# Multi-device Collaboration (for System Applications Only) ## When to Use Multi-device coordination involves the following scenarios: - [Starting UIAbility and ServiceExtensionAbility Across Devices (No Data Returned)](#starting-uiability-and-serviceextensionability-across-devices-no-data-returned) - [Starting UIAbility Across Devices (Data Returned)](#starting-uiability-across-devices-data-returned) - [Connecting to ServiceExtensionAbility Across Devices](#connecting-to-serviceextensionability-across-devices) - [Using Cross-Device Call](#using-cross-device-call) ## Multi-Device Collaboration Process The figure below shows the multi-device collaboration process. **Figure 1** Multi-device collaboration process ![hop-multi-device-collaboration](figures/hop-multi-device-collaboration.png) ## Constraints - Since multi-device collaboration task management is not available, you can obtain the device list by developing system applications. Access to third-party applications is not supported. - Multi-device collaboration must comply with [Inter-Device Component Startup Rules](component-startup-rules.md#inter-device-component-startup-rules). - For better user experience, you are advised to use the **want** parameter to transmit data smaller than 100 KB. ## Starting UIAbility and ServiceExtensionAbility Across Devices (No Data Returned) On device A, touch the **Start** button provided by the initiator application to start a specified UIAbility on device B. ### Available APIs **Table 1** Cross-device startup APIs | **API**| **Description**| | -------- | -------- | | startAbility(want: Want, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; | Starts UIAbility and ServiceExtensionAbility. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.| ### How to Develop 1. Request the **ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC** permission. For details, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file). 2. Display a dialog box to ask authorization from the user when the application is started for the first time. For details, see [Requesting User Authorization](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#requesting-user-authorization). 3. Obtain the device ID of the target device. ```ts import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedHardware.deviceManager'; let dmClass; function initDmClass() { // createDeviceManager is a system API. deviceManager.createDeviceManager('ohos.samples.demo', (err, dm) => { if (err) { // ... return } dmClass = dm }) } function getRemoteDeviceId() { if (typeof dmClass === 'object' && dmClass !== null) { let list = dmClass.getTrustedDeviceListSync() if (typeof (list) === 'undefined' || typeof (list.length) === 'undefined') { console.info('EntryAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId err: list is null') return; } return list[0].deviceId } else { console.info('EntryAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId err: dmClass is null') } } ``` 4. Set the target component parameters, and call [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) to start UIAbility or ServiceExtensionAbility. ```ts let want = { deviceId: getRemoteDeviceId(), bundleName: 'com.example.myapplication', abilityName: 'FuncAbility', moduleName: 'module1', // moduleName is optional. } // context is the AbilityContext of the initiator UIAbility. this.context.startAbility(want).then(() => { // ... }).catch((err) => { // ... }) ``` ## Starting UIAbility Across Devices (Data Returned) On device A, touch the **Start** button provided by the initiator application to start a specified UIAbility on device B. When the UIAbility on device B exits, a value is sent back to the initiator application. ### Available APIs **Table 2** APIs for starting a UIAbility across devices and returning the result data | API| Description| | -------- | -------- | | startAbilityForResult(want: Want, callback: AsyncCallback<AbilityResult>): void; | Starts a UIAbility. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result when the UIAbility is terminated.| | terminateSelfWithResult(parameter: AbilityResult, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;| Terminates this UIAbility. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result information. It is used together with **startAbilityForResult**.| | terminateSelfWithResult(parameter: AbilityResult): Promise<void>; | Terminates this UIAbility. This API uses a promise to return the result information. It is used together with **startAbilityForResult**.| ### How to Develop 1. Request the **ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC** permission. For details, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file). 2. Display a dialog box to ask authorization from the user when the application is started for the first time. For details, see [Requesting User Authorization](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#requesting-user-authorization). 3. Set the target component parameters on the initiator, and call **startAbilityForResult()** to start the target UIAbility. **data** in the asynchronous callback is used to receive the information returned by the target UIAbility to the initiator UIAbility after the target UIAbility terminates itself. For details about how to implement **getRemoteDeviceId()**, see [Starting UIAbility and ServiceExtensionAbility Across Devices (No Data Returned)](#starting-uiability-and-serviceextensionability-across-devices-no-data-returned). ```ts let want = { deviceId: getRemoteDeviceId(), bundleName: 'com.example.myapplication', abilityName: 'FuncAbility', moduleName: 'module1', // moduleName is optional. } // context is the AbilityContext of the initiator UIAbility. this.context.startAbilityForResult(want).then((data) => { // ... }).catch((err) => { // ... }) ``` 4. After the UIAbility task at the target device is complete, call **terminateSelfWithResult()** to return the data to the initiator UIAbility. ```ts const RESULT_CODE: number = 1001; let abilityResult = { resultCode: RESULT_CODE, want: { bundleName: 'com.example.myapplication', abilityName: 'FuncAbility', moduleName: 'module1', }, } // context is the AbilityContext of the target UIAbility. this.context.terminateSelfWithResult(abilityResult, (err) => { // ... }); ``` 5. The initiator UIAbility receives the information returned by the target UIAbility and processes the information. ```ts const RESULT_CODE: number = 1001; // ... // context is the UIAbilityContext of the initiator UIAbility. this.context.startAbilityForResult(want).then((data) => { if (data?.resultCode === RESULT_CODE) { // Parse the information returned by the target UIAbility. let info = data.want?.parameters?.info // ... } }).catch((err) => { // ... }) ``` ## Connecting to ServiceExtensionAbility Across Devices A system application can connect to a service on another device by calling [connectServiceExtensionAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#abilitycontextconnectserviceextensionability). For example, in the distributed game scenario, a tablet is used as the remote control and a smart TV is used as the display. ### Available APIs **Table 3** APIs for cross-device connection | API| Description| | -------- | -------- | | connectServiceExtensionAbility(want: Want, options: ConnectOptions): number; | Connects to a ServiceExtensionAbility.| | disconnectServiceExtensionAbility(connection: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; | Disconnects a connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.| | disconnectServiceExtensionAbility(connection: number): Promise<void>; | Disconnects a connection. This API uses a promise to return the result.| ### How to Develop 1. Request the **ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC** permission. For details, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file). 2. Display a dialog box to ask authorization from the user when the application is started for the first time. For details, see [Requesting User Authorization](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#requesting-user-authorization). 3. (Optional) [Implement a background service](serviceextensionability.md#implementing-a-background-service). Perform this operation only if no background service is available. 4. Connect to the background service. - Implement the **IAbilityConnection** class. **IAbilityConnection** provides the following callbacks that you should implement: **onConnect()**, **onDisconnect()**, and **onFailed()**. The **onConnect()** callback is invoked when a service is connected, **onDisconnect()** is invoked when a service is unexpectedly disconnected, and **onFailed()** is invoked when the connection to a service fails. - Set the target component parameters, including the target device ID, bundle name, and ability name. - Call **connectServiceExtensionAbility** to initiate a connection. - Receive the service handle returned by the target device when the connection is successful. - Perform cross-device invoking and obtain the result returned by the target service. ```ts import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'; const REQUEST_CODE = 99; let want = { "deviceId": getRemoteDeviceId(), "bundleName": "com.example.myapplication", "abilityName": "ServiceExtAbility" }; let options = { onConnect(elementName, remote) { console.info('onConnect callback'); if (remote === null) { console.info(`onConnect remote is null`); return; } let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); data.writeInt(1); data.writeInt(99); // You can send data to the target application for corresponding operations. // @param code Indicates the service request code sent by the client. // @param data Indicates the {@link MessageParcel} object sent by the client. // @param reply Indicates the response message object sent by the remote service. // @param options Specifies whether the operation is synchronous or asynchronous. // // @return Returns {@code true} if the operation is successful; returns {@code false} otherwise. remote.sendRequest(REQUEST_CODE, data, reply, option).then((ret) => { let msg = reply.readInt(); // Receive the information (100) returned by the target device if the connection is successful. console.info(`sendRequest ret:${ret} msg:${msg}`); }).catch((error) => { console.info('sendRequest failed'); }); }, onDisconnect(elementName) { console.info('onDisconnect callback'); }, onFailed(code) { console.info('onFailed callback'); } } // The ID returned after the connection is set up must be saved. The ID will be passed for service disconnection. let connectionId = this.context.connectServiceExtensionAbility(want, options); ``` For details about how to implement **getRemoteDeviceId()**, see [Starting UIAbility and ServiceExtensionAbility Across Devices (No Data Returned)](#starting-uiability-and-serviceextensionability-across-devices-no-data-returned). 5. Disconnect the connection. Use **disconnectServiceExtensionAbility()** to disconnect from the background service. ```ts let connectionId = 1 // ID returned when the service is connected through connectServiceExtensionAbility. this.context.disconnectServiceExtensionAbility(connectionId).then((data) => { console.info('disconnectServiceExtensionAbility success'); }).catch((error) => { console.error('disconnectServiceExtensionAbility failed'); }) ``` ## Using Cross-Device Call The basic principle of cross-device call is the same as that of intra-device call. For details, see [Using Call to Implement UIAbility Interaction (for System Applications Only)](uiability-intra-device-interaction.md#using-call-to-implement-uiability-interaction-for-system-applications-only). The following describes how to implement multi-device collaboration through cross-device call. ### Available APIs **Table 4** Call APIs | API| Description| | -------- | -------- | | startAbilityByCall(want: Want): Promise<Caller>; | Starts a UIAbility in the foreground or background and obtains the caller object for communicating with the UIAbility.| | on(method: string, callback: CalleeCallBack): void | Callback invoked when the CalleeAbility registers a method.| | off(method: string): void | Callback invoked when the CalleeAbility deregisters a method.| | call(method: string, data: rpc.Parcelable): Promise<void> | Sends agreed parcelable data to the CalleeAbility.| | callWithResult(method: string, data: rpc.Parcelable): Promise<rpc.MessageSequence>| Sends agreed parcelable data to the CalleeAbility and obtains the agreed parcelable data returned by the CalleeAbility.| | release(): void | Releases the caller object.| | on(type: "release", callback: OnReleaseCallback): void | Callback invoked when the caller object is released.| ### How to Develop 1. Request the **ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC** permission. For details, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file). 2. Display a dialog box to ask authorization from the user when the application is started for the first time. For details, see [Requesting User Authorization](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#requesting-user-authorization). 3. Create the CalleeAbility. For the CalleeAbility, implement the callback to receive data and the methods to marshal and unmarshal data. When data needs to be received, use **on()** to register a listener. When data does not need to be received, use **off()** to deregister the listener. 1. Configure the launch type of the UIAbility. Set **launchType** of the CalleeAbility to **singleton** in the **module.json5** file. | JSON Field| Description| | -------- | -------- | | "launchType"| UIAbility launch type. Set this parameter to **singleton**.| An example of the UIAbility configuration is as follows: ```json "abilities":[{ "name": ".CalleeAbility", "srcEntrance": "./ets/CalleeAbility/CalleeAbility.ts", "launchType": "singleton", "description": "$string:CalleeAbility_desc", "icon": "$media:icon", "label": "$string:CalleeAbility_label", "visible": true }] ``` 2. Import the **UIAbility** module. ```ts import Ability from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility'; ``` 3. Define the agreed parcelable data. The data formats sent and received by the CallerAbility and CalleeAbility must be consistent. In the following example, the data formats are number and string. ```ts export default class MyParcelable { num: number = 0; str: string = ""; constructor(num, string) { this.num = num; this.str = string; } marshalling(messageSequence) { messageSequence.writeInt(this.num); messageSequence.writeString(this.str); return true; } unmarshalling(messageSequence) { this.num = messageSequence.readInt(); this.str = messageSequence.readString(); return true; } } ``` 4. Implement **Callee.on** and **Callee.off**. In the following example, the **MSG_SEND_METHOD** listener is registered in **onCreate()** of the UIAbility and deregistered in **onDestroy()**. After receiving parcelable data, the application processes the data and returns the data result. You need to implement processing based on service requirements. ```ts const TAG: string = '[CalleeAbility]'; const MSG_SEND_METHOD: string = 'CallSendMsg'; function sendMsgCallback(data) { console.info('CalleeSortFunc called'); // Obtain the parcelable data sent by the CallerAbility. let receivedData = new MyParcelable(0, ''); data.readParcelable(receivedData); console.info(`receiveData[${receivedData.num}, ${receivedData.str}]`); // Process the data. // Return the parcelable data result to the CallerAbility. return new MyParcelable(receivedData.num + 1, `send ${receivedData.str} succeed`); } export default class CalleeAbility extends Ability { onCreate(want, launchParam) { try { this.callee.on(MSG_SEND_METHOD, sendMsgCallback); } catch (error) { console.info(`${MSG_SEND_METHOD} register failed with error ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); } } onDestroy() { try { this.callee.off(MSG_SEND_METHOD); } catch (error) { console.error(TAG, `${MSG_SEND_METHOD} unregister failed with error ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); } } } ``` 4. Obtain the caller object and access the CalleeAbility. 1. Import the **UIAbility** module. ```ts import Ability from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility'; ``` 2. Obtain the caller object. The **context** attribute of the UIAbility implements **startAbilityByCall** to obtain the caller object for communication. The following example uses **this.context** to obtain the **context** attribute of the UIAbility, uses **startAbilityByCall** to start the CalleeAbility, obtain the caller object, and register the **onRelease** and **onRemoteStateChange** listeners of the CallerAbility. You need to implement processing based on service requirements. ```ts async onButtonGetRemoteCaller() { var caller = undefined; var context = this.context; context.startAbilityByCall({ deviceId: getRemoteDeviceId(), bundleName: 'com.samples.CallApplication', abilityName: 'CalleeAbility' }).then((data) => { if (data != null) { caller = data; console.info('get remote caller success'); // Register the onRelease listener of the CallerAbility. caller.onRelease((msg) => { console.info(`remote caller onRelease is called ${msg}`); }) console.info('remote caller register OnRelease succeed'); // Register the onRemoteStateChange listener of the CallerAbility. try { caller.onRemoteStateChange((str) => { console.log('Remote state changed ' + str); }); } catch (error) { console.log('Caller.onRemoteStateChange catch error, error.code: ${JSON.stringify(error.code)}, error.message: ${JSON.stringify(error.message)}'); } } }).catch((error) => { console.error(`get remote caller failed with ${error}`); }) } ``` For details about how to implement **getRemoteDeviceId()**, see [Starting UIAbility and ServiceExtensionAbility Across Devices (No Data Returned)](#starting-uiability-and-serviceextensionability-across-devices-no-data-returned). 5. Sends agreed parcelable data to the CalleeAbility. 1. The parcelable data can be sent to the CalleeAbility with or without a return value. The method and parcelable data must be consistent with those of the CalleeAbility. The following example describes how to send data to the CalleeAbility. ```ts const MSG_SEND_METHOD: string = 'CallSendMsg'; async onButtonCall() { try { let msg = new MyParcelable(1, 'origin_Msg'); await this.caller.call(MSG_SEND_METHOD, msg); } catch (error) { console.info(`caller call failed with ${error}`); } } ``` 2. In the following, **CallWithResult** is used to send data **originMsg** to the CalleeAbility and assign the data processed by the **CallSendMsg** method to **backMsg**. ```ts const MSG_SEND_METHOD: string = 'CallSendMsg'; originMsg: string = ''; backMsg: string = ''; async onButtonCallWithResult(originMsg, backMsg) { try { let msg = new MyParcelable(1, originMsg); const data = await this.caller.callWithResult(MSG_SEND_METHOD, msg); console.info('caller callWithResult succeed'); let result = new MyParcelable(0, ''); data.readParcelable(result); backMsg(result.str); console.info(`caller result is [${result.num}, ${result.str}]`); } catch (error) { console.info(`caller callWithResult failed with ${error}`); } } ``` 6. Release the caller object. When the caller object is no longer required, use **release()** to release it. ```ts releaseCall() { try { this.caller.release(); this.caller = undefined console.info('caller release succeed'); } catch (error) { console.info(`caller release failed with ${error}`); } } ```