# SideBarContainer
The **\
Default value: **SideBarContainerType.Embed**|
## SideBarContainerType enums
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Embed | The sidebar is embedded in the component and displayed side by side with the content area.|
| Overlay | The sidebar is displayed overlaid on the content area.|
## Attributes
| Name| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| showSideBar | boolean | Whether to display the sidebar.
Default value: **true**|
| controlButton | ButtonStyle | Attributes of the sidebar control button.|
| showControlButton | boolean | Whether to display the sidebar control button.
Default value: **true**|
| sideBarWidth | number \| Length9+ | Width of the sidebar.
Default value: **200**, in vp|
| minSideBarWidth | number \| Length9+ | Minimum width of the sidebar.
Default value: **200**, in vp|
| maxSideBarWidth | number \| Length9+ | Maximum width of the sidebar.
Default value: **280**, in vp|
| autoHide9+ | boolean | Whether to automatically hide the sidebar when it is dragged to be smaller than the minimum width.
Default value: **true**|
| sideBarPosition9+ | SideBarPosition | Position of the sidebar.
Default value: **SideBarPosition.Start**|
## ButtonStyle
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| left | number | No| Spacing between the sidebar control button and the left of the container.
Default value: **16**, in vp|
| top | number | No| Spacing between the sidebar control button and the top of the container.
Default value: **48**, in vp|
| width | number | No| Width of the sidebar control button.
Default value: **32**, in vp|
| height | number | No| Height of the sidebar control button.
Default value: **32**, in vp|
| icons | {
shown: string \| PixelMap \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) ,
hidden: string \| PixelMap \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) ,
switching?: string \| PixelMap \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource)
} | No| Icons of the sidebar control button.
The value **true** means that the sidebar is shown, and **false** means the opposite.| ## Example ```ts // xxx.ets @Entry @Component struct SideBarContainerExample { normalIcon : Resource = $r("app.media.icon") selectedIcon: Resource = $r("app.media.icon") @State arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3] @State current: number = 1 build() { SideBarContainer(SideBarContainerType.Embed) { Column() { ForEach(this.arr, (item, index) => { Column({ space: 5 }) { Image(this.current === item ? this.selectedIcon : this.normalIcon).width(64).height(64) Text("Index0" + item) .fontSize(25) .fontColor(this.current === item ? '#0A59F7' : '#999') .fontFamily('source-sans-pro,cursive,sans-serif') } .onClick(() => { this.current = item }) }, item => item) }.width('100%') .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceEvenly) .backgroundColor('#19000000') Column() { Text('SideBarContainer content text1').fontSize(25) Text('SideBarContainer content text2').fontSize(25) } .margin({ top: 50, left: 20, right: 30 }) } .sideBarWidth(150) .minSideBarWidth(50) .maxSideBarWidth(300) .onChange((value: boolean) => { console.info('status:' + value) }) } } ``` ![](figures/sidebarcontainer.png)