# MIPI-DSI ## Overview The Display Serial Interface \(DSI\) is a specification developed by the Mobile Industry Processor Interface \(MIPI\) Alliance to reduce the cost of display controllers in mobile devices. In the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) framework, the MIPI-DSI module uses the service-free mode for API adaptation. The service-free mode applies to the devices that do not provide user-mode APIs or the OS system that does not distinguish the user mode and the kernel mode. In the service-free mode, **DevHandle** \(a void pointer\) directly points to the kernel-mode address of the device object. **Figure 1** Service-free mode ![](figures/service-free-mode-9.png "service-free-mode-9") ## How to Develop The MIPI-DSI module adaptation involves the following steps: 1. Instantiate the driver entry. - Instantiate the **HdfDriverEntry** structure. - Call **HDF\_INIT** to register the **HdfDriverEntry** instance with the HDF framework. 2. Configure attribute files. - Add the **deviceNode** information to the **device\_info.hcs** file. - \(Optional\) Add the **mipidsi\_config.hcs** file. 3. Instantiate the MIPI-DSI controller object. - Initialize **MipiDsiCntlr**. - Instantiate **MipiDsiCntlrMethod** in the **MipiDsiCntlr** object. >![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:** >For details, see [MipiDsiCntlrMethod](#section10711202141617) and [Table 1](#table218771071713). 4. Debug the driver. - \(Optional\) For new drivers, verify basic functions, for example, verify the information returned after the connect operation and whether data is successfully transmitted. ### MipiDsiCntlrMethod ``` struct MipiDsiCntlrMethod {// Member functions of the core layer structure int32_t (*setCntlrCfg)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr); int32_t (*setCmd)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr, struct DsiCmdDesc *cmd); int32_t (*getCmd)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr, struct DsiCmdDesc *cmd, uint32_t readLen, uint8_t *out); void (*toHs)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr); void (*toLp)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr); void (*enterUlps)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr);//(Optional) Enter the ultra-low power consumption mode. void (*exitUlps)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr); // (Optional) Exit the ultra-low power consumption mode. int32_t (*powerControl)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr, uint8_t enable);// (Optional) Enable or disable power control. int32_t (*attach)(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr);// (Optional) Connect a DSI device to the host. }; ``` **Table 1** Callbacks for the members in the MipiDsiCntlrMethod structure


Input Parameter

Output Parameter

Return Value



cntlr: structure pointer to the MIPI-DSI controller.


Sets controller parameters.


cntlr: structure pointer to the MIPI-DSI controller.

cmd: structure pointer to the input instruction.


Sends instructions to a display device.


cntlr: structure pointer to the MIPI-DSI controller.

cmd: structure pointer to the instruction to output.


Reads instructions from the display device.


cntlr: structure pointer to the MIPI-DSI controller.


Sets the high-speed mode.


cntlr: structure pointer to the MIPI-DSI controller.


Sets the low-power mode.

## Development Example The following uses **mipi\_tx\_hi35xx.c** as an example to present the contents that need to be provided by the vendor to implement device functions. 1. Generally, you need to configure the device attributes in **xx\_config.hcs** and add the **deviceNode** information to the **device\_info.hcs** file. The device attribute values are closely related to the default values or value range of the **MipiDsiCntlr** members at the core layer. The **deviceNode** information is related to the driver entry registration. In this example, no additional attribute needs to be configured for the MIPI-DSI controller. If required, you need to add the **deviceMatchAttr** information to **deviceNode** in the **device\_info** file and add the **mipidsi\_config** file. - **device\_info.hcs** configuration reference ``` root { device_info { match_attr = "hdf_manager"; platform :: host { hostName = "platform_host"; priority = 50; device_mipi_dsi:: device { device0 :: deviceNode { policy = 0; priority = 150; permission = 0644; moduleName = "HDF_MIPI_TX"; // (Mandatory) Driver name, which must be the same as the moduleName in the driver entry. serviceName = "HDF_MIPI_TX";// (Mandatory) Unique name of the service published by the driver } } } } } ``` 2. Instantiate the driver entry. The driver entry must be a global variable of the **HdfDriverEntry** type \(defined in **hdf\_device\_desc.h**\), and the value of **moduleName** must be the same as that in **device\_info.hcs**. The function pointer members of the **HdfDriverEntry** structure are filled by the vendors' operation functions. In the HDF framework, the start address of each **HdfDriverEntry** object of all loaded drivers is collected to form a segment address space similar to an array for the upper layer to invoke. Generally, HDF calls the **Bind** function and then the **Init** function to load a driver. If **Init** fails to be called, HDF calls **Release** to release driver resources and exits. - MIPI-DSI driver entry reference ``` struct HdfDriverEntry g_mipiTxDriverEntry = { .moduleVersion = 1, .Init = Hi35xxMipiTxInit, // See the Init function. .Release = Hi35xxMipiTxRelease, //See the Release function. .moduleName = "HDF_MIPI_TX", // (Mandatory) The value must be the same as that in the device_info.hcs file. }; HDF_INIT(g_mipiTxDriverEntry); // Call HDF_INIT to register the driver entry with the HDF framework. ``` 3. Initialize the **MipiDsiCntlr** object at the core layer, including initializing the vendor custom structure \(transferring parameters and data\), instantiating **MipiDsiCntlrMethod** \(used to call underlying functions of the driver\) in **MipiDsiCntlr**, and implementing the **HdfDriverEntry** member functions \(**Bind**, **Init**, and **Release**\). - Custom structure reference To the driver, the custom structure carries parameters and data. The values in the **config** file are used to initialize the structure members. In this example, the MIPI-DSI has no device attribute file. Therefore, the basic member structure is similar to that of **MipiDsiCntlr**. ``` typedef struct { unsigned int devno; // Device number short laneId[LANE_MAX_NUM]; // Lane ID OutPutModeTag outputMode; // Output mode, which can be CSI mode, DSI Video mode, or DSI Command mode. VideoModeTag videoMode; // Synchronization mode of the display device OutputFormatTag outputFormat; // Format of the output DSI image, which can be RGB or YUV. SyncInfoTag syncInfo; // Settings related to timing unsigned int phyDataRate; // mbps unsigned int pixelClk; // KHz } ComboDevCfgTag; // MipiDsiCntlr is the controller structure at the core layer. Its members are assigned with values by using the Init function. struct MipiDsiCntlr { struct IDeviceIoService service; struct HdfDeviceObject *device; unsigned int devNo; // Device number struct MipiCfg cfg; struct MipiDsiCntlrMethod *ops; struct OsalMutex lock; void *priv; }; ``` - Instantiate the callback function structure **MipiDsiCntlrMethod** in **MipiDsiCntlr**. Other members are initialized by using the Init function. ``` static struct MipiDsiCntlrMethod g_method = { .setCntlrCfg = Hi35xxSetCntlrCfg, .setCmd = Hi35xxSetCmd, .getCmd = Hi35xxGetCmd, .toHs = Hi35xxToHs, .toLp = Hi35xxToLp, }; ``` - Init function Input parameters: **HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs configuration file information. Return values: HDF\_STATUS \(The following table lists some status. For details about other status, see **HDF\_STATUS** in the **//drivers/framework/include/utils/hdf\_base.h** file.\)

Status (Value)



Invalid object


Failed to allocate memory


Invalid parameter


I/O error


Operation successful


Operation failed

Function description: Connects to the **MipiDsiCntlrMethod** instance, calls **MipiDsiRegisterCntlr**, and performs other vendor-defined initialization operations. ``` static int32_t Hi35xxMipiTxInit(struct HdfDeviceObject *device) { int32_t ret; g_mipiTx.priv = NULL; // g_mipiTx is a global variable. //static struct MipiDsiCntlr g_mipiTx { // .devNo=0 //}; g_mipiTx.ops = &g_method;// Connect to the MipiDsiCntlrMethod instance. ret = MipiDsiRegisterCntlr(&g_mipiTx, device);// (Mandatory) Call the function at the core layer and g_mipiTx to initialize global variables at the core layer. ... return MipiTxDrvInit(0); // (Mandatory) Device initialization customized by the vendor. } // mipi_dsi_core.c, core layer file. int32_t MipiDsiRegisterCntlr(struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr, struct HdfDeviceObject *device) { ... // Define the global variable static struct MipiDsiHandle g_mipiDsihandle[MAX_CNTLR_CNT]. if (g_mipiDsihandle[cntlr->devNo].cntlr == NULL) { (void)OsalMutexInit(&g_mipiDsihandle[cntlr->devNo].lock); (void)OsalMutexInit(&(cntlr->lock)); g_mipiDsihandle[cntlr->devNo].cntlr = cntlr;// Initialize MipiDsiHandle. g_mipiDsihandle[cntlr->devNo].priv = NULL; cntlr->device = device; // Enable conversion between HdfDeviceObject and MipiDsiHandle. device->service = &(cntlr->service); // Enable conversion between HdfDeviceObject and MipiDsiHandle. cntlr->priv = NULL; ... return HDF_SUCCESS; } ... return HDF_FAILURE; } ``` - Release function Input parameters: **HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs configuration file information. Return values: – Function description: Releases the memory and deletes the controller. This function assigns a value to the **Release** API in the driver entry structure. When the HDF framework fails to call the **Init** function to initialize the driver, the **Release** function can be called to release driver resources. All forced conversion operations for obtaining the corresponding object can be successful only when the **Init** function has the corresponding value assignment operations. ``` static void Hi35xxMipiTxRelease(struct HdfDeviceObject *device) { struct MipiDsiCntlr *cntlr = NULL; ... cntlr = MipiDsiCntlrFromDevice(device);// A forced conversion from HdfDeviceObject to MipiDsiCntlr is involved. //return (device == NULL) ? NULL : (struct MipiDsiCntlr *)device->service; ... MipiTxDrvExit(); // (Mandatory) Release the resources occupied by the vendor's devices. MipiDsiUnregisterCntlr(&g_mipiTx); // Empty function g_mipiTx.priv = NULL; HDF_LOGI("%s: unload mipi_tx driver 1212!", __func__); } ```