diff --git a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-huks.md b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-huks.md
index b66ae2d8b74dd4e1fe13cc917269e88b5d088030..47a0d0bb811d2d634e178d77c9c51179cd6094d6 100644
--- a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-huks.md
+++ b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-huks.md
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ Enumerates the error codes.
| HUKS_ERROR_NEW_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_EXIST | -36 |New root key material exists.|
| HUKS_ERROR_UPDATE_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_FAIL | -37 |Failed to update the root key material.|
| HUKS_ERROR_VERIFICATION_FAILED | -38 |Failed to verify the certificate chain.|
+| HUKS_ERROR_GET_USERIAM_SECINFO_FAILED9+ | -40 |Failed to obtain the security attribute information of the current user.|
+| HUKS_ERROR_GET_USERIAM_AUTHINFO_FAILED9+ | -41 |Failed to obtain the authentication information of the current user.|
+| HUKS_ERROR_USER_AUTH_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT9+ | -42 |The access control of the current authentication type is not supported.|
+| HUKS_ERROR_KEY_AUTH_FAILED9+ | -43 |The access control authentication has failed.|
+| HUKS_ERROR_DEVICE_NO_CREDENTIAL9+ | -44 |No credential has been enrolled for the device.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_ALG_FAIL | -100 |Failed to check whether the ALG is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_KEY_SIZE_FAIL | -101 |Failed to check whether the key size is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_PADDING_FAIL | -102 |Failed to check whether padding is obtained.|
@@ -100,7 +105,7 @@ Enumerates the key purposes.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------------- |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | 1 | Used to encrypt plaintext.|
-| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT | 2 | Used to decrypt cipher text.|
+| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT | 2 | Used to decrypt the cipher text.|
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_SIGN | 4 | Used to sign data. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_VERIFY | 8 | Used to verify the signed data. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DERIVE | 16 | Used to derive a key. |
@@ -149,7 +154,7 @@ Enumerates the cipher modes.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------- | ---- | --------------------- |
-| HUKS_MODE_ECB | 1 | Electronic Code Block (ECB) mode|
+| HUKS_MODE_ECB | 1 | Electronic Code bLock (ECB) mode|
| HUKS_MODE_CBC | 2 | Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode|
| HUKS_MODE_CTR | 3 | Counter (CTR) mode|
| HUKS_MODE_OFB | 4 | Output Feedback (OFB) mode|
@@ -278,6 +283,64 @@ Enumerates the types of keys to import. By default, a public key is imported. Th
| HUKS_KEY_TYPE_PRIVATE_KEY | 1 | Private key |
| HUKS_KEY_TYPE_KEY_PAIR | 2 | Public and private key pair|
+## HuksUserAuthType9+
+Enumerates the user authentication types.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------- |
+| HUKS_USER_AUTH_TYPE_FINGERPRINT | 1 | Fingerprint authentication. |
+| HUKS_USER_AUTH_TYPE_FACE | 2 | Facial authentication.|
+| HUKS_USER_AUTH_TYPE_PIN | 4 | PIN authentication.|
+## HuksAuthAccessType9+
+Enumerates access control types.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| --------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------ |
+| HUKS_AUTH_ACCESS_INVALID_CLEAR_PASSWORD | 1 | The key is invalid after the password is cleared. |
+| HUKS_AUTH_ACCESS_INVALID_NEW_BIO_ENROLL | 2 | The key is invalid after a new biometric feature is added.|
+## HuksChallengeType9+
+Enumerates the types of the challenges generated when a key is used.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ |
+| HUKS_CHALLENGE_TYPE_NORMAL | 0 | Normal challenge, which is of 32 bytes by default.|
+| HUKS_CHALLENGE_TYPE_CUSTOM | 1 | Custom challenge, which supports only one authentication for multiple keys.|
+| HUKS_CHALLENGE_TYPE_NONE | 2 | Challenge is not required.|
+## HuksChallengePosition9+
+Enumerates the positions of the 8-byte custom challenges.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ |
+| HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_0 | 0 | Bytes 0 to 7 indicate the valid challenge of the key.|
+| HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_1 | 1 | Bytes 8 to 15 indicate the valid challenge of the key.|
+| HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_2 | 2 | Bytes 16 to 23 indicate the valid challenge of the key.|
+| HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_3 | 3 | Bytes 24 to 31 indicate the valid challenge of the key.|
+## HuksSecureSignType9+
+Defines the signature type of the key generated or imported.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| ------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| HUKS_SECURE_SIGN_WITH_AUTHINFO | 1 | The signature carries authentication information. This field is specified when a key is generated or imported. When the key is used to sign data, the data will be added with the authentication information and then be signed.|
## HuksTagType
Enumerates the tag data types.
@@ -287,12 +350,12 @@ Enumerates the tag data types.
| Name | Value | Description |
| --------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID | 0 << 28 | Invalid tag type |
-| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INT | 1 << 28 | Number of the int type |
-| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT | 2 << 28 | Number of the uint type|
-| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG | 3 << 28 | BigInt |
-| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL | 4 << 28 | Boolean |
-| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES | 5 << 28 | Uint8Array |
+| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID | 0 << 28 | Invalid tag type. |
+| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INT | 1 << 28 | Number of the int type. |
+| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT | 2 << 28 | Number of the uint type.|
+| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG | 3 << 28 | BigInt. |
+| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL | 4 << 28 | Boolean. |
+| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES | 5 << 28 | Uint8Array. |
## HuksTag
@@ -300,86 +363,90 @@ Enumerates the tags used to invoke parameters.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
-| Name | Value | Description |
-| -------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| HUKS_TAG_INVALID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID \| 0 | Invalid tag. |
-| HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 2 | Purpose of a key. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 3 | Key size. |
-| HUKS_TAG_DIGEST | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 4 | Digest algorithm. |
-| HUKS_TAG_PADDING | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 5 | Padding algorithm. |
-| HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 6 | Cipher mode. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 7 | Key type. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ASSOCIATED_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 8 | Associated authentication data. |
-| HUKS_TAG_NONCE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 9 | Field for key encryption and decryption. |
-| HUKS_TAG_IV | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10 | IV. |
-| HUKS_TAG_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 11 | Information generated during key derivation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_SALT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 12 | Salt value used for key derivation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_PWD | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 13 | Password used for key derivation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ITERATION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 14 | Number of iterations for key derivation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 15 | Key generation type. |
-| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_MAIN_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 16 | Main key for key derivation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_FACTOR | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 17 | Factor for key derivation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 18 | Type of the algorithm used for key derivation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 19 | Type of the algorithm used for key agreement. |
-| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 20 | Public key alias used in key agreement. |
-| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 21 | Private key alias used in key agreement. |
-| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 22 | Public key used in key agreement. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 23 | Key alias. |
-| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 24 | Size of the derived key. |
-| HUKS_TAG_IMPORT_KEY_TYPE9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 25 | Type of the imported key. |
-| HUKS_TAG_UNWRAP_ALGORITHM_SUITE9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 26 | Algorithm suite used when a wrapped key is imported. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ACTIVE_DATETIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 201 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ALL_USERS | ksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 301 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_USER_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 302 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 303 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 304 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 305 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TOKEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 306 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 501 | Challenge value used in the attestation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 502 | Application ID used in the attestation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 503 | Device brand. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_PRODUCT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 505 | Product name of the device. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 509 | Device manufacturer. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 510 | Device model. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 511 | Key alias used in the attestation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SEC_LEVEL_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 514 | Security credential used in the attestation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_VERSION_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 515 | Version information used in the attestation. |
-| HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1001 | Whether to use the alias passed in during key generation.|
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1002 | Key storage mode. |
-| HUKS_TAG_IS_ALLOWED_WRAP | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1003 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_WRAP_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1004 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_AUTH_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1005 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_ROLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1006 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1007 | Flag of the key. |
-| HUKS_TAG_IS_ASYNCHRONIZED | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1008 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1009 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_UUID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1010 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_DOMAIN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1011 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_PROCESS_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10001 | Process name. |
-| HUKS_TAG_PACKAGE_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10002 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_ACCESS_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10003 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_USES_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10004 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_CRYPTO_CTX | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10005 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10006 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_KEY_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10007 | Key version. |
-| HUKS_TAG_PAYLOAD_LEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10008 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_AE_TAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10009 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_HANDLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10010 | Reserved. |
-| HUKS_TAG_OS_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10101 | OS version. |
-| HUKS_TAG_OS_PATCHLEVEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10102 | OS patch level. |
-| HUKS_TAG_SYMMETRIC_KEY_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 20001 | Reserved. |
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| -------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| HUKS_TAG_INVALID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID \| 0 | Invalid tag. |
+| HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 2 | Purpose of a key. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 3 | Key size. |
+| HUKS_TAG_DIGEST | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 4 | Digest algorithm. |
+| HUKS_TAG_PADDING | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 5 | Padding algorithm. |
+| HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 6 | Cipher mode. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 7 | Key type. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ASSOCIATED_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 8 | Associated authentication data. |
+| HUKS_TAG_NONCE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 9 | Field for key encryption and decryption. |
+| HUKS_TAG_IV | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10 | IV. |
+| HUKS_TAG_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 11 | Information generated during key derivation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_SALT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 12 | Salt value used for key derivation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_PWD | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 13 | Password used for key derivation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ITERATION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 14 | Number of iterations for key derivation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 15 | Key generation type. |
+| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_MAIN_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 16 | Main key for key derivation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_FACTOR | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 17 | Factor for key derivation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 18 | Type of the algorithm used for key derivation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 19 | Type of the algorithm used for key agreement. |
+| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 20 | Public key alias used in key agreement. |
+| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 21 | Private key alias used in key agreement. |
+| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 22 | Public key used in key agreement. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 23 | Key alias. |
+| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 24 | Size of the derived key. |
+| HUKS_TAG_IMPORT_KEY_TYPE9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 25 | Type of the imported key. |
+| HUKS_TAG_UNWRAP_ALGORITHM_SUITE9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 26 | Algorithm suite used when a wrapped key is imported. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ACTIVE_DATETIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 201 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ALL_USERS | ksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 301 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_USER_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 302 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 303 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 304 | User authentication type. For details, see [HuksUserAuthType](#huksuserauthtype9). This parameter must be set together with [HuksAuthAccessType](#huksauthaccesstype9). You can set a maximum of two user authentication types at a time. For example, if **HuksAuthAccessType** is **HKS_SECURE_ACCESS_INVALID_NEW_BIO_ENROLL**, you can set two of **HKS_USER_AUTH_TYPE_FACE**, **HKS_USER_AUTH_TYPE_FINGERPRINT**, and **HKS_USER_AUTH_TYPE_FACE**. |
+| HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 305 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TOKEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 306 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_AUTH_ACCESS_TYPE9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 307 | Access control type. For details, see [HuksAuthAccessType](#huksauthaccesstype9). This parameter must be set together with [HuksUserAuthType](#huksuserauthtype9). |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_SECURE_SIGN_TYPE9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 308 | Signature type of the key generated or imported. |
+| HUKS_TAG_CHALLENGE_TYPE9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 309 | Type of the challenge generated for a key. For details, see [HuksChallengeType](#hukschallengetype9). |
+| HUKS_TAG_CHALLENGE_POS9+ | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 310 | Position of the 8-bypte custom challenge. For details, see [HuksChallengePosition](#hukschallengeposition9). |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 501 | Challenge value used in the attestation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 502 | Application ID used in the attestation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 503 | Brand of the device. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_PRODUCT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 505 | Product name of the device. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 509 | Device manufacturer. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 510 | Device model. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 511 | Key alias used in the attestation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SEC_LEVEL_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 514 | Security credential used in the attestation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_VERSION_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 515 | Version information used in the attestation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1001 | Whether to use the alias passed in during key generation. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1002 | Key storage mode. |
+| HUKS_TAG_IS_ALLOWED_WRAP | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1003 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_WRAP_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1004 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_AUTH_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1005 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_ROLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1006 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1007 | Flag of the key. |
+| HUKS_TAG_IS_ASYNCHRONIZED | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1008 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1009 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_UUID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1010 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_DOMAIN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1011 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_PROCESS_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10001 | Process name. |
+| HUKS_TAG_PACKAGE_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10002 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_ACCESS_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10003 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_USES_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10004 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_CRYPTO_CTX | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10005 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10006 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_KEY_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10007 | Key version. |
+| HUKS_TAG_PAYLOAD_LEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10008 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_AE_TAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10009 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_HANDLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10010 | Reserved. |
+| HUKS_TAG_OS_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10101 | OS version. |
+| HUKS_TAG_OS_PATCHLEVEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10102 | OS patch level. |
+| HUKS_TAG_SYMMETRIC_KEY_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 20001 | Reserved. |
## huks.generateKey
@@ -694,6 +761,144 @@ var huksoptions = {
var result = huks.importKey(keyAlias, huksoptions);
+## huks.attestkey9+
+attestKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void
+Obtains the certificate used to verify a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
+| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. The certificate to be obtained stores the key. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters and data required for obtaining the certificate. |
+| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned.|
+let securityLevel = stringToUint8Array('sec_level');
+let challenge = stringToUint8Array('challenge_data');
+let versionInfo = stringToUint8Array('version_info');
+let keyAliasString = "key attest";
+function stringToUint8Array(str) {
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
+ arr.push(str.charCodeAt(i));
+ }
+ var tmpUint8Array = new Uint8Array(arr);
+ return tmpUint8Array;
+function printLog(...data) {
+ console.error(data.toString());
+async function attestKey() {
+ let aliasString = keyAliasString;
+ let aliasUint8 = stringToUint8Array(aliasString);
+ let properties = new Array();
+ properties[0] = {
+ value: securityLevel
+ };
+ properties[1] = {
+ value: challenge
+ };
+ properties[2] = {
+ value: versionInfo
+ };
+ properties[3] = {
+ value: aliasUint8
+ };
+ let options = {
+ properties: properties
+ };
+ generateKey(aliasString);
+ setTimeout(()=>huks.attestKey(aliasString, options, function (err, data) {
+ printLog(`key attest result : ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
+ }), 1000);
+## huks.attestkey9+
+attestKey(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\
+Obtains the certificate used to verify a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
+| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. The certificate to be obtained stores the key. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters and data required for obtaining the certificate. |
+**Return value**
+| Type | Description |
+| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
+| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned.|
+let securityLevel = stringToUint8Array('sec_level');
+let challenge = stringToUint8Array('challenge_data');
+let versionInfo = stringToUint8Array('version_info');
+let keyAliasString = "key attest";
+function stringToUint8Array(str) {
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
+ arr.push(str.charCodeAt(i));
+ }
+ var tmpUint8Array = new Uint8Array(arr);
+ return tmpUint8Array;
+function printLog(...data) {
+ console.error(data.toString());
+async function attestKey() {
+ let aliasString = keyAliasString;
+ let aliasUint8 = stringToUint8Array(aliasString);
+ let properties = new Array();
+ properties[0] = {
+ value: securityLevel
+ };
+ properties[1] = {
+ value: challenge
+ };
+ properties[2] = {
+ value: versionInfo
+ };
+ properties[3] = {
+ value: aliasUint8
+ };
+ let options = {
+ properties: properties
+ };
+ generateKey(aliasString);
+ let result = await huks.exportKey(attestKey, options);
+ printLog(`key attest result : ${result.errorCode}`);
## huks.importWrappedKey9+
importWrappedKey(keyAlias: string, wrappingKeyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void
@@ -1131,41 +1336,94 @@ Initializes a key. This API uses a promise to return the result asynchronously.
| promise | Promise\<[HuksHandle](#hukshandle)> | Yes | Promise used to return the handle of the initialization operation.|
-## huks.update
+## huks.update(deprecated)
update(handle: number, token?: Uint8Array, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void
Updates a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
+> **NOTE**
This API is discarded since API version 9. You are advised to use [huks.update9+].
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
-| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
-| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
-| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation.|
-| token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation.|
-| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation.|
-| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result.|
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation. |
+| token | Uint8Array | No | Token of the **Update** operation. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation. |
+| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the operation result.|
-## huks.update
+## huks.update(deprecated)
update(handle: number, token?: Uint8Array, options: HuksOptions) : Promise\
Updates a key. This API uses a promise to return the result asynchronously.
+> **NOTE**
This API is discarded since API version 9. You are advised to use [huks.update9+](#huksupdate9).
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
-| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
-| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
-| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation.|
-| token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation.|
-| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation.|
-| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.|
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ------- | ----------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation. |
+| token | Uint8Array | No | Token of the **Update** operation. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation. |
+| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the operation result.|
+## huks.update9+
+update(handle: number, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void
+Updates a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation. |
+| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the operation result.|
+## huks.update9+
+update(handle: number, options: HuksOptions, token: Uint8Array, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void
+Updates a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation. |
+| token | Uint8Array | Yes | Token of the **Update** operation. |
+| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the operation result.|
+## huks.update9+
+update(handle: number, options: HuksOptions, token?: Uint8Array) : Promise\
+Updates a key. This API uses a promise to return the result asynchronously.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ------- | ----------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation. |
+| token | Uint8Array | No | Token of the **Update** operation. |
+| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Promise used to return the operation result.|
## huks.finish
@@ -1198,8 +1456,42 @@ Completes the key operation and releases resources. This API uses a promise to r
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Finish** operation.|
-| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#HuksResult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.|
+| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.|
+## huks.finish9+
+finish(handle: number, options: HuksOptions, token: Uint8Array, callback: AsyncCallback\) : void
+Completes the key operation and releases resources. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Finish** operation. |
+| token | Uint8Array | Yes | Token for the **Finish** operation. |
+| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the operation result.|
+## huks.finish9+
+finish(handle: number, options: HuksOptions, token?: Uint8Array) : Promise\
+Completes the key operation and releases resources. This API uses a promise to return the result asynchronously.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ------- | ----------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------- |
+| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation. |
+| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Finish** operation. |
+| token | Uint8Array | No | Token for the **Finish** operation. |
+| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Promise used to return the operation result.|
## huks.abort
@@ -1653,9 +1945,9 @@ Defines the **param** in the **properties** array of **options** used in the API
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
-| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
-| ------ | ----------------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
-| tag | HuksTag | Yes | Tag. |
+| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ------ | ----------------------------------- | ---- | ------------ |
+| tag | [HuksTag](#hukstag) | Yes | Tag. |
| value | boolean\|number\|bigint\|Uint8Array | Yes | Value of the tag.|
## HuksOptions
@@ -1666,7 +1958,7 @@ Defines the **options** used in the APIs.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ---------- | ----------------- | ---- | ------------------------ |
-| properties | Array\ | No | Array used to hold **HuksParam**.|
+| properties | Array\<[HuksParam](#huksparam)> | No | Array used to hold **HuksParam**.|
| inData | Uint8Array | No | Input data. |
## HuksHandle
@@ -1679,7 +1971,7 @@ Defines the HUKS handle structure.
| ---------- | ---------------- | ---- | -------- |
| errorCode | number | Yes | Error code.|
| handle | number | Yes| Value of the handle.|
-| token | Uint8Array | No| Reserved.|
+| token | Uint8Array | No| Challenge information obtained after the [init](#huksinit) operation.|
## HuksResult
@@ -1690,9 +1982,9 @@ Defines the **HuksResult** structure.
-| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
-| ---------- | ----------------- | ---- | -------- |
-| errorCode | number | Yes | Error code. |
-| outData | Uint8Array | No | Output data.|
-| properties | Array\ | No | Properties. |
-| certChains | Array\ | No | Certificate chain. |
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ---------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
+| errorCode | number | Yes | Error code. |
+| outData | Uint8Array | No | Output data. |
+| properties | Array\<[HuksParam](#huksparam)> | No | Property information. |
+| certChains | Array\ | No | Certificate chain information.|
diff --git a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-privacyManager.md b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-privacyManager.md
index 42cf66fea697004eafe45bc775146e0aa77ce8ad..76d8bef4a2a4dd2606207a1f71c91d6703c99d43 100644
--- a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-privacyManager.md
+++ b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-privacyManager.md
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Represents the permission usage records of all applications.
| -------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| beginTime | number | No | Start time of the query, in ms.|
| endTime | number | No | End time of the query, in ms.|
-| bundleRecords | Array<[BundleUsedRecord](#BundleUsedRecord)> | No | Permission usage records obtained. |
+| bundleRecords | Array<[BundleUsedRecord](#bundleusedrecord)> | No | Permission usage records obtained. |
## BundleUsedRecord
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Represents the permission access records of an application.
| isRemote | boolean | No | Whether the token ID belongs to a remote device. The default value is **false**.|
| deviceId | string | No | ID of the device hosting the target application. |
| bundleName | string | No | Bundle name of the target application.|
-| permissionRecords | Array<[PermissionUsedRecord](#PermissionUsedRecord)> | No | Permission usage records of the target application. |
+| permissionRecords | Array<[PermissionUsedRecord](#permissionusedrecord)> | No | Permission usage records of the target application. |
## PermissionUsedRecord