# Image Effects
Image effects include background blur, content blur, grayscale, and much more.
> **NOTE**
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Required Permissions
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Default Value| Description |
| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| blur | number | - | Blur effect of the current component' content. The input parameter is the blur radius. The larger the radius is, the more blurred the content is. If the value is **0**, the content is not blurred.|
| backdropBlur | number | - | Blur effect of the current component' background. The input parameter is the blur radius. The larger the radius is, the more blurred the background is. If the value is **0**, the background is not blurred.|
| shadow | {
radius: number \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource),
color?: Color \| string \| Resource,
offsetX?: number \| Resource,
offsetY?: number \| Resource
} | - | Adds the shadow effect to the current component. The input parameters are the fuzzy radius (mandatory), shadow color (optional; gray by default), x-axis offset (optional; 0 by default), and y-axis offset (optional; 0 by default). The offset unit is px.|
| grayscale | number | 0.0 | Converts the input image to grayscale. The value indicates the grayscale conversion ratio. If the input value is **1.0**, the image is converted into a grayscale image. If the input value is **0.0**, the image does not change. If the input value is between **0.0** and **1.0**, the effect changes in linear mode. The unit is percentage.|
| brightness | number | 1.0 | Adds a brightness to the current component. The input parameter is a brightness ratio. The value **1** indicates no effects. The value **0** indicates the complete darkness. If the value is less than **1**, the brightness decreases. If the value is greater than **1**, the brightness increases. A larger value indicates a higher brightness.|
| saturate | number | 1.0 | Adds the saturation effect to the current component. The saturation is the ratio of the chromatic component to the achromatic component (gray) in a color. When the input value is **1**, the source image is displayed. When the input value is greater than **1**, a higher percentage of the chromatic component indicates a higher saturation. When the input value is less than **1**, a higher percentage of the achromatic component indicates a lower saturation. The unit is percentage.|
| contrast | number | 1.0 | Adds the contrast effect to the current component. The input parameter is a contrast value. If the value is **1**, the source image is displayed. If the value is greater than **1**, a larger value indicates a higher contrast and a clearer image. If the value is less than **1**, a smaller value indicates a lower contrast is. If the value is **0**, the image becomes all gray. The unit is percentage.|
| invert | number | 0 | Inverts the input image. The input parameter is an image inversion ratio. The value **1** indicates complete inversion. The value **0** indicates that the image does not change. The unit is percentage.|
| colorBlend 8+ | Color \| string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | - | Adds the color blend effect to the current component. The input parameter is the blended color. |
| sepia | number | 0 | Converts the image color to sepia. The input parameter is an image inversion ratio. The value **1** indicates the image is completely sepia. The value **0** indicates that the image does not change. The unit is percentage.|
| hueRotate | number\|string | '0deg' | Adds the hue rotation effect to the current component. The input parameter is a rotation angle. |
## Example
You can preview how this component looks on a real device. The preview is not yet available in the DevEco Studio Previewer.
// xxx.ets
struct ImageEffectsExample {
build() {
Column({space: 10}) {
// Blur the font.
Text('font blur').fontSize(15).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
.fontSize(16).backgroundColor(0xF9CF93).padding({ left: 5 })
// Blur the background.
.backgroundImageSize({ width: 1200, height: 160 })
.shadow({ radius: 10, color: Color.Gray, offsetX: 5, offsetY: 5 })
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })