# Running a Hello OHOS Program This section describes how to create, compile, burn, and run the first program, and finally print **Hello OHOS!** on the develop board. ## Creating a Program 1. Create a directory and the program source code. Create the **applications/sample/camera/apps/src/helloworld.c** directory and file whose code is shown in the following example. You can customize the content to be printed. For example, you can change **OHOS** to **World**. You can use either C or C++ to develop a program. ``` #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("\n************************************************\n"); printf("\n\t\tHello OHOS!\n"); printf("\n************************************************\n\n"); return 0; } ``` 2. Create a build file. Create the **applications/sample/camera/apps/BUILD.gn** file. The file content is as follows: ``` import("//build/lite/config/component/lite_component.gni") lite_component("hello-OHOS") { features = [ ":helloworld" ] } executable("helloworld") { output_name = "helloworld" sources = [ "src/helloworld.c" ] include_dirs = [] defines = [] cflags_c = [] ldflags = [] } ``` 3. Add a new component. Add the configuration of the **hello\_world\_app** component to the **build/lite/components/applications.json** file. The sample code below shows some configurations defined in the **applications.json** file, and the code between **\#\#start\#\#** and **\#\#end\#\#** is the new configuration \(Delete the rows where **\#\#start\#\#** and **\#\#end\#\#** are located after the configurations are added.\) ``` { "components": [ { "component": "camera_sample_communication", "description": "Communication related samples.", "optional": "true", "dirs": [ "applications/sample/camera/communication" ], "targets": [ "//applications/sample/camera/communication:sample" ], "rom": "", "ram": "", "output": [], "adapted_kernel": [ "liteos_a" ], "features": [], "deps": { "components": [], "third_party": [] } }, ##start## { "component": "hello_world_app", "description": "Communication related samples.", "optional": "true", "dirs": [ "applications/sample/camera/apps" ], "targets": [ "//applications/sample/camera/apps:hello-OHOS" ], "rom": "", "ram": "", "output": [], "adapted_kernel": [ "liteos_a" ], "features": [], "deps": { "components": [], "third_party": [] } }, ##end## { "component": "camera_sample_app", "description": "Camera related samples.", "optional": "true", "dirs": [ "applications/sample/camera/launcher", "applications/sample/camera/cameraApp", "applications/sample/camera/setting", "applications/sample/camera/gallery", "applications/sample/camera/media" ], ``` 4. Modify the board configuration file. Add the **hello\_world\_app** component to the **vendor/hisilicon/hispark\_taurus/config.json** file. The sample code below shows the configurations of the **applications** subsystem, and the code between **\#\#start\#\#** and **\#\#end\#\#** is the new configuration \(Delete the rows where **\#\#start\#\#** and **\#\#end\#\#** are located after the configurations are added.\) ``` { "subsystem": "applications", "components": [ { "component": "camera_sample_app", "features":[] }, { "component": "camera_sample_ai", "features":[] }, ##start## { "component": "hello_world_app", "features":[] }, ##end## { "component": "camera_screensaver_app", "features":[] } ] }, ``` ## Building If the Linux environment is installed using Docker, perform the building by referring to [Using Docker to Prepare the Build Environment](../get-code/gettools-acquire.md#section107932281315). If the Linux environment is installed using a software package, go to the root directory of the source code and run the following commands for source code compilation: ``` hb set (Set the building path.) . (Select the current path.) Select ipcamera_hispark_taurus@hisilicon and press Enter. hb build -f (Start building.) ``` **Figure 1** Hi3516 settings ![](figures/hi3516-settings.png "hi3516-settings") The result files are generated in the **out/hispark\_taurus/ipcamera\_hispark\_taurus** directory. >![](../public_sys-resources/icon-notice.gif) **NOTICE:** >The U-Boot file of the Hi3516D V300 development board can be obtained from the following path: device/hisilicon/hispark\_taurus/sdk\_liteos/uboot/out/boot/u-boot-hi3516dv300.bin ## Burning The Hi3516 development board allows you to burn flash memory over the USB port, serial port, or network port. The following uses the network port burning as an example. ### Burning Through the Network Port To burn Hi3516D V300 through the network port in the Windows or Linux environment: 1. Connect the PC and the target development board through the serial port, network port, and power port. For details, see [Introduction to the Hi3516 Development Board](https://device.harmonyos.com/en/docs/start/introduce/oem_minitinier_des_3516-0000001152041033). 2. Open Device Manager, then check and record the serial port number corresponding to the development board. >![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >If the serial port number is not displayed correctly, follow the steps described in [Installing the Serial Port Driver on the Hi3516 or Hi3518 Series Development Boards](https://device.harmonyos.com/en/docs/ide/user-guides/hi3516_hi3518-drivers-0000001050743695). ![](figures/hi3516-record-the-serial-port-number.png) 3. Open DevEco Device Tool, choose **QUICK ACCESS** \> **DevEco Home** \> **Projects**, and then click **Settings**. ![](figures/hi3516-deveco-device-tool-setting.png) 4. On the **Partition Configuration** tab page, modify the settings. In general cases, you can leave the fields at their default settings. 5. On the **hi3516dv300** tab page, configure the burning options. - **upload\_port**: Select the serial port number obtained in step [2](#en-us_topic_0000001056443961_li142386399535). - **upload\_protocol**: Select the burning protocol **hiburn-net**. - **upload\_partitions**: Select the file to be burnt. By default, the **fastboot**, **kernel**, **rootfs**, and **userfs** files are burnt at the same time. ![](figures/hi3516-upload-options.png) 6. Check and set the IP address of the network adapter connected to the development board. For details, see [Setting the IP Address of the Network Port for Burning to Hi3516](https://device.harmonyos.com/en/docs/ide/user-guides/set_ipaddress-0000001141825075). 7. Set the IP address of the network port for burning: - **upload\_net\_server\_ip**: Select the IP address set in step [6](#en-us_topic_0000001056443961_li1558813168234), such as - **upload\_net\_client\_mask**: Set the subnet mask of the development board, such as Once the **upload\_net\_server\_ip** field is set, this field will be automatically populated. - **upload\_net\_client\_gw**: Set the gateway of the development board, such as Once the **upload\_net\_server\_ip** field is set, this field will be automatically populated. - **upload\_net\_client\_ip**: Set the IP address of the development board, such as Once the **upload\_net\_server\_ip** field is set, this field will be automatically populated. ![](figures/ip-address-information.png) 8. When you finish modifying, click **Save** in the upper right corner. 9. Open the project file and go to ![](figures/hi3516-deveco-device-tool-logo.png) \> **PROJECT TASKS** \> **hi3516dv300** \> **Upload** to start burning. ![](figures/hi3516-upload-start-burning.png) 10. When the following message is displayed, power off the development board and then power it on. ![](figures/hi3516-restart-the-development-board.png) 11. If the following message is displayed, it indicates that the burning is successful. ![](figures/hi3516-burning-succeeded-net.png) 12. When the burning is successful, perform the operations in Running an Image to start the system. ### Running an Image After burning is completed, you need to configure the bootloader to run the OpenHarmony system. 1. In the Hi3516D V300 task, click **Configure bootloader \(Boot OS\)** to configure the bootloader. >![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >The bootloader configuration in DevEco Device Tool has been adapted to Hi3516D V300. Therefore, no manual modification is needed. ![](figures/bootloader.png) 2. When the message shown below is displayed, restart the development board. If **SUCCESS** is displayed, it indicates that the configuration is successful. ![](figures/reset_success.png) 3. Click **Monitor** on the taskbar to start the serial port tool. ![](figures/monitor.png) 4. Follow the onscreen instructions until **OHOS \#** is displayed, indicating that the system is started successfully. ![](figures/reboot_success.png) ## Running a Program In the root directory, run the **./bin/helloworld** command to operate the demo program. The compilation result is shown in the following example. **Figure 2** Successful system startup and program execution ![](figures/successful-system-startup-and-program-execution.png "successful-system-startup-and-program-execution")