# Docker Environment
## Introduction
OpenHarmony provides the following two types of Docker environments for you to quickly get the development environment ready:
- Standalone Docker environment: applicable when using Ubuntu or Windows to build a distribution
- HPM-based Docker environment: applicable when using the HarmonyOS Package Manager \(HPM\) to build a distribution
**Table 1** Docker image
Docker Environment
System Type
Operating Platform
Docker Image Repository
Standalone Docker environment
Mini and small systems
Ubuntu or Windows
Standard system
HPM-based Docker environment
Mini and small systems
Ubuntu or Windows
## Preparations
Before using the Docker environment, perform the following operations:
1. Install Docker. For details, see [Install Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/).
2. Obtain the OpenHarmony source code. For details, see [Source Code Acquisition](sourcecode-acquire.md).
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>You do not need to obtain the source code for the HPM-based Docker environment.
## Standalone Docker Environment
The Docker image of OpenHarmony is hosted on [HUAWEI CLOUD SWR](https://console.huaweicloud.com/swr/?region=cn-south-1&locale=en-us#/app/warehouse/warehouseMangeDetail/goldensir/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker?type=ownImage). Using the Docker image will help simplify environment configurations needed for the building. The following describes the detailed procedure.
### Setting Up the Docker Environment for Mini-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 128 KB\) and Small-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 1 MB\)
1. Obtain the Docker image.
docker pull swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker:1.0.0
2. Go to the root directory of OpenHarmony code and run the following command to access the Docker build environment:
Run the following command in Ubuntu:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/openharmony swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker:1.0.0
Run the following command in Windows \(assuming that the source code directory is **D:\\OpenHarmony**\):
docker run -it -v D:\OpenHarmony:/home/openharmony swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker:1.0.0
### Building for Mini-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 128 KB\) and Small-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 1 MB\)
The following uses the Hi3516 platform as an example to describe the build procedure.
Set the build path to the current path.
hb set
**Figure 1** Setting page
![](figure/setting-page.png "setting-page")
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>The mapping between the development board and the building GUI:
>- Hi3861: wifiiot\_hispark\_pegasus@hisilicon
>- Hi3516: ipcamera\_hispark\_taurus@hisilicon
>- Hi3518: ipcamera\_hispark\_aries@hisilicon
1. Select **ipcamera\_hispark\_taurus@hisilicon** and press **Enter**.
2. Start building.
hb build -f
3. View the build result.
The files will be generated in the **out/hispark\_taurus/ipcamera\_hispark\_taurus** directory.
### Setting Up the Docker Environment for Standard-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 128 MB\)
1. Obtain the Docker image.
docker pull swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker-standard:1.0.0
2. Go to the root directory of OpenHarmony code and run the following command to access the Docker build environment:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/openharmony swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker:1.0.0
### Building for Standard-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 128 MB\)
Run the following script to start building for standard-system devices \(reference memory ≥ 128 MB\).
./build.sh --product-name {product_name} --ccache
**product\_name** indicates the platform supported by the current distribution, for example, hispark_taurus_standard and rk3568.
Files generated during building are stored in the **out/{device_name}/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/** directory.
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>You can exit Docker by simply running the **exit** command.
## HPM-based Docker Environment
**docker\_dist** is a template component in the [HPM](https://hpm.harmonyos.com/#/en/home) system. It helps to quickly initialize an HPM project and use the Docker image to quickly build a distribution of OpenHarmony, greatly simplifying environment configurations needed for building. After configuring the Ubuntu and hpm-cli development environments, perform the following steps to access the Docker environment:
### Setting Up the Docker Environment
1. Initialize the installation template by running the following command in any of the working directories:
hpm init -t @ohos/docker_dist
2. Modify the **publishAs** field.
The obtained bundle is of the template type. Open the **bundle.json** file in the current directory and change the value of **publishAs** from **template** to **distribution** as needed.
### Obtaining and Building Source Code
Start building. Docker can be automatically installed only in Ubuntu. If you are using any other operating system, manually install Docker before pulling the image.
- **Automatically Installing Docker \(Ubuntu\)**
Running the following command will automatically install Docker, pull the Docker image, and start the pulling and building of the corresponding solution in the container.
**Method 1:**
Add a parameter to specify the solution. For example:
hpm run docker solution={product}
**\{product\}** indicates the solution, for example, **@ohos/hispark\_taurus**, **@ohos/hispark\_aries**, and **@ohos/hispark\_pegasus**.
**Method 2:**
Set an environment variable to specify the solution, and then run the build command.
1. Select the desired solution.
export solution={product}
**\{product\}** indicates the solution, for example, **@ohos/hispark\_taurus**, **@ohos/hispark\_aries**, and **@ohos/hispark\_pegasus**.
2. Obtain and build the source code.
hpm run docker
This example uses the **@ohos/hispark\_taurus** solution for illustration. If the execution is successful, the output is as follows:
ohos ipcamera_hispark_taurus build success!
@ohos/hispark_taurus: distribution building completed.
- **Manually Installing Docker \(Non-Ubuntu\)**
Perform the following operations to install Docker:
# Pull the image.
docker pull swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker:0.0.3# Compile the Docker image in the Linux environment.
hpm run distWithDocker solution={product}
# When using Windows, make sure to configure the Git Bash.
hpm config set shellPath "Git Bash path"
hpm run distWithDocker solution={product}