/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "components/ui_button.h" #include "animator/interpolation.h" #include "common/image.h" #include "draw/draw_image.h" #include "engines/gfx/gfx_engine_manager.h" #include "gfx_utils/graphic_log.h" #include "gfx_utils/style.h" #include "imgdecode/cache_manager.h" #include "themes/theme_manager.h" namespace OHOS { UIButton::UIButton() : #if DEFAULT_ANIMATION animator_(*this), #endif defaultImgSrc_(nullptr), triggeredImgSrc_(nullptr), currentImgSrc_(ButtonImageSrc::BTN_IMAGE_DEFAULT), imgX_(0), imgY_(0), contentWidth_(0), contentHeight_(0), state_(RELEASED), styleState_(RELEASED), buttonStyleAllocFlag_(false) { touchable_ = true; SetupThemeStyles(); } UIButton::~UIButton() { if (defaultImgSrc_ != nullptr) { delete defaultImgSrc_; defaultImgSrc_ = nullptr; } if (triggeredImgSrc_ != nullptr) { delete triggeredImgSrc_; triggeredImgSrc_ = nullptr; } if (buttonStyleAllocFlag_) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BTN_STATE_NUM; i++) { delete buttonStyles_[i]; buttonStyles_[i] = nullptr; } buttonStyleAllocFlag_ = false; } } void UIButton::DrawImg(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& invalidatedArea, OpacityType opaScale) { const Image* image = GetCurImageSrc(); if (image == nullptr) { return; } ImageHeader header = {0}; image->GetHeader(header); Rect coords; Rect viewRect = GetContentRect(); coords.SetLeft(viewRect.GetLeft() + GetImageX()); coords.SetTop(viewRect.GetTop() + GetImageY()); coords.SetWidth(header.width); coords.SetHeight(header.height); Rect trunc(invalidatedArea); if (trunc.Intersect(trunc, viewRect)) { image->DrawImage(gfxDstBuffer, coords, trunc, *buttonStyles_[state_], opaScale); } } void UIButton::OnDraw(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& invalidatedArea) { OpacityType opa = GetMixOpaScale(); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, GetOrigRect(), invalidatedArea, *buttonStyles_[state_], opa); DrawImg(gfxDstBuffer, invalidatedArea, opa); } void UIButton::SetupThemeStyles() { Theme* theme = ThemeManager::GetInstance().GetCurrent(); if (theme == nullptr) { buttonStyles_[RELEASED] = &(StyleDefault::GetButtonReleasedStyle()); buttonStyles_[PRESSED] = &(StyleDefault::GetButtonPressedStyle()); buttonStyles_[INACTIVE] = &(StyleDefault::GetButtonInactiveStyle()); } else { buttonStyles_[RELEASED] = &(theme->GetButtonStyle().released); buttonStyles_[PRESSED] = &(theme->GetButtonStyle().pressed); buttonStyles_[INACTIVE] = &(theme->GetButtonStyle().inactive); } style_ = buttonStyles_[RELEASED]; } int64_t UIButton::GetStyle(uint8_t key) const { return GetStyleForState(key, styleState_); } void UIButton::SetStyle(uint8_t key, int64_t value) { SetStyleForState(key, value, styleState_); } int64_t UIButton::GetStyleForState(uint8_t key, ButtonState state) const { if (state < BTN_STATE_NUM) { return (buttonStyles_[state])->GetStyle(key); } return 0; } void UIButton::SetStyleForState(uint8_t key, int64_t value, ButtonState state) { if (state < BTN_STATE_NUM) { if (!buttonStyleAllocFlag_) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BTN_STATE_NUM; i++) { Style styleSaved = *buttonStyles_[i]; buttonStyles_[i] = new Style; if (buttonStyles_[i] == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new Style fail"); return; } *(buttonStyles_[i]) = styleSaved; } buttonStyleAllocFlag_ = true; } style_ = buttonStyles_[RELEASED]; int16_t width = GetWidth(); int16_t height = GetHeight(); buttonStyles_[state]->SetStyle(key, value); switch (key) { case STYLE_BORDER_WIDTH: { SetWidth(width); SetHeight(height); break; } case STYLE_PADDING_LEFT: case STYLE_PADDING_RIGHT: { SetWidth(width); break; } case STYLE_PADDING_TOP: case STYLE_PADDING_BOTTOM: { SetHeight(height); break; } default: break; } } } bool UIButton::OnPressEvent(const PressEvent& event) { currentImgSrc_ = ButtonImageSrc::BTN_IMAGE_TRIGGERED; SetState(PRESSED); Resize(contentWidth_, contentHeight_); Invalidate(); #if DEFAULT_ANIMATION animator_.Start(); #endif return UIView::OnPressEvent(event); } bool UIButton::OnReleaseEvent(const ReleaseEvent& event) { currentImgSrc_ = ButtonImageSrc::BTN_IMAGE_DEFAULT; SetState(RELEASED); Resize(contentWidth_, contentHeight_); Invalidate(); #if DEFAULT_ANIMATION animator_.Start(); #endif return UIView::OnReleaseEvent(event); } bool UIButton::OnCancelEvent(const CancelEvent& event) { currentImgSrc_ = ButtonImageSrc::BTN_IMAGE_DEFAULT; SetState(RELEASED); Resize(contentWidth_, contentHeight_); Invalidate(); #if DEFAULT_ANIMATION animator_.Start(); #endif return UIView::OnCancelEvent(event); } const Image* UIButton::GetCurImageSrc() const { if (currentImgSrc_ == ButtonImageSrc::BTN_IMAGE_DEFAULT) { return defaultImgSrc_; } else if (currentImgSrc_ == ButtonImageSrc::BTN_IMAGE_TRIGGERED) { return triggeredImgSrc_; } else { return nullptr; } } void UIButton::SetImageSrc(const char* defaultImgSrc, const char* triggeredImgSrc) { if (!InitImage()) { return; } defaultImgSrc_->SetSrc(defaultImgSrc); triggeredImgSrc_->SetSrc(triggeredImgSrc); } void UIButton::SetImageSrc(const ImageInfo* defaultImgSrc, const ImageInfo* triggeredImgSrc) { if (!InitImage()) { return; } defaultImgSrc_->SetSrc(defaultImgSrc); triggeredImgSrc_->SetSrc(triggeredImgSrc); } void UIButton::Disable() { SetState(INACTIVE); touchable_ = false; } void UIButton::Enable() { SetState(RELEASED); touchable_ = true; } void UIButton::SetState(ButtonState state) { state_ = state; Invalidate(); } bool UIButton::InitImage() { if (defaultImgSrc_ == nullptr) { defaultImgSrc_ = new Image(); if (defaultImgSrc_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new Image fail"); return false; } } if (triggeredImgSrc_ == nullptr) { triggeredImgSrc_ = new Image(); if (triggeredImgSrc_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new Image fail"); return false; } } return true; } bool UIButton::OnPreDraw(Rect& invalidatedArea) const { Rect rect(GetRect()); int16_t r = buttonStyles_[styleState_]->borderRadius_; if (r == COORD_MAX) { return true; } if (r != 0) { r = ((r & 0x1) == 0) ? (r >> 1) : ((r + 1) >> 1); rect.SetLeft(rect.GetX() + r); rect.SetWidth(rect.GetWidth() - r); rect.SetTop(rect.GetY() + r); rect.SetHeight(rect.GetHeight() - r); } if (rect.IsContains(invalidatedArea)) { return true; } invalidatedArea.Intersect(invalidatedArea, rect); return false; } #if DEFAULT_ANIMATION void UIButton::OnPostDraw(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& invalidatedArea) { if (state_ == ButtonState::PRESSED) { animator_.DrawMask(gfxDstBuffer, invalidatedArea); } UIView::OnPostDraw(gfxDstBuffer, invalidatedArea); } namespace { constexpr float FULL_SCALE = 1.0f; constexpr float SHRINK_SCALE = 0.8f; constexpr uint32_t SHRINK_DURATION = 150; constexpr uint32_t RECOVER_DURATION = 200; constexpr int64_t MASK_OPA = 25; constexpr float BEZIER_CONTROL = 0.2f; } // namespace void UIButton::ButtonAnimator::Start() { bool isReverse = (button_.state_ == UIButton::ButtonState::PRESSED); float targetScale = isReverse ? SHRINK_SCALE : FULL_SCALE; if ((animator_.GetState() == Animator::STOP) && FloatEqual(targetScale, scale_)) { return; } if (isReverse) { animator_.SetTime(SHRINK_DURATION); } else { animator_.SetTime(RECOVER_DURATION); } animator_.Start(); /* reverse the animator direction */ float x = isReverseAnimation_ ? (FULL_SCALE - scale_) : (scale_ - SHRINK_SCALE); float y = x / (FULL_SCALE - SHRINK_SCALE); x = Interpolation::GetBezierY(FULL_SCALE - y, 0, BEZIER_CONTROL, FULL_SCALE, BEZIER_CONTROL); animator_.SetRunTime(static_cast(animator_.GetTime() * x)); isReverseAnimation_ = isReverse; } void UIButton::ButtonAnimator::DrawMask(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& invalidatedArea) { Style maskStyle; maskStyle.SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color::White().full); maskStyle.SetStyle(STYLE_BACKGROUND_OPA, MASK_OPA); maskStyle.SetStyle(STYLE_BORDER_RADIUS, button_.GetStyle(STYLE_BORDER_RADIUS)); OpacityType opa = button_.GetMixOpaScale(); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, button_.GetRect(), invalidatedArea, maskStyle, opa); } static inline void ScaleButton(UIButton& button, float scale) { Vector2 scaleValue_ = {scale, scale}; Vector2 centrePoint(button.GetWidth() / 2.0f, button.GetHeight() / 2.0f); button.Scale(scaleValue_, centrePoint); } void UIButton::ButtonAnimator::Callback(UIView* view) { float x = static_cast(animator_.GetRunTime()) / animator_.GetTime(); float offset = Interpolation::GetBezierY(x, BEZIER_CONTROL, 0, BEZIER_CONTROL, FULL_SCALE); float scale = (FULL_SCALE - SHRINK_SCALE) * offset; scale_ = isReverseAnimation_ ? (FULL_SCALE - scale) : (scale + SHRINK_SCALE); ScaleButton(button_, scale_); } void UIButton::ButtonAnimator::OnStop(UIView& view) { if (isReverseAnimation_) { scale_ = SHRINK_SCALE; ScaleButton(button_, SHRINK_SCALE); } else { scale_ = FULL_SCALE; button_.ResetTransParameter(); } } #endif } // namespace OHOS