# Managing Location Permissions The **Web** component provides the location permission management capability. You can use [onGeolocationShow()](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-web.md#ongeolocationshow) to manage the location permission specific to a website. Based on the API response, the **Web** component determines whether to grant the location permission to the frontend page. To obtain the device location, you need to declare the [ohos.permission.LOCATION](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md) permission. In the following example, when a user clicks the **Get Location** button on the frontend page, the **Web** component notifies the application of the location permission request in a pop-up window. - Frontend page code: ```html
Location information
``` - Application code: ```ts // xxx.ets import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview'; @Entry @Component struct WebComponent { controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController(); build() { Column() { Web({ src:$rawfile('getLocation.html'), controller:this.controller }) .geolocationAccess(true) .onGeolocationShow((event) => { // Notification of the location permission request AlertDialog.show({ title: 'Location Permission', message:'Grant access to the device location?', primaryButton: { value: 'cancel', action: () => { event.geolocation.invoke(event.origin, false, false); // Deny access to the device location. } }, secondaryButton: { value: 'ok', action: () => { event.geolocation.invoke(event.origin, true, false); // Allow access to the device location. } }, cancel: () => { event.geolocation.invoke(event.origin, false, false); // Deny access to the device location. } }) }) } } } ```