# Source Code Acquisition - [About OpenHarmony](#section6370143622110) - [Overview of Source Code Acquisition](#section12763342204) - [Method 1: Acquiring Source Code from Image Sites](#section1186691118430) - [Method 2: Acquiring Source Code from the Bundle-specific HPM](#section463013147412) - [When to Use](#section123926431441) - [How to Use](#section1781916234118) - [Method 3: Acquiring Source Code with a hpm-cli Tool](#section9459261856) - [When to Use](#section1854923620139) - [Preparations](#section4451113551114) - [Operations](#section1445143510117) - [Method 4: Acquiring Source Code from a Code Repository](#section537312010229) - [When to Use](#section1492115412228) - [Preparations](#section1076962313239) - [Operations](#section17162735266) - [Source Code Directories](#section1072115612811) ## About OpenHarmony OpenHarmony is an open-source version of HarmonyOS. It is donated by Huawei to OpenAtom Foundation. The first open-source version can run on 128 KB to 128 MB devices. You are welcomed to join the open-source community for continuous improvement. Access code repositories at [https://openharmony.gitee.com](https://openharmony.gitee.com). >![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >Currently, OpenHarmony source code can be compiled only in a Linux environment. You may encounter exceptions in a Windows environment. >For example, while downloading and installing some bundles, you need to run Linux commands to set environment variables. However, if you do so in a Windows environment, an error may occur. To address this issue, change the shell of HPM to a third-party shell. For example, you can run the following command to change the shell to **sh.exe** of git: >hpm config set shellPath 'C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\sh.exe' ## Overview of Source Code Acquisition This document describes how to acquire OpenHarmony source code and provides its directory structure. The OpenHarmony code is open to you as [bundles](../bundles/overview.md), which can be obtained in any of the following ways: - **Method 1 \(recommended\)**: Download compressed files from an image site. - **Method 2**: Visit the HarmonyOS Package Manager \([HPM](https://hpm.harmonyos.com/#/en/home)\) platform, search for your desired solution, select or exclude bundles from the solution, and download it. - **Method 3**: Use an hpm-cli tool available on the [HPM](https://hpm.harmonyos.com/#/en/home) platform, and run related HPM commands to download your desired code. - **Method 4**: Use the **repo** or **git** tool to download your desired code from the code repository. ## Method 1: Acquiring Source Code from Image Sites You can download the source code or the corresponding solutions from the image library at the sites listed below. **Table 1** Acquiring source code from image sites


Version Information


SHA-256 Verification Code

XX full code base



SHA-256 Verification Code

Hi3861 solutions (binary)



SHA-256 Verification Code

Hi3518 solutions (binary)



SHA-256 Verification Code

Hi3516 solutions (binary)



SHA-256 Verification Code





## Method 2: Acquiring Source Code from the Bundle-specific HPM ## When to Use If OpenHarmony is new to you, sample solutions are helpful to your development. The [HPM](https://hpm.harmonyos.com/#/en/home) platform provides a recommended solution. You can add or exclude bundles to quickly customize your system. ## How to Use 1. Search for a proper solution. 1. Access the [HPM](https://hpm.harmonyos.com/#/en/home) page, and click the **Solution** tab, as shown in the following figure. 2. Enter a keyword \("camera" as an example\) in the search box. All matched solutions are found. 3. Specify filter criteria, such as the bundle type \(example: **Board support** and **Kernel support**\), to further filter the solutions. 4. Click the solution you need to view its details. **Figure 1** HPM page ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001054919529.png) 2. Customize the solution. 1. Read the information under **Readme** to learn about the solution \(application scenarios, features, usage, and customization\), as shown in the following figure. 2. Click **Download** to download the solution to your local PC. 3. Click **Log in to custom** to customize the bundles for the solution. **Figure 2** Solution example ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001054719501.png) 3. Customize bundles. 1. Access the **Custom solution** page, as shown in the following figure. 2. Set the toggle switch next to a specific optional bundle to exclude it from the solution, or click **Add bundle** to add new bundles. 3. Enter the basic information about your project, including the bundle name, version, and description, on the right pane. 4. Click **Download**. The system then generates the OpenHarmony code structure file \(for example, **name.zip**\) and saves it to your local PC. - The downloaded compressed package does not contain the original file of source code. You can import the package to the IDE, decompress it, and run the **hpm install** command to download all required bundles. - The downloaded bundles are stored in the **ohos\_bundles** folder in the project directory. **Figure 3** Customizing bundles ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001055679464.png) ## Method 3: Acquiring Source Code with a hpm-cli Tool ## When to Use - You have obtained bundle-specific source code from the HPM website, and want to independently upgrade one or more bundles in the source code. - You are familiar with OpenHarmony development and **hpm-cli** tools. ## Preparations You need to install the **Node.js** and hpm-cli tool as follows: 1. Install **Node.js**. Download **Node.js** from its official website and install it on your local PC. You are advised to install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) 12.x \(including npm 6.14.4\) or a later version \(12.13.0 or later is recommended\). 2. Install the hpm-cli tool using **npm** delivered with **Node.js**. Open the CMD window and run the following command: ``` npm install -g @ohos/hpm-cli ``` 3. Run the following command to check whether the installation is successful. If the HPM version is displayed, the installation is successful. ``` hpm -V or hpm --version ``` 4. Run the following command to upgrade the HPM version: ``` npm update -g @ohos/hpm-cli ``` ## Operations Add the bundle \(**@ohos/demo** as an example\) to your project as follows: 1. Go to the development directory and run the following command to create a development project using the default template: ``` hpm init -t default ``` 2. Run the following command to install the bundle \(**@ohos/demo** as an example\): ``` hpm install @ohos/demo ``` 3. Verify that the **hpm-cli** tool automatically downloads all dependent bundles from the server. If the download is successful, the message "Install successfully!" is displayed. ``` $ hpm install @ohos/demo Requesting: https://url.foo.bar/hpm/registry/api/bundles/@ohos/demo downloading @ohos/demo Requesting: https://lfcontentcenterdev....../bMAlLrYISLqdUTFFFCdgzA.tgz extract D:\demo\ohos_bundles\@ohos\demo\@ohos-demo-1.0.7.tgz Install successfully! ``` ## Method 4: Acquiring Source Code from a Code Repository ## When to Use - You want to establish a baseline based on stable OpenHarmony releases and distribute the baseline to your customers. - You have interconnected your software with OpenHarmony and need official certification from OpenHarmony. - You want to contribute code to the OpenHarmony ecosystem after chips, modules, and applications are certified by OpenHarmony. - You need to address OpenHarmony issues. - You want to learn OpenHarmony source code. ## Preparations 1. Register your account with gitee. 2. Register an SSH public key. 3. Install the git client and configure basic information. ``` git config --global user.name "yourname" git config --global user.email "your-email-address" git config --global credential.helper store ``` 4. Run the following commands to install the **repo** tool: ``` curl https://gitee.com/oschina/repo/raw/fork_flow/repo-py3 > /usr/local/bin/repo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple requests ``` ## Operations Method 1 \(recommended\): Use the **repo** tool to download source code. ``` repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b master --no-repo-verify repo sync -c ``` Method 2: Run the **git clone** command to clone a single code repository. Go to https://gitee.com/openharmony, select the code repository to be cloned, and run the following command: ``` git clone https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b master ``` ## Source Code Directories The following table describes the OpenHarmony source code directories. **Table 2** Directory description




Application samples, including wifi-iot and ip-camera


Basic software service subsystem set and hardware service subsystem set


Bundle-based compilation, building, and configuration scripts


Reference documents


Enhanced software service subsystem set


Driver subsystem


Basic system capability subsystem set


Kernel subsystem


Compiler and tool chain subsystem


Testing subsystem


Open-source third-party software


Commonly used development tools


Vendor-provided software


Compilation script file