# Scroll

>  **NOTE**
>  - This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
>  - When nesting a **\<List>** within this component, specify the width and height for the **\<List>** under scenarios where consistently high performance is required. If the width and height are not specified, this component will load all content of the **\<List>**.
>  - This component can produce a bounce effect only when there is more than one screen of content.

The **\<Scroll>** component scrolls the content when the layout size of a component exceeds the viewport of its parent component.

## Required Permissions


## Child Components

This component supports only one child component.

## APIs

Scroll(scroller?: Scroller)

## Attributes

| Name            | Type                                    | Default Value                     | Description       |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | --------- |
| scrollable     | ScrollDirection                          | ScrollDirection.Vertical | Scroll method.  |
| scrollBar      | [BarState](ts-appendix-enums.md#barstate) | BarState.Off     | Scrollbar status. |
| scrollBarColor | string&nbsp;\|&nbsp;number&nbsp;\|&nbsp;Color   | -                  | Color of the scrollbar.|
| scrollBarWidth | Length                                   | -                        | Width of the scrollbar.|
| edgeEffect     | EdgeEffect                               | EdgeEffect.Spring | Scroll effect. For details, see **EdgeEffect**.|

## ScrollDirection enums
  | Name        | Description        |
  | ---------- | ---------- |
  | Horizontal | Only horizontal scrolling is supported.|
  | Vertical   | Only vertical scrolling is supported.|
  | None       | Scrolling is disabled.     |

## EdgeEffect

| Name    | Description                                      |
| ------ | ---------------------------------------- |
| Spring | Spring effect. When at one of the edges, the component can move beyond the bounds through touches, and produces a bounce effect when the user releases their finger.|
| Fade   | Fade effect. When at one of the edges, the component produces a fade effect.         |
| None   | No effect when the component is at one of the edges.                              |

## Events

| Name                                      | Description                         |
| ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| onScrollBegin<sup>9+</sup>(dx: number, dy: number)&nbsp;=&gt;&nbsp;{ dxRemain: number, dyRemain: number } | Invoked when scrolling starts.<br>Parameters:<br>- **dx**: amount to scroll by in the horizontal direction.<br>- **dy**: amount to scroll by in the vertical direction.<br>Return value:<br>- **dxRemain**: remaining amount to scroll by in the horizontal direction.<br>- **dyRemain**: remaining amount to scroll by in the vertical direction.|
| onScroll(event: (xOffset: number, yOffset: number) => void) | Invoked to return the horizontal and vertical offsets during scrolling when the specified scroll event occurs.|
| onScrollEdge(event: (side: Edge) => void) | Invoked when scrolling reaches the edge.                   |
| onScrollEnd(event: () => void)      | Invoked when scrolling stops.                    |

>  **NOTE**
> If the **onScrollBegin** event and **scrollBy** API are used to implement nested scrolling, you must set **edgeEffect** of the scrolling child node to **None**. For example, if a **\<List>** is nested in the **\<Scroll>** component, the **edgeEffect** attribute of the **\<List>** must be set to **EdgeEffect.None**.

## Scroller

Implements a controller for a scrollable container component. You can bind this component to a container component and use it to control the scrolling of that component. Currently, this component can be bound to the **\<Scroll>** and **\<ScrollBar>** components.

### Objects to Import

scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()

### scrollTo

scrollTo(value: { xOffset: number | string, yOffset: number | string, animation?: { duration: number, curve: Curve } }): void

Scrolls to the specified position.

- Parameters
  | Name      | Type                                    | Mandatory  | Default Value | Description                                    |
  | --------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
  | xOffset   | Length                                   | Yes   | -    | Horizontal scrolling offset.                                 |
  | yOffset   | Length                                   | Yes   | -    | Vertical scrolling offset.                                 |
  | animation | {<br>duration:&nbsp;number,<br>curve:&nbsp;[Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md)&nbsp;\|<br>CubicBezier&nbsp;\|<br>SpringCurve<br>} | No   |      | Animation configuration, which includes the following:<br>- **duration**: scrolling duration.<br>- **curve**: scrolling curve.|

### scrollEdge

scrollEdge(value: Edge): void

Scrolls to the edge of the container.

- Parameters
  | Name  | Type| Mandatory  | Default Value | Description     |
  | ----- | ---- | ---- | ---- | --------- |
  | value | [Edge](ts-appendix-enums.md#edge) | Yes   | -    | Edge position to scroll to.|


### scrollPage

scrollPage(value: { next: boolean, direction?: Axis }): void

Scrolls to the next or previous page.

- Parameters
  | Name      | Type   | Mandatory  | Default Value | Description                          |
  | --------- | ------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------ |
  | next      | boolean | Yes   | -    | Whether to turn to the next page. The value **true** means to scroll to the next page, and **false** means to scroll to the previous page.|
  | direction | [Axis](ts-appendix-enums.md#axis)    | No   | -    | Scrolling direction: horizontal or vertical.               |

### currentOffset

currentOffset(): Object

Obtains the scrolling offset.

- Return value
  | Type                                      | Description                                      |
  | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
  | {<br>xOffset:&nbsp;number,<br>yOffset:&nbsp;number<br>} | **xOffset**: horizontal scrolling offset.<br>**yOffset**: vertical scrolling offset.|

### scrollToIndex

scrollToIndex(value: number): void

Scrolls to the item with the specified index.

>  **NOTE**
> Only the **\<List>** component is supported.

- Parameters
  | Name  | Type  | Mandatory  | Default Value | Description             |
  | ----- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ----------------- |
  | value | number | Yes   | -    | Index of the item to be scrolled to in the list.|

### scrollBy

scrollBy(dx: Length, dy: Length): void

Scrolls by the specified amount.

>  **NOTE**
> Only the **\<Scroll>** component is supported.

- Parameters
  | Name  | Type  | Mandatory  | Default Value | Description             |
  | ----- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ----------------- |
  | dx | Length | Yes   | -    | Amount to scroll by in the horizontal direction.|
  | dy | Length | Yes   | -    | Amount to scroll by in the vertical direction.|

## Example

// xxx.ets
struct ScrollExample {
  scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()
  private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

  build() {
    Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.TopStart }) {
      Scroll(this.scroller) {
        Column() {
          ForEach(this.arr, (item) => {
              .margin({ top: 10 })
          }, item => item)
      .onScroll((xOffset: number, yOffset: number) => {
        console.info(xOffset + ' ' + yOffset)
      .onScrollEdge((side: Edge) => {
        console.info('To the edge')
      .onScrollEnd(() => {
        console.info('Scroll Stop')

      Button('scroll 100')
        .onClick(() => { // Click to scroll down 100.0.
          this.scroller.scrollTo({ xOffset: 0, yOffset: this.scroller.currentOffset().yOffset + 100 })
        .margin({ top: 10, left: 20 })
      Button('back top')
        .onClick(() => { // Click to go back to the top.
        .margin({ top: 60, left: 20 })
      Button('next page')
        .onClick(() => { // Click to scroll down to the bottom.
          this.scroller.scrollPage({ next: true })
        .margin({ top: 110, left: 20 })


struct NestedScroll {
  @State listPosition: number = 0 // 0 indicates scrolling to the top of the list, 1 indicates scrolling to the center of the list, and 2 indicates scrolling to the bottom of the list.
  private arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  private scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()

  build() {
    Flex() {
      Scroll(this.scroller) {
        Column() {
          Text("Scroll Area")

          List({ space: 20 }) {
            ForEach(this.arr, (item) => {
              ListItem() {
                Text("ListItem" + item)
            }, item => item)
          .onReachStart(() => {
            this.listPosition = 0
          .onReachEnd(() => {
            this.listPosition = 2
          .onScrollBegin((dx: number, dy: number) => {
            if ((this.listPosition == 0 && dy >= 0) || (this.listPosition == 2 && dy <= 0)) {
              this.scroller.scrollBy(0, -dy)
              return { dxRemain: dx, dyRemain: 0 }
            this.listPosition = 1;
            return { dxRemain: dx, dyRemain: dy }

          Text("Scroll Area")
