# @ohos.settings
The **settings** module provides APIs for setting data items.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
import settings from '@ohos.settings';
## date
Provides data items for setting the time and date formats.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| ------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| DATE_FORMAT | string | Yes | Yes | Date format. The value can be **mm/dd/yyyy**, **dd/mm/yyyy**, or **yyyy/mm/dd**, where **mm** indicates the month, **dd** indicates the day, and **yyyy** indicates the year.|
| TIME_FORMAT | string | Yes | Yes | Time format. **12**: 12-hour format. **24**: 24-hour format.|
| AUTO_GAIN_TIME | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the date, time, and time zone are automatically obtained from the Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ). The value **true** means that the date, time, and time zone are automatically obtained from NITZ; and **false** means the opposite. |
| AUTO_GAIN_TIME_ZONE | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the time zone is automatically obtained from NITZ. The value **true** means that the time zone is automatically obtained from NITZ; and **false** means the opposite. |
## display
Provides data items for setting the display effects.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| ----------------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| FONT_SCALE | string | Yes | Yes | Scale factor of the font. The value is a floating point number. |
| SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Screen brightness. The value ranges from 0 to 255. |
| AUTO_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether automatic screen brightness adjustment is enabled. **AUTO_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE**: Automatic screen brightness adjustment is enabled. **MANUAL_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE**: Automatic screen brightness adjustment is disabled. |
| AUTO_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE | number | Yes | Yes | Value of **AUTO_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS** when automatic screen brightness adjustment is enabled. |
| MANUAL_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE | number | Yes | Yes | Value of **AUTO_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS** when automatic screen brightness adjustment is disabled. |
| SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT | string | Yes | Yes | Waiting time for the device to enter the sleep state when not in use (unit: ms). |
| DEFAULT_SCREEN_ROTATION | string | Yes | Yes | Rotation angle. This attribute is valid only when screen auto-rotation is disabled. **0**: The screen rotates by 0 degrees. **1**: The screen rotates by 90 degrees. **2**: The screen rotates by 180 degrees. **3**: The screen rotates by 270 degrees.|
| ANIMATOR_DURATION_SCALE | string | Yes | Yes | Scale factor for the animation duration. This affects the start delay and duration of all such animations. If the value is **0**, the animation ends immediately. The default value is **1**.|
| TRANSITION_ANIMATION_SCALE | string | Yes | Yes | Scale factor for transition animations. The value **0** indicates that the transition animations are disabled. |
| WINDOW_ANIMATION_SCALE | string | Yes | Yes | Scale factor for normal window animations. The value **0** indicates that window animations are disabled. |
| DISPLAY_INVERSION_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether display color inversion is enabled. **1**: Display color inversion is enabled. **0**: Display color inversion is disabled. |
## general
Provides data items for setting the general information about the device.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| -------------------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| SETUP_WIZARD_FINISHED | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the startup wizard is running. If the value is **0**, the startup wizard is not running. If the value is not **0**, the startup wizard is running.|
| END_BUTTON_ACTION | string | Yes | Yes | Action after the call end button is pressed if the user is not in a call. **0**: Nothing happens. **1**: The home screen is displayed. **2**: The device enters sleep mode and the screen is locked. **3**: The home screen is displayed. If the focus is already on the home screen, the device will enter sleep mode.|
| ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the accelerometer is used to change screen orientation, that is, whether to enable auto-rotation. **1**: The accelerometer is used. **0**: The accelerometer is not used.|
| AIRPLANE_MODE_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether airplane mode is enabled. **1**: Airplane mode is enabled. **0**: Airplane mode is disabled.|
| DEVICE_PROVISION_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the device is preconfigured. On a multi-user device with a single system user, the screen may be locked when the value is **true**. In addition, other features cannot be started on the system user unless they are marked to display on the lock screen.|
| HDC_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the hard disk controller (HDC) on the USB device is enabled. **true**: HDC is enabled. **false**: HDC is disabled.|
| BOOT_COUNTING | string | Yes | Yes | Number of boot operations after the device is powered on. |
| CONTACT_METADATA_SYNC_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether contacts metadata synchronization is enabled. **true**: Contacts metadata synchronization is enabled. **false**: Contacts metadata synchronization is disabled.|
| DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether developer options are enabled. **true**: Developer options are enabled. **false**: Developer options are disabled.|
| DEVICE_NAME | string | Yes | Yes | Device name. |
| USB_STORAGE_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether USB mass storage is enabled. **true**: USB mass storage is enabled. **false**: USB mass storage is disabled.|
| DEBUGGER_WAITING | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the device waits for the debugger when starting an application to debug. **1**: The device waits for the debugger. **0**: The device does not wait for the debugger. In this case, the application runs normally.|
| DEBUG_APP_PACKAGE | string | Yes | Yes | Bundle name of the application to be debugged. |
| ACCESSIBILITY_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether accessibility is enabled. **1**: Accessibility is enabled. **0**: Accessibility is disabled.|
| ACTIVATED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES | string | Yes | Yes | List of activated accessibility features. |
| GEOLOCATION_ORIGINS_ALLOWED | string | Yes | Yes | Default geographic location that can be used by the browser. Multiple geographic locations are separated by spaces. |
| SKIP_USE_HINTS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the application should attempt to skip all introductory hints at the first startup. This feature is intended for temporary or experienced users. **1**: The application attempts to skip all introductory hints at the first startup. **0**: The application does not skip all introductory hints at the first startup.|
| TOUCH_EXPLORATION_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether touch exploration is enabled. **1**: Touch exploration is enabled. **0**: Touch exploration is disabled.|
## input
Provides data items for setting input methods.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| ------------------------------------ | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD | string | Yes | Yes | Default input method and its ID. |
| ACTIVATED_INPUT_METHOD_SUB_MODE | string | Yes | Yes | Type and ID of the default input method keyboard. |
| ACTIVATED_INPUT_METHODS | string | Yes | Yes | List of activated input methods. The list is a string that contains the IDs and keyboard types of activated input methods. The IDs are separated by colons (:), and keyboard types are separated by semicolons (;). An example format is **ima0:keyboardType0;keyboardType1;ima1:ima2:keyboardTypes0,** where **ima** indicates the ID of an input method, and **keyboardType** indicates the keyboard type.|
| SELECTOR_VISIBILITY_FOR_INPUT_METHOD | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the input method selector is visible. **1**: The input method selector is visible. **0**: The input method selector is invisible.|
| AUTO_CAPS_TEXT_INPUT | string | Yes | Yes | Whether automatic capitalization is enabled for the text editor. **0**: Automatic capitalization is disabled. **1**: Automatic capitalization is enabled.|
| AUTO_PUNCTUATE_TEXT_INPUT | string | Yes | Yes | Whether automatic punctuation is enabled for the text editor. Automatic punctuation enables the text editor to convert two spaces into a period (.) and a space. **0**: Automatic punctuation is disabled. **1**: Automatic punctuation is enabled.|
| AUTO_REPLACE_TEXT_INPUT | string | Yes | Yes | Whether autocorrect is enabled for the text editor. Autocorrect enables the text editor to correct typos. **0**: Autocorrect is disabled. **1**: Autocorrect is enabled |
| SHOW_PASSWORD_TEXT_INPUT | string | Yes | Yes | Whether password presentation is enabled in the text editor. Password presentation enables the text editor to show password characters when the user types them. **0**: Password presentation is disabled. **1**: Password presentation is enabled.|
## network
Provides data items for setting network information.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| ------------------------ | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| DATA_ROAMING_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether data roaming is enabled. **true**: Data roaming is enabled. **false**: Data roaming is disabled.|
| HTTP_PROXY_CFG | string | Yes | Yes | Host name and port number of the global HTTP proxy. The host name and port number are separated by a colon (:).|
| NETWORK_PREFERENCE_USAGE | string | Yes | Yes | User preferences for the network to use. |
## phone
Provides data items for setting the modes of answering incoming and outgoing calls.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| ------------------ | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| RTT_CALLING_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the real-time text (RTT) feature is enabled. If this feature is enabled, incoming and outgoing calls are answered as RTT calls when supported by the device and carrier. **1**: RTT is enabled. **0**: RTT is disabled.|
## sound
Provides data items for setting the sound effects.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| ---------------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| VIBRATE_WHILE_RINGING | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the device vibrates when it is ringing for an incoming call. This attribute is applicable to the phone and settings applications and affects only the scenario where the device rings for an incoming call. It does not affect any other application or scenario.|
| DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT | string | Yes | Yes | Storage area of the system default alarms and alerts. |
| DTMF_TONE_TYPE_WHILE_DIALING | string | Yes | Yes | Type of the dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) tone played while dialing. **0**: normal short tone. **1**: long tone.|
| DTMF_TONE_WHILE_DIALING | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the DTMF tone is played when dialing. **1**: DTMF tone is played when dialing. **0**: DTMF tone is not played when dialing.|
| AFFECTED_MODE_RINGER_STREAMS | string | Yes | Yes | Which audio streams are affected by changes on the ringing mode and Do Not Disturb (DND) mode. If you want a specific audio stream to be affected by changes of the ringing mode and DDN mode, set the corresponding bit to **1**.|
| AFFECTED_MUTE_STREAMS | string | Yes | Yes | Audio streams affected by the mute mode. If you want a specific audio stream to remain muted in mute mode, set the corresponding bit to **1**.|
| DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_SOUND | string | Yes | Yes | Storage area of the system default notification tone. |
| DEFAULT_RINGTONE | string | Yes | Yes | Storage area of the system default ringtone. |
| SOUND_EFFECTS_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the sound feature is available. **0**: The feature is not available. **1**: The feature is available. |
| VIBRATE_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the device vibrates for an event. This attribute is used inside the system. **1**: The device vibrates for an event. **0**: The device does not vibrate for an event.|
| HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether haptic feedback is enabled. **true**: Haptic feedback is enabled. **false**: Haptic feedback is disabled.|
## TTS
Provides data items for setting text-to-speech (TTS) information.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| ------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| DEFAULT_TTS_PITCH | string | Yes | Yes | Default pitch of the TTS engine. 100 = 1x. If the value is set to **200**, the frequency is twice the normal sound frequency.|
| DEFAULT_TTS_RATE | string | Yes | Yes | Default voice rate of the TTS engine. 100 = 1x. |
| DEFAULT_TTS_SYNTH | string | Yes | Yes | Default TTS engine. |
| ENABLED_TTS_PLUGINS | string | Yes | Yes | List of activated plug-in packages used for TTS. Multiple plug-in packages are separated by spaces. |
## wireless
Provides data items for setting wireless network information.
### Attributes
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Applications.settings.Core
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| --------------------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| BLUETOOTH_DISCOVER_ABILITY_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the device can be discovered or connected by other devices through Bluetooth. **0**: The device cannot be discovered or connected. **1**: The device can be connected but cannot be discovered. **2**: The device can be discovered and connected.|
| BLUETOOTH_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT | string | Yes | Yes | Duration for discovering a device through Bluetooth, in seconds. After the duration expires, the device cannot be discovered through Bluetooth.|
| AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS | string | Yes | Yes | List of radio signals to be disabled when airplane mode is enabled. Multiple radio signals are separated by commas (,). The list can include the following: **BLUETOOTH_RADIO**, **CELL_RADIO**, **NFC_RADIO**, and **WIFI_RADIO**.|
| BLUETOOTH_RADIO | string | Yes | No | A value of **AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS** to indicate that Bluetooth is disabled in airplane mode.|
| CELL_RADIO | string | Yes | No | A value of **AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS** to indicate that cellular radio is disabled in airplane mode.|
| NFC_RADIO | string | Yes | No | A value of **AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS** to indicate that NFC is disabled in airplane mode.|
| WIFI_RADIO | string | Yes | No | A value of **AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS** to indicate that Wi-Fi is disabled in airplane mode.|
| BLUETOOTH_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether Bluetooth is available. **true**: Bluetooth is available. **false**: Bluetooth is unavailable.|
| OWNER_LOCKDOWN_WIFI_CFG | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the Wi-Fi configuration created by the application of the device owner should be locked down. **true**: The Wi-Fi configuration should be locked down. **false**: The Wi-Fi configuration should not be locked down.|
| WIFI_DHCP_MAX_RETRY_COUNT | string | Yes | Yes | Maximum number of attempts to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server. |
| WIFI_TO_MOBILE_DATA_AWAKE_TIMEOUT | string | Yes | Yes | Maximum duration to hold a wake lock when waiting for the mobile data connection to establish after the Wi-Fi connection is disconnected. |
| WIFI_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether Wi-Fi is available. **true**: Wi-Fi is available. **false**: Wi-Fi is unavailable.|
| WIFI_WATCHDOG_STATUS | string | Yes | Yes | Whether Wi-Fi watchdog is available. **true**: Wi-Fi watchdog is available. **false**: Wi-Fi watchdog is unavailable.|
## setting.getURI
getURI(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback\