# Running on the Device Before you install the app and run it on the development board, install the DevEco Device Tool by following operations provided in [HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool User Guide](https://device.harmonyos.com/en/docs/ide/user-guides/service_introduction-0000001050166905). Burn OpenHarmony into the development board, and run it on the board. For details about how to build, burn, and run an image, see [Getting Started with Hi3516](../quick-start/how-to-develop-12.md). After the image is running normally and the system is started properly, perform the following steps to install or uninstall the app: 1. Obtain the HDC client from the following path: ``` developtools/hdc_standard/prebuilt/windows/hdc_std.exe ``` Change the HDC client name to **hdc.exe** and add the path above to the system environment variable **path**. 2. Open the **cmd** window, and run the following commands to push the HAP file to the device directory, and install it: ``` hdc smode hdc target mount hdc file send clock.hap /data/clock.hap hdc shell chmod 666 /data/clock.hap hdc shell bm install -p /data/clock.hap ``` 3. Run the following command to start the app. **ohos.samples.clock** indicates the app package name, and **MainAbility** indicates the ability started by the app. ``` hdc shell aa start -d 123 -a ohos.samples.clock.MainAbility -b ohos.samples.clock ``` 4. \(Optional\) Run the following command to uninstall the app. **ohos.samples.clock** indicates the app package name. ``` hdc shell bm uninstall -n ohos.samples.clock ```