# Getting Started with JavaScript in the Low-Code Approach > ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **Note:** > This feature will be available in DevEco Studio V2.2 Beta1 and later versions. > > For best possible results, use [DevEco Studio V3.0.0.900 Beta3](https://developer.harmonyos.com/cn/develop/deveco-studio#download_beta) for your development. On the OpenHarmony low-code development pages, you can design your app UI in an efficient, intuitive manner, with a wide array of UI editing features complying with [JS Development Specifications](../reference/apis). You can develop applications or services in the low-code approach using either of the following methods: - Create a project that supports low-code development. This method is used as an example in this topic. - In an existing project, create a Visual file for development. ## Creating a Project That Supports Low-Code Development > ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **Note:** > This feature is available in DevEco Studio 3.0 Beta2 and later versions and works with compileSdkVersion 7 or later. 1. Open DevEco Studio, choose **File** > **New** > **Create Project**, select **Empty Ability**, and click **Next**. ![en-us_image_0000001268198893](figures/en-us_image_0000001268198893.png) 2. Go to the project configuration page, select **Enable Super Visual**, set **UI Syntax** to **JS**, and retain the default values for other parameters. ![en-us_image_0000001223717294](figures/en-us_image_0000001223717294.png) 3. Click **Finish**. DevEco Studio will automatically generate the sample code and resources that match your project type. Wait until the project is created. ## Low-code Project Files After the project synchronization is complete, a low-code directory structure is automatically generated in the project, as shown below. ![en-us_image_0000001223558810](figures/en-us_image_0000001223558810.png) - **entry > src > main > js > MainAbility > pages > index > index.js** : defines logical relationships, such as data and events, used on low-code pages. For details, see [JavaScript](../ui/js-framework-syntax-js.md). If multiple low-code development pages are created, a page folder and the corresponding **.js** file will be created for each of these pages. > ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **Note:** > To avoid build errors when using the low-code development page, make sure the directory where the corresponding **.js** file is located does not contain **.hml** or **.css** files. For example, in the preceding example, no **.hml** or **.css** file is allowed in **js** > **MainAbility** > **pages** > **index**. - **entry > src > main > supervisual > MainAbility > pages > index > index.visual** : stores the data model of the low-code development page. You can double-click the file to open the low-code development page. If multiple low-code development pages are created, a page folder and the corresponding **.visual** file will be created for each of these pages. ## Building the First Page After the project synchronization is complete, the default first page contains the **Div** and **Text** (**Hello World**) components. To better understand low-code development, we'll delete these template components from the canvas and set the page from scratch. Add **Div**, **Text**, and **Button** components to the first page. 1. Delete the existing template components from the canvas. Open the index.visual file, right-click the existing template components on the canvas, and choose **Delete** from the shortcut menu to delete them. Below is an illustration of the operations. ![en-us_image_0000001216600980](figures/en-us_image_0000001216600980.gif) 2. Add a **Div** component and set its styles and attributes. Drag the **Div** component from the **UI Control** area to the canvas. In the **Attributes & Styles** area on the right, click ![en-us_image_0000001260226691](figures/en-us_image_0000001260226691.png)**General** and set **Height** to **100%** so that the component fills the entire screen. Click ![en-us_image_0000001215226858](figures/en-us_image_0000001215226858.png)**Flex**, set **FlexDirection** to **column** so that the main axis of the component is vertical, and set both **JustifyContent** and **AlignItems** to **center** so that the child components of the **Div** component are centered along the main axis and cross axis. Below is an illustration of the operations. ![en-us_image_0000001216448880](figures/en-us_image_0000001216448880.gif) 3. Add a **Text** component. Drag the **Text** component from the **UI Control** area to the center area of the **Div** component. In the **Attributes & Styles** area, click ![en-us_image_0000001215066868](figures/en-us_image_0000001215066868.png)**Properties** and set **Content** of the **Text** component to **Hello World**. Click ![en-us_image_0000001215386842](figures/en-us_image_0000001215386842.png)**Feature**, and set **FontSize** to **60px** and **TextAlign** to **center**. Then, select the **Text** component on the canvas and drag its corners to fully display the text. Below is an illustration of the operations. ![en-us_image_0000001216446670](figures/en-us_image_0000001216446670.gif) 4. Add a **Button** component. Drag the **Button** component from the **UI Control** area to a position under the **Text** component on the canvas. In the **Attributes & Styles** area on the right, click ![en-us_image_0000001260106745](figures/en-us_image_0000001260106745.png)**Properties** and set **Value** of the **Button** component to **Next**. Click ![en-us_image_0000001259866741](figures/en-us_image_0000001259866741.png)**Feature** and set **FontSize** to **40px**. Then, select the **Button** component on the canvas and drag its corners to fully display the text. Below is an illustration of the operations. ![en-us_image_0000001260928361](figures/en-us_image_0000001260928361.gif) 5. On the toolbar in the upper right corner of the editing window, click **Previewer** to open the Previewer. Below is how the first page looks on the Previewer. ![en-us_image_0000001216288558](figures/en-us_image_0000001216288558.png) ## Building the Second Page 1. Create the second page. In the **Project** window, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **js** > **MainAbility**, right-click the **pages** folder, choose **New** > **Visual**, name the page **second**, and click **Finish**. Below is the structure of the **pages** folder: ![en-us_image_0000001223882030](figures/en-us_image_0000001223882030.png) 2. [Delete the existing template components from the canvas.](#delete_origin_content) 3. [Add a Div component and set its styles and attributes.](#add_container) 4. Add a **Text** component. Drag the **Text** component from the **UI Control** area to the center area of the **Div** component. In the **Attributes & Styles** area, click ![en-us_image_0000001260227453](figures/en-us_image_0000001260227453.png)**Properties** and set **Content** of the **Text** component to **Hi there**. Click ![en-us_image_0000001260107497](figures/en-us_image_0000001260107497.png)**Feature**, and set **FontSize** to **60px** and **TextAlign** to **center**. Then, select the **Text** component on the canvas and drag its corners to fully display the text. Below is an illustration of the operations. ![en-us_image_0000001216614132](figures/en-us_image_0000001216614132.gif) 5. Add a **Button** component. Drag the **Button** component from the **UI Control** area to a position under the **Text** component on the canvas. In the **Attributes & Styles** area on the right, click ![en-us_image_0000001215227618](figures/en-us_image_0000001215227618.png)**Properties** and set **Value** of the **Button** component to **Back**. Click ![en-us_image_0000001259987441](figures/en-us_image_0000001259987441.png)**Feature** and set **FontSize** to **40px**. Then, select the **Button** component on the canvas and drag its corners to fully display the text. Below is an illustration of the operations. ![en-us_image_0000001261017331](figures/en-us_image_0000001261017331.gif) ## Implementing Page Redirection You can implement page redirection through the [page router](../ui/ui-js-building-ui-routes.md), which finds the target page based on the page URI. Import the **router** module and then perform the steps below: 1. Implement redirection from the first page to the second page. In the files of the first page, bind the **onclick** method to the button so that clicking the button redirects the user to the second page. This operation needs to be completed in both .js and .visual files. - In the **index.js** file: ``` import router from '@system.router'; export default { onclick() { router.push({ uri:'pages/second/second', // Specify the page to be redirected to. }) } } ``` - In the index.visual file, select the **Button** component on the canvas. In the **Attributes & Styles** area, click ![en-us_image_0000001215388136](figures/en-us_image_0000001215388136.png)**Events** and set **Click** to **onclick**. ![en-us_image_0000001223722586](figures/en-us_image_0000001223722586.png) 2. Implement redirection from the second page to the first page. In the files of the second page, bind the **back** method to the **Back** button so that clicking the button redirects the user back to the first page. This operation needs to be completed in both .js and .visual files. - In the **second.js** file: ``` import router from '@system.router'; export default { back() { router.back() } } ``` - In the second.visual file, select the **Button** component on the canvas. In the **Attributes & Styles** area, click ![en-us_image_0000001215388262](figures/en-us_image_0000001215388262.png)**Events** and set **Click** to **back**. ![en-us_image_0000001268082945](figures/en-us_image_0000001268082945.png) 3. Open the **index.visual** or **index.js** file and click ![en-us_image_0000001261979271](figures/en-us_image_0000001261979271.png) in the Previewer to refresh the file. The figure below shows the effect. ![en-us_image_0000001261142799](figures/en-us_image_0000001261142799.png) ## Running the Application on a Real Device 1. Connect the development board running the OpenHarmony standard system to the computer. 2. Choose **File** > **Project Structure** > **Project** > **Signing Configs**, select **Automatically generate signing**, wait until the automatic signing is complete, and click **OK**, as shown below. ![en-us_image_0000001268283201](figures/en-us_image_0000001268283201.png) 3. On the toolbar in the upper right corner of the editing window, click ![en-us_image_0000001262207811](figures/en-us_image_0000001262207811.png). The display effect is shown in the figure below. ![en-us_image_0000001262127855](figures/en-us_image_0000001262127855.png) Congratulations! You have finished developing your OpenHarmony app in JavaScript in the low-code approach. To learn more about OpenHarmony, see [OpenHarmony Overview](../application-dev-guide.md)