# Navigation > ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE** > This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. The **<Navigation>** component typically functions as the root container of a page and displays the page title, toolbar, and menu based on the attribute settings. ## Required Permissions None ## Child Components Supported ## APIs Navigation() Creates a component that can automatically display the navigation bar, title, and toolbar based on the attribute settings. ## Attributes | Name | Type | Default Value | Description | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | title | string \| [CustomBuilder](../../ui/ts-types.md)8+ | - | Page title. | | subtitle | string | - | Subtitle of the page. | | menus | Array<NavigationMenuItem> \| [CustomBuilder](../../ui/ts-types.md)8+ | - | Menu in the upper right corner of the page. | | titleMode | NavigationTitleMode | NavigationTitleMode.Free | Display mode of the page title bar. | | toolBar | {
] }
\| [CustomBuilder](../../ui/ts-types.md)8+ | - | Content of the toolbar.
**items**: all items on the toolbar. | | hideToolBar | boolean | false | Whether to hide the toolbar.
**true**: Hide the toolbar.
**false**: Show the toolbar. | | hideTitleBar | boolean | false | Whether to hide the title bar. | | hideBackButton | boolean | false | Whether to hide the back button. | - NavigationMenuItem attributes | Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | value | string | Yes | - | Text of an option on the menu bar. | | icon | string | No | - | Icon path of an option on the menu bar. | | action | () => void | No | - | Callback invoked when an option is selected. | - Object attributes | Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | value | string | Yes | - | Text of an option on the toolbar. | | icon | string | No | - | Icon path of an option on the toolbar. | | action | () => void | No | - | Callback invoked when an option is selected. | - NavigationTitleMode enums | Name | Description | | -------- | -------- | | Free | When the content is a scrollable component, the title shrinks as the content scrolls up (the subtitle fades out with its size remaining unchanged) and restores as the content scrolls down. | | Mini | The mode is fixed at mini mode (icon + main title and subtitle). | | Full | The mode is fixed at full mode (main title and subtitle). | > ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE** > Currently, only the scrollable component **<List>** is supported. ## Events | Name | Description | | -------- | -------- | | onTitleModeChange(callback: (titleMode: NavigationTitleMode) => void) | Triggered when **titleMode** is set to **NavigationTitleMode.Free** and the title bar mode changes as content scrolls. | ## Example ``` // Example 01 @Entry @Component struct NavigationExample { private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] @State hideBar: boolean = true @Builder NavigationTitle() { Column() { Text('title') .width(80) .height(60) .fontColor(Color.Blue) .fontSize(30) } .onClick(() => { console.log("title") }) } @Builder NavigationMenus() { Row() { Image('images/add.png') .width(25) .height(25) Image('comment/more.png') .width(25) .height(25) .margin({ left: 30 }) }.width(100) } build() { Column() { Navigation() { Search({ value: '', placeholder: "" }).width('85%').margin(26) List({ space: 5, initialIndex: 0 }) { ForEach(this.arr, (item) => { ListItem() { Text('' + item) .width('90%') .height(80) .backgroundColor('#3366CC') .borderRadius(15) .fontSize(16) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) }.editable(true) }, item => item) } .listDirection(Axis.Vertical) .height(300) .margin({ top: 10, left: 18 }) .width('100%') Button(this.hideBar ? "tool bar" : "hide bar") .onClick(() => { this.hideBar = !this.hideBar }) .margin({ left: 135, top: 60 }) } .title(this.NavigationTitle) .subTitle('subtitle') .menus(this.NavigationMenus) .titleMode(NavigationTitleMode.Free) .hideTitleBar(false) .hideBackButton(false) .onTitleModeChange((titleModel: NavigationTitleMode) => { console.log('titleMode') }) .toolBar({ items: [ { value: 'app', icon: 'images/grid.svg', action: () => { console.log("app") } }, { value: 'add', icon: 'images/add.svg', action: () => { console.log("add") } }, { value: 'collect', icon: 'images/collect.svg', action: () => { console.log("collect") } }] }) .hideToolBar(this.hideBar) } } } ``` ![en-us_image_0000001256978359](figures/en-us_image_0000001256978359.gif) ``` // Example 02 @Entry @Component struct ToolbarBuilderExample { @State currentIndex: number = 0 @State Build: Array = [ { icon: $r('app.media.ic_public_add'), icon_after: $r('app.media.ic_public_addcolor'), text: 'add', num: 0 }, { icon: $r('app.media.ic_public_app'), icon_after: $r('app.media.ic_public_appcolor'), text: 'app', num: 1 }, { icon: $r('app.media.ic_public_collect'), icon_after: $r('app.media.ic_public_collectcolor'), text: 'collect', num: 2 } ] @Builder NavigationToolbar() { Row() { ForEach(this.Build, item => { Column() { Image(this.currentIndex == item.num ? item.icon_after : item.icon) .width(25) .height(25) Text(item.text) .fontColor(this.currentIndex == item.num ? "#ff7500" : "#000000") } .onClick(() => { this.currentIndex = item.num }) .margin({ left: 70 }) }) } } build() { Column() { Navigation() { Flex() { } } .toolBar(this.NavigationToolbar) } } } ``` ![en-us_image_0000001212058484](figures/en-us_image_0000001212058484.gif)