# System Modules
System modules, such as the system ability manager \(SAMGR\) and DFX subsystem, provide basic capabilities for upper-layer applications. During board-level system porting, you can directly select the system modules as required without any adaptation.
This service-oriented framework enables you to develop services, features, and external APIs, and implement multi-service process sharing and service invocation for inter-process communication \(IPC\).
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-notice.gif) **NOTICE:**
>This module must be used during board-level system porting. Otherwise, other service modules cannot run properly.
For details about how to use SAMGR, see [samgr\_lite](https://gitee.com/openharmony/systemabilitymgr_samgr_lite/blob/master/README.md).
## DFX
The design for X \(DFX\) subsystem mainly includes design for reliability \(DFR\) and design for testability \(DFT\), providing code maintenance and testing.
For details about how to use the DFX subsystem, see [DFX](../subsystems/subsys-dfx-overview.md).