# 状态管理优秀实践 为了帮助应用程序开发人员提高其应用程序质量,特别是在高效的状态管理方面。本章节面向开发者提供了多个在开发ArkUI应用中常见场景和易错问题,并给出了对应的解决方案。此外,还提供了同一场景下,推荐用法和不推荐用法的对比和解释说明,更直观地展示两者区别,从而帮助开发者学习如果正确地在应用开发中使用状态变量,进行高性能开发。 ## 基础示例 下面的例子是关于\@Prop,\@Link,\@ObjectLink的初始化规则的,在学习下面这个例子前,我们首先需要了解: - \@Prop:可以被父组件的\@State初始化,或者\@State是复杂类型Object和class时的属性,或者是数组时的数组项。 - \@ObjectLink:初始化规则和\@Prop相同,但需要被\@Observed装饰class的实例初始化。 - \@Link:必须和\@State或其他数据源类型完全相同。 ### 不推荐用法 ```ts @Observed class ClassA { public c: number = 0; constructor(c: number) { this.c = c; } } @Component struct LinkChild { @Link testNum: number; build() { Text(`LinkChild testNum ${this.testNum}`) } } @Component struct PropChild2 { @Prop testNum: ClassA = new ClassA(0); build() { Text(`PropChild2 testNum ${this.testNum.c}`) .onClick(() => { this.testNum.c += 1; }) } } @Component struct PropChild3 { @Prop testNum: ClassA = new ClassA(0); build() { Text(`PropChild3 testNum ${this.testNum.c}`) } } @Component struct ObjectLinkChild { @ObjectLink testNum: ClassA; build() { Text(`ObjectLinkChild testNum ${this.testNum.c}`) .onClick(() => { // 问题4:ObjectLink不能被赋值 this.testNum = new ClassA(47); }) } } @Entry @Component struct Parent { @State testNum: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(1)]; build() { Column() { Text(`Parent testNum ${this.testNum.c}`) .onClick(() => { this.testNum[0].c += 1; }) // 问题1:@Link装饰的变量需要和数据源@State类型一致 LinkChild({ testNum: this.testNum.c }) // 问题2:@Prop本地没有初始化,也没有从父组件初始化 PropChild2() // 问题3:PropChild3没有改变@Prop testNum: ClassA的值,所以这时最优的选择是使用@ObjectLink PropChild3({ testNum: this.testNum[0] }) ObjectLinkChild({ testNum: this.testNum[0] }) } } } ``` 上面的例子有以下几个错误: 1. \@Component LinkChild:\@Link testNum: number从父组件的LinkChild({testNum:this.testNum.c})。\@Link的数据源必须是装饰器装饰的状态变量,简而言之,\@Link装饰的数据必须和数据源类型相同,比如\@Link: T和\@State : T。所以,这里应该改为\@Link testNum: ClassA,从父组件初始化的方式为LinkChild({testNum: $testNum})。 2. \@Component PropChild2:\@Prop可以本地初始化,也可以从父组件初始化,但是必须初始化,对于\@Prop testNum: ClassA没有本地初始化,所以必须从父组件初始化PropChild1({testNum: this.testNum})。 3. \@Component PropChild3:没有改变\@Prop testNum: ClassA的值,所以这时较优的选择是使用\@ObjectLink,因为\@Prop是会深拷贝数据,具有拷贝的性能开销,所以这个时候\@ObjectLink是比\@Link和\@Prop更优的选择。 4. 点击ObjectLinkChild给\@ObjectLink装饰的变量赋值:this.testNum = new ClassA(47); 也是不允许的,对于实现双向数据同步的\@ObjectLink,赋值相当于要更新父组件中的数组项或者class的属性,这个对于 TypeScript/JavaScript是不能实现的。框架对于这种行为会发生运行时报错。 5. 如果是非嵌套场景,比如Parent里声明的变量为 \@State testNum: ClassA = new ClassA(1),ClassA就不需要被\@Observed修饰,因为\@State已经具备了观察第一层变化的能力,不需要再使用\@Observed来加一层代理。 ### 推荐用法 ```ts @Observed class ClassA { public c: number = 0; constructor(c: number) { this.c = c; } } @Component struct LinkChild { @Link testNum: ClassA; build() { Text(`LinkChild testNum ${this.testNum?.c}`) } } @Component struct PropChild1 { @Prop testNum: ClassA = new ClassA(1); build() { Text(`PropChild1 testNum ${this.testNum?.c}`) .onClick(() => { this.testNum = new ClassA(48); }) } } @Component struct ObjectLinkChild { @ObjectLink testNum: ClassA; build() { Text(`ObjectLinkChild testNum ${this.testNum.c}`) // @ObjectLink装饰的变量可以更新属性 .onClick(() => { this.testNum.c += 1; }) } } @Entry @Component struct Parent { @State testNum: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(1)]; build() { Column() { Text(`Parent testNum ${this.testNum.c}`) .onClick(() => { this.testNum[0].c += 1; }) // @Link装饰的变量需要和数据源@State类型一致 LinkChild({ testNum: this.testNum[0] }) // @Prop本地有初始化,不需要再从父组件初始化 PropChild1() // 当子组件不需要发生本地改变时,优先使用@ObjectLink,因为@Prop是会深拷贝数据,具有拷贝的性能开销,所以这个时候@ObjectLink是比@Link和@Prop更优的选择 ObjectLinkChild({ testNum: this.testNum[0] }) } } } ``` ## 基础嵌套对象属性更改失效 在应用开发中,有很多嵌套对象场景,例如,开发者更新了某个属性,但UI没有进行对应的更新。 每个装饰器都有自己可以观察的能力,并不是所有的改变都可以被观察到,只有可以被观察到的变化才会进行UI更新。\@Observed装饰器可以观察到嵌套对象的属性变化,其他装饰器仅能观察到第二层的变化。 ### 不推荐用法 下面的例子中,一些UI组件并不会更新。 ```ts class ClassA { a: number; constructor(a: number) { this.a = a; } getA(): number { return this.a; } setA(a: number): void { this.a = a; } } class ClassC { c: number; constructor(c: number) { this.c = c; } getC(): number { return this.c; } setC(c: number): void { this.c = c; } } class ClassB extends ClassA { b: number = 47; c: ClassC; constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number) { super(a); this.b = b; this.c = new ClassC(c); } getB(): number { return this.b; } setB(b: number): void { this.b = b; } getC(): number { return this.c.getC(); } setC(c: number): void { return this.c.setC(c); } } @Entry @Component struct MyView { @State b: ClassB = new ClassB(10, 20, 30); build() { Column({ space: 10 }) { Text(`a: ${this.b.a}`) Button("Change ClassA.a") .onClick(() => { this.b.a += 1; }) Text(`b: ${this.b.b}`) Button("Change ClassB.b") .onClick(() => { this.b.b += 1; }) Text(`c: ${this.b.c.c}`) Button("Change ClassB.ClassC.c") .onClick(() => { // 点击时上面的Text组件不会刷新 this.b.c.c += 1; }) } } } ``` - 最后一个Text组件Text('c: ${this.b.c.c}'),当点击该组件时UI不会刷新。 因为,\@State b : ClassB 只能观察到this.b属性的变化,比如this.b.a, this.b.b 和this.b.c的变化,但是无法观察嵌套在属性中的属性,即this.b.c.c(属性c是内嵌在b中的对象classC的属性)。 - 为了观察到嵌套与内部的ClassC的属性,需要做如下改变: - 构造一个子组件,用于单独渲染ClassC的实例。 该子组件可以使用\@ObjectLink c : ClassC或\@Prop c : ClassC。通常会使用\@ObjectLink,除非子组件需要对其ClassC对象进行本地修改。 - 嵌套的ClassC必须用\@Observed修饰。当在ClassB中创建ClassC对象时(本示例中的ClassB(10, 20, 30)),它将被包装在ES6代理中,当ClassC属性更改时(this.b.c.c += 1),该代码将修改通知到\@ObjectLink变量。 ### 推荐用法 以下示例使用\@Observed/\@ObjectLink来观察嵌套对象的属性更改。 ```ts class ClassA { a: number; constructor(a: number) { this.a = a; } getA() : number { return this.a; } setA( a: number ) : void { this.a = a; } } @Observed class ClassC { c: number; constructor(c: number) { this.c = c; } getC() : number { return this.c; } setC(c : number) : void { this.c = c; } } class ClassB extends ClassA { b: number = 47; c: ClassC; constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number) { super(a); this.b = b; this.c = new ClassC(c); } getB() : number { return this.b; } setB(b : number) : void { this.b = b; } getC() : number { return this.c.getC(); } setC(c : number) : void { return this.c.setC(c); } } @Component struct ViewClassC { @ObjectLink c : ClassC; build() { Column({space:10}) { Text(`c: ${this.c.getC()}`) Button("Change C") .onClick(() => { this.c.setC(this.c.getC()+1); }) } } } @Entry @Component struct MyView { @State b : ClassB = new ClassB(10, 20, 30); build() { Column({space:10}) { Text(`a: ${this.b.a}`) Button("Change ClassA.a") .onClick(() => { this.b.a +=1; }) Text(`b: ${this.b.b}`) Button("Change ClassB.b") .onClick(() => { this.b.b += 1; }) ViewClassC({c: this.b.c}) // Text(`c: ${this.b.c.c}`)的替代写法 Button("Change ClassB.ClassC.c") .onClick(() => { this.b.c.c += 1; }) } } } ``` ## 复杂嵌套对象属性更改失效 ### 不推荐用法 以下示例创建了一个带有\@ObjectLink装饰变量的子组件,用于渲染一个含有嵌套属性的ParentCounter,用\@Observed装饰嵌套在ParentCounter中的SubCounter。 ```ts let nextId = 1; @Observed class SubCounter { counter: number; constructor(c: number) { this.counter = c; } } @Observed class ParentCounter { id: number; counter: number; subCounter: SubCounter; incrCounter() { this.counter++; } incrSubCounter(c: number) { this.subCounter.counter += c; } setSubCounter(c: number): void { this.subCounter.counter = c; } constructor(c: number) { this.id = nextId++; this.counter = c; this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c); } } @Component struct CounterComp { @ObjectLink value: ParentCounter; build() { Column({ space: 10 }) { Text(`${this.value.counter}`) .fontSize(25) .onClick(() => { this.value.incrCounter(); }) Text(`${this.value.subCounter.counter}`) .onClick(() => { this.value.incrSubCounter(1); }) Divider().height(2) } } } @Entry @Component struct ParentComp { @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; build() { Row() { Column() { CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0] }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1] }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2] }) Divider().height(5) ForEach(this.counter, (item: ParentCounter) => { CounterComp({ value: item }) }, (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString() ) Divider().height(5) // 第一个点击事件 Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter[0].incrCounter(); // 每次触发时自增10 this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10); }) // 第二个点击事件 Text('Parent: set.counter to 10') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { // 无法将value设置为10,UI不会刷新 this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10); }) Text('Parent: reset entire counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; }) } } } } ``` 对于Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter')的onClick事件,this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10)调用incrSubCounter方法使SubCounter的counter值增加10,UI同步刷新。 但是,在Text('Parent: set.counter to 10')的onClick中调用this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10),SubCounter的counter值却无法重置为10。 incrSubCounter和setSubCounter都是同一个SubCounter的函数。在第一个点击处理时调用incrSubCounter可以正确更新UI,而第二个点击处理调用setSubCounter时却没有更新UI。实际上incrSubCounter和setSubCounter两个函数都不能触发Text('${this.value.subCounter.counter}')的更新,因为\@ObjectLink value : ParentCounter仅能观察其代理ParentCounter的属性,对于this.value.subCounter.counter是SubCounter的属性,无法观察到嵌套类的属性。 但是,第一个click事件调用this.counter[0].incrCounter()将CounterComp自定义组件中\@ObjectLink value: ParentCounter标记为已更改。此时触发Text('${this.value.subCounter.counter}')的更新。 如果在第一个点击事件中删除this.counter[0].incrCounter(),也无法更新UI。 ### 推荐用法 对于上述问题,为了直接观察SubCounter中的属性,以便this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10)操作有效,可以利用下面的方法: ```ts @ObjectLink value:ParentCounter = new ParentCounter(0); @ObjectLink subValue:SubCounter = new SubCounter(0); ``` 该方法使得\@ObjectLink分别代理了ParentCounter和SubCounter的属性,这样对于这两个类的属性的变化都可以观察到,即都会对UI视图进行刷新。即使删除了上面所说的this.counter[0].incrCounter(),UI也会进行正确的刷新。 该方法可用于实现“两个层级”的观察,即外部对象和内部嵌套对象的观察。但是该方法只能用于\@ObjectLink装饰器,无法作用于\@Prop(\@Prop通过深拷贝传入对象)。详情参考@Prop与@ObjectLink的差异。 ```ts let nextId = 1; @Observed class SubCounter { counter: number; constructor(c: number) { this.counter = c; } } @Observed class ParentCounter { id: number; counter: number; subCounter: SubCounter; incrCounter() { this.counter++; } incrSubCounter(c: number) { this.subCounter.counter += c; } setSubCounter(c: number): void { this.subCounter.counter = c; } constructor(c: number) { this.id = nextId++; this.counter = c; this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c); } } @Component struct CounterComp { @ObjectLink value: ParentCounter; @ObjectLink subValue: SubCounter; build() { Column({ space: 10 }) { Text(`${this.value.counter}`) .fontSize(25) .onClick(() => { this.value.incrCounter(); }) Text(`${this.subValue.counter}`) .onClick(() => { this.subValue.counter += 1; }) Divider().height(2) } } } @Entry @Component struct ParentComp { @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; build() { Row() { Column() { CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0], subValue: this.counter[0].subCounter }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1], subValue: this.counter[1].subCounter }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2], subValue: this.counter[2].subCounter }) Divider().height(5) ForEach(this.counter, (item: ParentCounter) => { CounterComp({ value: item, subValue: item.subCounter }) }, (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString() ) Divider().height(5) Text('Parent: reset entire counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; }) Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter[0].incrCounter(); this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10); }) Text('Parent: set.counter to 10') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10); }) } } } } ``` ## \@Prop与\@ObjectLink的差异 在下面的示例代码中,\@ObjectLink修饰的变量是对数据源的引用,即在this.value.subValue和this.subValue都是同一个对象的不同引用,所以在点击CounterComp的click handler,改变this.value.subCounter.counter,this.subValue.counter也会改变,对应的组件Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`)会刷新。 ```ts let nextId = 1; @Observed class SubCounter { counter: number; constructor(c: number) { this.counter = c; } } @Observed class ParentCounter { id: number; counter: number; subCounter: SubCounter; incrCounter() { this.counter++; } incrSubCounter(c: number) { this.subCounter.counter += c; } setSubCounter(c: number): void { this.subCounter.counter = c; } constructor(c: number) { this.id = nextId++; this.counter = c; this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c); } } @Component struct CounterComp { @ObjectLink value: ParentCounter; @ObjectLink subValue: SubCounter; build() { Column({ space: 10 }) { Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`) .fontSize(30) Text(`this.value.counter:increase 7 `) .fontSize(30) .onClick(() => { // click handler, Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`) will update this.value.incrSubCounter(7); }) Divider().height(2) } } } @Entry @Component struct ParentComp { @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; build() { Row() { Column() { CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0], subValue: this.counter[0].subCounter }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1], subValue: this.counter[1].subCounter }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2], subValue: this.counter[2].subCounter }) Divider().height(5) ForEach(this.counter, (item: ParentCounter) => { CounterComp({ value: item, subValue: item.subCounter }) }, (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString() ) Divider().height(5) Text('Parent: reset entire counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; }) Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter[0].incrCounter(); this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10); }) Text('Parent: set.counter to 10') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10); }) } } } } ``` \@ObjectLink图示如下: ![zh-cn_image_0000001651665921](figures/zh-cn_image_0000001651665921.png) ### 不推荐用法 如果用\@Prop替代\@ObjectLink。点击第一个click handler,UI刷新正常。但是点击第二个onClick事件,\@Prop 对变量做了一个本地拷贝,CounterComp的第一个Text并不会刷新。 this.value.subCounter和this.subValue并不是同一个对象。所以this.value.subCounter的改变,并没有改变this.subValue的拷贝对象,Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`)不会刷新。 ```ts @Component struct CounterComp { @Prop value: ParentCounter = new ParentCounter(0); @Prop subValue: SubCounter = new SubCounter(0); build() { Column({ space: 10 }) { Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`) .fontSize(20) .onClick(() => { // 1st click handler this.subValue.counter += 7; }) Text(`this.value.counter:increase 7 `) .fontSize(20) .onClick(() => { // 2nd click handler this.value.incrSubCounter(7); }) Divider().height(2) } } } ``` \@Prop拷贝的关系图示如下: ![zh-cn_image_0000001602146116](figures/zh-cn_image_0000001602146116.png) ### 推荐用法 可以通过从ParentComp到CounterComp仅拷贝一份\@Prop value: ParentCounter,同时必须避免再多拷贝一份SubCounter。 - 在CounterComp组件中只使用一个\@Prop counter:Counter。 - 添加另一个子组件SubCounterComp,其中包含\@ObjectLink subCounter: SubCounter。此\@ObjectLink可确保观察到SubCounter对象属性更改,并且UI更新正常。 - \@ObjectLink subCounter: SubCounter与CounterComp中的\@Prop counter:Counter的this.counter.subCounter共享相同的SubCounter对象。 ```ts let nextId = 1; @Observed class SubCounter { counter: number; constructor(c: number) { this.counter = c; } } @Observed class ParentCounter { id: number; counter: number; subCounter: SubCounter; incrCounter() { this.counter++; } incrSubCounter(c: number) { this.subCounter.counter += c; } setSubCounter(c: number): void { this.subCounter.counter = c; } constructor(c: number) { this.id = nextId++; this.counter = c; this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c); } } @Component struct SubCounterComp { @ObjectLink subValue: SubCounter; build() { Text(`SubCounterComp: this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`) .onClick(() => { // 2nd click handler this.subValue.incrSubCounter(7); }) } } @Component struct CounterComp { @ObjectLink value: ParentCounter; build() { Column({ space: 10 }) { Text(`this.value.incrCounter(): this.value.counter: ${this.value.counter}`) .fontSize(20) .onClick(() => { // 1st click handler this.value.incrCounter(); }) SubCounterComp({ subValue: this.value.subCounter }) Text(`this.value.incrSubCounter()`) .onClick(() => { // 3rd click handler this.value.incrSubCounter(77); }) Divider().height(2) } } } @Entry @Component struct ParentComp { @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; build() { Row() { Column() { CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0] }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1] }) CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2] }) Divider().height(5) ForEach(this.counter, (item: ParentCounter) => { CounterComp({ value: item }) }, (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString() ) Divider().height(5) Text('Parent: reset entire counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)]; }) Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter[0].incrCounter(); this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10); }) Text('Parent: set.counter to 10') .fontSize(20).height(50) .onClick(() => { this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10); }) } } } } ``` 拷贝关系图示如下: ![zh-cn_image_0000001653949465](figures/zh-cn_image_0000001653949465.png) ## 应用在渲染期间禁止改变状态变量 在学习本示例之前,我们要先明确一个概念,在ArkUI状态管理中,状态驱动UI更新。 ![zh-cn_image_0000001651365257](figures/zh-cn_image_0000001651365257.png) 所以,不能在自定义组件的build()或\@Builder方法里直接改变状态变量,这可能会造成循环渲染的风险,下面以build()方法举例示意。 ### 不推荐用法 在下面的示例中,Text('${this.count++}')在build渲染方法里直接改变了状态变量。 ```ts @Entry @Component struct CompA { @State col1: Color = Color.Yellow; @State col2: Color = Color.Green; @State count: number = 1; build() { Column() { // 应避免直接在Text组件内改变count的值 Text(`${this.count++}`) .width(50) .height(50) .fontColor(this.col1) .onClick(() => { this.col2 = Color.Red; }) Button("change col1").onClick(() =>{ this.col1 = Color.Pink; }) } .backgroundColor(this.col2) } } ``` 在ArkUI中,Text('${this.count++}')在全量更新或最小化更新会产生不同的影响: - 全量更新: ArkUI可能会陷入一个无限的重渲染的循环里,因为Text组件的每一次渲染都会改变应用的状态,就会再引起下一轮渲染的开启。 当 this.col2 更改时,都会执行整个build构建函数,因此,Text(`${this.count++}`)绑定的文本也会更改,每次重新渲染Text(`${this.count++}`),又会使this.count状态变量更新,导致新一轮的build执行,从而陷入无限循环。 - 最小化更新: 当 this.col2 更改时,只有Column组件会更新,Text组件不会更改。 只当 this.col1 更改时,会去更新整个Text组件,其所有属性函数都会执行,所以会看到Text(`${this.count++}`)自增。因为目前UI以组件为单位进行更新,如果组件上某一个属性发生改变,会更新整体的组件。所以整体的更新链路是:this.col2 = Color.Red -> Text组件整体更新->this.count++->Text组件整体更新。 ### 推荐用法 建议应用的开发方法在事件处理程序中执行count++操作。 ```ts @Entry @Component struct CompA { @State col1: Color = Color.Yellow; @State col2: Color = Color.Green; @State count: number = 1; build() { Column() { Text(`${this.count}`) .width(50) .height(50) .backgroundColor(this.col1) .onClick(() => { this.count++; }) } .backgroundColor(this.col2) } } ``` build函数中更改应用状态的行为可能会比上面的示例更加隐蔽,比如: - 在\@Builder,\@Extend或\@Styles方法内改变状态变量 。 - 在计算参数时调用函数中改变应用状态变量,例如 Text('${this.calcLabel()}')。 - 对当前数组做出修改,sort()改变了数组this.arr,随后的filter方法会返回一个新的数组。 ```ts @State arr : Array<...> = [ ... ]; ForEach(this.arr.sort().filter(...), item => { ... }) ``` 正确的执行方式为:filter返回一个新数组,后面的sort方法才不会改变原数组this.arr,示例: ```ts ForEach(this.arr.filter(...).sort(), item => { ... }) ``` ## 使用状态变量强行更新 ### 不推荐用法 ```ts @Entry @Component struct CompA { @State needsUpdate: boolean = true; realState1: Array = [4, 1, 3, 2]; // 未使用状态变量装饰器 realState2: Color = Color.Yellow; updateUI1(param: Array): Array { const triggerAGet = this.needsUpdate; return param; } updateUI2(param: Color): Color { const triggerAGet = this.needsUpdate; return param; } build() { Column({ space: 20 }) { ForEach(this.updateUI1(this.realState1), (item: Array) => { Text(`${item}`) }) Text("add item") .onClick(() => { // 改变realState1不会触发UI视图更新 this.realState1.push(this.realState1[this.realState1.length-1] + 1); // 触发UI视图更新 this.needsUpdate = !this.needsUpdate; }) Text("chg color") .onClick(() => { // 改变realState2不会触发UI视图更新 this.realState2 = this.realState2 == Color.Yellow ? Color.Red : Color.Yellow; // 触发UI视图更新 this.needsUpdate = !this.needsUpdate; }) }.backgroundColor(this.updateUI2(this.realState2)) .width(200).height(500) } } ``` 上述示例存在以下问题: - 应用程序希望控制UI更新逻辑,但在ArkUI中,UI更新的逻辑应该是由框架来检测应用程序状态变量的更改去实现。 - this.needsUpdate是一个自定义的UI状态变量,应该仅应用于其绑定的UI组件。变量this.realState1、this.realState2没有被装饰,他们的变化将不会触发UI刷新。 - 但是在该应用中,用户试图通过this.needsUpdate的更新来带动常规变量this.realState1、this.realState2的更新。此方法不合理且更新性能较差,如果只想更新背景颜色,且不需要更新ForEach,但this.needsUpdate值的变化也会带动ForEach更新。 ### 推荐用法 要解决此问题,应将realState1和realState2成员变量用\@State装饰。一旦完成此操作,就不再需要变量needsUpdate。 ```ts @Entry @Component struct CompA { @State realState1: Array = [4, 1, 3, 2]; @State realState2: Color = Color.Yellow; build() { Column({ space: 20 }) { ForEach(this.realState1, (item: Array) => { Text(`${item}`) }) Text("add item") .onClick(() => { // 改变realState1触发UI视图更新 this.realState1.push(this.realState1[this.realState1.length-1] + 1); }) Text("chg color") .onClick(() => { // 改变realState2触发UI视图更新 this.realState2 = this.realState2 == Color.Yellow ? Color.Red : Color.Yellow; }) }.backgroundColor(this.realState2) .width(200).height(500) } } ``` ## 组件复用场景 子组件通过@Prop接收父组件传递的数据,如果嵌套的层数过多,会导致深拷贝占用的空间过大以及GarbageCollection(垃圾回收),引起性能问题。下面给出5层@Prop嵌套传递数据的不推荐用法及通过@Reusable实现父组件向子组件传递数据的推荐用法。 ### 不推荐用法 ```ts // 以下是嵌套类对象的数据结构。 @Observed class ClassA { public title: string; constructor(title: string) { this.title = title; } } @Observed class ClassB { public name: string; public a: ClassA; constructor(name: string, a: ClassA) { this.name = name; this.a = a; } } @Observed class ClassC { public name: string; public b: ClassB; constructor(name: string, b: ClassB) { this.name = name; this.b = b; } } @Observed class ClassD { public name: string; public c: ClassC; constructor(name: string, c: ClassC) { this.name = name; this.c = c; } } @Observed class ClassE { public name: string; public d: ClassD; constructor(name: string, d: ClassD) { this.name = name; this.d = d; } } ``` 以下组件层次结构呈现的是@Prop嵌套场景的数据结构。 ```ts @Entry @Component struct Parent { @State vote: ClassE = new ClassE('Hi', new ClassD('OpenHarmony', new ClassC('Hello', new ClassB('World', new ClassA('Peace'))))) build() { Column() { Button('change') .onClick(() => { this.vote.name = "Hello" }) Child({ voteOne: this.vote }) } } } @Component struct Child { @ObjectLink voteOne: ClassE build() { Column() { Text(this.voteOne.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteOne.name:' + this.voteOne.name); this.voteOne.name = 'Bye' }) ChildOne({voteTwo:this.voteOne.d}) } } } @Component struct ChildOne { @ObjectLink voteTwo: ClassD build() { Column() { Text(this.voteTwo.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteTwo.name:' + this.voteTwo.name); this.voteTwo.name = 'Bye Bye' }) ChildTwo({voteThree:this.voteTwo.c}) } } } @Component struct ChildTwo { @ObjectLink voteThree: ClassC build() { Column() { Text(this.voteThree.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteThree.name:' + this.voteThree.name); this.voteThree.name = 'Bye Bye Bye' }) ChildThree({voteFour:this.voteThree.b}) } } } @Component struct ChildThree { @ObjectLink voteFour: ClassB build() { Column() { Text(this.voteFour.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteFour.name:' + this.voteFour.name); this.voteFour.name = 'Bye Bye Bye Bye' }) ChildFour({voteFive:this.voteFour.a}) } } } @Component struct ChildFour { @ObjectLink voteFive: ClassA build() { Column() { Text(this.voteFive.title).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteFive.title:' + this.voteFive.title); this.voteFive.title = 'Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye' }) } } } ``` ### 推荐用法 当在组件复用场景时,父组件向子组件传递数据,子组件变化不会同步给父组件,推荐使用aboutToResue。 ```ts // 以下是嵌套类对象的数据结构。 @Observed class ClassA { public title: string; constructor(title: string) { this.title = title; } } @Observed class ClassB { public name: string; public a: ClassA; constructor(name: string, a: ClassA) { this.name = name; this.a = a; } } @Observed class ClassC { public name: string; public b: ClassB; constructor(name: string, b: ClassB) { this.name = name; this.b = b; } } @Observed class ClassD { public name: string; public c: ClassC; constructor(name: string, c: ClassC) { this.name = name; this.c = c; } } @Observed class ClassE { public name: string; public d: ClassD; constructor(name: string, d: ClassD) { this.name = name; this.d = d; } } ``` 以下组件层次结构呈现的是@Reusable组件复用场景的数据结构。 ```ts // 以下是嵌套类对象的数据结构。 @Observed class ClassA { public title: string; constructor(title: string) { this.title = title; } } @Observed class ClassB { public name: string; public a: ClassA; constructor(name: string, a: ClassA) { this.name = name; this.a = a; } } @Observed class ClassC { public name: string; public b: ClassB; constructor(name: string, b: ClassB) { this.name = name; this.b = b; } } @Observed class ClassD { public name: string; public c: ClassC; constructor(name: string, c: ClassC) { this.name = name; this.c = c; } } @Observed class ClassE { public name: string; public d: ClassD; constructor(name: string, d: ClassD) { this.name = name; this.d = d; } } @Entry @Component struct Parent { @State vote: ClassE = new ClassE('Hi', new ClassD('OpenHarmony', new ClassC('Hello', new ClassB('World', new ClassA('Peace'))))) build() { Column() { Button('change') .onClick(() => { this.vote.name = "Hello" }) .reuseId(Child.name) Child({voteOne: this.vote}) } } } @Reusable @Component struct Child { @State voteOne: ClassE = new ClassE('voteOne', new ClassD('OpenHarmony', new ClassC('Hello', new ClassB('World', new ClassA('Peace'))))) aboutToReuse(params: ClassE) { this.voteOne = params } build() { Column() { Text(this.voteOne.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.error('this.voteOne.name:' + this.voteOne.name); this.voteOne.name = 'Bye' }) .reuseId(ChildOne.name) ChildOne({voteTwo: this.voteOne.d}) } } } @Reusable @Component struct ChildOne { @State voteTwo: ClassD = new ClassD('voteTwo', new ClassC('Hello', new ClassB('World', new ClassA('Peace')))) aboutToReuse(params: ClassD){ this.voteTwo = params } build() { Column() { Text(this.voteTwo.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.error('this.voteTwo.name:' + this.voteTwo.name); this.voteTwo.name = 'Bye Bye' }) .reuseId(ChildTwo.name) ChildTwo({voteThree: this.voteTwo.c}) } } } @Reusable @Component struct ChildTwo { @State voteThree: ClassC = new ClassC('voteThree', new ClassB('World', new ClassA('Peace'))) aboutToReuse(params: ClassC){ this.voteThree = params } build() { Column() { Text(this.voteThree.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteThree.name:' + this.voteThree.name); this.voteThree.name = 'Bye Bye Bye' }) .reuseId(ChildThree.name) ChildThree({voteFour: this.voteThree.b}) } } } @Reusable @Component struct ChildThree { @State voteFour: ClassB = new ClassB('voteFour', new ClassA('Peace')) aboutToReuse(params: ClassB){ this.voteFour = params } build() { Column() { Text(this.voteFour.name).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteFour.name:' + this.voteFour.name); this.voteFour.name = 'Bye Bye Bye Bye' }) .reuseId(ChildFour.name) ChildFour({voteFive: this.voteFour.a}) } } } @Reusable @Component struct ChildFour { @State voteFive: ClassA = new ClassA('voteFive') aboutToReuse(params: ClassA){ this.voteFive = params } build() { Column() { Text(this.voteFive.title).fontSize(24).fontColor(Color.Red).margin(50) .onClick(() => { console.log('this.voteFive.title:' + this.voteFive.title); this.voteFive.title = 'Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye' }) } } } ```