# Image The **\** component is used to render and display local and online images. > **NOTE** > > This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. ## Required Permissions To use online images, the application must have the **ohos.permission.INTERNET** permission. For details about how to apply for a permission, see [Declaring Permissions](../../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md). ## Child Components Not supported ## APIs Image(src: string | PixelMap | Resource) Obtains an image from the specified source for subsequent rendering and display. **Parameters** | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description | | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | src | string \| [PixelMap](../apis/js-apis-image.md#pixelmap7) \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Yes | Image source. Both local and online images are supported.
When using an image referenced using a relative path, for example, `Image("common/test.jpg")`, the **\** component cannot be called across bundles or modules. Therefore, you are advised to use `$r` to reference image resources that need to be used globally.
- The following image formats are supported: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, GIF.
\- Base64 strings are supported. The value format is data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data], where [base64 data] is a Base64 string.
\- Strings with the **datashare://path** prefix are supported, which are used to access the image path provided by a data ability. Before loading images, the application must [request the required permissions](../../file-management/medialibrary-overview.md#requesting-permissions).
\- Strings with the **file:///data/storage** prefix are supported, which are used to read image resources in the **files** folder in the installation directory of the application. Ensure that the files in the directory package path have the read permission.| ## Attributes In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the following attributes are supported. | Name | Type | Description | | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | alt | string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource)| Placeholder image displayed during loading. Local images are supported. | | objectFit | [ImageFit](ts-appendix-enums.md#imagefit) | Image scale mode.
Default value: **ImageFit.Cover** | | objectRepeat | [ImageRepeat](ts-appendix-enums.md#imagerepeat) | Whether the image is repeated.
Default value: **ImageRepeat.NoRepeat**
This attribute is not applicable to SVG images.| | interpolation | [ImageInterpolation](#imageinterpolation) | Interpolation effect of the image. This attribute is intended to alleviate aliasing that occurs when a low-definition image is zoomed in.
Default value: **ImageInterpolation.None**
This attribute is not applicable to SVG images.
This attribute is not applicable to **PixelMap** objects.| | renderMode | [ImageRenderMode](#imagerendermode) | Rendering mode of the image.
Default value: **ImageRenderMode.Original**
This attribute is not applicable to SVG images.| | sourceSize | {
width: number,
height: number
} | Size of the decoded image. The original image is decoded into a **pixelMap** of the specified size, in px.
This attribute is not applicable to **PixelMap** objects.| | matchTextDirection | boolean | Whether to display the image in the system language direction. When this parameter is set to true, the image is horizontally flipped in the right-to-left (RTL) language context.
Default value: **false** | | fitOriginalSize | boolean | Whether to fit the component to the original size of the image source when the component size is not set.
Default value: **false** | | fillColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Fill color. This attribute only applies to an SVG image. Once set, the fill color will replace that of the SVG image.| | autoResize | boolean | Whether to resize the image source used for drawing based on the size of the display area during image decoding. This resizing can help reduce the memory usage.
Default value: **true**| | syncLoad8+ | boolean | Whether to load the image synchronously. By default, the image is loaded asynchronously. During synchronous loading, the UI thread is blocked and the placeholder diagram is not displayed.
Default value: **false**| | copyOption9+ | [CopyOptions](ts-appendix-enums.md#copyoptions9) | Whether the image can be copied. (SVG images cannot be copied.)
When **copyOption** is set to a value other than **CopyOptions.None**, the image can be copied in various manners, such as long pressing, right-clicking, or pressing Ctrl+C.
Default value: **CopyOptions.None**| | colorFilter9+ | [ColorFilter](ts-types.md#colorfilter9) | Color filter of the image.| > **NOTE** > > To use shortcut keys to copy the image, the image must be in focus. To enable the image to gain focus, set both the **focusable** and **focusOnTouch** attributes to **true**. > For SVG images, only the following tags are included in the supported list: **svg**, **rect**, **circle**, **ellipse**, **path**, **line**, **polyline**, **polygon**, **animate**, **animateMotion**, and **animateTransform**. ### ImageInterpolation | Name | Description | | ------ | ------------------------- | | None | Interpolation image data is not used. | | High | The interpolation image data is used at the high level, which may affect the image rendering speed.| | Medium | The interpolation image data is used at the medium level. | | Low | The interpolation image data is used at the low level. | ### ImageRenderMode | Name | Description | | -------- | --------------------- | | Original | The image is rendered based on the original image, including the color. | | Template | The image is rendered as a template image, and its color is ignored.| ## Events In addition to the [universal events](ts-universal-events-click.md), the following events are supported. | Name | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | onComplete(callback: (event?: { width: number, height: number, componentWidth: number,
componentHeight: number, loadingStatus: number }) => void) | Triggered when an image is successfully loaded. The size of the loaded image is returned.
- **width**: width of the image, in pixels.
- **height**: height of the image, in pixels.
- **componentWidth**: width of the container component, in pixels.
- **componentHeight**: height of the container component, in pixels.
- **loadingStatus**: image loading status.
| | onError(callback: (event?: { componentWidth: number, componentHeight: number , message9+: string }) => void) | Triggered when an exception occurs during image loading.
- **componentWidth**: width of the container component, in pixels.
- **componentHeight**: height of the container component, in pixels.| | onFinish(event: () => void) | Triggered when the animation playback in the loaded SVG image is complete. If the animation is an infinite loop, this callback is not triggered.| ## Example ### Loading Images Load and display different types of images and set the scale mode of the images. ```ts @Entry @Component struct ImageExample1 { private on: string = 'www.example.com' @State src: string = this.on build() { Column() { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Start }) { Text('default').fontSize(16).fontColor(0xcccccc).height(30) Row({ space: 5 }) { Image($r('app.media.ic_png')) .width(110).height(110).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('png', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.ic_gif')) .width(110).height(110).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('gif', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.ic_svg')) .width(110).height(110).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('svg', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) } Row({ space: 5 }) { Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .width(110).height(110).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('jpg', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image(this.src) .width(110).height(110).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('network', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) }.margin({ top: 25, bottom: 10 }) } Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Start }) { Text('objectFit').fontSize(16).fontColor(0xcccccc).height(30) Row({ space: 5 }) { Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectFit(ImageFit.None).width(110).height(110) .overlay('None', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectFit(ImageFit.Fill).width(110).height(110) .overlay('Fill', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectFit(ImageFit.Cover).width(110).height(110) .overlay('Cover', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) } Row({ space: 5 }) { Image($r('app.media.img_example_w250')) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain).width(110).height(110) .overlay('Contain', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.img_example_w250')) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectFit(ImageFit.ScaleDown).width(110).height(110) .overlay('ScaleDown', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) }.margin({ top: 25 }) } }.height(320).width(360).padding({ right: 10, top: 10 }) } } ``` ![en-us_image_0000001211898484](figures/en-us_image_0000001211898484.gif) ### Loading Online Images The default network timeout period is 5 minutes for loading online images. When using an online image, you are advised to use **alt** to configure the placeholder image displayed during loading. If more flexible network configuration is required, use the [HTTP](../../connectivity/http-request.md) module in the SDK to send a network request, and then decode the returned data into a `PixelMap` in the **\** component. For details about image development, see [Image Development](../../media/image.md). The code snippet is as follows: ```tsx // @ts-nocheck import http from '@ohos.net.http'; import ResponseCode from '@ohos.net.http' import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image' @Entry @Component struct Index { // Create a PixelMap state variable to receive online images. @State image: PixelMap = undefined build() { Column({space: 10}) { Button ("Get Online Image") .onClick(() => { this.httpRequest() }) Image(this.image).height(100).width(100) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .padding(10) } // Request an online image. private httpRequest() { let httpRequest = http.createHttp() httpRequest.request( "https://www.example.com/xxx.png", // Enter a specific URL of the online image. (error, data) => { if(error) { console.log("error code: " + error.code + ", msg: " + error.message) } else { let code = data.responseCode if(ResponseCode.ResponseCode.OK == code) { let imageSource = image.createImageSource(data.result) let options = {alphaType: 0, // Transparency editable: false, // Whether the image is editable pixelFormat: 3, // Pixel format scaleMode: 1, // Scale mode size: {height: 100, width: 100}} // Image size imageSource.createPixelMap(options).then((pixelMap) => { this.image = pixelMap }) } else { console.log("response code: " + code) } } } ) } } ``` > **NOTE** > > For details about the request mode, timeout, and additional request parameters for loading online images, see [request()](../../reference/apis/js-apis-http.md) in the HTTP module. ### Setting Attributes ```ts @Entry @Component struct ImageExample2 { build() { Column({ space: 10 }) { Text('renderMode').fontSize(12).fontColor(0xcccccc).width('96%').height(30) Row({ space: 50 }) { Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .renderMode(ImageRenderMode.Original).width(100).height(100) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('Original', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .renderMode(ImageRenderMode.Template).width(100).height(100) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('Template', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) } Text('alt').fontSize(12).fontColor(0xcccccc).width('96%').height(30) Image('') .alt($r('app.media.Image_none')) .width(100).height(100).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) Text('sourceSize').fontSize(12).fontColor(0xcccccc).width('96%') Row({ space: 50 }) { Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .sourceSize({ width: 150, height: 150 }) .objectFit(ImageFit.ScaleDown).width('25%').aspectRatio(1) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('w:150 h:150', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.img_example')) .sourceSize({ width: 200, height: 200 }) .objectFit(ImageFit.ScaleDown).width('25%').aspectRatio(1) .border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .overlay('w:200 h:200', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) } Text('objectRepeat').fontSize(12).fontColor(0xcccccc).width('96%').height(30) Row({ space: 5 }) { Image($r('app.media.ic_health_heart')) .width(120).height(125).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectRepeat(ImageRepeat.XY).objectFit(ImageFit.ScaleDown) .overlay('ImageRepeat.XY', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.ic_health_heart')) .width(110).height(125).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectRepeat(ImageRepeat.Y).objectFit(ImageFit.ScaleDown) .overlay('ImageRepeat.Y', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) Image($r('app.media.ic_health_heart')) .width(110).height(125).border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed) .objectRepeat(ImageRepeat.X).objectFit(ImageFit.ScaleDown) .overlay('ImageRepeat.X', { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) } }.height(150).width('100%').padding({ right: 10 }) } } ``` ![en-us_image_0000001212058474](figures/en-us_image_0000001212058474.png) ### Invoking Events ```ts @Entry @Component struct ImageExample3 { @State widthValue: number = 0 @State heightValue: number = 0 private on: Resource = $r('app.media.image_on') private off: Resource = $r('app.media.image_off') private on2off: Resource = $r('app.media.image_on2off') private off2on: Resource = $r('app.media.image_off2on') @State src: Resource = this.on build() { Column() { Row({ space: 20 }) { Column() { Image($r('app.media.img_example1')) .alt($r('app.media.ic_public_picture')) .sourceSize({ width: 900, height: 900 }) .objectFit(ImageFit.Cover) .height(180).width(180) // Obtain the size of an image after the image loading is complete. .onComplete((msg: { width: number,height: number }) => { this.widthValue = msg.width this.heightValue = msg.height }) .onError(() => { console.log('load image fail') }) .overlay('\nwidth: ' + String(this.widthValue) + ' height: ' + String(this.heightValue), { align: Alignment.Bottom, offset: { x: 0, y: 20 } }) } // Add a click event so that a specific image is loaded upon clicking. Image(this.src) .width(120).height(120) .onClick(() => { if (this.src == this.on || this.src == this.off2on) { this.src = this.on2off } else { this.src = this.off2on } }) .onFinish(() => { if (this.src == this.off2on) { this.src = this.on } else { this.src = this.off } }) } }.width('100%') } } ``` ![en-us_image_0000001256858397](figures/en-us_image_0000001256858397.gif) ### Rendering Sandbox Images ```ts import fileio from '@ohos.fileio' import fs from '@ohos.file.fs' import context from '@ohos.application.context' @Entry @Component struct LoadImageExample { @State resourcesPath: string = '' @State sandboxPath: string = '' context: context.AbilityContext aboutToAppear() { this.context = getContext(this) as context.AbilityContext } build() { Column() { Button ('Read Sandbox Image') .margin({ bottom: 10, top: 10 }) .onClick(() => { this.sandboxPath = this.context.getApplicationContext().filesDir + '/icon.png' console.log(`Read the sandbox image=========>${this.sandboxPath}`) let fd = fs.openSync(this.sandboxPath, 0o100) console.log(`create file========>${fd}`) let srcPath = this.context.bundleCodeDir + '/entry/resources/base/media/icon.png' console.log('mySrcpath' + srcPath) fileio.copyFileSync(srcPath, this.sandboxPath) // Copy the image to the sandbox path. this.sandboxPath = 'file://' + this.context.getApplicationContext().filesDir + '/icon.png' }) Button ('Read Image') .margin({ bottom: 10 }) .onClick(() => { this.resourcesPath = 'file://' + this.context.bundleCodeDir + '/entry/resources/base/media/icon.png' }) Text(`Image path: ${this.resourcesPath}`) .fontSize(20) .margin({ bottom: 10 }) Image(this.resourcesPath) .width(100) .height(100) Text(`Sandbox image path: ${this.sandboxPath}`) .fontSize(20) .margin({ bottom: 10 }) Image(this.sandboxPath) .width(100) .height(100) } .width('100%').height('100%') } } ```