# @ohos.application.formProvider (FormProvider) The **FormProvider** module provides APIs related to the widget provider. You can use the APIs to update a widget, set the next refresh time for a widget, obtain widget information, and request a widget release. > **NOTE** > The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. > This module is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [FormProvider](js-apis-app-form-formProvider.md) instead. ## Modules to Import ```ts import formProvider from '@ohos.application.formProvider'; ``` ## setFormNextRefreshTime setFormNextRefreshTime(formId: string, minute: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Sets the next refresh time for a widget. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | formId | string | Yes | Widget ID. | | minute | number | Yes | Refresh interval, in minutes. The value must be greater than or equal to 5. | | callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.| **Example** ```ts let formId = '12400633174999288'; formProvider.setFormNextRefreshTime(formId, 5, (error, data) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider setFormNextRefreshTime, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); } }); ``` ## setFormNextRefreshTime setFormNextRefreshTime(formId: string, minute: number): Promise<void> Sets the next refresh time for a widget. This API uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | formId | string | Yes | Widget ID. | | minute | number | Yes | Refresh interval, in minutes. The value must be greater than or equal to 5. | **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------------- | ---------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise that returns no value. | **Example** ```ts let formId = '12400633174999288'; formProvider.setFormNextRefreshTime(formId, 5).then(() => { console.log('formProvider setFormNextRefreshTime success'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('formProvider setFormNextRefreshTime, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); }); ``` ## updateForm updateForm(formId: string, formBindingData: formBindingData.FormBindingData,callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Updates a widget. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- | | formId | string | Yes | ID of the widget to update.| | formBindingData.FormBindingData | [FormBindingData](js-apis-application-formBindingData.md#formbindingdata) | Yes | Data to be used for the update. | | callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.| **Example** ```ts import formBindingData from '@ohos.application.formBindingData'; let formId = '12400633174999288'; let obj = formBindingData.createFormBindingData({temperature:'22c', time:'22:00'}); formProvider.updateForm(formId, obj, (error, data) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider updateForm, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); } }); ``` ## updateForm updateForm(formId: string, formBindingData: formBindingData.FormBindingData): Promise<void> Updates a widget. This API uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- | | formId | string | Yes | ID of the widget to update.| | formBindingData.FormBindingData | [FormBindingData](js-apis-application-formBindingData.md#formbindingdat) | Yes | Data to be used for the update. | **Return value** | Type | Description | | -------------- | ----------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise that returns no value.| **Example** ```ts import formBindingData from '@ohos.application.formBindingData'; let formId = '12400633174999288'; let obj = formBindingData.createFormBindingData({temperature:'22c', time:'22:00'}); formProvider.updateForm(formId, obj).then(() => { console.log('formProvider updateForm success'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('formProvider updateForm, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); }); ``` ## getFormsInfo9+ getFormsInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<formInfo.FormInfo>>): void Obtains the application's widget information on the device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------- | | callback | AsyncCallback<Array<[FormInfo](./js-apis-application-formInfo.md#forminfo-1)>> | Yes| Callback used to return the information obtained.| **Example** ```ts formProvider.getFormsInfo((error, data) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider getFormsInfo, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); } else { console.log('formProvider getFormsInfo, data:' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }); ``` ## getFormsInfo9+ getFormsInfo(filter: formInfo.FormInfoFilter, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<formInfo.FormInfo>>): void Obtains the application's widget information that meets a filter criterion on the device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------- | | filter | [formInfo.FormInfoFilter](./js-apis-application-formInfo.md#forminfofilter) | Yes| Filter criterion.| | callback | AsyncCallback<Array<[FormInfo](./js-apis-application-formInfo.md#forminfo-1)>> | Yes| Callback used to return the information obtained.| **Example** ```ts import formInfo from '@ohos.application.formInfo'; const filter : formInfo.FormInfoFilter = { // get info of forms belong to module entry. moduleName : 'entry' }; formProvider.getFormsInfo(filter, (error, data) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider getFormsInfo, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); } else { console.log('formProvider getFormsInfo, data:' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }); ``` ## getFormsInfo9+ getFormsInfo(filter?: formInfo.FormInfoFilter): Promise<Array<formInfo.FormInfo>> Obtains the application's widget information on the device. This API uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------- | | filter | [formInfo.FormInfoFilter](./js-apis-application-formInfo.md) | No| Filter criterion.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | :------------ | :---------------------------------- | | Promise<Array<[FormInfo](./js-apis-application-formInfo.md#forminfo-1)>> | Promise used to return the information obtained.| **Example** ```ts import formInfo from '@ohos.application.formInfo'; const filter : formInfo.FormInfoFilter = { // get info of forms belong to module entry. moduleName : 'entry' }; formProvider.getFormsInfo(filter).then((data) => { console.log('formProvider getFormsInfo, data:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((error) => { console.log('formProvider getFormsInfo, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); }); ``` ## requestPublishForm9+ requestPublishForm(want: Want, formBindingData: formBindingData.FormBindingData, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Requests to publish a widget carrying data to the widget host. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. This API is usually called by the home screen. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **System API**: This is a system API. **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- | | want | [Want](js-apis-application-want.md) | Yes | Request used for publishing. The following fields must be included:
Information about the target widget.
**abilityName**: ability of the target widget.
"ohos.extra.param.key.module_name" | | formBindingData.FormBindingData | [FormBindingData](js-apis-application-formBindingData.md#formbindingdata) | Yes | Data used for creating the widget.| | callback | AsyncCallback<string> | Yes| Callback used to return the widget ID.| **Example** ```ts import formBindingData from '@ohos.application.formBindingData'; let want = { abilityName: 'FormAbility', parameters: { 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_dimension': 2, 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_name': 'widget', 'ohos.extra.param.key.module_name': 'entry' } }; let obj = formBindingData.createFormBindingData({temperature:'22c', time:'22:00'}); formProvider.requestPublishForm(want, obj, (error, data) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, error: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); } else { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, form ID is: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }); ``` ## requestPublishForm9+ requestPublishForm(want: Want, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void Requests to publish a widget to the widget host. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. This API is usually called by the home screen. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **System API**: This is a system API. **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | want | [Want](js-apis-application-want.md) | Yes | Request used for publishing. The following fields must be included:
Information about the target widget.
**abilityName**: ability of the target widget.
"ohos.extra.param.key.module_name" | | callback | AsyncCallback<string> | Yes | Callback used to return the widget ID.| **Example** ```ts let want = { abilityName: 'FormAbility', parameters: { 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_dimension': 2, 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_name': 'widget', 'ohos.extra.param.key.module_name': 'entry' } }; formProvider.requestPublishForm(want, (error, data) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, error: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); } else { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, form ID is: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }); ``` ## requestPublishForm9+ requestPublishForm(want: Want, formBindingData?: formBindingData.FormBindingData): Promise<string> Requests to publish a widget to the widget host. This API uses a promise to return the result. This API is usually called by the home screen. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **System API**: This is a system API. **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | want | [Want](js-apis-application-want.md) | Yes | Request used for publishing. The following fields must be included:
Information about the target widget.
**abilityName**: ability of the target widget.
"ohos.extra.param.key.module_name" | | formBindingData.FormBindingData | [FormBindingData](js-apis-application-formBindingData.md#formbindingdata) | Yes | Data used for creating the widget.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | :------------ | :---------------------------------- | | Promise<string> | Promise used to return the widget ID.| **Example** ```ts let want = { abilityName: 'FormAbility', parameters: { 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_dimension': 2, 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_name': 'widget', 'ohos.extra.param.key.module_name': 'entry' } }; formProvider.requestPublishForm(want).then((data) => { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm success, form ID is :' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((error) => { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, error: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); }); ``` ## isRequestPublishFormSupported9+ isRequestPublishFormSupported(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void Checks whether a widget can be published to the widget host. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------- | | callback | AsyncCallback<boolean> | Yes| Callback used to return whether the widget can be published to the widget host.| **Example** ```ts formProvider.isRequestPublishFormSupported((error, isSupported) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider isRequestPublishFormSupported, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); } else { if (isSupported) { let want = { abilityName: 'FormAbility', parameters: { 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_dimension': 2, 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_name': 'widget', 'ohos.extra.param.key.module_name': 'entry' } }; formProvider.requestPublishForm(want, (error, data) => { if (error.code) { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, error: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); } else { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, form ID is: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }); } } }); ``` ## isRequestPublishFormSupported9+ isRequestPublishFormSupported(): Promise<boolean> Checks whether a widget can be published to the widget host. This API uses a promise to return the result. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.Form **Return value** | Type | Description | | :------------ | :---------------------------------- | | Promise<boolean> | Promise used to return whether the widget can be published to the widget host.| **Example** ```ts formProvider.isRequestPublishFormSupported().then((isSupported) => { if (isSupported) { let want = { abilityName: 'FormAbility', parameters: { 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_dimension': 2, 'ohos.extra.param.key.form_name': 'widget', 'ohos.extra.param.key.module_name': 'entry' } }; formProvider.requestPublishForm(want).then((data) => { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm success, form ID is :' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((error) => { console.log('formProvider requestPublishForm, error: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); }); } }).catch((error) => { console.log('formProvider isRequestPublishFormSupported, error:' + JSON.stringify(error)); }); ```