/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "components/ui_canvas.h" #include "draw/clip_utils.h" #include "draw/draw_arc.h" #include "draw/draw_image.h" #include "gfx_utils/graphic_log.h" #include "render/render_buffer.h" #include "render/render_pixfmt_rgba_blend.h" #include "render/render_scanline.h" namespace OHOS { UICanvas::UICanvasPath::~UICanvasPath() { points_.Clear(); cmd_.Clear(); arcParam_.Clear(); } BufferInfo* UICanvas::gfxMapBuffer_ = nullptr; void RenderSolid(const Paint& paint, RasterizerScanlineAntialias& rasterizer, RenderBase& renBase, const bool& isStroke); void UICanvas::BeginPath() { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND /* If the previous path is not added to the drawing linked list, it should be destroyed directly. */ if (vertices_ != nullptr && vertices_->GetTotalVertices() == 0) { delete vertices_; vertices_ = nullptr; } vertices_ = new UICanvasVertices(); if (vertices_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UICanvasVertices fail"); return; } #else if (path_ != nullptr && path_->strokeCount_ == 0) { delete path_; path_ = nullptr; } path_ = new UICanvasPath(); if (path_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UICanvasPath fail"); return; } #endif } void UICanvas::MoveTo(const Point& point) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (vertices_ == nullptr) { return; } vertices_->MoveTo(point.x, point.y); #else if (path_ == nullptr) { return; } path_->startPos_ = point; /* If the previous command is also CMD_MOVE_TO, the previous command is overwritten. */ if ((path_->cmd_.Size() != 0) && (path_->cmd_.Tail()->data_ == CMD_MOVE_TO)) { path_->points_.Tail()->data_ = point; return; } path_->points_.PushBack(point); path_->cmd_.PushBack(CMD_MOVE_TO); #endif } void UICanvas::LineTo(const Point& point) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (vertices_ == nullptr) { return; } vertices_->LineTo(point.x, point.y); #else if (path_ == nullptr) { return; } path_->points_.PushBack(point); if (path_->cmd_.Size() == 0) { path_->startPos_ = point; path_->cmd_.PushBack(CMD_MOVE_TO); } else { path_->cmd_.PushBack(CMD_LINE_TO); } #endif } void UICanvas::ArcTo(const Point& center, uint16_t radius, int16_t startAngle, int16_t endAngle) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (vertices_ == nullptr || startAngle == endAngle) { return; } float sinma = radius * Sin(startAngle); float cosma = radius * Sin(QUARTER_IN_DEGREE - startAngle); if (vertices_->GetTotalVertices() != 0) { vertices_->LineTo(float(center.x + sinma), float(center.y - cosma)); } else { vertices_->MoveTo(float(center.x + sinma), float(center.y - cosma)); } if (MATH_ABS(startAngle - endAngle) < CIRCLE_IN_DEGREE) { sinma = radius * Sin(endAngle); cosma = radius * Sin(QUARTER_IN_DEGREE - endAngle); } int16_t angle = endAngle - startAngle; bool largeArcFlag = false; if (angle > SEMICIRCLE_IN_DEGREE || angle <= 0) { largeArcFlag = true; } vertices_->ArcTo(radius, radius, angle, largeArcFlag, 1, float(center.x + sinma), float(center.y - cosma)); #else if (path_ == nullptr) { return; } /* * If there is no command before CMD_ARC, only the arc is drawn. If there is a command in front of * CMD_ARC, the start point of arc must be connected to the end point of the path. */ float sinma = radius * Sin(startAngle); float cosma = radius * Sin(QUARTER_IN_DEGREE - startAngle); if (path_->cmd_.Size() != 0) { path_->points_.PushBack({MATH_ROUND(center.x + sinma), MATH_ROUND(center.y - cosma)}); path_->cmd_.PushBack(CMD_LINE_TO); } else { path_->startPos_ = {MATH_ROUND(center.x + sinma), MATH_ROUND(center.y - cosma)}; } /* If the ARC scan range exceeds 360 degrees, the end point of the path is the position of the start angle. */ if (MATH_ABS(startAngle - endAngle) < CIRCLE_IN_DEGREE) { sinma = radius * Sin(endAngle); cosma = radius * Sin(QUARTER_IN_DEGREE - endAngle); } path_->points_.PushBack({MATH_ROUND(center.x + sinma), MATH_ROUND(center.y - cosma)}); path_->cmd_.PushBack(CMD_ARC); int16_t start; int16_t end; if (startAngle > endAngle) { start = endAngle; end = startAngle; } else { start = startAngle; end = endAngle; } DrawArc::GetInstance()->GetDrawRange(start, end); ArcParam param; param.center = center; param.radius = radius; param.startAngle = start; param.endAngle = end; path_->arcParam_.PushBack(param); #endif } void UICanvas::AddRect(const Point& point, int16_t height, int16_t width) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (vertices_ == nullptr) { return; } int16_t right = static_cast(point.x + width); int16_t bottom = point.y + height; float fRight = static_cast(width) + static_cast(point.x); float fBottom = static_cast(height) + static_cast(point.y); const int16_t setup = 3; if (fRight > INT16_MAX) { right += setup; } if (fBottom > INT16_MAX) { bottom += setup; } MoveTo(point); LineTo({right, point.y}); LineTo({right, bottom}); LineTo({point.x, bottom}); #else if (path_ == nullptr) { return; } MoveTo(point); LineTo({static_cast(point.x + width), point.y}); LineTo({static_cast(point.x + width), static_cast(point.y + height)}); LineTo({point.x, static_cast(point.y + height)}); #endif ClosePath(); } void UICanvas::ClosePath() { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (vertices_ == nullptr) { return; } vertices_->ClosePolygon(); #else if ((path_ == nullptr) || (path_->cmd_.Size() == 0)) { return; } path_->points_.PushBack(path_->startPos_); path_->cmd_.PushBack(CMD_CLOSE); #endif } UICanvas::~UICanvas() { if ((path_ != nullptr) && (path_->strokeCount_ == 0)) { delete path_; path_ = nullptr; } void* param = nullptr; ListNode* curDraw = drawCmdList_.Begin(); for (; curDraw != drawCmdList_.End(); curDraw = curDraw->next_) { param = curDraw->data_.param; curDraw->data_.DeleteParam(param); curDraw->data_.param = nullptr; } drawCmdList_.Clear(); if (vertices_ != nullptr) { delete vertices_; vertices_ = nullptr; } DestroyMapBufferInfo(); } void UICanvas::Clear() { if ((path_ != nullptr) && (path_->strokeCount_ == 0)) { delete path_; path_ = nullptr; } void* param = nullptr; ListNode* curDraw = drawCmdList_.Begin(); for (; curDraw != drawCmdList_.End(); curDraw = curDraw->next_) { param = curDraw->data_.param; curDraw->data_.DeleteParam(param); curDraw->data_.param = nullptr; } drawCmdList_.Clear(); if (vertices_ != nullptr) { delete vertices_; vertices_ = nullptr; } Invalidate(); } void UICanvas::DeleteImageParam(void* param) { ImageParam* imageParam = static_cast(param); if (imageParam->image != nullptr) { delete imageParam->image; imageParam->image = nullptr; } delete imageParam; imageParam = nullptr; } void UICanvas::DeletePathParam(void* param) { PathParam* pathParam = static_cast(param); #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (pathParam->vertices != nullptr) { pathParam->vertices->FreeAll(); pathParam->vertices = nullptr; } if (pathParam->imageParam != nullptr) { DeleteImageParam(pathParam->imageParam); } #else pathParam->path->strokeCount_--; if (pathParam->path->strokeCount_ == 0) { delete pathParam->path; } #endif delete pathParam; pathParam = nullptr; } void UICanvas::DrawLine(const Point& endPoint, const Paint& paint) { DrawLine(startPoint_, endPoint, paint); } void UICanvas::DrawLine(const Point& startPoint, const Point& endPoint, const Paint& paint) { LineParam* lineParam = new LineParam; if (lineParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new LineParam fail"); return; } lineParam->start = startPoint; lineParam->end = endPoint; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = lineParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteLineParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawLine; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); SetStartPosition(endPoint); } void UICanvas::DrawCurve(const Point& control1, const Point& control2, const Point& endPoint, const Paint& paint) { DrawCurve(startPoint_, control1, control2, endPoint, paint); } void UICanvas::DrawCurve(const Point& startPoint, const Point& control1, const Point& control2, const Point& endPoint, const Paint& paint) { CurveParam* curveParam = new CurveParam; if (curveParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new CurveParam fail"); return; } curveParam->start = startPoint; curveParam->control1 = control1; curveParam->control2 = control2; curveParam->end = endPoint; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; if (paint.GetStrokeWidth() > MAX_CURVE_WIDTH) { cmd.paint.SetStrokeWidth(MAX_CURVE_WIDTH); } cmd.param = curveParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteCurveParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawCurve; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); SetStartPosition(endPoint); } void UICanvas::DrawRect(const Point& startPoint, int16_t height, int16_t width, const Paint& paint) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (!paint.GetChangeFlag()) { if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE) { DrawRectSetCmd(startPoint, height, width, paint, Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE); } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { DrawRectSetCmd(startPoint, height, width, paint, Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE); } } else { BeginPath(); MoveTo(startPoint); LineTo({static_cast(startPoint.x + width), startPoint.y}); LineTo({static_cast(startPoint.x + width), static_cast(startPoint.y + height)}); LineTo({startPoint.x, static_cast(startPoint.y + height)}); ClosePath(); FillPath(paint); DrawPath(paint); } #else if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE) { RectParam* rectParam = new RectParam; if (rectParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new RectParam fail"); return; } rectParam->start = startPoint; rectParam->height = height; rectParam->width = width; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = rectParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteRectParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawRect; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { RectParam* rectParam = new RectParam; if (rectParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new RectParam fail"); return; } rectParam->start = startPoint; rectParam->height = height; rectParam->width = width; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = rectParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteRectParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoFillRect; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); } #endif Invalidate(); } void UICanvas::DrawRectSetCmd(const Point& startPoint, int16_t height, int16_t width, const Paint& paint, Paint::PaintStyle paintStyle) { RectParam* rectParam = new RectParam; if (rectParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new RectParam fail"); return; } rectParam->start = startPoint; rectParam->height = height; rectParam->width = width; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = rectParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteRectParam; if (paintStyle == Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE) { cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawRect; } else if (paintStyle == Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { cmd.DrawGraphics = DoFillRect; } drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); } #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND void UICanvas::StrokeRect(const Point& startPoint, int16_t height, int16_t width, const Paint& paint) { if (!paint.GetChangeFlag()) { RectParam* rectParam = new RectParam; if (rectParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new RectParam fail"); return; } rectParam->start = startPoint; rectParam->height = height; rectParam->width = width; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = rectParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteRectParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawRect; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); } else { BeginPath(); MoveTo(startPoint); LineTo({static_cast(startPoint.x + width), startPoint.y}); LineTo({static_cast(startPoint.x + width), static_cast(startPoint.y + height)}); LineTo({startPoint.x, static_cast(startPoint.y + height)}); ClosePath(); DrawPath(paint); } SetStartPosition(startPoint); } void UICanvas::ClearRect(const Point& startPoint, int16_t height, int16_t width) { Paint paint; paint.SetFillColor(this->style_->bgColor_); paint.SetStyle(Paint::FILL_STYLE); BeginPath(); MoveTo(startPoint); LineTo({static_cast(startPoint.x + width), startPoint.y}); LineTo({static_cast(startPoint.x + width), static_cast(startPoint.y + height)}); LineTo({startPoint.x, static_cast(startPoint.y + height)}); ClosePath(); FillPath(paint); } #endif void UICanvas::DrawCircle(const Point& center, uint16_t radius, const Paint& paint) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (paint.GetChangeFlag()) { #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_BEZIER_ARC_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_BEZIER_ARC_FLAG if (vertices_ == nullptr) { vertices_ = new UICanvasVertices(); } vertices_->RemoveAll(); BezierArc arc(center.x, center.y, radius, radius, 0, TWO_TIMES * PI); vertices_->ConcatPath(arc, 0); vertices_->ClosePolygon(); if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE) { DrawPath(paint); } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { FillPath(paint); } #endif } else { CircleParam* circleParam = new CircleParam; if (circleParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new CircleParam fail"); return; } circleParam->center = center; circleParam->radius = radius; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = circleParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteCircleParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawCircle; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); } #else CircleParam* circleParam = new CircleParam; if (circleParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new CircleParam fail"); return; } circleParam->center = center; circleParam->radius = radius; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = circleParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteCircleParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawCircle; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); #endif Invalidate(); } void UICanvas::DrawSector(const Point& center, uint16_t radius, int16_t startAngle, int16_t endAngle, const Paint& paint) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND BeginPath(); MoveTo(center); ArcTo(center, radius, startAngle, endAngle); ClosePath(); if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE) { DrawPath(paint); } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { FillPath(paint); } #else if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { Paint innerPaint = paint; innerPaint.SetStyle(Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE); innerPaint.SetStrokeWidth(radius); innerPaint.SetStrokeColor(paint.GetFillColor()); radius >>= 1; DrawArc(center, radius, startAngle, endAngle, innerPaint); } #endif } void UICanvas::DrawArc(const Point& center, uint16_t radius, int16_t startAngle, int16_t endAngle, const Paint& paint) { if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (paint.GetChangeFlag()) { ArcTo(center, radius, startAngle, endAngle); DrawPath(paint); } else #endif { ArcParam* arcParam = new ArcParam; if (arcParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new ArcParam fail"); return; } arcParam->center = center; arcParam->radius = radius; int16_t start; int16_t end; if (startAngle > endAngle) { start = endAngle; end = startAngle; } else { start = startAngle; end = endAngle; } DrawArc::GetInstance()->GetDrawRange(start, end); arcParam->startAngle = start; arcParam->endAngle = end; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = arcParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteArcParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawArc; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); } Invalidate(); } } void UICanvas::DrawLabel(const Point& startPoint, const char* text, uint16_t maxWidth, const FontStyle& fontStyle, const Paint& paint) { if (text == nullptr) { return; } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { UILabel* label = new UILabel(); if (label == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UILabel fail"); return; } label->SetLineBreakMode(UILabel::LINE_BREAK_CLIP); label->SetPosition(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); label->SetWidth(maxWidth); label->SetHeight(GetHeight()); label->SetText(text); label->SetFont(fontStyle.fontName, fontStyle.fontSize); label->SetAlign(fontStyle.align); label->SetDirect(fontStyle.direct); label->SetStyle(STYLE_LETTER_SPACE, fontStyle.letterSpace); label->SetStyle(STYLE_TEXT_COLOR, paint.GetFillColor().full); label->SetStyle(STYLE_TEXT_OPA, paint.GetOpacity()); DrawCmd cmd; cmd.param = label; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteLabel; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawLabel; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); } } #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_IMAGE_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_IMAGE_FLAG void UICanvas::DrawImage(const Point &startPoint, const char* image, const Paint& paint) { if (image == nullptr) { return; } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { UIExtendImageView* imageView = new UIExtendImageView(); if (imageView == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIImageView fail"); return; } imageView->SetCanvas(this); imageView->SetPosition(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); imageView->SetSrc(image); DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = imageView; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteImageView; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawImage; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); SetStartPosition(startPoint); } } void UICanvas::DrawImage(const Point& startPoint, const char* image, const Paint& paint, int16_t width, int16_t height) { if (image == nullptr) { return; } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { UIExtendImageView* imageView = new UIExtendImageView(); if (imageView == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new UIImageView fail"); return; } imageView->SetCanvas(this); imageView->SetPosition(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); imageView->SetSrc(image); float scaleX = 1.0; float scaleY = 1.0; if (width > 0 && imageView->GetWidth() > 0) { scaleX = (float)width / (float)imageView->GetWidth(); } if (height > 0 && imageView->GetHeight() > 0) { scaleY = (float)height / (float)imageView->GetHeight(); } DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.paint.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); cmd.param = imageView; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteImageView; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawImage; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); SetStartPosition(startPoint); } Invalidate(); SetStartPosition(startPoint); } #endif void UICanvas::DrawPath(const Paint& paint) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND if (vertices_ == nullptr) { return; } PathParam* pathParam = new PathParam; if (pathParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new LineParam fail"); return; } pathParam->vertices = vertices_; pathParam->isStroke = true; #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG if (paint.GetStyle() == Paint::PATTERN) { ImageParam* imageParam = new ImageParam; if (imageParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new ImageParam fail"); return; } imageParam->image = new Image(); if (imageParam->image == nullptr) { delete imageParam; imageParam = nullptr; return; } imageParam->image->SetSrc(paint.GetPatternImage()); ImageHeader header = {0}; imageParam->image->GetHeader(header); imageParam->start = {0, 0}; imageParam->height = header.height; imageParam->width = header.width; pathParam->imageParam = imageParam; } #endif #else if ((path_ == nullptr) || (path_->cmd_.Size() == 0)) { return; } path_->strokeCount_++; PathParam* pathParam = new PathParam; if (pathParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new PathParam fail"); return; } pathParam->path = path_; pathParam->count = path_->cmd_.Size(); #endif DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = pathParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeletePathParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawPath; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); } #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND void UICanvas::FillPath(const Paint& paint) { if (vertices_ == nullptr) { return; } PathParam* pathParam = new PathParam; if (pathParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new LineParam fail"); return; } pathParam->vertices = vertices_; pathParam->isStroke = false; #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG if (paint.GetStyle() == Paint::PATTERN) { ImageParam* imageParam = new ImageParam; if (imageParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new ImageParam fail"); return; } imageParam->image = new Image(); if (imageParam->image == nullptr) { delete imageParam; imageParam = nullptr; return; } imageParam->image->SetSrc(paint.GetPatternImage()); ImageHeader header = {0}; imageParam->image->GetHeader(header); imageParam->start = {0, 0}; imageParam->height = header.height; imageParam->width = header.width; pathParam->imageParam = imageParam; } #endif DrawCmd cmd; cmd.paint = paint; cmd.param = pathParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeletePathParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoFillPath; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); } #endif void UICanvas::OnDraw(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& invalidatedArea) { Rect rect = GetOrigRect(); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, rect, invalidatedArea, *style_, opaScale_); void* param = nullptr; ListNode* curDraw = drawCmdList_.Begin(); Rect coords = GetOrigRect(); Rect trunc = invalidatedArea; if (!trunc.Intersect(trunc, coords)) { return; } #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND bool haveComposite = false; for (; curDraw != drawCmdList_.End(); curDraw = curDraw->next_) { if (curDraw->data_.paint.HaveComposite()) { haveComposite = true; break; } } if (haveComposite) { OnBlendDraw(gfxDstBuffer, trunc); } else #endif { curDraw = drawCmdList_.Begin(); for (; curDraw != drawCmdList_.End(); curDraw = curDraw->next_) { param = curDraw->data_.param; curDraw->data_.DrawGraphics(gfxDstBuffer, param, curDraw->data_.paint, rect, trunc, *style_); } } } #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND void OnBlendDrawPattern(ListNode* curDraw, UICanvas::DrawCmd& drawCmd, Rect& rect, const Rect& trunc, RasterizerScanlineAntialias& blendRasterizer, RasterizerScanlineAntialias& rasterizer, RenderBase& renBase, TransAffine& transform, PathParam* pathParamBlend) { #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG if (curDraw->data_.paint.GetStyle() == Paint::PATTERN) { if (curDraw->data_.param == nullptr) { return; } PathParam* pathParam = static_cast(curDraw->data_.param); ImageParam* imageParam = static_cast(pathParam->imageParam); if (imageParam->image == nullptr) { return; } FillPatternRgba spanPattern(imageParam->image->GetImageInfo(), curDraw->data_.paint.GetPatternRepeatMode(), rect.GetLeft(), rect.GetTop()); UICanvas::BlendRaster(drawCmd.paint, drawCmd.param, blendRasterizer, rasterizer, renBase, transform, spanPattern, trunc, pathParamBlend->isStroke); } #endif } void OnBlendDrawGradient(ListNode* curDraw, UICanvas::DrawCmd& drawCmd, const Rect& trunc, RasterizerScanlineAntialias& blendRasterizer, RasterizerScanlineAntialias& rasterizer, RenderBase& renBase, TransAffine& transform, PathParam* pathParamBlend) { #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_GRADIENT_FILL_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_GRADIENT_FILL_FLAG if (curDraw->data_.paint.GetStyle() == Paint::GRADIENT) { TransAffine gradientMatrix; FillInterpolator interpolatorType(gradientMatrix); FillGradientLut gradientColorMode; DrawCanvas::BuildGradientColor(curDraw->data_.paint, gradientColorMode); if (curDraw->data_.paint.GetGradient() == Paint::Linear) { float distance = 0; DrawCanvas::BuildLineGradientMatrix(drawCmd.paint, gradientMatrix, transform, distance); GradientLinearCalculate gradientLinearCalculate; FillGradient span(interpolatorType, gradientLinearCalculate, gradientColorMode, 0, distance); UICanvas::BlendRaster(drawCmd.paint, drawCmd.param, blendRasterizer, rasterizer, renBase, transform, span, trunc, pathParamBlend->isStroke); } if (curDraw->data_.paint.GetGradient() == Paint::Radial) { Paint::RadialGradientPoint radialPoint = drawCmd.paint.GetRadialGradientPoint(); float startRadius = 0; float endRadius = 0; DrawCanvas::BuildRadialGradientMatrix(drawCmd.paint, gradientMatrix, transform, startRadius, endRadius); GradientRadialCalculate gradientRadialCalculate(endRadius, radialPoint.x0 - radialPoint.x1, radialPoint.y0 - radialPoint.y1); FillGradient span(interpolatorType, gradientRadialCalculate, gradientColorMode, startRadius, endRadius); UICanvas::BlendRaster(drawCmd.paint, drawCmd.param, blendRasterizer, rasterizer, renBase, transform, span, trunc, pathParamBlend->isStroke); } } #endif } void UICanvas::OnBlendDraw(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& trunc) { Rect rect = GetOrigRect(); RenderBuffer renderBuffer; TransAffine transform; ListNode* curDrawEnd = drawCmdList_.Begin(); RasterizerScanlineAntialias blendRasterizer; DrawCmd drawCmd; int count = 0; for (; curDrawEnd != drawCmdList_.End(); curDrawEnd = curDrawEnd->next_) { if (curDrawEnd->data_.paint.HaveComposite()) { drawCmd = curDrawEnd->data_; count++; } } if (drawCmd.param == nullptr) { return; } PathParam* pathParamBlend = static_cast(drawCmd.param); ListNode* curDraw = drawCmdList_.Begin(); DrawCanvas::InitRenderAndTransform(gfxDstBuffer, renderBuffer, rect, transform, *style_, curDraw->data_.paint); DrawCanvas::SetRasterizer(*pathParamBlend->vertices, drawCmd.paint, blendRasterizer, transform, pathParamBlend->isStroke); RasterizerScanlineAntialias scanline; RenderPixfmtRgbaBlend pixFormat(renderBuffer); RenderBase renBase(pixFormat); renBase.ResetClipping(true); renBase.ClipBox(trunc.GetLeft(), trunc.GetTop(), trunc.GetRight(), trunc.GetBottom()); for (; curDraw != drawCmdList_.End(); curDraw = curDraw->next_) { if (curDraw->data_.paint.HaveComposite()) { drawCmd = curDraw->data_; count--; } if (count <= 0) { continue; } RasterizerScanlineAntialias rasterizer; if (curDraw->data_.param == nullptr) { continue; } PathParam* pathParam = static_cast(curDraw->data_.param); #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_BLUR_EFFECT_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_BLUR_EFFECT_FLAG if (curDraw->data_.paint.HaveShadow()) { DrawCanvas::DoDrawShadow(gfxDstBuffer, curDraw->data_.param, curDraw->data_.paint, rect, trunc, *style_, pathParam->isStroke); } #endif DrawCanvas::InitRenderAndTransform(gfxDstBuffer, renderBuffer, rect, transform, *style_, curDraw->data_.paint); rasterizer.ClipBox(0, 0, gfxDstBuffer.width, gfxDstBuffer.height); DrawCanvas::SetRasterizer(*pathParam->vertices, curDraw->data_.paint, rasterizer, transform, pathParam->isStroke); if (IsSoild(curDraw->data_.paint)) { Rgba8T color; DrawCanvas::RenderBlendSolid(curDraw->data_.paint, color, pathParam->isStroke); SpanSoildColor spanSoildColor(color); BlendRaster(drawCmd.paint, drawCmd.param, blendRasterizer, rasterizer, renBase, transform, spanSoildColor, rect, pathParamBlend->isStroke); } OnBlendDrawGradient(curDraw, drawCmd, trunc, blendRasterizer, rasterizer, renBase, transform, pathParamBlend); OnBlendDrawPattern(curDraw, drawCmd, rect, trunc, blendRasterizer, rasterizer, renBase, transform, pathParamBlend); } } #endif void UICanvas::GetAbsolutePosition(const Point& prePoint, const Rect& rect, const Style& style, Point& point) { point.x = prePoint.x + rect.GetLeft() + style.paddingLeft_ + style.borderWidth_; point.y = prePoint.y + rect.GetTop() + style.paddingTop_ + style.borderWidth_; } void UICanvas::DoDrawLine(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } LineParam* lineParam = static_cast(param); Point start; Point end; GetAbsolutePosition(lineParam->start, rect, style, start); GetAbsolutePosition(lineParam->end, rect, style, end); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawLine(gfxDstBuffer, start, end, invalidatedArea, paint.GetStrokeWidth(), paint.GetStrokeColor(), paint.GetOpacity()); } void UICanvas::DoDrawCurve(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } CurveParam* curveParam = static_cast(param); Point start; Point end; Point control1; Point control2; GetAbsolutePosition(curveParam->start, rect, style, start); GetAbsolutePosition(curveParam->end, rect, style, end); GetAbsolutePosition(curveParam->control1, rect, style, control1); GetAbsolutePosition(curveParam->control2, rect, style, control2); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawCubicBezier(gfxDstBuffer, start, control1, control2, end, invalidatedArea, paint.GetStrokeWidth(), paint.GetStrokeColor(), paint.GetOpacity()); } void UICanvas::DoDrawRect(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } RectParam* rectParam = static_cast(param); Style drawStyle = StyleDefault::GetDefaultStyle(); drawStyle.bgColor_ = paint.GetStrokeColor(); drawStyle.bgOpa_ = paint.GetOpacity(); drawStyle.borderRadius_ = 0; int16_t lineWidth = static_cast(paint.GetStrokeWidth()); Point start; GetAbsolutePosition(rectParam->start, rect, style, start); int16_t x = start.x - lineWidth / 2; // 2: half int16_t y = start.y - lineWidth / 2; // 2: half Rect coords; if ((rectParam->height <= lineWidth) || (rectParam->width <= lineWidth)) { coords.SetPosition(x, y); coords.SetHeight(rectParam->height + lineWidth); coords.SetWidth(rectParam->width + lineWidth); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, coords, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE); return; } coords.SetPosition(x, y); coords.SetHeight(lineWidth); coords.SetWidth(rectParam->width); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, coords, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE); coords.SetPosition(x + rectParam->width, y); coords.SetHeight(rectParam->height); coords.SetWidth(lineWidth); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, coords, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE); coords.SetPosition(x, y + lineWidth); coords.SetHeight(rectParam->height); coords.SetWidth(lineWidth); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, coords, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE); coords.SetPosition(x + lineWidth, y + rectParam->height); coords.SetHeight(lineWidth); coords.SetWidth(rectParam->width); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, coords, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE); } void UICanvas::DoFillRect(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } RectParam* rectParam = static_cast(param); uint8_t enableStroke = static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE; int16_t lineWidth = enableStroke ? paint.GetStrokeWidth() : 0; if ((rectParam->height <= lineWidth) || (rectParam->width <= lineWidth)) { return; } Point start; GetAbsolutePosition(rectParam->start, rect, style, start); Rect coords; coords.SetPosition(start.x + (lineWidth + 1) / 2, start.y + (lineWidth + 1) / 2); // 2: half coords.SetHeight(rectParam->height - lineWidth); coords.SetWidth(rectParam->width - lineWidth); Style drawStyle = StyleDefault::GetDefaultStyle(); drawStyle.bgColor_ = paint.GetFillColor(); drawStyle.bgOpa_ = paint.GetOpacity(); drawStyle.borderRadius_ = 0; BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawRect(gfxDstBuffer, coords, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE); } void UICanvas::DoDrawCircle(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } CircleParam* circleParam = static_cast(param); Style drawStyle = StyleDefault::GetDefaultStyle(); drawStyle.lineOpa_ = paint.GetOpacity(); ArcInfo arcInfo = {{0}}; arcInfo.imgPos = {0, 0}; arcInfo.startAngle = 0; arcInfo.endAngle = CIRCLE_IN_DEGREE; GetAbsolutePosition(circleParam->center, rect, style, arcInfo.center); uint8_t enableStroke = static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::STROKE_STYLE; uint16_t halfLineWidth = enableStroke ? (paint.GetStrokeWidth() >> 1) : 0; if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { arcInfo.radius = circleParam->radius - halfLineWidth; drawStyle.lineWidth_ = arcInfo.radius; drawStyle.lineColor_ = paint.GetFillColor(); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawArc(gfxDstBuffer, arcInfo, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE, CapType::CAP_NONE); } if (enableStroke) { arcInfo.radius = circleParam->radius + halfLineWidth - 1; drawStyle.lineWidth_ = static_cast(paint.GetStrokeWidth()); drawStyle.lineColor_ = paint.GetStrokeColor(); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawArc(gfxDstBuffer, arcInfo, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE, CapType::CAP_NONE); } } void UICanvas::DoDrawArc(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } ArcParam* arcParam = static_cast(param); ArcInfo arcInfo = {{0}}; arcInfo.imgPos = {0, 0}; arcInfo.startAngle = arcParam->startAngle; arcInfo.endAngle = arcParam->endAngle; Style drawStyle = StyleDefault::GetDefaultStyle(); drawStyle.lineWidth_ = static_cast(paint.GetStrokeWidth()); drawStyle.lineColor_ = paint.GetStrokeColor(); drawStyle.lineOpa_ = paint.GetOpacity(); arcInfo.radius = arcParam->radius + ((paint.GetStrokeWidth() + 1) >> 1); GetAbsolutePosition(arcParam->center, rect, style, arcInfo.center); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawArc(gfxDstBuffer, arcInfo, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE, CapType::CAP_NONE); } #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_IMAGE_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_IMAGE_FLAG void UICanvas::DoDrawImage(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } UIImageView* imageView = static_cast(param); Point startPos = {imageView->GetX(), imageView->GetY()}; Point start; GetAbsolutePosition({startPos.x, startPos.y}, rect, style, start); imageView->SetPosition(start.x, start.y); if (!paint.GetTransAffine().IsIdentity()) { float angle = paint.GetRotateAngle(); imageView->Rotate(MATH_ROUND(angle), Vector2(0, 0)); imageView->Translate(Vector3(paint.GetTranslateX(), paint.GetTranslateY(), 1)); Vector2 scale(static_cast(paint.GetScaleX()), static_cast(paint.GetScaleY())); imageView->Scale(scale, Vector2(0, 0)); } imageView->OnDraw(gfxDstBuffer, invalidatedArea); imageView->SetPosition(startPos.x, startPos.y); } #endif void UICanvas::DoDrawLabel(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } UILabel* label = static_cast(param); Point startPos = {label->GetX(), label->GetY()}; Point start; GetAbsolutePosition({startPos.x, startPos.y}, rect, style, start); label->SetPosition(start.x, start.y); label->OnDraw(gfxDstBuffer, invalidatedArea); label->SetPosition(startPos.x, startPos.y); } void UICanvas::DoDrawLineJoin(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Point& center, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Paint& paint) { ArcInfo arcinfo = {{0}}; arcinfo.center = center; arcinfo.imgPos = {0, 0}; arcinfo.radius = (paint.GetStrokeWidth() + 1) >> 1; arcinfo.startAngle = 0; arcinfo.endAngle = CIRCLE_IN_DEGREE; Style style; style.lineColor_ = paint.GetStrokeColor(); style.lineWidth_ = static_cast(paint.GetStrokeWidth()); style.lineOpa_ = OPA_OPAQUE; BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawArc(gfxDstBuffer, arcinfo, invalidatedArea, style, OPA_OPAQUE, CapType::CAP_NONE); } void UICanvas::DoDrawPath(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawPath(gfxDstBuffer, param, paint, rect, invalidatedArea, style); #else if (param == nullptr) { return; } PathParam* pathParam = static_cast(param); const UICanvasPath* path = pathParam->path; if (path == nullptr) { return; } Point pathEnd = {COORD_MIN, COORD_MIN}; ListNode* pointIter = path->points_.Begin(); ListNode* arcIter = path->arcParam_.Begin(); ListNode* iter = path->cmd_.Begin(); for (uint16_t i = 0; (i < pathParam->count) && (iter != path->cmd_.End()); i++, iter = iter->next_) { switch (iter->data_) { case CMD_MOVE_TO: { pointIter = pointIter->next_; break; } case CMD_LINE_TO: { Point start = pointIter->prev_->data_; Point end = pointIter->data_; pointIter = pointIter->next_; if ((start.x == end.x) && (start.y == end.y)) { break; } GetAbsolutePosition(start, rect, style, start); GetAbsolutePosition(end, rect, style, end); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawLine(gfxDstBuffer, start, end, invalidatedArea, paint.GetStrokeWidth(), paint.GetStrokeColor(), OPA_OPAQUE); if ((pathEnd.x == start.x) && (pathEnd.y == start.y)) { DoDrawLineJoin(gfxDstBuffer, start, invalidatedArea, paint); } pathEnd = end; break; } case CMD_ARC: { ArcInfo arcInfo = {{0}}; arcInfo.imgPos = Point{0, 0}; arcInfo.startAngle = arcIter->data_.startAngle; arcInfo.endAngle = arcIter->data_.endAngle; Style drawStyle = StyleDefault::GetDefaultStyle(); drawStyle.lineWidth_ = static_cast(paint.GetStrokeWidth()); drawStyle.lineColor_ = paint.GetStrokeColor(); drawStyle.lineOpa_ = OPA_OPAQUE; arcInfo.radius = arcIter->data_.radius + ((paint.GetStrokeWidth() + 1) >> 1); GetAbsolutePosition(arcIter->data_.center, rect, style, arcInfo.center); BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawArc(gfxDstBuffer, arcInfo, invalidatedArea, drawStyle, OPA_OPAQUE, CapType::CAP_NONE); if (pointIter != path->points_.Begin()) { DoDrawLineJoin(gfxDstBuffer, pathEnd, invalidatedArea, paint); } GetAbsolutePosition(pointIter->data_, rect, style, pathEnd); pointIter = pointIter->next_; arcIter = arcIter->next_; break; } case CMD_CLOSE: { Point start = pointIter->prev_->data_; Point end = pointIter->data_; GetAbsolutePosition(start, rect, style, start); GetAbsolutePosition(end, rect, style, end); if ((start.x != end.x) || (start.y != end.y)) { BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawLine(gfxDstBuffer, start, end, invalidatedArea, paint.GetStrokeWidth(), paint.GetStrokeColor(), OPA_OPAQUE); if ((pathEnd.x == start.x) && (pathEnd.y == start.y)) { DoDrawLineJoin(gfxDstBuffer, start, invalidatedArea, paint); } pathEnd = end; } if ((pathEnd.x == end.x) && (pathEnd.y == end.y)) { DoDrawLineJoin(gfxDstBuffer, end, invalidatedArea, paint); } pointIter = pointIter->next_; break; } default: break; } } #endif } void UICanvas::DoFillPath(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->FillPath(gfxDstBuffer, param, paint, rect, invalidatedArea, style); } #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_TEXT_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_TEXT_FLAG void UICanvas::StrokeText(const char* text, const Point& point, const FontStyle& fontStyle, const Paint& paint) { if (text == nullptr) { return; } if (static_cast(paint.GetStyle()) & Paint::PaintStyle::FILL_STYLE) { TextParam* textParam = new TextParam; if (textParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("new TextParam fail"); return; } textParam->text = text; textParam->fontStyle = fontStyle; textParam->fontOpa = paint.GetOpacity(); textParam->fontColor = paint.GetFillColor(); textParam->position = point; DrawCmd cmd; cmd.param = textParam; cmd.DeleteParam = DeleteTextParam; cmd.DrawGraphics = DoDrawText; cmd.paint = paint; drawCmdList_.PushBack(cmd); Invalidate(); SetStartPosition(point); } } #endif Point UICanvas::MeasureText(const char* text, const FontStyle& fontStyle) { Text* textCompent = new Text; textCompent->SetText(text); textCompent->SetFont(fontStyle.fontName, fontStyle.fontSize); textCompent->SetDirect(static_cast(fontStyle.direct)); textCompent->SetAlign(static_cast(fontStyle.align)); Style drawStyle; drawStyle.SetStyle(STYLE_LETTER_SPACE, fontStyle.letterSpace); textCompent->ReMeasureTextSize(this->GetRect(), drawStyle); Point textSize = textCompent->GetTextSize(); delete textCompent; return textSize; } void UICanvas::BlitMapBuffer(BufferInfo &gfxDstBuffer, BufferInfo& gfxMapBuffer, Rect& textRect, TransformMap& transMap, const Rect& invalidatedArea) { Rect invalidRect = textRect; transMap.SetTransMapRect(textRect); if (invalidRect.Intersect(invalidRect, transMap.GetBoxRect())) { uint8_t pxSize = DrawUtils::GetPxSizeByColorMode(gfxDstBuffer.mode); ImageInfo imageInfo; imageInfo.header.colorMode = gfxDstBuffer.mode; imageInfo.dataSize = gfxMapBuffer.width * gfxMapBuffer.height * DrawUtils::GetByteSizeByColorMode(gfxDstBuffer.mode); imageInfo.header.width = gfxMapBuffer.width; imageInfo.header.height = gfxMapBuffer.height; imageInfo.header.reserved = 0; uint8_t* addr = reinterpret_cast(gfxMapBuffer.virAddr); imageInfo.data = addr; TransformDataInfo imageTranDataInfo = {imageInfo.header, imageInfo.data, pxSize, BlurLevel::LEVEL0, TransformAlgorithm::BILINEAR}; BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->DrawTransform(gfxDstBuffer, invalidatedArea, {0, 0}, Color::Black(), OPA_OPAQUE, transMap, imageTranDataInfo); } } #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_TEXT_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_DRAW_TEXT_FLAG void UICanvas::DoDrawText(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, void* param, const Paint& paint, const Rect& rect, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Style& style) { TextParam* textParam = static_cast(param); if (textParam == nullptr) { return; } if (textParam->fontStyle.fontSize <= 0) { return; } Text* text = textParam->textComment; text->SetText(textParam->text); text->SetFont(textParam->fontStyle.fontName, textParam->fontStyle.fontSize); text->SetDirect(static_cast(textParam->fontStyle.direct)); text->SetAlign(static_cast(textParam->fontStyle.align)); Point start; Rect textRect = invalidatedArea; GetAbsolutePosition(textParam->position, rect, style, start); textRect.SetPosition(start.x, start.y); Style drawStyle = style; drawStyle.textColor_ = textParam->fontColor; drawStyle.lineColor_ = textParam->fontColor; drawStyle.bgColor_ = textParam->fontColor; drawStyle.SetStyle(STYLE_LETTER_SPACE, textParam->fontStyle.letterSpace); text->ReMeasureTextSize(textRect, drawStyle); if (text->GetTextSize().x == 0 || text->GetTextSize().y == 0) { return; } textRect.SetWidth(text->GetTextSize().x + 1); textRect.SetHeight(text->GetTextSize().y + 1); OpacityType opa = DrawUtils::GetMixOpacity(textParam->fontOpa, style.bgOpa_); if (!paint.GetTransAffine().IsIdentity()) { Rect textImageRect(0, 0, textRect.GetWidth(), textRect.GetHeight()); BufferInfo* mapBufferInfo = UpdateMapBufferInfo(gfxDstBuffer, textImageRect); text->OnDraw(*mapBufferInfo, textImageRect, textImageRect, textImageRect, 0, drawStyle, Text::TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV, opa); TransformMap trans; trans.SetTransMapRect(textRect); trans.Scale(Vector2(static_cast(paint.GetScaleX()), static_cast(paint.GetScaleY())), Vector2(0, 0)); float angle = paint.GetRotateAngle(); trans.Rotate(MATH_ROUND(angle), Vector2(0, 0)); trans.Translate(Vector2(paint.GetTranslateX(), paint.GetTranslateY())); BlitMapBuffer(gfxDstBuffer, *mapBufferInfo, textRect, trans, invalidatedArea); } else { text->OnDraw(gfxDstBuffer, invalidatedArea, textRect, textRect, 0, drawStyle, Text::TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV, opa); } } #endif void UICanvas::InitGfxMapBuffer(const BufferInfo& srcBuff, const Rect& rect) { gfxMapBuffer_ = new BufferInfo(); gfxMapBuffer_->rect = rect; gfxMapBuffer_->mode = srcBuff.mode; gfxMapBuffer_->color = srcBuff.color; gfxMapBuffer_->width = static_cast(rect.GetWidth()); gfxMapBuffer_->height = static_cast(rect.GetHeight()); uint8_t destByteSize = DrawUtils::GetByteSizeByColorMode(srcBuff.mode); gfxMapBuffer_->stride = static_cast(gfxMapBuffer_->width) * static_cast(destByteSize); uint32_t buffSize = gfxMapBuffer_->height * gfxMapBuffer_->stride; gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr = BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->AllocBuffer(buffSize, BUFFER_MAP_SURFACE); gfxMapBuffer_->phyAddr = gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr; errno_t err = memset_s(gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr, buffSize, 0, buffSize); if (err != EOK) { BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->FreeBuffer(static_cast(gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr), BUFFER_MAP_SURFACE); GRAPHIC_LOGE("memset_s gfxMapBuffer_ fail"); return; } } BufferInfo* UICanvas::UpdateMapBufferInfo(const BufferInfo& srcBuff, const Rect& rect) { if (gfxMapBuffer_ == nullptr) { InitGfxMapBuffer(srcBuff, rect); return gfxMapBuffer_; } if (rect.GetWidth() != gfxMapBuffer_->width || rect.GetHeight() != gfxMapBuffer_->height || srcBuff.mode != gfxMapBuffer_->mode) { DestroyMapBufferInfo(); InitGfxMapBuffer(srcBuff, rect); } else { uint32_t buffSize = gfxMapBuffer_->height * gfxMapBuffer_->stride; errno_t err = memset_s(gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr, buffSize, 0, buffSize); if (err != EOK) { BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->FreeBuffer(static_cast(gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr), BUFFER_MAP_SURFACE); GRAPHIC_LOGE("memset_s gfxMapBuffer_ fail"); } } return gfxMapBuffer_; } void UICanvas::DestroyMapBufferInfo() { if (gfxMapBuffer_ != nullptr) { BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->FreeBuffer(static_cast(gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr), BUFFER_MAP_SURFACE); gfxMapBuffer_->virAddr = nullptr; gfxMapBuffer_->phyAddr = nullptr; delete gfxMapBuffer_; gfxMapBuffer_ = nullptr; } } #if defined(ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND) && ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND void UICanvas::BlendRaster(const Paint& paint, void* param, RasterizerScanlineAntialias& blendRasterizer, RasterizerScanlineAntialias& rasterizer, RenderBase& renBase, TransAffine& transform, SpanBase& spanGen, const Rect& rect, bool isStroke) { TransAffine gradientMatrixBlend; GeometryScanline scanline1; GeometryScanline scanline2; FillBase allocator1; if (IsSoild(paint)) { Rgba8T blendColor; DrawCanvas::RenderBlendSolid(paint, blendColor, isStroke); SpanSoildColor spanBlendSoildColor(blendColor); BlendScanLine(paint.GetGlobalCompositeOperation(), blendRasterizer, rasterizer, scanline1, scanline2, renBase, allocator1, spanBlendSoildColor, spanGen); } #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_GRADIENT_FILL_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_GRADIENT_FILL_FLAG FillInterpolator interpolatorTypeBlend(gradientMatrixBlend); FillGradientLut gradientColorModeBlend; if (paint.GetStyle() == Paint::GRADIENT) { DrawCanvas::BuildGradientColor(paint, gradientColorModeBlend); if (paint.GetGradient() == Paint::Linear) { float distance = 0; DrawCanvas::BuildLineGradientMatrix(paint, gradientMatrixBlend, transform, distance); GradientLinearCalculate gradientLinearCalculate; FillGradient span(interpolatorTypeBlend, gradientLinearCalculate, gradientColorModeBlend, 0, distance); BlendScanLine(paint.GetGlobalCompositeOperation(), blendRasterizer, rasterizer, scanline1, scanline2, renBase, allocator1, span, spanGen); } else if (paint.GetGradient() == Paint::Radial) { Paint::RadialGradientPoint radialPoint = paint.GetRadialGradientPoint(); float startRadius = 0; float endRadius = 0; DrawCanvas::BuildRadialGradientMatrix(paint, gradientMatrixBlend, transform, startRadius, endRadius); GradientRadialCalculate gradientRadialCalculate(endRadius, radialPoint.x0 - radialPoint.x1, radialPoint.y0 - radialPoint.y1); FillGradient span(interpolatorTypeBlend, gradientRadialCalculate, gradientColorModeBlend, startRadius, endRadius); BlendScanLine(paint.GetGlobalCompositeOperation(), blendRasterizer, rasterizer, scanline1, scanline2, renBase, allocator1, span, spanGen); } } #endif #if defined(GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG) && GRAPHIC_ENABLE_PATTERN_FILL_FLAG if (paint.GetStyle() == Paint::PATTERN) { if (param == nullptr) { return; } PathParam* pathParam = static_cast(param); ImageParam* imageParam = static_cast(pathParam->imageParam); if (imageParam->image == nullptr) { return; } FillPatternRgba spanPattern(imageParam->image->GetImageInfo(), paint.GetPatternRepeatMode(), rect.GetLeft(), rect.GetTop()); BlendScanLine(paint.GetGlobalCompositeOperation(), blendRasterizer, rasterizer, scanline1, scanline2, renBase, allocator1, spanPattern, spanGen); } #endif } #endif // ENABLE_CANVAS_EXTEND } // namespace OHOS