# Windows Development Environment - [Obtaining the Software](#en-us_topic_0000001058091994_section1483143015558) - [Installing Visual Studio Code](#en-us_topic_0000001058091994_section71401018163318) - [Installing Python](#en-us_topic_0000001058091994_section16266553175320) - [Installing Node.js](#en-us_topic_0000001058091994_section5353233124511) - [Installing hpm](#en-us_topic_0000001058091994_section173054793610) - [Installing the DevEco Device Tool Plug-in](#en-us_topic_0000001058091994_section4336315185716) Operating system: 64-bit version of Windows 10. DevEco Device Tool is a plug-in for Visual Studio Code. The installation procedure includes five parts: 1. Installing Visual Studio Code 2. Installing Python 3. Installing Node.js 4. Installing hpm 5. Installing the DevEco Device Tool Plug-in ## Obtaining the Software




Obtaining Channel

Visual Studio Code

Code editing tool

V1.53 or later (64-bit)



Programming tool

v3.7.4–3.8.x (64-bit)



The npm environment provider

v12.0.0 or later (64-bit)



Package manager

Latest version

Run the following command:

npm install -g @ohos/hpm-cli

DevEco Device Tool

Plug-in for the OpenHarmony source code compilation, programming, and debugging

v2.2 Beta1


Log in with your HUAWEI ID to download it. You can register an account here.

## Installing Visual Studio Code >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >If you have installed Visual Studio Code, open the CLT and run **code --version** to check whether the version is 1.53 or later. If the version number is returned, it indicates that the environment variables are set correctly. 1. Double-click the Visual Studio Code package to install it. During the installation, select **Add to PATH \(requires shell restart\)**. ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001057335403.png) 2. After the installation is complete, restart the computer for the environment variables of Visual Studio Code to take effect. 3. Open the CLT and run **code --version**. If the version number can be displayed, it indicates that the installation is successful. ## Installing Python 1. Double-click the Python software package, select **Add Python xx to PATH**, and click **Install Now**. ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001096154076.png) 2. After the installation is complete, click **Close**. ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001142794291.png) 3. Open the CLT, and run **python --version** to check the installation result. ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001143154485.png) 4. In the CLT, run the following commands to set the pip source for downloading the dependencies required for later installation: ``` pip config set global.trusted-host repo.huaweicloud.com pip config set global.index-url https://repo.huaweicloud.com/repository/pypi/simple pip config set global.timeout 120 ``` ## Installing Node.js >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >If you have installed Node.js, open the CLT and run **node -v** to check whether the version is 12.0.0 or later. 1. Run the downloaded software package to install. Use the default settings when following the installation wizard, and click **Next** until **Finish** is displayed. During the installation, Node.js will automatically set the system Path environment variable to the installation directory of **node.exe**. 2. Open the CLT and run **node -v**. If the version number of Node.js is displayed, it indicates that Node.js has been successfully installed. ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001056814287.png) ## Installing hpm Before installing hpm, ensure that Node.js has been installed and that your network can access the Internet. If your network requires a proxy to access the Internet, [set up the npm proxy](https://device.harmonyos.com/cn/docs/ide/user-guides/npm_proxy-0000001054491032) first. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >If hpm has been installed, run **npm update -g @ohos/hpm-cli** to update it to the latest version. 1. You are advised to set the npm source to an image in China, for example, a HUAWEI CLOUD image source. ``` npm config set registry https://repo.huaweicloud.com/repository/npm/ ``` 2. Open the CLT and run the following command to install the latest version of hpm: ``` npm install -g @ohos/hpm-cli ``` ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001073840162.png) 3. After the installation is complete, run the following command to obtain the installation result: ``` hpm -V ``` ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001100641602.png) ## Installing the DevEco Device Tool Plug-in To install the DevEco Device Tool plug-in, ensure that the **user name of the host cannot contain Chinese characters**; otherwise, the plug-in may fail to run. DevEco Device Tool will automatically download and install the C/C++ and CodeLLDB plug-ins from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace during the installation process. Therefore, make sure Visual Studio Code can access the Internet. If your network requires a proxy to access the Internet, [set up the Visual Studio Code proxy](https://device.harmonyos.com/cn/docs/ide/user-guides/vscode_proxy-0000001074231144) first. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >Before installing DevEco Device Tool, ensure that Visual Studio Code is closed. 1. Decompress the DevEco Device Tool plug-in package and double-click the installer to install. 2. During the installation, the dependency files \(such as C/C++ and CodeLLDB plug-ins\) and execution programs required by DevEco Device Tool are automatically installed. ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001072468991.png) 3. After the installation is complete, the CLT is automatically closed. 4. Open Visual Studio Code, click the ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001072757874.png) button on the left, and check whether C/C++, CodeLLDB, and DevEco Device Tool are listed in **INSTALLED**. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >If the C/C++ and CodeLLDB plug-ins fail to be installed, DevEco Device Tool cannot run properly. To solve the issue, see [Installing the C/C++ and CodeLLDB Plug-ins Offline](https://device.harmonyos.com/en/docs/ide/user-guides/offline_plugin_install-0000001074376846). ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001142802505.png)