# Socket >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** > >The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. > ## Modules to Import ``` import socket from '@ohos.net.socket'; ``` ## socket.constructUDPSocketInstance constructUDPSocketInstance\(\): UDPSocket Creates a **UDPSocket** object. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :--------------------------------- | :---------------------- | | [UDPSocket](#udpsocket) | **UDPSocket** object.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); ``` ## UDPSocket Defines a **UDPSocket** connection. Before invoking UDPSocket APIs, you need to call [socket.constructUDPSocketInstance](#socketconstructudpsocketinstance) to create a **UDPSocket** object. ### bind bind\(address: NetAddress, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Binds the IP address and port number. The port number can be specified or randomly allocated by the system. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | address | [NetAddress](#netaddress) | Yes | Destination address. For details, see [NetAddress](#netaddress).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.bind({address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1}, err => { if (err) { console.log('bind fail'); return; } console.log('bind success'); }) ``` ### bind bind\(address: NetAddress\): Promise Binds the IP address and port number. The port number can be specified or randomly allocated by the system. This API uses a promise to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | address | [NetAddress](#netaddress) | Yes | Destination address. For details, see [NetAddress](#netaddress).| **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :----------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); let promise = udp.bind({address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: 8080, family: 1}); promise .then(() => { console.log('bind success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('bind fail'); }); ``` ### send send\(options: UDPSendOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Sends data over a UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [UDPSendOptions](#udpsendoptions) | Yes | Parameters for sending data over the UDPSocket connection. For details, see [UDPSendOptions](#udpsendoptions).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.send({ data:'Hello, server!', address: { address:'192.168.xx.xxx', port:xxxx, family:1 } }, err=> { if (err) { console.log('send fail'); return; } console.log('send success'); }) ``` ### send send\(options: UDPSendOptions\): Promise Sends data over a UDPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [UDPSendOptions](#udpsendoptions) | Yes | Parameters for sending data over the UDPSocket connection. For details, see [UDPSendOptions](#udpsendoptions).| **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :--------------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); let promise = udp.send({ data:'Hello, server!', address: { address:'192.168.xx.xxx', port:xxxx, family:1 } }); promise.then(() => { console.log('send success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('send fail'); }); ``` ### close close\(callback: AsyncCallback\): void Closes a UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | --------------------- | ---- | ---------- | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.close(err => { if (err) { console.log('close fail'); return; } console.log('close success'); }) ``` ### close close\(\): Promise Closes a UDPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :----------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); let promise = udp.close(); promise.then(() => { console.log('close success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('close fail'); }); ``` ### getState getState\(callback: AsyncCallback\): void Obtains the status of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ---------- | | callback | AsyncCallback<[SocketStateBase](#socketstatebase)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.bind({address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1}, err => { if (err) { console.log('bind fail'); return; } console.log('bind success'); udp.getState((err, data) => { if (err) { console.log('getState fail'); return; } console.log('getState success:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }) }) ``` ### getState getState\(\): Promise Obtains the status of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :----------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------- | | Promise<[SocketStateBase](#socketstatebase)> | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.bind({address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1}, err => { if (err) { console.log('bind fail'); return; } console.log('bind success'); let promise = udp.getState({}); promise.then(data => { console.log('getState success:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch(err => { console.log('getState fail'); }); }) ``` ### setExtraOptions setExtraOptions\(options: UDPExtraOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Sets other properties of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [UDPExtraOptions](#udpextraoptions) | Yes | Other properties of the UDPSocket connection. For details, see [UDPExtraOptions](#udpextraoptions).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.bind({address:'192.168.xx.xxx', port:xxxx, family:1}, err=> { if (err) { console.log('bind fail'); return; } console.log('bind success'); udp.setExtraOptions({ receiveBufferSize:1000, sendBufferSize:1000, reuseAddress:false, socketTimeout:6000, broadcast:true }, err=> { if (err) { console.log('setExtraOptions fail'); return; } console.log('setExtraOptions success'); }) }) ``` ### setExtraOptions setExtraOptions\(options: UDPExtraOptions\): Promise Sets other properties of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [UDPExtraOptions](#udpextraoptions) | Yes | Other properties of the UDPSocket connection. For details, see [UDPExtraOptions](#udpextraoptions).| **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :--------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); let promise = udp.bind({address:'192.168.xx.xxx', port:xxxx, family:1}); promise.then(() => { console.log('bind success'); let promise1 = udp.setExtraOptions({ receiveBufferSize:1000, sendBufferSize:1000, reuseAddress:false, socketTimeout:6000, broadcast:true }); promise1.then(() => { console.log('setExtraOptions success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('setExtraOptions fail'); }); }).catch(err => { console.log('bind fail'); }); ``` ### on\('message'\) on\(type: 'message', callback: Callback<\{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo\}\>\): void Enables listening for message receiving events of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**message**: message receiving event| | callback | Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: [SocketRemoteInfo](#socketremoteinfo)}> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.on('message', value => { console.log("on message, message:" + value.message + ", remoteInfo:" + value.remoteInfo); }); ``` ### off\('message'\) off\(type: 'message', callback?: Callback<\{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo\}\>\): void Disables listening for message receiving events of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**message**: message receiving event| | callback | Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: [SocketRemoteInfo](#socketremoteinfo)}> | No | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); let callback = value =>{ console.log("on message, message:" + value.message + ", remoteInfo:" + value.remoteInfo); } udp.on('message', callback); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. udp.off('message', callback); udp.off('message'); ``` ### on\('listening' | 'close'\) on\(type: 'listening' | 'close', callback: Callback\): void Enables listening for data packet message events or close events of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
- **listening**: data packet message event
- **close**: close event| | callback | Callback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); udp.on('listening', () => { console.log("on listening success"); }); udp.on('close', () => { console.log("on close success" ); }); ``` ### off\('listening' | 'close'\) off\(type: 'listening' | 'close', callback?: Callback\): void Disables listening for data packet message events or close events of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
- **listening**: data packet message event
- **close**: close event| | callback | Callback\ | No | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance(); let callback1 = () =>{ console.log("on listening, success"); } udp.on('listening', callback1); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. udp.off('listening', callback1); udp.off('listening'); let callback2 = () =>{ console.log("on close, success"); } udp.on('close', callback2); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. udp.off('close', callback2); udp.off('close'); ``` ### on\('error'\) on\(type: 'error', callback: ErrorCallback\): void Enables listening for error events of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**error**: error event| | callback | ErrorCallback | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance() udp.on('error', err => { console.log("on error, err:" + JSON.stringify(err)) }); ``` ### off\('error'\) off\(type: 'error', callback?: ErrorCallback\): void Disables listening for error events of the UDPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**error**: error event| | callback | ErrorCallback | No | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let udp = socket.constructUDPSocketInstance() let callback = err =>{ console.log("on error, err:" + JSON.stringify(err)); } udp.on('error', callback); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. udp.off('error', callback); udp.off('error'); ``` ## NetAddress Defines the destination address. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | address | string | Yes | Bound IP address. | | port | number | No | Port number. The value ranges from **0** to **65535**. If this parameter is not specified, the system randomly allocates a port. | | family | number | No | Network protocol type.
- **1**: IPv4
- **2**: IPv6
The default value is **1**.| ## UDPSendOptions Defines the parameters for sending data over the UDPSocket connection. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | -------------- | | data | string | Yes | Data to send. | | address | [NetAddress](#netaddress) | Yes | Destination address.| ## UDPExtraOptions Defines other properties of the UDPSocket connection. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ----------------- | ------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | | broadcast | boolean | No | Whether to send broadcast messages. The default value is **false**. | | receiveBufferSize | number | No | Size of the receive buffer, in bytes. | | sendBufferSize | number | No | Size of the send buffer, in bytes. | | reuseAddress | boolean | No | Whether to reuse addresses. The default value is **false**. | | socketTimeout | number | No | Timeout duration of the UDPSocket connection, in ms.| ## SocketStateBase Defines the status of the UDPSocket connection. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ----------- | ------- | ---- | ---------- | | isBound | boolean | Yes | Whether the connection is in the bound state.| | isClose | boolean | Yes | Whether the connection is in the closed state.| | isConnected | boolean | Yes | Whether the connection is in the connected state.| ## SocketRemoteInfo Defines information about the UDPSocket connection. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | address | string | Yes | Bound IP address. | | family | string | Yes | Network protocol type.
- IPv4
- IPv6
The default value is **IPv4**.| | port | number | Yes | Port number. The value ranges from **0** to **65535**. | | size | number | Yes | Length of the server response message, in bytes. | ## socket.constructTCPSocketInstance constructTCPSocketInstance\(\): TCPSocket Creates a **TCPSocket** object. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :--------------------------------- | :---------------------- | | [TCPSocket](#tcpsocket) | **TCPSocket** object.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); ``` ## TCPSocket Defines a TCPSocket connection. Before invoking TCPSocket APIs, you need to call [socket.constructTCPSocketInstance](#socketconstructtcpsocketinstance) to create a **TCPSocket** object. ### bind bind\(address: NetAddress, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Binds the IP address and port number. The port number can be specified or randomly allocated by the system. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | address | [NetAddress](#netaddress) | Yes | Destination address. For details, see [NetAddress](#netaddress).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); tcp.bind({address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1}, err => { if (err) { console.log('bind fail'); return; } console.log('bind success'); }) ``` ### bind bind\(address: NetAddress\): Promise Binds the IP address and port number. The port number can be specified or randomly allocated by the system. This API uses a promise to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | address | [NetAddress](#netaddress) | Yes | Destination address. For details, see [NetAddress](#netaddress).| **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :------------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.bind({address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1}); promise.then(() => { console.log('bind success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('bind fail'); }); ``` ### connect connect\(options: TCPConnectOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Sets up a connection to the specified IP address and port number. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [TCPConnectOptions](#tcpconnectoptions) | Yes | TCPSocket connection parameters. For details, see [TCPConnectOptions](#tcpconnectoptions).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}, err => { if (err) { console.log('connect fail'); return; } console.log('connect success'); }) ``` ### connect connect\(options: TCPConnectOptions\): Promise Sets up a connection to the specified IP address and port number. This API uses a promise to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [TCPConnectOptions](#tcpconnectoptions) | Yes | TCPSocket connection parameters. For details, see [TCPConnectOptions](#tcpconnectoptions).| **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise.then(() => { console.log('connect success') }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### send send\(options: TCPSendOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Sends data over a TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [TCPSendOptions](#tcpsendoptions) | Yes | Parameters for sending data over the TCPSocket connection. For details, see [TCPSendOptions](#tcpsendoptions).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); tcp.send({ data:'Hello, server!' },err => { if (err) { console.log('send fail'); return; } console.log('send success'); }) }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### send send\(options: TCPSendOptions\): Promise Sends data over a TCPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [TCPSendOptions](#tcpsendoptions) | Yes | Parameters for sending data over the TCPSocket connection. For details, see [TCPSendOptions](#tcpsendoptions).| **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise1 = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise1.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); let promise2 = tcp.send({ data:'Hello, server!' }); promise2.then(() => { console.log('send success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('send fail'); }); }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### close close\(callback: AsyncCallback\): void Closes a TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | --------------------- | ---- | ---------- | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); tcp.close(err => { if (err) { console.log('close fail'); return; } console.log('close success'); }) ``` ### close close\(\): Promise Closes a TCPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :----------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.close(); promise.then(() => { console.log('close success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('close fail'); }); ``` ### getRemoteAddress getRemoteAddress\(callback: AsyncCallback\): void Obtains the remote address of a TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------- | | callback | AsyncCallback<[NetAddress](#netaddress)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); tcp.getRemoteAddress((err, data) => { if (err) { console.log('getRemoteAddressfail'); return; } console.log('getRemoteAddresssuccess:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }) }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### getRemoteAddress getRemoteAddress\(\): Promise Obtains the remote address of a TCPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :------------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------ | | Promise<[NetAddress](#netaddress)> | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise1 = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise1.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); let promise2 = tcp.getRemoteAddress(); promise2.then(() => { console.log('getRemoteAddress success:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch(err => { console.log('getRemoteAddressfail'); }); }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### getState getState\(callback: AsyncCallback\): void Obtains the status of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) or [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ---------- | | callback | AsyncCallback<[SocketStateBase](#socketstatebase)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); tcp.getState((err, data) => { if (err) { console.log('getState fail'); return; } console.log('getState success:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }); }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### getState getState\(\): Promise Obtains the status of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) or [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :----------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------- | | Promise<[SocketStateBase](#socketstatebase)> | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); let promise1 = tcp.getState(); promise1.then(() => { console.log('getState success:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch(err => { console.log('getState fail'); }); }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### setExtraOptions setExtraOptions\(options: TCPExtraOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\): void Sets other properties of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) or [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [TCPExtraOptions](#tcpextraoptions) | Yes | Other properties of the TCPSocket connection. For details, see [TCPExtraOptions](#tcpextraoptions).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); tcp.setExtraOptions({ keepAlive: true, OOBInline: true, TCPNoDelay: true, socketLinger: { on:true, linger:10 }, receiveBufferSize: 1000, sendBufferSize: 1000, reuseAddress: true, socketTimeout: 3000, },err => { if (err) { console.log('setExtraOptions fail'); return; } console.log('setExtraOptions success'); }); }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### setExtraOptions setExtraOptions\(options: TCPExtraOptions\): Promise Sets other properties of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses a promise to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >This API can be called only after [bind](#bind) or [connect](#connect) is successfully called. **Required permission**: ohos.permission.INTERNET **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | options | [TCPExtraOptions](#tcpextraoptions) | Yes | Other properties of the TCPSocket connection. For details, see [TCPExtraOptions](#tcpextraoptions).| **Return Value** | Type | Description | | :-------------- | :--------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result.| **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let promise = tcp.connect({ address: {address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1} , timeout: 6000}); promise.then(() => { console.log('connect success'); let promise1 = tcp.setExtraOptions({ keepAlive: true, OOBInline: true, TCPNoDelay: true, socketLinger: { on:true, linger:10 }, receiveBufferSize: 1000, sendBufferSize: 1000, reuseAddress: true, socketTimeout: 3000, }); promise1.then(() => { console.log('setExtraOptions success'); }).catch(err => { console.log('setExtraOptions fail'); }); }).catch(err => { console.log('connect fail'); }); ``` ### on\('message'\) on\(type: 'message', callback: Callback<\{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo\}\>\): void Enables listening for message receiving events of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**message**: message receiving event| | callback | Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: [SocketRemoteInfo](#socketremoteinfo)}> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); tcp.on('message', value => { console.log("on message, message:" + value.message + ", remoteInfo:" + value.remoteInfo) }); ``` ### off\('message'\) off\(type: 'message', callback?: Callback<\{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: SocketRemoteInfo\}\>\): void Disables listening for message receiving events of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------- | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**message**: message receiving event| | callback | Callback<{message: ArrayBuffer, remoteInfo: [SocketRemoteInfo](#socketremoteinfo)}> | No | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let callback = value =>{ console.log("on message, message:" + value.message + ", remoteInfo:" + value.remoteInfo); } tcp.on('message', callback); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. tcp.off('message', callback); tcp.off('message'); ``` ### on\('connect' | 'close'\) on\(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback: Callback\): void Enables listening for connection or close events of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
- **connect**: connection event
- **close**: close event| | callback | Callback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); tcp.on('connect', () => { console.log("on connect success") }); tcp.on('close', data => { console.log("on close success") }); ``` ### off\('connect' | 'close'\) off\(type: 'connect' | 'close', callback?: Callback\): void Disables listening for connection or close events of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
- **connect**: connection event
- **close**: close event| | callback | Callback\ | No | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let callback1 = () =>{ console.log("on connect success"); } tcp.on('connect', callback1); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. tcp.off('connect', callback1); tcp.off('connect'); let callback2 = () =>{ console.log("on close success"); } tcp.on('close', callback2); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. tcp.off('close', callback2); tcp.off('close'); ``` ### on\('error'\) on\(type: 'error', callback: ErrorCallback\): void Enables listening for error events of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**error**: error event| | callback | ErrorCallback | Yes | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); tcp.on('error', err => { console.log("on error, err:" + JSON.stringify(err)) }); ``` ### off\('error'\) off\(type: 'error', callback?: ErrorCallback\): void Disables listening for error events of the TCPSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ | | type | string | Yes | Event type.
**error**: error event| | callback | ErrorCallback | No | Callback used to return the result. | **Example** ``` let tcp = socket.constructTCPSocketInstance(); let callback = err =>{ console.log("on error, err:" + JSON.stringify(err)); } tcp.on('error', callback); // You can pass the callback of the on function to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks. tcp.off('error', callback); tcp.off('error'); ``` ## TCPConnectOptions Defines TCPSocket connection parameters. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------- | | address | [NetAddress](#netaddress) | Yes | Bound IP address and port number. | | timeout | number | No | Timeout duration of the TCPSocket connection, in ms.| ## TCPSendOptions Defines the parameters for sending data over the TCPSocket connection. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | data | string | Yes | Data to send. | | encoding | string | No | Character encoding format. The options are as follows: **UTF-8**, **UTF-16BE**, **UTF-16LE**, **UTF-16**, **US-AECII**, and **ISO-8859-1**. The default value is **UTF-8**.| ## TCPExtraOptions Defines other properties of the TCPSocket connection. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Communication.NetStack | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ----------------- | ------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | keepAlive | boolean | No | Whether to keep the connection alive. The default value is **false**. | | OOBInline | boolean | No | Whether to enable OOBInline. The default value is **false**. | | TCPNoDelay | boolean | No | Whether to enable no-delay on the TCPSocket connection. The default value is **false**. | | socketLinger | Object | Yes | Socket linger.
- **on**: whether to enable socket linger. The value true means to enable socket linger and false means the opposite.
- **linger**: linger time, in ms. The value ranges from **0** to **65535**.
Specify this parameter only when **on** is set to **true**.| | receiveBufferSize | number | No | Size of the receive buffer, in bytes. | | sendBufferSize | number | No | Size of the send buffer, in bytes. | | reuseAddress | boolean | No | Whether to reuse addresses. The default value is **false**. | | socketTimeout | number | No | Timeout duration of the UDPSocket connection, in ms. |