# XML-to-JavaScript Conversion > **NOTE** > The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. ## Modules to Import ``` import convertxml from '@ohos.convertxml'; ``` ## System Capabilities SystemCapability.Utils.Lang ## ConvertXML ### convert convert(xml: string, options?: ConvertOptions) : Object Converts an XML text into a JavaScript object. - Parameters | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | ------- | --------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------ | | xml | string | Yes| XML text to convert.| | options | [ConvertOptions](#convertoptions) | No| Settings of the convert operation.| - Return value | Type| Description| | ------ | ---------------------------- | | Object | JavaScript object.| - Example ``` let xml = '' + '' + ' Happy' + ' Work' + ' Play' + ''; let conv = new convertxml.ConvertXML(); let options = {trim : false, declarationKey:"_declaration", instructionKey : "_instruction", attributesKey : "_attributes", textKey : "_text", cdataKey:"_cdata", doctypeKey : "_doctype", commentKey : "_comment", parentKey : "_parent", typeKey : "_type", nameKey : "_name", elementsKey : "_elements"} let result = JSON.stringify(conv.convert(xml, options)); console.log(result) ``` ## ConvertOptions | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | ----------------- | -------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | trim | boolean | Yes| Whether to trim the whitespace characters before and after the text. The default value is **false**.| | ignoreDeclaration | boolean | No| Whether to ignore the XML declaration. The default value is **false**.| | ignoreInstruction | boolean | No| Whether to ignore the XML processing instruction. The default value is **false**.| | ignoreAttributes | boolean | No| Whether to print attributes across multiple lines and indent attributes. The default value is **false**.| | ignoreComment | boolean | No| Whether to ignore element comments. The default value is **false**.| | ignoreCDATA | boolean | No| Whether to ignore the element's CDATA information. The default value is **false**.| | ignoreDoctype | boolean | No| Whether to ignore the element's Doctype information. The default value is **false**.| | ignoreText | boolean | No| Whether to ignore the element's text information. The default value is **false**.| | declarationKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **declaration** in the output object. The default value is **_declaration**.| | instructionKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **instruction** in the output object. The default value is **_instruction**.| | attributesKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **attributes** in the output object. The default value is **_attributes**.| | textKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **text** in the output object. The default value is **_text**.| | cdataKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **CDATA** in the output object. The default value is **_cdata**.| | doctypeKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **Doctype** in the output object. The default value is **_doctype**.| | commentKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **comment** in the output object. The default value is **_comment**.| | parentKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **parent** in the output object. The default value is **_parent**.| | typeKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **type** in the output object. The default value is **_type**.| | nameKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **name** in the output object. The default value is **_name**.| | elementsKey | string | Yes| Name of the attribute key for **elements** in the output object. The default value is **_elements**.|