# Development Guidelines - [Initializing a Modem Vendor Library](#section211mcpsimp) - [When to Use](#section213mcpsimp) - [Available APIs](#section811343241215) - [How to Develop](#section51031144122) - [Debugging and Verification](#section5351151517132) - [Responding to Modem Service Requests](#section295mcpsimp) - [When to Use](#section297mcpsimp) - [Available APIs](#section9503155219134) - [How to Develop](#section17190412101414) - [Debugging and Verification](#section10207938171413) - [Reporting Modem Events](#section390mcpsimp) - [When to Use](#section401mcpsimp) - [Available APIs](#section191193791518) - [How to Develop](#section16394112401512) - [Debugging and Verification](#section16999174401516) - [Development Examples](#section33444350167) - [Integrating Modem Vendor Libraries](#section590mcpsimp) - [Configuring Compilation Information](#section592mcpsimp) - [Debugging and Verification](#section620mcpsimp) ## Initializing a Modem Vendor Library ### When to Use Initializing a modem vendor library means to implement **const HRilOps \*RilInitOps\(const struct HRilReport \*reportOps\)** function in the vendor library. This function is mainly used to: - Receive function pointers to event callbacks of RIL Adapter. When a service event needs to be reported, the target pointer will be called to report the event to RIL Adapter. - Create a thread for reading modem nodes. In this thread, the data reported by the modem is read cyclically and parsed as a specific service event for reporting. - Return the function pointer of the service request API to RIL Adapter. ### Available APIs The following table describes the API for initializing a modem vendor library. **Table 1** API for initializing a modem vendor library
Function: Distributes the events reported by the modem. |