# Pixel Units The framework provides four pixel units, with vp as the reference data unit. | Name | Description | | -------- | -------- | | px | Physical pixel unit of the screen. | | vp | Pixels specific to the screen density, which are converted into physical pixels of the screen based on the screen pixel density. | | fp | Font pixel, which is similar to vp and varies according to the system font size. | | lpx | Logical pixel unit of the window. It is the ratio of the actual screen width to the logical width (configured by [designWidth](ts-framework-js-tag.md)). For example, if designWidth is set to 720, then 1lpx is equal to 2px for a screen with an actual width of 1440 physical pixels. | ## Pixel Unit Conversion Conversion from other pixel units to px is supported. | API | Description | | -------- | -------- | | vp2px(value : number) : number | Converts a value in units of vp to a value in units of px. | | px2vp(value : number) : number | Converts a value in units of px to a value in units of vp. | | fp2px(value : number) : number | Converts a value in units of fp to a value in units of px. | | px2fp(value : number) : number | Converts a value in units of px to a value in units of fp. | | lpx2px(value : number) : number | Converts a value in units of lpx to a value in units of px. | | px2lpx(value : number) : number | Converts a value in units of px to a value in units of lpx. | ## Example ``` @Entry @Component struct Example { build() { Column() { Flex({ wrap: FlexWrap.Wrap }) { Column() { Text("width(220)") .width(220).height(40).backgroundColor(0xF9CF93) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center).fontColor(Color.White).fontSize('12vp') }.margin(5) Column() { Text("width('220px')") .width('220px').height(40).backgroundColor(0xF9CF93) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center).fontColor(Color.White) }.margin(5) Column() { Text("width('220vp')") .width('220vp').height(40).backgroundColor(0xF9CF93) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center).fontColor(Color.White).fontSize('12vp') }.margin(5) Column() { Text("width('220lpx') designWidth:720") .width('220lpx').height(40).backgroundColor(0xF9CF93) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center).fontColor(Color.White).fontSize('12vp') }.margin(5) Column() { Text("width(vp2px(220) + 'px')") .width(vp2px(220) + 'px').height(40).backgroundColor(0xF9CF93) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center).fontColor(Color.White).fontSize('12vp') }.margin(5) Column() { Text("fontSize('12fp')") .width(220).height(40).backgroundColor(0xF9CF93) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center).fontColor(Color.White).fontSize('12fp') }.margin(5) }.width('100%') } } } ``` ![en-us_image_0000001267607893](figures/en-us_image_0000001267607893.gif)