# Universal Attributes > **NOTE**
> Universal attributes are supported since API version 4. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. ## Common Attributes Common attributes are used to set component identities and appearance. | Name | Type | Default Value | Mandatory | Description | | ------------------------- | ------- | ----- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- | | id | string | - | No | Unique ID of the component. | | style | string | - | No | Style declaration of the component. | | class | string | - | No | Style class of the component, which is used to refer to a style table. | | ref | string | - | No | Reference information of child elements or child components, which is registered with the parent component on `$refs`.| | disabled | boolean | false | No | Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction. | | data | string | - | No | Attribute set for the component to facilitate data storage and reading. In the JS file:
- Use **e.target.attr.data** to read data in the event callback, where **e** is the input parameter.
- Use `$element` or `$refs` to obtain a DOM element, which can then be accessed through **attr.data**.
You are advised to use **data-*** instead since API version 6.| | data-\*6+ | string | - | No | Attribute set for the component to facilitate data storage and reading. The value is case insensitive. For example, **data-A** and **data-a** are the same by default. In the JS file:
- Use **e.target.dataSet.a** to read data in the event callback, where **e** is the input parameter.
- After a DOM element is obtained by using **$element** or **$refs**, it can be accessed through **dataSet.a**.| | click-effect5+ | string | - | No | Click effect complying with spring physics. Available values are as follows:
- **spring-small**: The component scales down to 90% of its size when it is selected. This is appropriate for small components.
- **spring-medium**: The component scales down to 95% of its size when it is selected. This is appropriate for medium-sized components.
- **spring-large**: The component scales down to 95% of its size when it is selected. This is appropriate for large components.| | dir6+ | string | auto | No | Element layout mode. Available values are as follows:
- **rtl**: right-to-left layout.
- **ltr**: left-to-right layout.
- **auto**: follows the system language environment.| ## Rendering Attributes Rendering attributes are used to set whether a component is rendered. | Name | Type | Default Value | Description | | ---- | ------- | ---- | ------------------------ | | for | Array | - | Expands the current element based on the configured data list. | | if | boolean | - | Whether the element is added or removed.| | show | boolean | - | Whether the element is displayed or hidden.| > **NOTE**
> Do not set styles in attribute fields.