# 开发指导
const struct lfs_config cfg = {
// block device operations
.read = user_provided_block_device_read,
.prog = user_provided_block_device_prog,
.erase = user_provided_block_device_erase,
.sync = user_provided_block_device_sync,
// block device configuration
.read_size = 16,
.prog_size = 16,
.block_size = 4096,
.block_count = 128,
.cache_size = 16,
.lookahead_size = 16,
.block_cycles = 500,
read\_size 每次读取的字节数,可以比物理读单元大以改善性能,这个数值决定了读缓存的大小,但值太大会带来更多的内存消耗。
prog\_size 每次写入的字节数,可以比物理写单元大以改善性能,这个数值决定了写缓存的大小,必须是read\_size的整数倍,但值太大会带来更多的内存消耗。
block\_size 每个擦除块的字节数,可以比物理擦除单元大,但此数值应尽可能小因为每个文件至少会占用一个块。必须是prog\_size的整数倍。
block\_count 可以被擦除的块数量,这取决于块设备的容量及擦除块的大小。
### 示例代码
int main(void) {
// mount the filesystem
int err = lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg);
// reformat if we can't mount the filesystem
// this should only happen on the first boot
if (err) {
lfs_format(&lfs, &cfg);
lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg);
// read current count
uint32_t boot_count = 0;
lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, "boot_count", LFS_O_RDWR | LFS_O_CREAT);
lfs_file_read(&lfs, &file, &boot_count, sizeof(boot_count));
// update boot count
boot_count += 1;
lfs_file_rewind(&lfs, &file);
lfs_file_write(&lfs, &file, &boot_count, sizeof(boot_count));
// remember the storage is not updated until the file is closed successfully
lfs_file_close(&lfs, &file);
// release any resources we were using
// print the boot count
printf("boot_count: %d\n", boot_count);