# @ohos.app.ability.wantAgent (WantAgent模块) app.ability.WantAgent模块提供了创建WantAgent实例、获取实例的用户ID、获取want信息、比较WantAgent实例和获取bundle名称等能力。该模块将会取代[@ohos.wantAgent](js-apis-wantAgent.md)模块,建议优先使用本模块。 > **说明:** > > 本模块首批接口从API version 9开始支持。后续版本的新增接口,采用上角标单独标记接口的起始版本。 ## 导入模块 ```ts import WantAgent from '@ohos.app.ability.wantAgent'; ``` ## WantAgent.getWantAgent getWantAgent(info: WantAgentInfo, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 创建WantAgent(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | -------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------- | | info | WantAgentInfo | 是 | WantAgent信息。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 创建WantAgent的回调方法。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(err)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getWantAgent getWantAgent(info: WantAgentInfo): Promise\ 创建WantAgent(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---- | ------------- | ---- | ------------- | | info | [WantAgentInfo](js-apis-inner-wantAgent-wantAgentInfo.md) | 是 | WantAgent信息。 | **返回值:** | 类型 | 说明 | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | 以Promise形式返回WantAgent。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } try { WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo).then((data) => { wantAgent = data; }).catch((err) => { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); }); } catch (err) { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getBundleName getBundleName(agent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 获取WantAgent实例的包名(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | ----------------------- | ---- | --------------------------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 获取WantAgent实例的包名的回调方法。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } //getBundleName回调 function getBundleNameCallback(err, data) { if(err) { console.info('getBundleName failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } else { console.info('getBundleName ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); } } try { WantAgent.getBundleName(wantAgent, getBundleNameCallback); } catch(err) { console.info('getBundleName failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getBundleName getBundleName(agent: WantAgent): Promise\ 获取WantAgent实例的包名(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ----- | --------- | ---- | ------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | **返回值:** | 类型 | 说明 | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | 以Promise形式返回获取WantAgent实例的包名。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } try { WantAgent.getBundleName(wantAgent).then((data)=>{ console.info('getBundleName ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((err)=>{ console.info('getBundleName failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); }) } catch(err){ console.info('getBundleName failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getUid getUid(agent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 获取WantAgent实例的用户ID(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | ----------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 获取WantAgent实例的用户ID的回调方法。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts import WantAgent from '@ohos.app.ability.wantAgent'; //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(err)); } //getUid回调 function getUidCallback(err, data) { if(err) { console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } else { console.info('getUid ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); } } try { WantAgent.getUid(wantAgent, getUidCallback); } catch(err) { console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getUid getUid(agent: WantAgent): Promise\ 获取WantAgent实例的用户ID(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ----- | --------- | ---- | ------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | **返回值:** | 类型 | 说明 | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | 以Promise形式返回获取WantAgent实例的用户ID。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } try { WantAgent.getUid(wantAgent).then((data)=>{ console.info('getUid ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((err)=>{ console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); }) } catch(err){ console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getWant getWant(agent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 获取WantAgent对象的want(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | --------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[Want](js-apis-app-ability-want.md)\> | 是 | 获取WantAgent对象want的回调方法。 | **错误码:** |错误码ID |错误信息 | | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } //getUid回调 function getWantCallback(err, data) { if(err) { console.info('getWant failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } else { console.info('getWant ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); } } try { WantAgent.getWant(wantAgent, getBundleNameCallback); } catch(err) { console.info('getWant failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getWant getWant(agent: WantAgent): Promise\ 获取WantAgent对象的want(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ----- | --------- | ---- | ------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | **返回值:** | 类型 | 说明 | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | 以Promise形式返回获取WantAgent对象的want。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } try { WantAgent.getUid(wantAgent).then((data)=>{ console.info('getUid ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((err)=>{ console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); }) } catch(err){ console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.cancel cancel(agent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 取消WantAgent实例(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | --------------------- | ---- | --------------------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 取消WantAgent实例的回调方法。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } //getUid回调 function cancelCallback(err, data) { if(err) { console.info('cancel failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } else { console.info('cancel ok!'); } } try { WantAgent.cancel(wantAgent, getBundleNameCallback); } catch(err) { console.info('cancel failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.cancel cancel(agent: WantAgent): Promise\ 取消WantAgent实例(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ----- | --------- | ---- | ------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | **返回值:** | 类型 | 说明 | | --------------- | ------------------------------- | | Promise\ | 以Promise形式获取异步返回结果。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } try { WantAgent.cancel(wantAgent).then((data)=>{ console.info('cancel ok!'); }).catch((err)=>{ console.info('cancel failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); }) } catch(err){ console.info('cancel failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.trigger trigger(agent: WantAgent, triggerInfo: TriggerInfo, callback?: AsyncCallback\): void 主动激发WantAgent实例(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ----------- | ----------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | triggerInfo | [TriggerInfo](js-apis-inner-wantAgent-triggerInfo.md) | 是 | TriggerInfo对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[CompleteData](#completedata)\> | 否 | 主动激发WantAgent实例的回调方法。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; // triggerInfo var triggerInfo = { code: 0 //自定义义结果码 } //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } //getUid回调 function triggerCallback(err, data) { if(err) { console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } else { console.info('getUid ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); } } try { WantAgent.trigger(wantAgent, triggerInfo, triggerCallback); } catch(err) { console.info('getUid failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.equal equal(agent: WantAgent, otherAgent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 判断两个WantAgent实例是否相等(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | ------------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | otherAgent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 判断两个WantAgent实例是否相等的回调方法。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent1; var wantAgent2; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent1 = data; wantAgent2 = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } //getUid回调 function equalCallback(err, data) { if(err) { console.info('equal failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } else { console.info('equal ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); } } try { WantAgent.equal(wantAgent1,wantAgent2,equalCallback); } catch(err) { console.info('equal failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.equal equal(agent: WantAgent, otherAgent: WantAgent): Promise\ 判断两个WantAgent实例是否相等(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | --------- | ---- | ------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | otherAgent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | **返回值:** | 类型 | 说明 | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | 以Promise形式返回获取判断两个WantAgent实例是否相等的结果。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent1; var wantAgent2; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent1 = data; wantAgent2 = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } try { WantAgent.equal(wantAgent1,wantAgent2).then((data)=>{ console.info('equal ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((err)=>{ console.info('equal failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); }) } catch(err){ console.info('equal failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getOperationType getOperationType(agent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback\): void; 获取一个WantAgent的OperationType信息(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | ------------------------ | ---- | --------------------------------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 获取一个WantAgent的OperationType信息的回调方法。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } //getUid回调 function getOperationTypeCallback(err, data) { if(err) { console.info('getOperationType failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } else { console.info('getOperationType ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); } } try { WantAgent.getOperationTypeCallback(wantAgent, getBundleNameCallback); } catch(err) { console.info('getOperationTypeCallback failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgent.getOperationType getOperationType(agent: WantAgent): Promise\; 获取一个WantAgent的OperationType信息(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | --------- | ---- | ------------- | | agent | WantAgent | 是 | WantAgent对象。 | **返回值:** | 类型 | 说明 | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Promise\ | 以Promise形式返回获取operationType的结果。 | **错误码:** | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | |-----------|--------------------| | 16000001 | Input error. The specified ability name does not exist. | | 16000002 | Ability type error. The specified ability type is wrong.| | 16000003 | Input error. The specified id does not exist.| | 16000004 | Visibility verification failed.| | 16000006 | Can not cross user operations.| | 16000007 | Service busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000008 | Crowdtest App Expiration.| | 16000009 | Can not start ability in wukong mode.| | 16000010 | Can not operation with continue flag.| | 16000011 | Context does not exist.| | 16000050 | Internal Error.| | 16000051 | Network error. The network is abnormal.| | 16000052 | Free install not support. The applicaiotn dose not support free install.| | 16000053 | Not top ability. The application is not top ability.| | 16000054 | Free install busyness. There are concurrent tasks, waiting for retry.| | 16000055 | Free install timeout.| | 16000056 | Can not free install other ability.| | 16000057 | Not support cross device free install.| | 16000101 | execute shell command failed.| | 16000151 | Invalid wantagent object.| | 16000152 | wantAgent object not found.| | 16000153 | wangAgent object canceled.| 以上错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-ability](../errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md) **示例:** ```ts //wantAgent对象 var wantAgent; //WantAgentInfo对象 var wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: "deviceId", bundleName: "com.neu.setResultOnAbilityResultTest1", abilityName: "com.example.test.MainAbility", action: "action1", entities: ["entity1"], type: "MIMETYPE", uri: "key={true,true,false}", parameters: { mykey0: 2222, mykey1: [1, 2, 3], mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]", mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss", mykey4: [false, true, false], mykey5: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"], mykey6: true, } } ], operationType: WantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITIES, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[WantAgent.WantAgentFlags.UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG] } //getWantAgent回调 function getWantAgentCallback(err, data) { if (err == undefined) { wantAgent = data; } else { console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(wantAgent)); } try { WantAgent.getOperationType(wantAgent).then((data)=>{ console.info('getOperationType ok!' + JSON.stringify(data)); }).catch((err)=>{ console.info('getOperationType failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); }) } catch(err){ console.info('getOperationType failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } } try{ WantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, getWantAgentCallback); } catch(err){ console.info('getWantAgent failed!' + JSON.stringify(err.code) + JSON.stringify(err.message)); } ``` ## WantAgentFlags **系统能力**:以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core | 名称 | 值 | 说明 | | ------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | ONE_TIME_FLAG | 0 | WantAgent仅能使用一次。 | | NO_BUILD_FLAG | 1 | 如果描述WantAgent对象不存在,则不创建它,直接返回null。 | | CANCEL_PRESENT_FLAG | 2 | 在生成一个新的WantAgent对象前取消已存在的一个WantAgent对象。 | | UPDATE_PRESENT_FLAG | 3 | 使用新的WantAgent的额外数据替换已存在的WantAgent中的额外数据。 | | CONSTANT_FLAG | 4 | WantAgent是不可变的。 | | REPLACE_ELEMENT | 5 | 当前Want中的element属性可被WantAgent.trigger()中Want的element属性取代 | | REPLACE_ACTION | 6 | 当前Want中的action属性可被WantAgent.trigger()中Want的action属性取代 | | REPLACE_URI | 7 | 当前Want中的uri属性可被WantAgent.trigger()中Want的uri属性取代 | | REPLACE_ENTITIES | 8 | 当前Want中的entities属性可被WantAgent.trigger()中Want的entities属性取代 | | REPLACE_BUNDLE | 9 | 当前Want中的bundleName属性可被WantAgent.trigger()中Want的bundleName属性取代 | ## OperationType **系统能力**:以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core | 名称 | 值 | 说明 | | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------------------- | | UNKNOWN_TYPE | 0 | 不识别的类型。 | | START_ABILITY | 1 | 开启一个有页面的Ability。 | | START_ABILITIES | 2 | 开启多个有页面的Ability。 | | START_SERVICE | 3 | 开启一个无页面的ability。 | | SEND_COMMON_EVENT | 4 | 发送一个公共事件。 | ## CompleteData **系统能力**:以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core | 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------------- | ------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------------- | | info | WantAgent | 是 | 触发的wantAgent。 | | want | Want | 是 | 存在的被触发的want。 | | finalCode | number | 是 | 触发wantAgent的请求代码。| | finalData | string | 否 | 公共事件收集的最终数据。 | | extraInfo | {[key: string]: any} | 否 | 额外数据。 |