/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "components/root_view.h" #include "common/screen.h" #include "core/render_manager.h" #include "dock/screen_device_proxy.h" #include "gfx_utils/graphic_log.h" #if ENABLE_WINDOW #include "window/window_impl.h" #endif namespace OHOS { namespace { #if LOCAL_RENDER const constexpr uint8_t MAX_SPLIT_NUM = 32; // split at most 32 parts // view along with its parents and siblings are at most 128 const constexpr uint8_t VIEW_STACK_DEPTH = COMPONENT_NESTING_DEPTH * 2; #else const constexpr uint8_t VIEW_STACK_DEPTH = COMPONENT_NESTING_DEPTH; #endif static Rect g_maskStack[COMPONENT_NESTING_DEPTH]; static UIView* g_viewStack[VIEW_STACK_DEPTH]; } // namespace RootView::RootView() { #if defined __linux__ || defined __LITEOS__ || defined __APPLE__ pthread_mutex_init(&lock_, nullptr); #endif } #if ENABLE_WINDOW Window* RootView::GetBoundWindow() const { return boundWindow_; } #endif Rect RootView::GetScreenRect() { #if ENABLE_WINDOW Rect screenRect = GetRect(); #else Rect screenRect(0, 0, Screen::GetInstance().GetWidth() - 1, Screen::GetInstance().GetHeight() - 1); #endif return screenRect; } #if LOCAL_RENDER using namespace Graphic; static void DivideInvalidateRect(const Rect& originRect, Rect& leftoverRect, Vector& splitRects) { Rect mask; if (!mask.Intersect(originRect, leftoverRect)) { splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } /* * +---+---+---+ * | | A | | originRect :A+B * | +---+ | leftoverRect :A->0 * | B | mask :A * +-----------+ */ if (originRect.IsContains(leftoverRect)) { return; } int16_t reserveCnt = MAX_SPLIT_NUM - splitRects.Size(); if (reserveCnt <= 0) { splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } if (mask.GetWidth() == leftoverRect.GetWidth()) { /* * +---+ * | A | originRect :B+C * +-----------+ leftoverRect :A+B->A * | | B | | mask :B * | +---+ | * | C | * +-----------+ */ if (mask.GetBottom() == leftoverRect.GetBottom()) { leftoverRect.SetBottom(mask.GetTop() - 1); } else if (mask.GetTop() == leftoverRect.GetTop()) { leftoverRect.SetTop(mask.GetBottom() + 1); } else { splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); splitRects.Back().SetBottom(mask.GetTop() - 1); leftoverRect.SetTop(mask.GetBottom() + 1); } splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } if (mask.GetHeight() == leftoverRect.GetHeight()) { /* * +---------+ originRect :B+C * +-------+ | leftoverRect :A+B->A * | A | B | C | mask :B * +-------+ | * +---------+ */ if (mask.GetLeft() == leftoverRect.GetLeft()) { leftoverRect.SetLeft(mask.GetRight() + 1); } else if (mask.GetRight() == leftoverRect.GetRight()) { leftoverRect.SetRight(mask.GetLeft() - 1); } else { splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); splitRects.Back().SetRight(mask.GetLeft() - 1); leftoverRect.SetLeft(mask.GetRight() + 1); } splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } Vector copyRect(splitRects); if (mask.GetLeft() != leftoverRect.GetLeft()) { /* * | * +-------+ * | +---+ mask :A * | B | A | leftoverRect :A+B * | +---+ * +-------+ * | */ if (reserveCnt-- <= 0) { splitRects.Swap(copyRect); splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); splitRects.Back().SetRight(mask.GetLeft() - 1); leftoverRect.SetLeft(mask.GetLeft()); } if (mask.GetTop() != leftoverRect.GetTop()) { /* * +-------+ * | B | mask :A * ---+---+--- leftoverRect :A+B * | | A | | * +-+---+-+ */ if (reserveCnt-- <= 0) { splitRects.Swap(copyRect); splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); splitRects.Back().SetBottom(mask.GetTop() - 1); leftoverRect.SetTop(mask.GetTop()); } if (mask.GetRight() != leftoverRect.GetRight()) { /* * | * +-------+ * +---+ | mask :A * | A | B | leftoverRect :A+B * +---+ | * +-------+ * | */ if (reserveCnt-- <= 0) { splitRects.Swap(copyRect); splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); splitRects.Back().SetLeft(mask.GetRight() + 1); leftoverRect.SetRight(mask.GetRight()); } if (mask.GetBottom() != leftoverRect.GetBottom()) { /* * +-+---+-+ * | | A | | mask :A * ---+---+--- leftoverRect :A+B * | B | * +-------+ */ if (reserveCnt-- <= 0) { splitRects.Swap(copyRect); splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); return; } splitRects.PushBack(leftoverRect); splitRects.Back().SetTop(mask.GetBottom() + 1); leftoverRect.SetBottom(mask.GetBottom()); } return; } static void AddRenderedRects(Rect& rect, List& renderedRects, ListNode* iter) { /* Elements at front have larger area and more relevance */ for (; iter != renderedRects.End(); iter = iter->next_) { Rect& curRect = iter->data_; if (!curRect.IsIntersect(rect)) { continue; } if (curRect.IsContains(rect)) { return; } /* Merge two rects */ if (rect.IsContains(curRect)) { } else if (((curRect.GetLeft() == rect.GetLeft()) && (curRect.GetRight() == rect.GetRight())) || ((curRect.GetTop() == rect.GetTop()) && (curRect.GetBottom() == rect.GetBottom()))) { rect.Join(curRect, rect); } else { continue; } iter = renderedRects.Remove(iter)->prev_; break; } if (iter == renderedRects.End()) { // No merge rises if (renderedRects.Size() == 128) { // record 128 rendered rects at most renderedRects.PopBack(); } renderedRects.PushFront(rect); } else { // merge rises, go over the rest nodes AddRenderedRects(rect, renderedRects, iter); } } void RootView::RemoveViewFromInvalidMap(UIView* view) { #if defined __linux__ || defined __LITEOS__ || defined __APPLE__ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_); #endif int16_t stackCount = 0; do { while (view != nullptr) { /* delete node itself */ auto entry = invalidateMap_.find(view); if (entry != invalidateMap_.end()) { invalidateMap_.erase(entry); } /* delete node's children */ if (view->IsViewGroup() && stackCount < COMPONENT_NESTING_DEPTH) { g_viewStack[stackCount++] = view; view = static_cast(view)->GetChildrenHead(); continue; } /* only go to child's sibling */ view = view->GetNextSibling(); } if (--stackCount >= 0) { view = g_viewStack[stackCount]->GetNextSibling(); } } while (stackCount >= 0); #if defined __linux__ || defined __LITEOS__ || defined __APPLE__ pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_); #endif } void RootView::OptimizeInvalidView(UIView* curview, UIView* background, List& renderedRects) { if (curview == nullptr) { return; } auto mapEntry = invalidateMap_.find(curview); if (mapEntry == invalidateMap_.end()) { return; } Rect& invalidRect = mapEntry->second.Front(); /* Transparent views should draw from background */ if (((curview->GetStyleConst().bgOpa_ != OPA_OPAQUE) || (curview->GetOpaScale() != OPA_OPAQUE) || (!curview->IsTransInvalid())) && (curview != this)) { AddInvalidateRect(invalidRect, background); invalidateMap_.erase(mapEntry); return; } /* Remove the rendered parts and split the origin rect into splitInvalidRects * For performance reason, split numbers are strictly restrained. */ Vector splitInvalidRects(MAX_SPLIT_NUM << 1); Rect invalidRectCopy(invalidRect); /* Using forward order because entries at the front are closer to the current view and have larger Size */ for (auto iter = renderedRects.Begin(); iter != renderedRects.End(); iter = iter->next_) { for (int8_t i = 0; i < mapEntry->second.Size(); i++) { DivideInvalidateRect(iter->data_, mapEntry->second[i], splitInvalidRects); } mapEntry->second.Swap(splitInvalidRects); splitInvalidRects.Clear(); } /* Add new opaque rects */ Rect preDrawRect(invalidRectCopy); if (!curview->OnPreDraw(preDrawRect)) { AddInvalidateRect(invalidRectCopy, background); } AddRenderedRects(preDrawRect, renderedRects, renderedRects.Begin()); } void RootView::OptimizeInvalidMap() { UIView* curview = this; int16_t stackCount = 0; int16_t opaStackCount = 0; UIView* background[VIEW_STACK_DEPTH]; bool flags[VIEW_STACK_DEPTH]; // indicate whether stack go back from child List renderedRects; // Record rendered areas to avoid rerendering do { /* push stack */ if (curview != nullptr) { if (stackCount >= VIEW_STACK_DEPTH) { return; } g_viewStack[stackCount] = curview; flags[stackCount++] = false; curview = curview->GetNextSibling(); continue; } curview = g_viewStack[--stackCount]; if (!curview->IsVisible() || !rect.Intersect(curview->GetRect(), GetScreenRect())) { curview = nullptr; continue; } if (!flags[stackCount]) { // Back from sibling if (curview->IsViewGroup()) { /* Set background/topview */ if (((curview->GetStyleConst().bgOpa_ == OPA_OPAQUE) && (curview->GetOpaScale() == OPA_OPAQUE) && curview->IsTransInvalid()) || (curview == this)) { background[opaStackCount] = curview; } else { background[opaStackCount] = background[opaStackCount - 1]; } ++opaStackCount; if (opaStackCount >= VIEW_STACK_DEPTH) { return; } flags[stackCount++] = true; curview = static_cast(curview)->GetChildrenHead(); continue; } } else { // Back from child opaStackCount--; } OptimizeInvalidView(curview, background[opaStackCount - 1], renderedRects); curview = nullptr; } while (stackCount > 0); renderedRects.Clear(); } void RootView::DrawInvalidMap(const Rect& buffRect) { OptimizeInvalidMap(); Rect rect; for (auto& viewEntry : invalidateMap_) { Vector& viewRenderRect = viewEntry.second; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < viewRenderRect.Size(); i++) { rect.Intersect(viewRenderRect[i], buffRect); DrawTop(viewEntry.first, rect); } } } #endif void RootView::AddInvalidateRect(Rect& rect, UIView* view) { Rect commonRect; if (commonRect.Intersect(rect, GetScreenRect())) { #if LOCAL_RENDER Vector& invalidRects = invalidateMap_[view]; if (invalidRects.IsEmpty()) { invalidRects.PushBack(commonRect); } else { invalidRects[0].Join(invalidRects[0], commonRect); } #else if (!renderFlag_) { invalidRect_ = commonRect; renderFlag_ = true; } else { invalidRect_.Join(invalidRect_, commonRect); } #endif } } void RootView::AddInvalidateRectWithLock(Rect& rect, UIView* view) { #if defined __linux__ || defined __LITEOS__ || defined __APPLE__ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_); #endif AddInvalidateRect(rect, view); #if defined __linux__ || defined __LITEOS__ || defined __APPLE__ pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_); #endif } void RootView::Measure() { #if LOCAL_RENDER if (!invalidateMap_.empty()) { MeasureView(childrenHead_); } #else if (renderFlag_) { MeasureView(childrenHead_); } #endif } void RootView::MeasureView(UIView* view) { int16_t stackCount = 0; UIView* curView = view; while (stackCount >= 0) { while (curView != nullptr) { if (curView->IsVisible()) { curView->ReMeasure(); if (curView->IsViewGroup() && stackCount < COMPONENT_NESTING_DEPTH) { g_viewStack[stackCount++] = curView; curView = static_cast(curView)->GetChildrenHead(); continue; } } curView = curView->GetNextSibling(); } if (--stackCount >= 0) { curView = (g_viewStack[stackCount])->GetNextSibling(); } } } void RootView::Render() { #if defined __linux__ || defined __LITEOS__ || defined __APPLE__ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_); #endif Rect mask; #if LOCAL_RENDER if (!invalidateMap_.empty()) { mask = GetRect(); RenderManager::RenderRect(mask, this); invalidateMap_.clear(); #else if (renderFlag_) { mask = invalidRect_; RenderManager::RenderRect(mask, this); invalidRect_ = {0, 0, 0, 0}; renderFlag_ = false; #endif #if ENABLE_WINDOW if (boundWindow_) { boundWindow_->Flush(); boundWindow_->Update(); } #endif ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->OnRenderFinish(mask); } #if defined __linux__ || defined __LITEOS__ || defined __APPLE__ pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_); #endif } void RootView::DrawTop(UIView* view, const Rect& rect) { if (view == nullptr) { return; } int16_t stackCount = 0; UIView* par = view->GetParent(); if (par == nullptr) { par = view; } UIView* curView = view; UIView* transViewGroup = nullptr; Rect curViewRect; Rect mask = rect; Rect origRect; Rect relativeRect; bool enableAnimator = false; while (par != nullptr) { if (curView != nullptr) { if (curView->IsVisible()) { if (curViewRect.Intersect(curView->GetMaskedRect(), mask) || enableAnimator) { if ((curView->GetViewType() != UI_IMAGE_VIEW) && (curView->GetViewType() != UI_TEXTURE_MAPPER) && !curView->IsTransInvalid() && !enableAnimator) { origRect = curView->GetOrigRect(); relativeRect = curView->GetRelativeRect(); curView->GetTransformMap().SetInvalid(true); curView->SetPosition(relativeRect.GetX() - origRect.GetX(), relativeRect.GetY() - origRect.GetY()); curViewRect = curView->GetMaskedRect(); ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->EnableAnimatorBuffer(true); ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->SetAnimatorRect(origRect); ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->SetAnimatorTransMap(curView->GetTransformMap()); enableAnimator = true; } curView->OnDraw(curViewRect); if ((curView->IsViewGroup()) && (stackCount < COMPONENT_NESTING_DEPTH)) { if (enableAnimator && (transViewGroup == nullptr)) { transViewGroup = curView; } par = curView; g_viewStack[stackCount] = curView; g_maskStack[stackCount] = mask; stackCount++; curView = static_cast(curView)->GetChildrenHead(); mask = par->GetContentRect(); mask.Intersect(mask, curViewRect); continue; } curView->OnPostDraw(curViewRect); if (enableAnimator && (transViewGroup == nullptr)) { ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->EnableAnimatorBuffer(false); ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->DrawAnimatorBuffer(mask); curView->GetTransformMap().SetInvalid(false); enableAnimator = false; curView->SetPosition(relativeRect.GetX(), relativeRect.GetY()); } } } curView = curView->GetNextSibling(); continue; } if (--stackCount >= 0) { curViewRect = par->GetMaskedRect(); mask = g_maskStack[stackCount]; if (enableAnimator || curViewRect.Intersect(curViewRect, mask)) { par->OnPostDraw(curViewRect); } if (enableAnimator && transViewGroup == g_viewStack[stackCount]) { ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->EnableAnimatorBuffer(false); ScreenDeviceProxy::GetInstance()->DrawAnimatorBuffer(mask); transViewGroup->GetTransformMap().SetInvalid(false); enableAnimator = false; transViewGroup->SetPosition(relativeRect.GetX(), relativeRect.GetY()); transViewGroup = nullptr; } curView = g_viewStack[stackCount]->GetNextSibling(); par = par->GetParent(); continue; } stackCount = 0; curView = par->GetNextSibling(); par = par->GetParent(); } } UIView* RootView::GetTopUIView(const Rect& rect) { int16_t stackCount = 0; UIView* currentView = this; UIView* topView = currentView; Rect copyRect(rect); while (stackCount >= 0) { while (currentView != nullptr) { if (currentView->GetOrigRect().IsContains(rect) && currentView->IsVisible()) { if (currentView->GetStyleConst().bgOpa_ == OPA_OPAQUE && currentView->OnPreDraw(copyRect) && currentView->GetOpaScale() == OPA_OPAQUE) { topView = currentView; } if (currentView->IsViewGroup() && stackCount < COMPONENT_NESTING_DEPTH) { g_viewStack[stackCount++] = currentView; currentView = static_cast(currentView)->GetChildrenHead(); continue; } } currentView = currentView->GetNextSibling(); } if (--stackCount >= 0) { currentView = (g_viewStack[stackCount])->GetNextSibling(); } } return topView; } bool RootView::FindSubView(const UIView& parentView, const UIView* subView) { const UIView* root = &parentView; if (root == subView) { return true; } else if (!root->IsViewGroup() || (subView == nullptr)) { return false; } UIView* currentView = static_cast(root)->GetChildrenHead(); const UIView* parent = root; int8_t deep = 1; while (deep > 0) { if (currentView == subView) { return true; } if (currentView == nullptr) { currentView = parent->GetNextSibling(); parent = parent->GetParent(); deep--; } else if (currentView->IsViewGroup()) { parent = currentView; currentView = static_cast(currentView)->GetChildrenHead(); deep++; } else { currentView = currentView->GetNextSibling(); } } return false; } } // namespace OHOS