayer_->Add(line1_); } if (buttonNum_ == 3) { // 3: three buttons line2_ = new UIView(); if (line2_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIView fail"); return; } line2_->SetHeight(LINE_HEIGHT); line2_->SetWidth(LINE_WIDTH); line2_->SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::Black().full); line2_->SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_OPA, LINE_OPA); dialogLayer_->Add(line2_); } } void UIDialog::MeasureSize() { uint16_t width = MeasureMaxWidth(); uint16_t height = 0; if (buttonNum_ > 0) { // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally uint16_t buttonWidth = (width - 2 * BUTTON_PADDING - (buttonNum_ - 1) * BUTTON_MID_PADDING) / buttonNum_; // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally width = static_cast(buttonWidth) * buttonNum_ + (buttonNum_ - 1) * BUTTON_MID_PADDING + 2 * BUTTON_PADDING; height += BUTTON_TOTAL_HEIGHT; height += TEXT_BUTTON_PADDING; if (button1_ != nullptr) { button1_->SetWidth(buttonWidth); } if (button2_ != nullptr) { button2_->SetWidth(buttonWidth); } if (button3_ != nullptr) { button3_->SetWidth(buttonWidth); } } else { height += PADDING; } if (title_ != nullptr) { title_->SetWidth(width - 2 * PADDING); // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally height += TITLE_TOTAL_HEIGHT; } else { height += PADDING; } if (text_ != nullptr) { text_->SetWidth(width - 2 * PADDING); // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally uint16_t textHightMax = heightMax_ - height; if (text_->GetTextHeight() < textHightMax) { text_->SetHeight(text_->GetTextHeight()); } else { text_->SetHeight(textHightMax); text_->SetLineBreakMode(UILabel::LINE_BREAK_ELLIPSIS); } height += text_->GetHeight(); } uint16_t dialogHeight = height; dialogLayer_->SetHeight(dialogHeight); dialogLayer_->SetWidth(width); } uint16_t UIDialog::MeasureMaxWidth() { uint16_t titleWidth = 0; uint16_t textWidth = 0; uint16_t buttonTotalWidth = 0; if (title_ != nullptr) { titleWidth = MeasureTitleWidth(); titleWidth += 2 * PADDING; // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally } if (text_ != nullptr) { textWidth = MeasureTextWidth(); textWidth += 2 * PADDING; // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally } if (buttonNum_ > 0) { buttonTotalWidth = static_cast(MeasureButtonWidth()) * buttonNum_ + (buttonNum_ - 1) * BUTTON_MID_PADDING; buttonTotalWidth += 2 * BUTTON_PADDING; // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally } return MATH_MAX(titleWidth, MATH_MAX(textWidth, buttonTotalWidth)); } uint16_t UIDialog::MeasureTitleWidth() { uint16_t titleWidth = 0; uint16_t widthMaxNoPadding = widthMax_ - 2 * PADDING; // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally title_->SetLineBreakMode(UILabel::LINE_BREAK_ADAPT); if (title_->GetTextWidth() > widthMaxNoPadding) { titleWidth = widthMaxNoPadding; title_->SetLineBreakMode(UILabel::LINE_BREAK_ELLIPSIS); } else { titleWidth = title_->GetTextWidth(); } title_->SetHeight(title_->GetTextHeight()); return titleWidth; } uint16_t UIDialog::MeasureTextWidth() { uint16_t textWidth = 0; uint16_t widthMaxNoPadding = widthMax_ - 2 * PADDING; // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally if (title_ != nullptr) { text_->SetAlign(UITextLanguageAlignment::TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT); } else { text_->SetAlign(UITextLanguageAlignment::TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER); } text_->SetLineBreakMode(UILabel::LINE_BREAK_ADAPT); textWidth = text_->GetTextWidth(); if (text_->GetTextWidth() > widthMaxNoPadding) { text_->SetAlign(UITextLanguageAlignment::TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT); textWidth = widthMaxNoPadding; text_->SetLineBreakMode(UILabel::LINE_BREAK_WRAP); } return textWidth; } uint16_t UIDialog::MeasureButtonWidth() { if (buttonNum_ == 0) { return 0; } uint16_t buttonTextWidth = 0; // 2: there are 2 paddings horizontally uint16_t buttonMaxWidth = (widthMax_ - 2 * BUTTON_PADDING - (buttonNum_ - 1) * BUTTON_MID_PADDING) / buttonNum_; if (button1_ != nullptr) { const char* text1 = button1_->GetText(); buttonTextWidth = MATH_MAX(buttonTextWidth, TypedText::GetTextSize(text1, button1_->GetStyleConst().letterSpace_, button1_->GetStyleConst().lineSpace_, widthMax_).x); } if (button2_ != nullptr) { const char* text2 = button2_->GetText(); buttonTextWidth = MATH_MAX(buttonTextWidth, TypedText::GetTextSize(text2, button2_->GetStyleConst().letterSpace_, button2_->GetStyleConst().lineSpace_, widthMax_).x); } if (button3_ != nullptr) { const char* text3 = button3_->GetText(); buttonTextWidth = MATH_MAX(buttonTextWidth, TypedText::GetTextSize(text3, button3_->GetStyleConst().letterSpace_, button3_->GetStyleConst().lineSpace_, widthMax_).x); } return (buttonTextWidth + BUTTON_HEIGHT) > buttonMaxWidth ? buttonMaxWidth : (buttonTextWidth + BUTTON_HEIGHT); } void UIDialog::Layout() { if (title_ != nullptr) { // 2: there are 2 paddings vertically uint8_t padding = (TITLE_TOTAL_HEIGHT - title_->GetHeight()) / 2; title_->LayoutLeftOfParent(PADDING); title_->LayoutTopOfParent(padding); if (text_ != nullptr) { text_->LayoutLeftOfParent(PADDING); text_->LayoutBottomToSibling(TITLE_ID, padding); } } else { if (text_ != nullptr) { text_->LayoutLeftOfParent(PADDING); text_->LayoutTopOfParent(PADDING); } } LayoutButton(); } void UIDialog::LayoutButton() { if (button1_ != nullptr) { button1_->LayoutLeftOfParent(BUTTON_PADDING); button1_->LayoutBottomOfParent(BUTTON_PADDING); if (button2_ != nullptr) { button2_->LayoutRightToSibling(BUTTON1_ID, BUTTON_MID_PADDING); button2_->LayoutBottomOfParent(BUTTON_PADDING); } } else if (button2_ != nullptr) { button2_->LayoutLeftOfParent(BUTTON_PADDING); button2_->LayoutBottomOfParent(BUTTON_PADDING); } if (button3_ != nullptr) { button3_->LayoutRightOfParent(BUTTON_PADDING); button3_->LayoutBottomOfParent(BUTTON_PADDING); } if (buttonNum_ == 3) { // 3: three buttons line1_->LayoutBottomOfParent(LINE_BOTTOM_PADDING); line1_->LayoutRightToSibling(BUTTON1_ID, LINE_BUTTON_PADDING); line2_->LayoutBottomOfParent(LINE_BOTTOM_PADDING); line2_->LayoutRightToSibling(BUTTON2_ID, LINE_BUTTON_PADDING); } else if (buttonNum_ == 2) { // 2: two buttons if (button1_ != nullptr) { line1_->LayoutBottomOfParent(LINE_BOTTOM_PADDING); line1_->LayoutRightToSibling(BUTTON1_ID, LINE_BUTTON_PADDING); } else { line1_->LayoutBottomOfParent(LINE_BOTTOM_PADDING); line1_->LayoutRightToSibling(BUTTON2_ID, LINE_BUTTON_PADDING); } } } void UIDialog::CreateDialogWindow() { dialogLayer_->LayoutCenterOfParent(); Rect rect = dialogLayer_->GetRect(); int16_t offset_x = dialogLayer_->GetX(); int16_t offset_y = dialogLayer_->GetY(); windowRootView_->SetPosition(-offset_x, -offset_y); windowRootView_->Invalidate(); WindowConfig config = {}; config.rect = rect; config.rect.SetPosition(offset_x, offset_y); config.isModal = true; window_ = Window::CreateWindow(config); if (window_ != nullptr) { window_->BindRootView(windowRootView_); } else { GRAPHIC_LOGE("Create window false!"); } } void UIDialog::SetButtonColor(DialogButtonType buttonType, ColorType color) { switch (buttonType) { case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_LEFT: if (button1_ != nullptr) { button1_->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, color.full, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); button1_->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_OPA, color.alpha, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); colorType1_ = color; } break; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_MID: if (button2_ != nullptr) { button2_->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, color.full, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); button2_->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_OPA, color.alpha, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); colorType2_ = color; } break; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_RIGHT: if (button3_ != nullptr) { button3_->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, color.full, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); button3_->SetStyleForState(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, color.alpha, UIButton::ButtonState::RELEASED); colorType3_ = color; } break; default: break; } } void UIDialog::SetOnCancelListener(UIView::OnClickListener* onCancelListener) { if (onCancelListener == nullptr) { return; } onCancelListener_ = onCancelListener; } void UIDialog::EnableAutoCancel(bool enable) { enableAutoCancel_ = enable; } void UIDialog::DestoryWindow() { if (window_ != nullptr) { Window::DestoryWindow(window_); window_ = nullptr; } } #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG const char* UIDialog::GetButtonText(DialogButtonType buttonType) const { switch (buttonType) { case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_LEFT: if (button1_ != nullptr) { return button1_->GetText(); } return nullptr; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_MID: if (button2_ != nullptr) { return button2_->GetText(); } return nullptr; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_RIGHT: if (button3_ != nullptr) { return button3_->GetText(); } return nullptr; default: return nullptr; } } UIView::OnClickListener* UIDialog::GetButtonListener(DialogButtonType buttonType) const { switch (buttonType) { case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_LEFT: if (button1_ != nullptr) { return button1_->GetOnClickListener(); } return nullptr; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_MID: if (button2_ != nullptr) { return button2_->GetOnClickListener(); } return nullptr; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_RIGHT: if (button3_ != nullptr) { return button3_->GetOnClickListener(); } return nullptr; default: return nullptr; } } ColorType UIDialog::GetButtonColor(DialogButtonType buttonType) const { switch (buttonType) { case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_LEFT: if (button1_ != nullptr) { return colorType1_; } break; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_MID: if (button2_ != nullptr) { return colorType2_; } break; case DialogButtonType::BUTTON_RIGHT: if (button3_ != nullptr) { return colorType3_; } break; default: break; } ASSERT(0); } #endif // ENABLE_DEBUG } // namespace OHOS #endif // ENABLE_WINDOW