# JS API Changes of the Communication Subsystem The table below lists the APIs changes of the communication subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release over OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS. ## API Changes | Module| Class| Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant| Change Type| |---|---|---|---| | tagSession | TagSession | getMaxSendLength(): number; | Added| | tagSession | TagSession | sendData(data: number[]): Promise;
sendData(data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | tagSession | TagSession | getSendDataTimeout(): number; | Added| | tagSession | TagSession | setSendDataTimeout(timeout: number): boolean; | Added| | tagSession | TagSession | isTagConnected(): boolean; | Added| | tagSession | TagSession | reset(): void; | Added| | tagSession | TagSession | connectTag(): boolean; | Added| | tagSession | TagSession | getTagInfo(): tag.TagInfo; | Added| | nfctech | NfcVTag | getDsfId(): number; | Added| | nfctech | NfcVTag | getResponseFlags(): number; | Added| | nfctech | NfcFTag | getPmm(): number[]; | Added| | nfctech | NfcFTag | getSystemCode(): number[]; | Added| | nfctech | NfcBTag | getRespProtocol(): number[]; | Added| | nfctech | NfcBTag | getRespAppData(): number[]; | Added| | nfctech | NfcATag | getAtqa(): number[]; | Added| | nfctech | NfcATag | getSak(): number; | Added| | ohos.wifiext | PowerModel | THROUGH_WALL = 2 | Added| | ohos.wifiext | PowerModel | GENERAL = 1 | Added| | ohos.wifiext | PowerModel | SLEEPING = 0 | Added| | ohos.wifiext | wifiext | function setPowerModel(model: PowerModel) : boolean | Added| | ohos.wifiext | wifiext | function getPowerModel (): Promise;
function getPowerModel (callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifiext | wifiext | function getSupportedPowerModel(): Promise>;
function getSupportedPowerModel(callback: AsyncCallback>): void; | Added| | ohos.wifiext | wifiext | function disableHotspot(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifiext | wifiext | function enableHotspot(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | GroupOwnerBand | GO_BAND_5GHZ = 2 | Added| | ohos.wifi | GroupOwnerBand | GO_BAND_2GHZ = 1 | Added| | ohos.wifi | GroupOwnerBand | GO_BAND_AUTO = 0 | Added| | ohos.wifi | P2pDeviceStatus | UNAVAILABLE = 4 | Added| | ohos.wifi | P2pDeviceStatus | AVAILABLE = 3 | Added| | ohos.wifi | P2pDeviceStatus | FAILED = 2 | Added| | ohos.wifi | P2pDeviceStatus | INVITED = 1 | Added| | ohos.wifi | P2pDeviceStatus | CONNECTED = 0 | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pLinkedInfo | groupOwnerAddr: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pLinkedInfo | isGroupOwner: boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pLinkedInfo | connectState: P2pConnectState; | Added| | ohos.wifi | P2pConnectState | CONNECTED = 1 | Added| | ohos.wifi | P2pConnectState | DISCONNECTED = 0 | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | goIpAddress: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | clientDevices: WifiP2pDevice[]; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | frequency: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | networkId: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | groupName: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | interface: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | passphrase: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | ownerInfo: WifiP2pDevice; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pGroupInfo | isP2pGo: boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2PConfig | goBand: GroupOwnerBand; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2PConfig | groupName: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2PConfig | passphrase: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2PConfig | netId: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2PConfig | deviceAddress: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pDevice | groupCapabilitys: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pDevice | deviceStatus: P2pDeviceStatus; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pDevice | primaryDeviceType: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pDevice | deviceAddress: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiP2pDevice | deviceName: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | UNKNOWN | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | DISCONNECTED | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | DISCONNECTING | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | CONNECTED | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | OBTAINING_IPADDR | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | AUTHENTICATING | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | CONNECTING | Added| | ohos.wifi | ConnState | SCANNING | Added| | ohos.wifi | IpInfo | leaseDuration: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | IpInfo | serverIp: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | IpInfo | secondDns: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | IpInfo | primaryDns: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | IpInfo | netmask: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | IpInfo | gateway: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | IpInfo | ipAddress: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | connState: ConnState; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | ipAddress: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | macAddress: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | isRestricted: boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | isHidden: boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | frequency: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | linkSpeed: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | band: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | rssi: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | bssid: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiLinkedInfo | ssid: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiScanInfo | channelWidth: number; | Added| | ohos.wifi | WifiScanInfo | capabilities: string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "p2pDiscoveryChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "p2pPersistentGroupChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "p2pPeerDeviceChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "p2pDeviceChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "p2pConnectionChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "p2pStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "p2pStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "hotspotStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "wifiRssiChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "wifiScanStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "wifiConnectionChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function off(type: "wifiStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function on(type: "wifiStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function stopDiscoverDevices(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function startDiscoverDevices(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function p2pCancelConnect(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function p2pConnect(config: WifiP2PConfig): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function removeGroup(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function createGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function getP2pPeerDevices(): Promise;
function getP2pPeerDevices(callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function getCurrentGroup(): Promise;
function getCurrentGroup(callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function getP2pLinkedInfo(): Promise;
function getP2pLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function getCountryCode(): string; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function getIpInfo(): IpInfo; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function isFeatureSupported(featureId: number): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function isConnected(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function getLinkedInfo(): Promise;
function getLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise;
function removeUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.wifi | wifi | function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): Promise;
function addUntrustedConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig, callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | TagInfo | supportedProfiles: number[]; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | function getNfcVTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcVTag | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | function getNfcFTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcFTag | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | function getNfcBTag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcBTag | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | function getNfcATag(tagInfo: TagInfo): NfcATag | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT = 9; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const MIFARE_CLASSIC = 8; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const NDEF = 6; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const NFC_V = 5; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const NFC_F = 4; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const ISO_DEP = 3; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const NFC_B = 2; | Added| | ohos.nfc.tag | tag | const NFC_A = 1; | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | nfcController | function getNfcState(): NfcState | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | nfcController | function isNfcOpen(): boolean | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | nfcController | function closeNfc(): boolean | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | nfcController | function openNfc(): boolean | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | nfcController | function off(type: "nfcStateChange", callback?: Callback): void | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | nfcController | function on(type: "nfcStateChange", callback: Callback): void | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | nfcController | function isNfcAvailable(): boolean | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | NfcState | STATE_TURNING_OFF = 4 | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | NfcState | STATE_ON = 3 | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | NfcState | STATE_TURNING_ON = 2 | Added| | ohos.nfc.controller | NfcState | STATE_OFF = 1 | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | HceService | sendResponse(responseApdu: number[]): void; | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | HceService | on(type: "hceCmd", callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | HceService | stopHCE(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | HceService | startHCE(aidList: string[]): boolean; | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | cardEmulation | function isSupported(feature: number): boolean; | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | FeatureType | ESE = 2 | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | FeatureType | UICC = 1 | Added| | ohos.nfc.cardEmulation | FeatureType | HCE = 0 | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | NfcRfType | NFC_RF_ENTER = 1 | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | NfcRfType | NFC_RF_LEAVE = 0 | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | connectedTag | function off(type: "notify", callback?:Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | connectedTag | function on(type: "notify", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | connectedTag | function writeNdefTag(data: string): Promise;
function writeNdefTag(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | connectedTag | function readNdefTag(): Promise;
function readNdefTag(callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | connectedTag | function uninit(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.connectedTag | connectedTag | function init(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ProfileId | PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY = 4 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ProfileId | PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE = 1 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | PlayingState | STATE_PLAYING | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | PlayingState | STATE_NOT_PLAYING | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | StateChangeParam | state: ProfileConnectionState; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | StateChangeParam | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_PERSONAL_MOBILITY_DEVICE = 0x093C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_GENERIC_HEALTH_MANAGER = 0x0938 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_ANKLE_PROSTHESIS = 0x0934 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_KNEE_PROSTHESIS = 0x0930 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_MEDICATION_MONITOR = 0x092C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_PEAK_FLOW_MOITOR = 0x0928 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_BODY_COMPOSITION_ANALYZER = 0x0924 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_STEP_COUNTER = 0x0920 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_DATA_DISPLAY = 0x091C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_PULSE_RATE = 0x0918 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_PULSE_OXIMETER = 0x0914 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_GLUCOSE = 0x0910 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_WEIGHING = 0x090C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_THERMOMETER = 0x0908 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_BLOOD_PRESSURE = 0x0904 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | HEALTH_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0900 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | TOY_GAME = 0x0814 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | TOY_CONTROLLER = 0x0810 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | TOY_DOLL_ACTION_FIGURE = 0x080C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | TOY_VEHICLE = 0x0808 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | TOY_ROBOT = 0x0804 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | TOY_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0800 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | WEARABLE_GLASSES = 0x0714 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | WEARABLE_HELMET = 0x0710 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | WEARABLE_JACKET = 0x070C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | WEARABLE_PAGER = 0x0708 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | WEARABLE_WRIST_WATCH = 0x0704 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | WEARABLE_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0700 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | IMAGING_PRINTER = 0x0680 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | IMAGING_SCANNER = 0x0640 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | IMAGING_CAMERA = 0x0620 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | IMAGING_DISPLAY = 0x0610 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | IMAGING_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0600 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_GESTURAL_INPUT = 0x0522 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_SCANNER_RFID = 0x0520 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_DIGITAL_PEN = 0x051C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_CARD_READER = 0x0518 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_DIGITIZER_TABLET = 0x0514 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_SENSING_DEVICE = 0x0510 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_REMOTE_CONTROL = 0x05C0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_GAMEPAD = 0x0508 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_JOYSTICK = 0x0504 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0500 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_KEYBOARD_POINTING = 0x05C0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_POINTING_DEVICE = 0x0580 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_KEYBOARD = 0x0540 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PERIPHERAL_NON_KEYBOARD_NON_POINTING = 0x0500 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_GAMING_TOY = 0x0448 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_CONFERENCING = 0x0440 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_DISPLAY_AND_LOUDSPEAKER = 0x043C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_MONITOR = 0x0438 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_CAMCORDER = 0x0434 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_VIDEO_CAMERA = 0x0430 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_VCR = 0x042C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_HIFI_AUDIO = 0x0428 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_SET_TOP_BOX = 0x0424 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_CAR_AUDIO = 0x0420 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_PORTABLE_AUDIO = 0x041C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_HEADPHONES = 0x0418 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_LOUDSPEAKER = 0x0414 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_MICROPHONE = 0x0410 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_HANDSFREE = 0x0408 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_WEARABLE_HEADSET = 0x0404 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | AUDIO_VIDEO_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0400 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_NO_SERVICE = 0x03E0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_83_TO_99_UTILIZED = 0x03C0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_67_TO_83_UTILIZED = 0x03A0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_60_TO_67_UTILIZED = 0x0380 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_33_TO_50_UTILIZED = 0x0360 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_17_TO_33_UTILIZED = 0x0340 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_1_TO_17_UTILIZED = 0x0320 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | NETWORK_FULLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0300 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PHONE_ISDN = 0x0214 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PHONE_MODEM_OR_GATEWAY = 0x0210 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PHONE_SMART = 0x020C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PHONE_CORDLESS = 0x0208 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PHONE_CELLULAR = 0x0204 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | PHONE_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0200 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_TABLET = 0x011C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_WEARABLE = 0x0118 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_PALM_SIZE_PC_PDA = 0x0114 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_HANDHELD_PC_PDA = 0x0110 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_LAPTOP = 0x010C | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_SERVER = 0x0108 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_DESKTOP = 0x0104 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorMinorClass | COMPUTER_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0100 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x1F00 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_HEALTH = 0x0900 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_TOY = 0x0800 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_WEARABLE = 0x0700 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_IMAGING = 0x0600 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_PERIPHERAL = 0x0500 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_AUDIO_VIDEO = 0x0400 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_NETWORKING = 0x0300 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_PHONE = 0x0200 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_COMPUTER = 0x0100 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MajorClass | MAJOR_MISC = 0x0000 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BondState | BOND_STATE_BONDED = 2 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BondState | BOND_STATE_BONDING = 1 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BondState | BOND_STATE_INVALID = 0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanMode | SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE = 5 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanMode | SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE = 4 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanMode | SCAN_MODE_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE = 3 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanMode | SCAN_MODE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE = 2 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanMode | SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE = 1 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanMode | SCAN_MODE_NONE = 0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | SppType | SPP_RFCOMM | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BluetoothState | STATE_BLE_TURNING_OFF = 6 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BluetoothState | STATE_BLE_ON = 5 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BluetoothState | STATE_BLE_TURNING_ON = 4 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BluetoothState | STATE_TURNING_OFF = 3 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BluetoothState | STATE_ON = 2 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BluetoothState | STATE_TURNING_ON = 1 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BluetoothState | STATE_OFF = 0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ProfileConnectionState | STATE_DISCONNECTING = 3 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ProfileConnectionState | STATE_CONNECTED = 2 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ProfileConnectionState | STATE_CONNECTING = 1 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ProfileConnectionState | STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MatchMode | MATCH_MODE_STICKY = 2 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | MatchMode | MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE = 1 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanDuty | SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY = 2 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanDuty | SCAN_MODE_BALANCED = 1 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanDuty | SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER = 0 | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BondStateParam | state: BondState; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BondStateParam | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DeviceClass | classOfDevice: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DeviceClass | majorMinorClass: MajorMinorClass; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DeviceClass | majorClass: MajorClass; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | PinRequiredParam | pinCode: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | PinRequiredParam | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | SppOption | type: SppType; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | SppOption | secure: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | SppOption | uuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanOptions | matchMode?: MatchMode; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanOptions | dutyMode?: ScanDuty; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanOptions | interval?: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanFilter | serviceUuid?: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanFilter | name?: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanFilter | deviceId?: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ServiceData | serviceValue: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ServiceData | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ManufactureData | manufactureValue: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ManufactureData | manufactureId: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | AdvertiseData | serviceData: Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | AdvertiseData | manufactureData: Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | AdvertiseData | serviceUuids: Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | AdvertiseSetting | connectable?: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | AdvertiseSetting | txPower?: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | AdvertiseSetting | interval?: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanResult | data: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanResult | rssi: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ScanResult | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLEConnectChangedState | state: ProfileConnectionState; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLEConnectChangedState | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ServerResponse | value: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ServerResponse | offset: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ServerResponse | status: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ServerResponse | transId: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | ServerResponse | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | characteristicUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | descriptorUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | value: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | needRsp: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | isPrep: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | offset: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | transId: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorWriteReq | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorReadReq | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorReadReq | characteristicUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorReadReq | descriptorUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorReadReq | offset: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorReadReq | transId: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | DescriptorReadReq | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | characteristicUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | value: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | needRsp: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | isPrep: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | offset: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | transId: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicWriteReq | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicReadReq | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicReadReq | characteristicUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicReadReq | offset: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicReadReq | transId: number; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | CharacteristicReadReq | deviceId: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | NotifyCharacteristic | confirm: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | NotifyCharacteristic | characteristicValue: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | NotifyCharacteristic | characteristicUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | NotifyCharacteristic | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLEDescriptor | descriptorValue: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLEDescriptor | descriptorUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLEDescriptor | characteristicUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLEDescriptor | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLECharacteristic | descriptors: Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLECharacteristic | characteristicValue: ArrayBuffer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLECharacteristic | characteristicUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLECharacteristic | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattService | includeServices?: Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattService | characteristics: Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattService | isPrimary: boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattService | serviceUuid: string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | off(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | on(type: "BLEConnectionStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | off(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | on(type: "BLECharacteristicChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | setNotifyCharacteristicChanged(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, enable: boolean): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | setBLEMtuSize(mtu: number): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | getRssiValue(callback: AsyncCallback): void;
getRssiValue(): Promise; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | writeDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | writeCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
readDescriptorValue(descriptor: BLEDescriptor): Promise; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
readCharacteristicValue(characteristic: BLECharacteristic): Promise; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | getServices(callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
getServices(): Promise>; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | getDeviceName(callback: AsyncCallback): void;
getDeviceName(): Promise; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | close(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | disconnect(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattClientDevice | connect(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | off(type: "connectStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | on(type: "connectStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | off(type: "descriptorWrite", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | on(type: "descriptorWrite", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | off(type: "descriptorRead", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | on(type: "descriptorRead", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | off(type: "characteristicWrite", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | on(type: "characteristicWrite", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | off(type: "characteristicRead", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | on(type: "characteristicRead", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | sendResponse(serverResponse: ServerResponse): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | notifyCharacteristicChanged(deviceId: string, notifyCharacteristic: NotifyCharacteristic): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | close(): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | removeService(serviceUuid: string): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | addService(service: GattService): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | stopAdvertising(): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | GattServer | startAdvertising(setting: AdvertiseSetting, advData: AdvertiseData, advResponse?: AdvertiseData): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLE | function off(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback?: Callback>): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLE | function on(type: "BLEDeviceFind", callback: Callback>): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLE | function stopBLEScan(): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLE | function startBLEScan(filters: Array, options?: ScanOptions): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLE | function getConnectedBLEDevices(): Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLE | function createGattClientDevice(deviceId: string): GattClientDevice; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BLE | function createGattServer(): GattServer; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile | off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile | on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile | disconnect(device: string): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile | connect(device: string): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | A2dpSourceProfile | getPlayingState(device: string): PlayingState; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | A2dpSourceProfile | off(type: "connectionStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | A2dpSourceProfile | on(type: "connectionStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | A2dpSourceProfile | disconnect(device: string): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | A2dpSourceProfile | connect(device: string): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BaseProfile | getDeviceState(device: string): ProfileConnectionState; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | BaseProfile | getConnectionDevices(): Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getProfile(profileId: ProfileId): A2dpSourceProfile \| HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function off(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function on(type: "sppRead", clientSocket: number, callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function sppWrite(clientSocket: number, data: ArrayBuffer): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function sppCloseClientSocket(socket: number): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function sppCloseServerSocket(socket: number): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function sppConnect(device: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function sppAccept(serverSocket: number, callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function sppListen(name: string, option: SppOption, callback: AsyncCallback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function off(type: "stateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function on(type: "stateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function off(type: "pinRequired", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function on(type: "pinRequired", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function off(type: "bondStateChange", callback?: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function on(type: "bondStateChange", callback: Callback): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function off(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback?: Callback>): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function on(type: "bluetoothDeviceFind", callback: Callback>): void; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function stopBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function startBluetoothDiscovery(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getBluetoothScanMode(): ScanMode; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function setBluetoothScanMode(mode: ScanMode, duration: number): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function setLocalName(name: string): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function setDevicePairingConfirmation(device: string, accept: boolean): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getProfileConnState(profileId: ProfileId): ProfileConnectionState; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getPairedDevices(): Array; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getLocalName(): string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function disableBluetooth(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function enableBluetooth(): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getRemoteDeviceClass(deviceId: string): DeviceClass; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getRemoteDeviceName(deviceId: string): string; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function pairDevice(deviceId: string): boolean; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getBtConnectionState(): ProfileConnectionState; | Added| | ohos.bluetooth | bluetooth | function getState(): BluetoothState; | Added|