# Writing a Hello World Program The following exemplifies how to run the first program on the development board. The created program outputs the message "Hello World!" . ## Example Directory The complete code directory is as follows: ``` applications/sample/hello │── BUILD.gn │── include │ └── helloworld.h │── src │ └── helloworld.c ├── bundle.json build └── subsystem_config.json productdefine/common └── products └── Hi3516DV300.json ``` ## How to Develop Perform the steps below in the source code directory: 1. Create a directory and write the service code. Create the **applications/sample/hello/src/helloworld.c** directory and file whose code is shown in the following example. You can customize the content to be printed. For example, you can change **World** to **OHOS**. Declare the string printing function **HelloPrint** in the **helloworld.h** file. You can use either C or C++ to develop a program. ``` #include #include "helloworld.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { HelloPrint(); return 0; } void HelloPrint() { printf("\n\n"); printf("\n\t\tHello World!\n"); printf("\n\n"); } ``` Add the header file **applications/sample/hello/include/helloworld.h**. The sample code is as follows: ``` #ifndef HELLOWORLD_H #define HELLOWORLD_H #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #endif void HelloPrint(); #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif #endif // HELLOWORLD_H ``` 2. Create a build file. 1. Create the **applications/sample/hello/BUILD.gn** file. The file content is as follows: ``` import("//build/ohos.gni") # Import the build template. ohos_executable("helloworld") {# Executable module. sources = [ # Source code of the module. "src/helloworld.c" ] include_dirs = [ # Directory of header file on which the module depends. "include" ] cflags = [] cflags_c = [] cflags_cc = [] ldflags = [] configs = [] deps =[] # Internal dependencies of a component. part_name = "hello" # Component name. This parameter is mandatory. install_enable = true # Whether to install the software by default. This parameter is optional. By default, the software is not installed. } ``` 2. Create the **applications/sample/hello/bundle.json** file and add the description of the **sample** component. The content is as follows: ``` { "name": "@ohos/hello", "description": "Hello world example.", "version": "3.1", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "publishAs": "code-segment", "segment": { "destPath": "applications/sample/hello" }, "dirs": {}, "scripts": {}, "component": { "name": "hello", "subsystem": "sample", "syscap": [], "features": [], "adapted_system_type": [ "mini", "small", "standard" ], "rom": "10KB", "ram": "10KB", "deps": { "components": [], "third_party": [] }, "build": { "sub_component": [ "//applications/sample/hello:helloworld" ], "inner_kits": [], "test": [] } } } ``` The **bundle.json** file consists of two parts. The first part describes the information about the subsystem to which the component belongs, and the second part defines the component building configuration. When adding a part, you need to specify the **sub_component** contained in the part. If there are interfaces provided for other components, describe them in **inner_kits**. If there are test cases, describe them in **test**. 3. Modify the subsystem configuration file. Add the configuration of the new subsystem to the **build/subsystem_config.json** file. ``` "sample": { "path": "applications/sample/hello", "name": "sample" }, ``` 4. Modify the product configuration file. In the vendor\hisilicon\Hi3516DV300\config.json file, add the hello part after the existing part. ``` "usb:usb_manager_native":{}, "applications:prebuilt_hap":{}, "sample:hello":{}, "wpa_supplicant-2.9:wpa_supplicant-2.9":{}, ```