# HUKS > ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**
> > The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. Openharmony Universal KeyStore (HUKS) provides KeyStore (KS) capabilities for applications, including key management and key cryptography operations. HUKS also provides APIs for applications to import or generate keys. ## Modules to Import ```js import huks from '@ohos.security.huks' ``` ## HuksErrorCode Enumerates error codes. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description| | -------------------------- | ----- | ---- | | HUKS_SUCCESS | 0 |Success.| | HUKS_FAILURE | -1 |Failure.| | HUKS_ERROR_BAD_STATE | -2 |Incorrect state.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT | -3 |Invalid argument.| | HUKS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED | -4 |Not supported.| | HUKS_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION | -5 |No permission.| | HUKS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA | -6 |Insufficient data.| | HUKS_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | -7 |Insufficient buffer.| | HUKS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY | -8 |Insufficient memory.| | HUKS_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE | -9 |Communication failed.| | HUKS_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE | -10 |Storage failure.| | HUKS_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE | -11 |Hardware fault.| | HUKS_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS | -12 |The object already exists.| | HUKS_ERROR_NOT_EXIST | -13 |The object does not exist.| | HUKS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER | -14 |Null pointer.| | HUKS_ERROR_FILE_SIZE_FAIL | -15 |Incorrect file size.| | HUKS_ERROR_READ_FILE_FAIL | -16 |Failed to read the file.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY | -17 |Invalid public key.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY | -18 |Invalid private key.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_INFO | -19 |Invalid key information.| | HUKS_ERROR_HASH_NOT_EQUAL | -20 |The hash values are not equal.| | HUKS_ERROR_MALLOC_FAIL | -21 |MALLOC failed.| | HUKS_ERROR_WRITE_FILE_FAIL | -22 |Failed to write the file.| | HUKS_ERROR_REMOVE_FILE_FAIL | -23 |Failed to delete the file.| | HUKS_ERROR_OPEN_FILE_FAIL | -24 |Failed to open the file.| | HUKS_ERROR_CLOSE_FILE_FAIL | -25 |Failed to close the file.| | HUKS_ERROR_MAKE_DIR_FAIL | -26 |Failed to create the directory.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_FILE | -27 |Invalid key file.| | HUKS_ERROR_IPC_MSG_FAIL | -28 |Incorrect IPC information.| | HUKS_ERROR_REQUEST_OVERFLOWS | -29 |Request overflows.| | HUKS_ERROR_PARAM_NOT_EXIST | -30 |The parameter does not exist.| | HUKS_ERROR_CRYPTO_ENGINE_ERROR | -31 |CRYPTO ENGINE error.| | HUKS_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT | -32 |Communication timed out.| | HUKS_ERROR_IPC_INIT_FAIL | -33 |IPC initialization failed.| | HUKS_ERROR_IPC_DLOPEN_FAIL | -34 |IPC DLOPEN failed.| | HUKS_ERROR_EFUSE_READ_FAIL | -35 |Failed to read eFUSE.| | HUKS_ERROR_NEW_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_EXIST | -36 |New root key material exists.| | HUKS_ERROR_UPDATE_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_FAIL | -37 |Failed to update the root key material.| | HUKS_ERROR_VERIFICATION_FAILED | -38 |Failed to verify the certificate chain.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_ALG_FAIL | -100 |Failed to check whether the ALG is obtained. | | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_KEY_SIZE_FAIL | -101 |Failed to check whether the key size is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_PADDING_FAIL | -102 |Failed to check whether padding is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_PURPOSE_FAIL | -103 |Failed to check whether the purpose is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_DIGEST_FAIL | -104 |Failed to check whether digest is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_MODE_FAIL | -105 |Failed to check whether the mode is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_NONCE_FAIL | -106 |Failed to check whether the nonce is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_AAD_FAIL | -107 |Failed to check whether the AAD is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_IV_FAIL | -108 |Failed to check whether the initialization vector (IV) is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_AE_TAG_FAIL | -109 |Failed to check whether the AE flag is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_SALT_FAIL | -110 |Failed to check whether the SALT is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_ITERATION_FAIL | -111 |Failed to check whether the iteration is obtained.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM | -112 |Invalid algorithm.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_SIZE | -113 |Invalid key size.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PADDING | -114 |Invalid padding.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PURPOSE | -115 |Invalid purpose.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_MODE | -116 |Invalid mode.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_DIGEST | -117 |Invalid digest.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE_SIZE | -118 |Invalid signature size.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_IV | -119 |Invalid IV.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_AAD | -120 |Invalid AAD.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_NONCE | -121 |Invalid nonce.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_AE_TAG | -122 |Invalid AE tag.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_SALT | -123 |Invalid SALT.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ITERATION | -124 |Invalid iteration.| | HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | -125 |Invalid operation.| | HUKS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR | -999 |Internal error.| | HUKS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR | -1000 |Unknown error.| ## HuksKeyPurpose Represents the purpose (usage) of a key. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------------- | | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | 1 | The key is used to encrypt plain text.| | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT | 2 | The key is used to decrypt the cipher text.| | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_SIGN | 4 | The key is used to sign data. | | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_VERIFY | 8 | The key is used to verify the signed data. | | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DERIVE | 16 | The key is used to derive a key. | | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_WRAP | 32 | The key is used for encrypted import. | | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP | 64 | The key is exported in encrypted mode. | | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_MAC | 128 | The key is used to generate a message authentication code (MAC). | | HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE | 256 | The key is used for key agreement. | ## HuksKeyDigest Enumerates the digest algorithms. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ---------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- | | HUKS_DIGEST_NONE | 0 | No digest algorithm.| | HUKS_DIGEST_MD5 | 1 | MD5.| | HUKS_DIGEST_SHA1 | 10 | SHA1.| | HUKS_DIGEST_SHA224 | 11 | SHA-224.| | HUKS_DIGEST_SHA256 | 12 | SHA-256.| | HUKS_DIGEST_SHA384 | 13 | SHA-384.| | HUKS_DIGEST_SHA512 | 14 | SHA-512.| ## HuksKeyPadding Enumerates the padding algorithms. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ---------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- | | HUKS_PADDING_NONE | 0 | No padding algorithm.| | HUKS_PADDING_OAEP | 1 | Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).| | HUKS_PADDING_PSS | 2 | Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS).| | HUKS_PADDING_PKCS1_V1_5 | 3 | PKCS1_V1_5.| | HUKS_PADDING_PKCS5 | 4 | Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)#5.| | HUKS_PADDING_PKCS7 | 5 | PKCS#7| ## HuksCipherMode Enumerates the cipher modes. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ------------- | ---- | --------------------- | | HUKS_MODE_ECB | 1 | Electronic Code BLock (ECB) mode.| | HUKS_MODE_CBC | 2 | Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode.| | HUKS_MODE_CTR | 3 | Counter (CTR) mode.| | HUKS_MODE_OFB | 4 | Output Feedback (OFB) mode.| | HUKS_MODE_CCM | 31 | Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode.| | HUKS_MODE_GCM | 32 | Galois/Counter (GCM) mode.| ## HuksKeySize Represents the key length. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ---------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------ | | HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_512 | 512 | Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) key of 512 bits. | | HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_768 | 768 | RSA key of 768 bits. | | HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_1024 | 1024 | RSA key of 1024 bits. | | HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_2048 | 2048 | RSA key of 2048 bits. | | HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_3072 | 3072 | RSA key of 3072 bits. | | HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_4096 | 4096 | RSA key of 4096 bits. | | HUKS_ECC_KEY_SIZE_224 | 224 | ECC key of 224 bits. | | HUKS_ECC_KEY_SIZE_256 | 256 | ECC key of 256 bits. | | HUKS_ECC_KEY_SIZE_384 | 384 | ECC key of 384 bits. | | HUKS_ECC_KEY_SIZE_521 | 521 | ECC key of 521 bits. | | HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_128 | 128 | AES key of 128 bits. | | HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_192 | 196 | AES key of 196 bits. | | HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256 | 256 | AES key of 256 bits. | | HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_512 | 512 | AES key of 512 bits. | | HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256 | 256 | Curve25519 key of 256 bits.| | HUKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_2048 | 2048 | DH key of 2048 bits. | | HUKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_3072 | 3072 | DH key of 3072 bits. | | HUKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 | 4096 | DH key of 4096 bits. | ## HuksKeyAlg Represents the algorithm used by a key. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ---------------- | ---- | --------------------- | | HUKS_ALG_RSA | 1 | RSA. | | HUKS_ALG_ECC | 2 | ECC. | | HUKS_ALG_DSA | 3 | DSA. | | HUKS_ALG_AES | 20 | AES. | | HUKS_ALG_HMAC | 50 | HMAC. | | HUKS_ALG_HKDF | 51 | HKDF. | | HUKS_ALG_PBKDF2 | 52 | PBKDF2. | | HUKS_ALG_ECDH | 100 | ECDH. | | HUKS_ALG_X25519 | 101 | X25519 algorithm. | | HUKS_ALG_ED25519 | 102 | ED25519 algorithm.| | HUKS_ALG_DH | 103 | DH. | ## HuksKeyGenerateType Enumerates the key generation types. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------- | | HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_DEFAULT | 0 | Key generated by default.| | HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_DERIVE | 1 | Derived key.| | HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_AGREE | 2 | Key generated by agreement.| ## HuksKeyFlag Enumerates the key generation modes. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | -------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ | | HUKS_KEY_FLAG_IMPORT_KEY | 1 | The key is imported by using the public key import API. | | HUKS_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_KEY | 2 | The key is generated by using the private key generation API. | | HUKS_KEY_FLAG_AGREE_KEY | 3 | The key is generated by using the key agreement API.| | HUKS_KEY_FLAG_DERIVE_KEY | 4 | The key is generated by using the key derivation API.| ## HuksKeyStorageType Enumerates the key storage modes. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | ----------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ | | HUKS_STORAGE_TEMP | 0 | The key is managed locally. | | HUKS_STORAGE_PERSISTENT | 1 | The key is managed by the HUKS service.| ## HuksSendType Enumerates the tag transfer modes. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | -------------------- | ---- | ----------------- | | HUKS_SEND_TYPE_ASYNC | 0 | Send the tag asynchronously.| | HUKS_SEND_TYPE_SYNC | 1 | Send the tag synchronously.| ## HuksTagType Enumerates the tag data types. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | --------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------- | | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID | 0 << 28 | Invalid tag type. | | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INT | 1 << 28 | Number of the int type. | | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT | 2 << 28 | Number of the uint type.| | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG | 3 << 28 | bigint. | | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL | 4 << 28 | Boolean. | | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES | 5 << 28 | Uint8Array. | ## HuksTag Enumerates the tags used to invoke parameters. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Value | Description | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | HUKS_TAG_INVALID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID \| 0 | Invalid tag. | | HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1 | Indicates the algorithm. | | HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 2 | Indicates the purpose of a key. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 3 | Indicates the key length. | | HUKS_TAG_DIGEST | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 4 | Indicates the digest algorithm. | | HUKS_TAG_PADDING | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 5 | Indicates the padding algorithm. | | HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 6 | Indicates the cipher mode. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 7 | Indicates the key type. | | HUKS_TAG_ASSOCIATED_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 8 | Indicates the associated authentication data. | | HUKS_TAG_NONCE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 9 | Indicates the field for key encryption and decryption. | | HUKS_TAG_IV | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10 | Indicates the IV. | | HUKS_TAG_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 11 | Indicates the information generated during key derivation. | | HUKS_TAG_SALT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 12 | Indicates the salt value used for key derivation. | | HUKS_TAG_PWD | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 13 | Indicates the password used for key derivation. | | HUKS_TAG_ITERATION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 14 | Indicates the number of iterations for key derivation. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 15 | Indicates the key generation type. | | HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_MAIN_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 16 | Indicates the main key for key derivation. | | HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_FACTOR | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 17 | Indicates the factor for key derivation. | | HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 18 | Indicates the type of the algorithm used for key derivation. | | HUKS_TAG_AGREE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 19 | Indicates the type of the algorithm used in key agreement. | | HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 20 | Indicates the alias of the public key during key agreement. | | HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 21 | Indicates the private key alias used in key agreement. | | HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 22 | Indicates the public key used in key agreement. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 23 | Indicates the key alias. | | HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 24 | Indicates the size of the derived key. | | HUKS_TAG_ACTIVE_DATETIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 201 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_ORIGINATION_EXPIRE_DATETIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 202 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_USAGE_EXPIRE_DATETIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 203 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_CREATION_DATETIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 204 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_ALL_USERS | ksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 301 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_USER_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 302 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 303 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 304 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 305 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TOKEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 306 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 501 | Indicates the challenge value used in the attestation. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 502 | Indicates the application ID used in the attestation. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 503 | Indicates the device brand. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_DEVICE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 504 | Indicates the device. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_PRODUCT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 505 | Indicates the product. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SERIAL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 506 | Indicates the device SN. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_IMEI | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 507 | Indicates the device IMEI. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MEID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 508 | Indicates the device MEID. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 509 | Indicates the device manufacturer. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 510 | Indicates the device model. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 511 | Indicates the key alias used in the attestation. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SOCID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 512 | Indicates the device SOCID. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_UDID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 513 | Indicates the device UDID. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SEC_LEVEL_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 514 | Indicates the security credential used for the attestation. | | HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_VERSION_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 515 | Indicates the version information used in the attestation. | | HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1001 | Indicates whether to use the tag of the alias passed during key generation.| | HUKS_TAG_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1002 | Indicates the key storage mode. | | HUKS_TAG_IS_ALLOWED_WRAP | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1003 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_WRAP_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1004 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_AUTH_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1005 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_ROLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1006 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1007 | Indicates the flag of the key. | | HUKS_TAG_IS_ASYNCHRONIZED | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1008 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1009 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_UUID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1010 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_DOMAIN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1011 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_PROCESS_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10001 | Indicates the process name. | | HUKS_TAG_PACKAGE_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10002 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_ACCESS_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10003 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_USES_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10004 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_CRYPTO_CTX | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10005 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10006 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_KEY_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10007 | Indicates the key version. | | HUKS_TAG_PAYLOAD_LEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10008 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_AE_TAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10009 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_HANDLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10010 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_OS_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10101 | Indicates the operating system version. | | HUKS_TAG_OS_PATCHLEVEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10102 | Indicates the operating system patch level. | | HUKS_TAG_SYMMETRIC_KEY_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 20001 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_ASYMMETRIC_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 20002 | Reserved. | | HUKS_TAG_ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 20003 | Reserved. | ## huks.generateKey generateKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Generates a key. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. | | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for generating the key. | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var alias = 'alias'; var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huksHuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_RSA }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_512 }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT }; properties[3] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING, value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE }; properties[4] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_ECB }; properties[5] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, value: huks.HuksKeyDigest.HUKS_DIGEST_NONE }; var options = { properties: properties }; huks.generateKey(alias, options, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.generateKey generateKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Generates a key. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------ | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. | | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for generating the key.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var alias = 'alias'; var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huksHuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_RSA }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_RSA_KEY_SIZE_512 }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT }; properties[3] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING, value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE }; properties[4] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_ECB }; properties[5] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, value: huks.HuksKeyDigest.HUKS_DIGEST_NONE }; var options = { properties: properties }; var result = huks.generateKey(alias, options); ``` ## huks.deleteKey deleteKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Deletes a key. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias passed in when the key was generated. | | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var alias = 'alias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; huks.deleteKey(alias, emptyOptions, function (err, data) {}); ``` ## huks.deleteKey deleteKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Deletes a key. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias passed in when the key was generated.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var alias = 'alias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; var result = huks.deleteKey(alias, emptyOptions); ``` ## huks.getSdkVersion getSdkVersion(options: HuksOptions) : string Obtains the SDK version of the current system. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------- | | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object, which is used to hold the SDK version.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------ | ------------- | | string | SDK version obtained.| **Example** ```js var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; var result = huks.getSdkVersion(emptyOptions); ``` ## huks.importKey importKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Imports a key. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------- | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which is used to hold the key pair.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key pair to import.| | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_DSA }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: 1024 }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_VERIFY }; properties[3] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING, value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE }; properties[4] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, value: HUKS_DIGEST_SHA1 }; var options = { properties: properties, inData: importText }; huks.importKey(keyAlias, options, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.importKey importKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Imports a key. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which is used to hold the key pair.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key pair to import.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_DSA }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: 1024 }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_VERIFY }; properties[3] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING, value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE }; properties[4] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, value: HUKS_DIGEST_SHA1 }; var options = { properties: properties, inData: importText }; var result = huks.importKey(keyAlias, options); ``` ## huks.exportKey exportKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Exports a key. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. | | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.
**outData** contains the public key exported.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; huks.exportKey(keyAlias, emptyOptions, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.exportKey exportKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Exports a key. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.
**outData** contains the public key exported.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; var result = huks.exportKey(keyAlias, emptyOptions); ``` ## huks.getKeyProperties getKeyProperties(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Obtains key properties. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. | | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. In **errorCode**, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned if the operation is successful; an error code will be returned otherwise. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; huks.getKeyProperties(keyAlias, emptyOptions, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.getKeyProperties getKeyProperties(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Obtains key properties. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksoptions)> | Promise used to return the result. In **errorCode**, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned if the operation is successful; an error code will be returned otherwise. For details about the error codes, see **HuksResult**.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; var result = huks.getKeyProperties(keyAlias, emptyOptions); ``` ## huks.isKeyExist isKeyExist(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Checks whether a key exists. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).| | callback | AsyncCallback\ | Yes | Callback used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; huks.isKeyExist(keyAlias, emptyOptions, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.isKeyExist isKeyExist(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Checks whether a key exists. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ----------- | ---- | -------------------------------- | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ----------------- | --------------------------------------- | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.| **Example** ```js var keyAlias = 'keyAlias'; var emptyOptions = { properties: [] }; var result = huks.isKeyExist(keyAlias, emptyOptions); ``` ## huks.init init(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Initializes a key. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the target key.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Init** operation.| | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksHandle](#hukshandle)> | Yes | Callback used to return the handle of the **Init** operation.| **Example** ```js var alias = 'test001' var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; huks.init(alias, options, function(err, data) { if (err.code !== 0) { console.log("test init err information: " + JSON.stringify(err)); } else { console.log(`test init data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); } }) ``` ## huks.init init(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Initializes a key. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the target key.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Init** operation.| | promise | Promise\<[HuksHandle](#hukshandle)> | Yes | Promise used to return the handle of the **Init** operation.| **Example** ```js var alias = 'test001' var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; huks.init(alias, options).then((data) => { console.log(`test init data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); handle1 = data.handle1; handle2 = data.handle2; handle = { "handle1": handle1, "handle2": handle2 }; }).catch((err) => { console.log("test init err information: " + JSON.stringify(err)) }) ``` ## huks.update update(handle: number, token?: Uint8Array, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Updates a key. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation.| | token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Update** operation.| | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HksResult](#hksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result.| **Example** ```js var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; huks.update(handle, options, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.update update(handle: number, token?: Uint8Array, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Updates a key. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation.| | token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Update** operation.| | promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.| **Example** ```js var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; var result = huks.update(handle, options) ``` ## huks.finish finish(handle: number, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Completes the key operation and releases resources. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Finish** operation.| | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result.| **Example** ```js var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; huks.finish(handle, options, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.finish finish(handle: number, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\ Completes the key operation and releases resources. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Finish** operation.| | promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#HuksResult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.| **Example** ```js var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; var result = huks.finish(handle, options) ``` ## huks.abort abort(handle: number, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void Aborts the use of the key. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Abort** operation.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Abort** operation.| | callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result.| **Example** ```js var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; huks.abort(handle, options, function (err, data){}); ``` ## huks.abort abort(handle: number, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\; Aborts the use of the key. This method uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- | | handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Abort** operation.| | options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameter set of the **Abort** operation.| | promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.| **Example** ```js var properties = new Array(); properties[0] = { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HksKeyAlg.HKS_ALG_DH }; properties[1] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HksKeyPurpose.HKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE }; properties[2] = { tag: huks.HksTag.HKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HksKeySize.HKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 }; var options = { properties: properties }; var result = huks.abort(handle, options); ``` ## HuksParam Defines the **param** in the **properties** array of **options** used in the APIs. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ----------------------------------- | ---- | ---------- | | tag | HuksTag | Yes | Tag. | | value | boolean\|number\|bigint\|Uint8Array | Yes | Value of the tag.| ## HuksOptions Defines the **options** used in the APIs. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ---------- | ----------------- | ---- | ------------------------ | | properties | Array\ | No | Array used to hold **HuksParam**.| | inData | Uint8Array | No | Input data. | ## HuksHandle Defines the HUKS handle structure. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ---------- | ---------------- | ---- | -------- | | errorCode | number | Yes | Error code.| | handle | number | Yes| Value of the handle.| | token | Uint8Array | No| Reserved field.| ## HuksResult Defines the **HuksResult** structure. **System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | ---------- | ----------------- | ---- | -------- | | errorCode | number | Yes | Error code. | | outData | Uint8Array | No | Output data.| | properties | Array\ | No | Properties. | | certChains | Array\ | No | Certificate chain. |