# @ohos.usb (USB Management) The **usb** module provides USB device management functions, including USB device list query, bulk data transfer, control transfer, and permission control. > **NOTE** > > The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. ## Modules to Import ```js import usb from "@ohos.usb"; ``` ## usb.getDevices getDevices(): Array<Readonly<USBDevice>> Obtains the USB device list. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Return value** | Type | Description | | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | Array<Readonly<[USBDevice](#usbdevice)>> | Device information list.| **Example** ```js let devicesList = usb.getDevices(); console.log(`devicesList = ${JSON.stringify(devicesList)}`); // devicesList is a list of USB devices. // A simple example of devicesList is provided as follows: [ { name: "1-1", serial: "", manufacturerName: "", productName: "", version: "", vendorId: 7531, productId: 2, clazz: 9, subClass: 0, protocol: 1, devAddress: 1, busNum: 1, configs: [ { id: 1, attributes: 224, isRemoteWakeup: true, isSelfPowered: true, maxPower: 0, name: "1-1", interfaces: [ { id: 0, protocol: 0, clazz: 9, subClass: 0, alternateSetting: 0, name: "1-1", endpoints: [ { address: 129, attributes: 3, interval: 12, maxPacketSize: 4, direction: 128, number: 1, type: 3, interfaceId: 0, }, ], }, ], }, ], }, ] ``` ## usb.connectDevice connectDevice(device: USBDevice): Readonly<USBDevicePipe> Connects to a USB device. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list, and then call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | device | [USBDevice](#usbdevice) | Yes| USB device information.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | Readonly<[USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe)> | USB device pipe for data transfer.| **Example** ```js let devicepipe= usb.connectDevice(device); console.log(`devicepipe = ${JSON.stringify(devicepipe)}`); ``` ## usb.hasRight hasRight(deviceName: string): boolean Checks whether the application has the permission to access the device. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | deviceName | string | Yes| Device name.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | boolean | The value **true** indicates that the application has the permission to access the device, and the value **false** indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let devicesName="1-1"; let bool = usb.hasRight(devicesName); console.log(bool); ``` ## usb.requestRight requestRight(deviceName: string): Promise<boolean> Requests the temporary permission for the application to access the USB device. This API uses a promise to return the result. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | deviceName | string | Yes| Device name.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | Promise<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. The value **true** indicates that the temporary device access permissions are granted, and the value **false** indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let devicesName="1-1"; usb.requestRight(devicesName).then((ret) => { console.log(`requestRight = ${JSON.stringify(ret)}`); }); ``` ## usb.claimInterface claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force ?: boolean): number Claims a USB interface. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list and USB interfaces, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, and call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.| | iface | [USBInterface](#usbinterface) | Yes| USB interface, which is used to determine the index of the interface to claim.| | force | boolean | No| Whether to forcibly claim the USB interface. The default value is **false**, indicating not to forcibly claim the USB interface.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | number | The value **0** indicates that the USB interface is successfully claimed, and an error code indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.claimInterface(devicepipe, interfaces); console.log(`claimInterface = ${ret}`); ``` ## usb.releaseInterface releaseInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number Releases a USB interface. Before you do this, ensure that you have claimed the interface by calling [usb.claimInterface](#usbclaiminterface). **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.| | iface | [USBInterface](#usbinterface) | Yes| USB interface, which is used to determine the index of the interface to release.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | number | The value **0** indicates that the USB interface is successfully released, and an error code indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.releaseInterface(devicepipe, interfaces); console.log(`releaseInterface = ${ret}`); ``` ## usb.setConfiguration setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number Sets the device configuration. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list and device configuration, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, and call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.| | config | [USBConfig](#usbconfig) | Yes| USB configuration to set.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | number | The value **0** indicates that the USB configuration is successfully set, and an error code indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.setConfiguration(devicepipe, config); console.log(`setConfiguration = ${ret}`); ``` ## usb.setInterface setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number Sets a USB interface. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list and interfaces, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter, and call [usb.claimInterface](#usbclaiminterface) to claim the USB interface. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | ----- | ------------------------------- | --- | ------------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes | Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.| | iface | [USBInterface](#usbinterface) | Yes | USB interface to set. | **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | number | The value **0** indicates that the USB interface is successfully set, and an error code indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.setInterface(devicepipe, interfaces); console.log(`setInterface = ${ret}`); ``` ## usb.getRawDescriptor getRawDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): Uint8Array Obtains the raw USB descriptor. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, and call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | Uint8Array | The return value is the raw USB descriptor if the operation is successful, or **undefined** if the operation has failed.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.getRawDescriptor(devicepipe); ``` ## usb.getFileDescriptor getFileDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number Obtains the file descriptor. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, and call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------ | -------------------- | | number | The return value is the file descriptor of the USB device if the operation is successful, or **-1** if the operation has failed.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.getFileDescriptor(devicepipe); ``` ## usb.controlTransfer controlTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, controlparam: USBControlParams, timeout ?: number): Promise<number> Performs control transfer. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, and call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| USB device pipe, which is used to determine the USB device.| | controlparam | [USBControlParams](#usbcontrolparams) | Yes| Control transfer parameters.| | timeout | number | No| Timeout duration in ms. This parameter is optional. The default value is **0**, indicating no timeout.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | Promise<number> | Promise used to return the result, which is the size of the transmitted or received data block if the transfer is successful, or **-1** if an exception has occurred.| **Example** ```js usb.controlTransfer(devicepipe, USBControlParams).then((ret) => { console.log(`controlTransfer = ${JSON.stringify(ret)}`); }) ``` ## usb.bulkTransfer bulkTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, endpoint: USBEndpoint, buffer: Uint8Array, timeout ?: number): Promise<number> Performs bulk transfer. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list and endpoints, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter, and call [usb.claimInterface](#usbclaiminterface) to claim the USB interface. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| USB device pipe, which is used to determine the USB device.| | endpoint | [USBEndpoint](#usbendpoint) | Yes| USB endpoint, which is used to determine the USB port for data transfer.| | buffer | Uint8Array | Yes| Buffer for writing or reading data.| | timeout | number | No| Timeout duration in ms. This parameter is optional. The default value is **0**, indicating no timeout.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | Promise<number> | Promise used to return the result, which is the size of the transmitted or received data block if the transfer is successful, or **-1** if an exception has occurred.| **Example** ```js // Call usb.getDevices to obtain a data set. Then, obtain a USB device and its access permission. // Pass the obtained USB device as a parameter to usb.connectDevice. Then, call usb.connectDevice to connect the USB device. // Call usb.claimInterface to claim the USB interface. After that, call usb.bulkTransfer to start bulk transfer. usb.bulkTransfer(devicepipe, endpoint, buffer).then((ret) => { console.log(`bulkTransfer = ${JSON.stringify(ret)}`); }); ``` ## usb.closePipe closePipe(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number Closes a USB device pipe. Before you do this, call [usb.getDevices](#usbgetdevices) to obtain the USB device list, call [usb.requestRight](#usbrequestright) to request the device access permission, and call [usb.connectDevice](#usbconnectdevice) to obtain **devicepipe** as an input parameter. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description| | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | pipe | [USBDevicePipe](#usbdevicepipe) | Yes| USB device pipe.| **Return value** | Type| Description| | -------- | -------- | | number | The value **0** indicates that the USB device pipe is closed successfully, and an error code indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.closePipe(devicepipe); console.log(`closePipe = ${ret}`); ``` ## usb.usbFunctionsFromString9+ usbFunctionsFromString(funcs: string): number Converts the USB function list in the string format to a numeric mask in Device mode. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | ---------------------- | | funcs | string | Yes | Function list in string format.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------ | ------------------ | | number | Function list in numeric mask format.| **Example** ```js let funcs = "acm"; let ret = usb.usbFunctionsFromString(funcs); ``` ## usb.usbFunctionsToString9+ usbFunctionsToString(funcs: FunctionType): string Converts the USB function list in the numeric mask format to a string in Device mode. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------- | | funcs | [FunctionType](#functiontype9) | Yes | USB function list in numeric mask format.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------ | ------------------------------ | | string | Function list in string format.| **Example** ```js let funcs = ACM | ECM; let ret = usb.usbFunctionsToString(funcs); ``` ## usb.setCurrentFunctions9+ setCurrentFunctions(funcs: FunctionType): Promise\ Sets the current USB function list in Device mode. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------- | | funcs | [FunctionType](#functiontype9) | Yes | USB function list in numeric mask format.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result. The value **true** indicates that the operation is successful, and the value **false** indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let funcs = HDC; let ret = usb.setCurrentFunctions(funcs); ``` ## usb.getCurrentFunctions9+ getCurrentFunctions(): FunctionType Obtains the numeric mask combination for the USB function list in Device mode. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------- | | [FunctionType](#functiontype9) | Numeric mask combination for the USB function list.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.getCurrentFunctions(); ``` ## usb.getPorts9+ getPorts(): Array\ Obtains the list of all physical USB ports. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Return value** | Type | Description | | ----------------------------- | --------------------- | | [Array\](#usbport9) | List of physical USB ports.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.getPorts(); ``` ## usb.getSupportedModes9+ getSupportedModes(portId: number): PortModeType Obtains the mask combination for the supported mode list of a given USB port. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------ | ---- | -------- | | portId | number | Yes | Port number.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------------------------------ | -------------------------- | | [PortModeType](#portmodetype9) | Mask combination for the supported mode list.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.getSupportedModes(0); ``` ## usb.setPortRoles9+ setPortRoles(portId: number, powerRole: PowerRoleType, dataRole: DataRoleType): Promise\ Sets the role types supported by a specified port, which can be **powerRole** (for charging) and **dataRole** (for data transfer). **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager **Parameters** | Name | Type | Mandatory| Description | | --------- | -------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- | | portId | number | Yes | Port number. | | powerRole | [PowerRoleType](#powerroletype9) | Yes | Role for charging. | | dataRole | [DataRoleType](#dataroletype9) | Yes | Role for data transfer.| **Return value** | Type | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | Promise used to return the result. The value **true** indicates that the operation is successful, and the value **false** indicates the opposite.| **Example** ```js let ret = usb.getSupportedModes(0); ``` ## USBEndpoint Represents the USB endpoint from which data is sent or received. You can obtain the USB endpoint through [USBInterface](#usbinterface). **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | address | number | Yes | Endpoint address. | | attributes | number | Yes | Endpoint attributes. | | interval | number | Yes | Endpoint interval. | | maxPacketSize | number | Yes | Maximum size of data packets on the endpoint. | | direction | [USBRequestDirection](#usbrequestdirection) | Yes | Endpoint direction. | | number | number | Yes | Endpoint number. | | type | number | Yes | Endpoint type. | | interfaceId | number | Yes | Unique ID of the interface to which the endpoint belongs.| ## USBInterface Represents a USB interface. One [USBConfig](#usbconfig) can contain multiple **USBInterface** instances, each providing a specific function. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | id | number | Yes | Unique ID of the USB interface. | | protocol | number | Yes | Interface protocol. | | clazz | number | Yes | Device type. | | subClass | number | Yes | Device subclass. | | alternateSetting | number | Yes | Settings for alternating between descriptors of the same USB interface.| | name | string | Yes | Interface name. | | endpoints | Array<[USBEndpoint](#usbendpoint)> | Yes | Endpoints that belong to the USB interface. | ## USBConfig Represents the USB configuration. One [USBDevice](#usbdevice) can contain multiple **USBConfig** instances. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | id | number | Yes | Unique ID of the USB configuration. | | attributes | number | Yes | Configuration attributes. | | maxPower | number | Yes | Maximum power consumption, in mA. | | name | string | Yes | Configuration name, which can be left empty. | | isRemoteWakeup | boolean | Yes | Support for remote wakeup.| | isSelfPowered | boolean | Yes | Support for independent power supplies.| | interfaces | Array <[USBInterface](#usbinterface)> | Yes | Supported interface attributes. | ## USBDevice Represents the USB device information. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | busNum | number | Yes | Bus address. | | devAddress | number | Yes | Device address. | | serial | string | Yes | Sequence number. | | name | string | Yes | Device name. | | manufacturerName | string | Yes | Device manufacturer. | | productName | string | Yes | Product name. | | version | string | Yes | Version number. | | vendorId | number | Yes | Vendor ID. | | productId | number | Yes | Product ID. | | clazz | number | Yes | Device class. | | subClass | number | Yes | Device subclass. | | protocol | number | Yes | Device protocol code. | | configs | Array<[USBConfig](#usbconfig)> | Yes | Device configuration descriptor information.| ## USBDevicePipe Represents a USB device pipe, which is used to determine a USB device. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | busNum | number | Yes | Bus address.| | devAddress | number | Yes | Device address.| ## USBControlParams Represents control transfer parameters. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | request | number | Yes | Request type. | | target | [USBRequestTargetType](#usbrequesttargettype) | Yes | Request target type. | | reqType | [USBControlRequestType](#usbcontrolrequesttype) | Yes | Control request type. | | value | number | Yes | Request parameter value. | | index | number | Yes | Index of the request parameter value.| | data | Uint8Array | Yes | Buffer for writing or reading data. | ## USBPort9+ Represents a USB port. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | id | number | Yes | Unique identifier of a USB port. | | supportedModes | [PortModeType](#portmodetype9) | Yes | Numeric mask combination for the supported mode list.| | status | [USBPortStatus](#usbportstatus9) | Yes | USB port role. | ## USBPortStatus9+ Enumerates USB port roles. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------- | | currentMode | number | Yes | Current USB mode. | | currentPowerRole | number | Yes | Current power role. | | currentDataRole | number | Yes | Current data role. | ## USBRequestTargetType Enumerates request target types. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Value | Description | | ---------------------------- | ---- | ------ | | USB_REQUEST_TARGET_DEVICE | 0 | Device.| | USB_REQUEST_TARGET_INTERFACE | 1 | Interface.| | USB_REQUEST_TARGET_ENDPOINT | 2 | Endpoint.| | USB_REQUEST_TARGET_OTHER | 3 | Other.| ## USBControlRequestType Enumerates control request types. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Value | Description | | ------------------------- | ---- | ------ | | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD | 0 | Standard.| | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | 1 | Class. | | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR | 2 | Vendor.| ## USBRequestDirection Enumerates request directions. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Value | Description | | --------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------ | | USB_REQUEST_DIR_TO_DEVICE | 0 | Request for writing data from the host to the device.| | USB_REQUEST_DIR_FROM_DEVICE | 0x80 | Request for reading data from the device to the host.| ## FunctionType9+ Enumerates USB device function types. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Value | Description | | ------------ | ---- | ---------- | | NONE | 0 | No function.| | ACM | 1 | ACM function. | | ECM | 2 | ECM function. | | HDC | 4 | HDC function. | | MTP | 8 | Not supported currently.| | PTP | 16 | Not supported currently.| | RNDIS | 32 | Not supported currently.| | MIDI | 64 | Not supported currently.| | AUDIO_SOURCE | 128 | Not supported currently.| | NCM | 256 | Not supported currently.| ## PortModeType9+ Enumerates USB port mode types. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Value | Description | | --------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | NONE | 0 | None. | | UFP | 1 | Upstream facing port, which functions as the sink of power supply. | | DFP | 2 | Downstream facing port, which functions as the source of power supply. | | DRP | 3 | Dynamic reconfiguration port (DRP), which can function as the DFP (host) or UFP (device). It is not supported currently.| | NUM_MODES | 4 | Not supported currently. | ## PowerRoleType9+ Enumerates power role types. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Value | Description | | ------ | ---- | ---------- | | NONE | 0 | None. | | SOURCE | 1 | External power supply.| | SINK | 2 | Internal power supply.| ## DataRoleType9+ Enumerates data role types. **System API**: This is a system API. **System capability**: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager | Name | Value | Description | | ------ | ---- | ------------ | | NONE | 0 | None. | | HOST | 1 | USB host.| | DEVICE | 2 | USB device.|