# Data Synchronization Between UIAbility and UI Based on the OpenHarmony application model, you can use any of the following ways to implement data synchronization between the UIAbility component and UI: - [Using EventHub for Data Synchronization](#using-eventhub-for-data-synchronization): The **EventHub** object is provided by the base class **Context**. Events are transferred using the publish/subscribe (pub/sub) pattern. Specifically, after subscribing to an event, your application will receive the event and process it accordingly when the event is published. - [Using globalThis for Data Synchronization](#using-globalthis-for-data-synchronization): **globalThis** is a global object inside the ArkTS engine instance and can be accessed by components such as UIAbility, ExtensionAbility, and Page. - [Using AppStorage or LocalStorage for Data Synchronization](#using-appstorage-or-localstorage-for-data-synchronization): ArkUI provides two application-level state management solutions: AppStorage and LocalStorage, which implement application- and UIAbility-level data synchronization, respectively. ## Using EventHub for Data Synchronization [EventHub](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-eventHub.md) provides an event mechanism for the UIAbility or ExtensionAbility component so that they can subscribe to, unsubscribe from, and trigger events. Before using the APIs provided by **EventHub**, you must obtain an **EventHub** object, which is provided by the [base class Context](application-context-stage.md). This section uses EventHub as an example to describe how to implement data synchronization between the UIAbility component and the UI. 1. Call [eventHub.on()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-eventHub.md#eventhubon) in the UIAbility in either of the following ways to register a custom event **event1**. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility'; const TAG: string = '[Example].[Entry].[EntryAbility]'; export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility { func1(...data) { // Trigger the event to complete the service operation. console.info(TAG, '1. ' + JSON.stringify(data)); } onCreate(want, launch) { // Obtain an eventHub object. let eventhub = this.context.eventHub; // Subscribe to the event. eventhub.on('event1', this.func1); eventhub.on('event1', (...data) => { // Trigger the event to complete the service operation. console.info(TAG, '2. ' + JSON.stringify(data)); }); } } ``` 2. Call [eventHub.emit()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-eventHub.md#eventhubemit) on the UI to trigger the event, and pass the parameters as required. ```ts import common from '@ohos.app.ability.common'; @Entry @Component struct Index { private context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext; eventHubFunc() { // Trigger the event without parameters. this.context.eventHub.emit('event1'); // Trigger the event with one parameter. this.context.eventHub.emit('event1', 1); // Trigger the event with two parameters. this.context.eventHub.emit('event1', 2, 'test'); // You can design the parameters based on your service requirements. } // Page display. build() { // ... } } ``` 3. Obtain the event trigger result from the subscription callback of UIAbility. The run log result is as follows: ```ts [] [1] [2,'test'] ``` 4. After **event1** is used, you can call [eventHub.off()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-eventHub.md#eventhuboff) to unsubscribe from the event. ```ts // context is the AbilityContext of the UIAbility instance. this.context.eventHub.off('event1'); ``` ## Using globalThis for Data Synchronization **globalThis** is a global object inside the [ArkTS engine instance](thread-model-stage.md) and can be used by UIAbility, ExtensionAbility, and Page inside the engine. Therefore, you can use **globalThis** for data synchronization. **Figure 1** Using globalThis for data synchronization ![globalThis1](figures/globalThis1.png) The following describes how to use **globalThis** in three scenarios. Precautions are provided as well. - [Using globalThis Between UIAbility and Page](#using-globalthis-between-uiability-and-page) - [Using globalThis Between UIAbility and UIAbility](#using-globalthis-between-uiability-and-uiability) - [Use globalThis Between UIAbility and ExtensionAbility](#using-globalthis-between-uiability-and-extensionability) - [Precautions for Using globalThis](#precautions-for-using-globalthis) ### Using globalThis Between UIAbility and Page By binding attributes or methods to **globalThis**, you can implement data synchronization between the UIAbility component and UI. For example, if you bind the **want** parameter in the UIAbility component, you can use the **want** parameter information on the UI corresponding to the UIAbility component. 1. When [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) is called to start a UIAbility instance, the **onCreate()** callback is invoked, and the **want** parameter can be passed in the callback. Therefore, you can bind the **want** parameter to **globalThis**. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility'; export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility { onCreate(want, launch) { globalThis.entryAbilityWant = want; // ... } // ... } ``` 2. Use **globalThis** on the UI to obtain the **want** parameter information. ```ts let entryAbilityWant; @Entry @Component struct Index { aboutToAppear() { entryAbilityWant = globalThis.entryAbilityWant; } // Page display. build() { // ... } } ``` ### Using globalThis Between UIAbility and UIAbility To implement data synchronization between two UIAbility components in the same application, you can bind data to **globalThis**. For example, you can save data in **globalThis** in UIAbilityA and obtain the data from UIAbilityB. 1. UIAbilityA stores a string and binds it to globalThis. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' export default class UIAbilityA extends UIAbility { onCreate(want, launch) { globalThis.entryAbilityStr = 'UIAbilityA'; // UIAbilityA stores the string "UIAbilityA" to globalThis. // ... } } ``` 2. Obtain the data from UIAbilityB. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' export default class UIAbilityB extends UIAbility { onCreate(want, launch) { // UIAbilityB reads name from globalThis and outputs it. console.info('name from entryAbilityStr: ' + globalThis.entryAbilityStr); // ... } } ``` ### Using globalThis Between UIAbility and ExtensionAbility To implement data synchronization between the UIAbility and ExtensionAbility components in the same application, you can bind data to **globalThis**. For example, you can save data in **globalThis** in UIAbilityA and obtain the data from ServiceExtensionAbility. 1. UIAbilityA stores a string and binds it to globalThis. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' export default class UIAbilityA extends UIAbility { onCreate(want, launch) { // UIAbilityA stores the string "UIAbilityA" to globalThis. globalThis.entryAbilityStr = 'UIAbilityA'; // ... } } ``` 2. Obtain the data from ExtensionAbility. ```ts import Extension from '@ohos.app.ability.ServiceExtensionAbility' export default class ServiceExtAbility extends Extension { onCreate(want) { / / ServiceExtAbility reads name from globalThis and outputs it. console.info('name from entryAbilityStr: ' + globalThis.entryAbilityStr); // ... } } ``` ### Precautions for Using globalThis **Figure 2** Precautions for globalThis ![globalThis2](figures/globalThis2.png) - In the stage model, all the UIAbility components in a process share one ArkTS engine instance. When using **globalThis**, do not store objects with the same name. For example, if UIAbilityA and UIAbilityB use **globalThis** to store two objects with the same name, the object stored earlier will be overwritten. - This problem does not occur in the FA model because each UIAbility component uses an independent engine. - The lifecycle of an object bound to **globalThis** is the same as that of the ArkTS engine instance. You are advised to assign the value **null** after using the object to minimize memory usage. The following provides an example to describe the object overwritten problem in the stage model. 1. In the UIAbilityA file, [UIAbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md) is stored in **globalThis**. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' export default class UIAbilityA extends UIAbility { onCreate(want, launch) { globalThis.context = this.context; // UIAbilityA stores the context in globalThis. // ... } } ``` 2. Obtain and use [UIAbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md) on the page of UIAbilityA. After the UIAbilityA instance is used, switch it to the background. ```ts @Entry @Component struct Index { onPageShow() { let ctx = globalThis.context; // Obtain the context from globalThis and use it. } // Page display. build() { // ... } } ``` 3. In the UIAbilityB file, [UIAbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md) is stored in **globalThis** and has the same name as that in the UIAbilityA file. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' export default class UIAbilityB extends UIAbility { onCreate(want, launch) { // UIAbilityB overwrites the context stored by UIAbilityA in globalThis. globalThis.context = this.context; // ... } } ``` 4. Obtain and use [UIAbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md) on the page of UIAbilityB. The obtained **globalThis.context** is the value of [UIAbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md) in UIAbilityB. ```ts @Entry @Component struct Index { onPageShow() { let ctx = globalThis.context; // Obtain the context from globalThis and use it. } // Page display. build() { // ... } } ``` 5. Switch the UIAbilityB instance to the background and switch the UIAbilityA instance to the foreground. In this case, UIAbilityA will not enter the **onCreate()** lifecycle again. ```ts import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility' export default class UIAbilityA extends UIAbility { onCreate(want, launch) { // UIAbilityA will not enter this lifecycle. globalThis.context = this.context; // ... } } ``` 6. When the page of UIAbilityA is displayed, the obtained **globalThis.context** is [UIAbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md) of UIAbilityB instead of UIAbilityA. An error occurs. ```ts @Entry @Component struct Index { onPageShow() { let ctx = globalThis.context; // The context in globalThis is the context of UIAbilityB. } // Page display. build() { // ... } } ``` ## Using AppStorage or LocalStorage for Data Synchronization ArkUI provides AppStorage and LocalStorage to implement application- and UIAbility-level data synchronization, respectively. Both solutions can be used to manage the application state, enhance application performance, and improve user experience. The AppStorage is a global state manager and is applicable when multiple UIAbilities share the same state data. The LocalStorage is a local state manager that manages state data used inside a single UIAbility. They help you control the application state more flexibly and improve the maintainability and scalability of applications. For details, see [State Management of Application-Level Variables](../quick-start/arkts-state-mgmt-application-level.md).