Initializing a linked list
Initializes a specified node as a doubly linked list node.
Defines a node and initializes it as a doubly linked list node.
Adding a node
Inserts the specified node to the head of a doubly linked list.
Inserts the specified node to the head of a doubly linked list. It is the same as LOS_ListAdd.
Inserts the specified node to the end of a doubly linked list.
Adding a linked list
Inserts the head of a specified linked list into the head of a doubly linked list.
Inserts the head of a specified linked list into the head of a doubly linked list. It is the same as LOS_ListAddList.
Inserts the end of a specified linked list into the head of a doubly linked list.
Deleting a node
Deletes the specified node from a doubly linked list.
Deletes the specified node from the linked list and uses the node to initialize the linked list.
Determining a doubly linked list
Checks whether a linked list is empty.
Checks whether the specified linked list node is at the end of the linked list.
Check whether the linked list node is in a doubly linked list.
Obtaining structure information
Obtains the offset of a member in a specified structure relative to the start address of the structure.
Obtains the address of the structure that contains the first node in the linked list. The first input parameter of the API indicates the head node in the list, the second input parameter indicates the name of the structure to be obtained, and the third input parameter indicates the name of the linked list in the structure.
Obtains the address of the structure that contains the first node in the linked list. The first input parameter of the API indicates the head node in the list, the second input parameter indicates the name of the structure to be obtained, and the third input parameter indicates the name of the linked list in the structure. Return Null if the linked list is empty.
Obtains the address of the structure that contains the first node in the linked list, and deletes the first node from the list. The first input parameter of the API indicates the head node in the list, the second input parameter indicates the name of the structure to be obtained, and the third input parameter indicates the name of the linked list in the structure. Return Null if the linked list is empty.
Obtains the address of the structure that contains the next node of the specified node in the linked list. The first input parameter of the API indicates the head node in the list, the second input parameter indicates the specified node, the third parameter indicates the name of the structure to be obtained, and the fourth input parameter indicates the name of the linked list in the structure. If the next node of the linked list node is the head node and is empty, NULL is returned.
Traversing a doubly linked list
Traverses a doubly linked list.
Traverses a doubly linked list, and stores the next node of the current node for security verification.
Traversing the structure that contains the doubly linked list
Traverses the specified doubly linked list and obtains the address of the structure that contains the linked list node.
Traverses the specified doubly linked list, obtains the structure address of the node that contains the linked list, and stores the structure address that contains the next node of the current node.